Ejemplo n.º 1
 def load(self):
     """Returns worm data as memmap or array"""
     return exp.load(strain=self.strain,
Ejemplo n.º 2
def test():
  import glob
  import analysis.experiment as exp
  fn = exp.filename()
  print fn
  fn = filename(dtype = 'img')
  print fn
  print glob.glob(fn)
  data = exp.load(wid = 0);
  print data.shape
  import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
  plt.figure(1); plt.clf();
  img = exp.load_img(t=200000);
  plt.imshow(img, cmap = 'gray')
  #animate movie  
  import time

  fig, ax = plt.subplots()
  figimg = ax.imshow(img, cmap = 'gray');
  for t in range(200000, 300000):
    ax.set_title('t=%d' % t);
  sbins = exp.stage_bins(wid = [0,1])
  d = exp.load_stage_binned(wid = [0,1], nbins_per_stage=10) 
  a = exp.load_aligned(wid = all, align='time', dtype = 'speed')  
  a_th = np.nanpercentile(a, 85);
  a[a> a_th] = a_th;
  a[np.isnan(a)] = -1.0;
  import analysis.plot as fplt;
  a = exp.load_aligned(wid = all, align='L2', dtype = 'speed')  
  a_th = np.nanpercentile(a, 85);
  a[a> a_th] = a_th;
  a[np.isnan(a)] = -1.0;
  import analysis.plot as fplt;
Ejemplo n.º 3
def test():
    import glob
    import analysis.experiment as exp

    fn = exp.filename()
    print fn

    fn = filename(dtype='img')
    print fn
    print glob.glob(fn)

    data = exp.load(wid=0)
    print data.shape

    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    img = exp.load_img(t=200000)
    plt.imshow(img, cmap='gray')

    #animate movie
    import time

    fig, ax = plt.subplots()
    figimg = ax.imshow(img, cmap='gray')

    for t in range(200000, 300000):
        ax.set_title('t=%d' % t)

    sbins = exp.stage_bins(wid=[0, 1])
    d = exp.load_stage_binned(wid=[0, 1], nbins_per_stage=10)

    a = exp.load_aligned(wid=all, align='time', dtype='speed')
    a_th = np.nanpercentile(a, 85)
    a[a > a_th] = a_th
    a[np.isnan(a)] = -1.0

    import analysis.plot as fplt

    a = exp.load_aligned(wid=all, align='L2', dtype='speed')
    a_th = np.nanpercentile(a, 85)
    a[a > a_th] = a_th
    a[np.isnan(a)] = -1.0

    import analysis.plot as fplt
def align(wid=0, verbose=True):

    rv = rd_speed[wid][:rd_data.stage_switch[wid][-1]].copy()
    #iv = im_speed[wid];
    iv = exp.load(strain='n2', dtype='speed', wid=wid)

    print 'worm %d: length: img: %d, rd: %d' % (wid, len(iv), len(rv))
    print 'worm %d: invalid img: %d, rd: %d' % (wid, np.sum(
        np.isnan(iv)), np.sum(np.isnan(rv)))

    # do Shays averaging
    ivm, am = alg.average_invalidation_wrong(iv)

    # align data set
    aa = alg.align_indices(ivm, rv, skip=10, window=500, search=50, start=all)
    a = am[aa]

    if verbose:
        ivmall = alg.average_invalidation_wrong(iv, invalid=False)
        fig = plt.figure(10)

        ax = plt.subplot(3, 1, 1)
        plt.title('worm %d, exp %s' % (wid, fo.experiment_names[wid]))

        plt.subplot(3, 1, 2, sharex=ax)
        plt.plot(ivmall[a] - rv)

        plt.subplot(3, 1, 3)
        plt.plot(iv / 1.0, 'gray')
        pp = np.ones(len(ivmall)) * np.nan
        sd = np.sort(np.setdiff1d(range(len(ivmall)), a))
        pp[sd] = ivmall[sd]
        plt.plot(pp, 'r')
        sd2 = np.sort(np.setdiff1d(range(len(ivmall)), am))
        pp = np.ones(len(ivmall)) * np.nan
        pp[sd2] = ivmall[sd2]
        plt.plot(pp, 'k')
        plt.ylim(-1, 20)


        fig.savefig('align_%d.png' % wid)

    return a
def align(wid = 0, verbose = True):
  rv = rd_speed[wid][:rd_data.stage_switch[wid][-1]].copy();
  #iv = im_speed[wid];
  iv = exp.load(strain = 'n2', dtype = 'speed', wid = wid);
  print 'worm %d: length: img: %d, rd: %d' % (wid, len(iv), len(rv))
  print 'worm %d: invalid img: %d, rd: %d' % (wid, np.sum(np.isnan(iv)), np.sum(np.isnan(rv)))
  # do Shays averaging
  ivm, am = alg.average_invalidation_wrong(iv);
  # align data set
  aa = alg.align_indices(ivm, rv, skip = 10, window = 500, search = 50, start = all)
  a = am[aa];

  if verbose:
    ivmall = alg.average_invalidation_wrong(iv, invalid = False);  
    fig = plt.figure(10); plt.clf();
    ax = plt.subplot(3,1,1);
    plt.title('worm %d, exp %s' % (wid, fo.experiment_names[wid]))
    plt.subplot(3,1,2, sharex = ax);
    plt.plot(ivmall[a] - rv)
    plt.plot(iv/1.0, 'gray')
    pp = np.ones(len(ivmall)) * np.nan;
    sd = np.sort(np.setdiff1d(range(len(ivmall)), a));
    pp[sd] = ivmall[sd];
    plt.plot(ivmall); plt.plot(pp, 'r')
    sd2 = np.sort(np.setdiff1d(range(len(ivmall)), am));
    pp = np.ones(len(ivmall)) * np.nan;
    pp[sd2] = ivmall[sd2];
    plt.plot(pp, 'k')

    fig.savefig('align_%d.png' % wid);

  return a;
Ejemplo n.º 6
def plot_shape_trajectory(tstart = 500000, tend = ntime, nfig = 100):
  xy = exp.load(wid = wid);
  # head tail positions
  xycht = np.load(posfile);
  print xycht.shape  
  # reduce to time window of interest
  xy = xy[tstart:tend,:];
  xycht = xycht[tstart:tend,:];
  plt.figure(nfig); plt.clf();
  plotTrajectory(xy, cmap = cm.Greys, line = 'gray');
  off= [75,75]
  plotTrajectory(xycht[:,0,:] + xy - off, cmap = cm.Reds, line = 'red');
  plotTrajectory(xycht[:,1,:] + xy - off, cmap = cm.Blues, line = None);
  plotTrajectory(xycht[:,2,:] + xy - off, cmap = cm.Greens, line = None);
Ejemplo n.º 7
def plot_shape_trajectory(tstart=500000, tend=ntime, nfig=100):
    xy = exp.load(wid=wid)

    # head tail positions
    xycht = np.load(posfile)
    print xycht.shape

    # reduce to time window of interest
    xy = xy[tstart:tend, :]
    xycht = xycht[tstart:tend, :]

    plotTrajectory(xy, cmap=cm.Greys, line='gray')
    off = [75, 75]
    plotTrajectory(xycht[:, 0, :] + xy - off, cmap=cm.Reds, line='red')
    plotTrajectory(xycht[:, 1, :] + xy - off, cmap=cm.Blues, line=None)
    plotTrajectory(xycht[:, 2, :] + xy - off, cmap=cm.Greens, line=None)
strain = 'n2' # 'tph1', 'npr1'
strain = 'daf7'
nworms, exp_names, dir_names = f.filenames(strain = strain);

#%% Convert Worm Images

for wid in range(0,nworms):
  #file_data = os.path.join(dir_names[wid], 'short%s-%s.mat' % ('%04d'));
  file_data = np.sort(np.unique(np.array(glob.glob(os.path.join(dir_names[wid], 'short*.mat')))));
  nf = len(file_data);
  file_save = os.path.join(exp.data_directory, 'Images/%s_img_w=%d_s=all.npy' % (strain, wid));
  wxy = exp.load(strain = strain, wid = wid);
  n = wxy.shape[0];
  si = 0;
  sf = 0;
  dat = scipy.io.loadmat(file_data[sf])['mydata'][0];
  imgs = np.zeros((n, 151, 151), dtype = 'uint8')
  for i in range(n):
    print 'wid: %d  step: %d/%d fid:%d,%d' % (wid, i,n, sf, si)
    img = dat[si];
    #check for format otherwise pad
    if img.ndim != 3:
      print 'image has different dimensionas: %s, step: %d/%d fid:%d,%d' % (str(img.ndim), i,n, sf, si)
      img = np.nan * np.ones((151,151,3), dtype = 'uint8');
import numpy as np
import analysis.experiment as exp;
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt;

plt.rcParams['axes.facecolor'] = 'w'
plt.rcParams['figure.facecolor'] = 'w'

import analysis.video as v;

#%% Gui

td = exp.load(wid = 35, dtype = 'roam');
td[np.isnan(td)] = 0.5;

#td = np.random.rand(td.shape[0]);

dt = 3;
g = v.WormGui(strain = 'n2', wid = 35, time = 400000, trajectory_delta=dt, trajectory_length = 3*60*60 / dt, trajectory_data=td, trajectory_cmap=plt.cm.bwr, trajectory_vmin=0, trajectory_vmax=1);


#t = 381500;

td = exp.load(wid = 35, dtype = 'roam');
td[np.isnan(td)] = 0;

straind = 'daf-7'
strain = 'daf7'

rd_data = dexp.load_data(strain=straind)
rd_speed = rd_data.speed
rd_speed_th = rd_speed.copy()
th = np.nanpercentile(rd_speed, 95)
rd_speed_th[rd_speed_th > th] = th


v = []
for wid in range(nworms):
    v.append(exp.load(strain=strain, dtype='speed', wid=wid, memmap=None))
ntimes = max([len(vv) for vv in v])

#v = [];
#for wid in range(nworms):
#  print '%d / %d' % (wid, nworms);
#  xy = exp.load(strain = 'N2', dtype = 'xy', wid = wid, memmap = None);
#  xy = xy[np.logical_not(np.any(np.isnan(xy), axis = 1))]
#  vv = np.linalg.norm(xy[3:,:] - xy[:-3,:], axis = 1);
#  v.append(vv)

ntimes = max([len(u) for u in v])

im_speed = np.ones((nworms, ntimes)) * np.nan
for wid, u in enumerate(v):
    #print '%d / %d' % (wid, nworms)
nstrains = 16;
ntot = 16 * 5 + 14;

strains = ['n2'] * nstrains;
strains.extend(['tph1'] * nstrains);
strains.extend(['tdc1'] * nstrains);
strains.extend(['npr1'] * nstrains);
strains.extend(['daf7'] * 14);
strains.extend(['cat2'] * nstrains);

#wids = np.array(range(nstrains) * 4)[:ntot];

# roamng fraction
wids= [];
for s in ['n2','tph1','tdc1', 'npr1','daf7','cat2']:
  roam = exp.load(strain = s, wid = all, dtype = 'speed');
  means = np.array([np.nanmean(r) for r in roam]);
  ids = np.argsort(means);
  print ids;
  nworms = len(ids);
  if nworms <= 16:
    sel = np.array(np.linspace(0, nworms-1, np.min([nworms, 18])), dtype = int);
    sel = sel[1:-1];
    assert(len(sel) == 16)

wids = np.hstack(wids);
nworms = len(wids);
  inv = np.logical_and(xy[:,0] == 1.0, xy[:,1] == 1.0);
  xy[inv,:] = np.nan;
  print 'worm %d: len = %d' % (wid, xy.shape[0])
  fn_out = exp.filename(strain = strain, wid  = wid);
  np.save(fn_out, xy);

#%% Precalculate Speed

import analysis.features as feat;

delta = 3;

for wid in range(nworms):
  print 'processing worm %d/%d' % (wid, nworms);
  xy = exp.load(strain = strain, wid = wid, memmap = None);

  v = feat.speed(xy, delta = delta);
  fn_out = exp.filename(strain = strain, wid  = wid, dtype = 'speed');
  np.save(fn_out, v);
  r = feat.rotation(xy, delta = delta);
  fn_out = exp.filename(strain = strain, wid  = wid, dtype = 'rotation');
  np.save(fn_out, r);

straind = 'daf-7'
strain = 'daf7';

rd_data = dexp.load_data(strain = straind);
rd_speed = rd_data.speed;
rd_speed_th = rd_speed.copy();
th = np.nanpercentile(rd_speed, 95);
rd_speed_th[rd_speed_th > th] = th;


v = [];
for wid in range(nworms):
  v.append(exp.load(strain = strain, dtype = 'speed', wid = wid, memmap = None));
ntimes = max([len(vv) for vv in v])

#v = [];
#for wid in range(nworms):
#  print '%d / %d' % (wid, nworms);
#  xy = exp.load(strain = 'N2', dtype = 'xy', wid = wid, memmap = None);
#  xy = xy[np.logical_not(np.any(np.isnan(xy), axis = 1))]  
#  vv = np.linalg.norm(xy[3:,:] - xy[:-3,:], axis = 1);
#  v.append(vv)
ntimes = max([len(u) for u in v])
im_speed = np.ones((nworms, ntimes)) * np.nan;
for wid, u in enumerate(v):
plt.rcParams['axes.facecolor'] = 'w'
plt.rcParams['figure.facecolor'] = 'w'

import analysis.video as v;

#%% All worms

wids = np.arange(124);
wids[90] = 124;  # wid = 90 is corrupted data !

# sort via average roaming fraction
roaming = exp.load(strain = 'n2', wid = wids, dtype = 'roam');

roaming_mean = np.array([np.nanmean(r) for r in roaming]);

rorder = np.argsort(roaming_mean);

wids = np.array(wids)[rorder];

#%% persitence based ordering

wids = np.array(np.genfromtxt('/home/ckirst/Science/Projects/CElegans/Analysis/WormBehaviour/Data/persistance_median_order.csv'), dtype = int);
wids = wids - 1;

Ejemplo n.º 15
  return x_mean;

#%% Parameter  
rate = 3; # Hz sample rate
time_bin = 5*60; # [sec] for averaging 

# derived 
nbins = rate * time_bin; # number of time bins to calculate mean

### Create Data Matrices

r_all_0 = [];
nmax = 0;
for wid in range(nworms):
  r = exp.load(strain = strain, wid = wid, dtype = 'rotation')
  r_mean = average(r, nbins);
  nmax = max(nmax, len(r_mean));

r_all = np.zeros((nworms, nmax));
for wid in range(nworms):
  r_all[wid,:len(r_all_0[wid])] = r_all_0[wid];

v_all_0 = [];
nmax = 0;
for wid in range(nworms):
  v = exp.load(strain = strain, wid = wid, dtype = 'speed')
  v_mean = average(v, nbins);
Ejemplo n.º 16
import os

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

import copy
import time

import imageprocessing.active_worm as aw

import analysis.experiment as exp

wid = 80

xydata = exp.load(wid=wid)
ntime = xydata.shape[0]

#create results data array for traces, points

basedir = '/home/ckirst/Science/Projects/CElegansBehaviour/Analysis/Data/2016_07_23_Wormshapes/'
shapefile = os.path.join(basedir, "shape_wid=%d_shapes.npy" % wid)
measurefile = os.path.join(basedir, "shape_wid=%d_measures.npy" % wid)
figfile = os.path.join(basedir, "shape_wid=%d_t=%s.png" % (wid, "%d"))

# create the files

npoints = 21

#shapedata = np.zeros((ntime,3*npoints));
#np.save(shapefile, shapedata);
def find_plate(strain, wid=0, verbose=True, save=None, thresholds=[160, 175]):

    fns = np.sort(
        np.unique(glob.glob(os.path.join(dir_names[wid], 'Traj*.mat'))))
    img_plate = scipy.io.loadmat(fns[-1])['Trace']
    xy = exp.load(strain=strain, wid=wid, dtype='xy')

    ### Detect circles

    import cv2

    gray = 2**8 - np.array(np.sum(img_plate, axis=2) / 3, dtype='uint8')

    th1 = thresholds[0]
    th2 = thresholds[1]
    gray[gray < th1] = th1
    gray[gray > th2] = th2
    gray = np.array(gray, dtype='uint8')

    #plt.figure(8); plt.clf();
    #plt.imshow(gray, cmap = plt.cm.gray)
    #nn = 1500;
    #plt.scatter(np.round(xy[-nn:,0]-1), np.round(xy[-nn:,1]-1))
    #plt.imshow(gray > 200)
    #cimg = cv2.cvtColor(gray,cv2.COLOR_GRAY2BGR)

    circles = cv2.HoughCircles(gray,

    # detect the correct dish
    center = circles[0, :, :2]
    radius = circles[0, :, 2]

    xy = exp.load(strain=strain, wid=wid, dtype='xy')
    xyv = xy[np.logical_not(np.isnan(xy[:, 0]))]
    pt = xyv[-1]

    if verbose:
        if circles is None:
            print 'worm %d / %d: no cirlces found!' % (wid, nworms)
            print 'worm %d / %d: %d circles found !' % (wid, nworms,

        fig = plt.figure(8)
        plt.imshow(gray, cmap=plt.cm.gray)
        ax = plt.gcf().gca()
        for (x, y, r) in circles[0]:
            # draw the outer circle
                plt.Circle((x, y), r, color='green', fill=False, linewidth=2))
            # draw the center of the circle
            ax.add_artist(plt.Circle((x, y), 2, color='green', fill=True))

        plt.title('Worm %s, Experiment: %s' % (wid, exp_names[wid]))

    plate = np.where(np.linalg.norm(center - pt, axis=1) < 1 * radius)[0]
    #if len(plate) == 0:
    #  plate = np.where(np.linalg.norm(center - pt, axis = 1) < 1.05 * radius)[0];

    if len(plate) != 1:
        print 'could not find plate for worm %d, %s!' % (wid, strain)
        assert False

    plate = plate[0]
    x = center[plate, 0]
    y = center[plate, 1]
    r = radius[plate]

    if verbose:
            plt.Circle((x, y), r, color='red', fill=False, linewidth=2))
        ax.add_artist(plt.Circle((x, y), 2, color='red', fill=True))
        if save is not None:

    return [x, y, r]
Ejemplo n.º 18
nworms = len(exp_times);

rate = 3; # Hz sample rate

time_bin = 1*30; # s;

nbins = rate * time_bin; # number of time bins to calculate mean
ntimes = 5 * 24 * 60 * 60 / time_bin;  # totla number of time steps in analysis
v_24hr = np.zeros((nworms, ntimes)) * np.nan;
r_24hr = np.zeros((nworms, ntimes)) * np.nan;

# calculate data
for wid in range(nworms):
  xy = exp.load(strain = 'N2', dtype = 'xy', wid = wid, memmap=None);
  rt = exp.load(strain = 'N2', dtype = 'phi',wid = wid, memmap=None);
  # invalid positions
  inv = xy[:,0] == 1.0;
  xy[inv,:] = np.nan;
  # calculate speed
  dxy = xy[1:,:] - xy[:-1,:];
  v = np.sqrt(dxy[:,0]**2 + dxy[:,1]**2) * rate;
  nv = len(v);
  # bin speed
  nvm = nv/nbins * nbins;
  v_mean = v[:nvm];
  v_mean = v_mean.reshape([nvm/nbins, nbins]);
Ejemplo n.º 19
rate = 3
# Hz sample rate

time_bin = 1 * 60
# s;

nbins = rate * time_bin
# number of time bins to calculate mean

v_data = []
r_data = []

for wid in range(nworms):
    print 'processing %d / %d' % (wid, nworms)
    xy = exp.load(strain='N2', dtype='xy', wid=wid, memmap=None)
    rt = exp.load(strain='N2', dtype='phi', wid=wid, memmap=None)

    # invalid positions
    inv = xy[:, 0] == 1.0
    xy[inv, :] = np.nan

    # calculate speed
    dxy = np.diff(xy, axis=0)
    v = np.sqrt(dxy[:, 0]**2 + dxy[:, 1]**2) * rate
    nv = min(len(v), len(rt))

    # bin speed
    nvm = nv / nbins * nbins
    v_mean = v[:nvm]
    v_mean = v_mean.reshape([nvm / nbins, nbins])
Ejemplo n.º 20
__author__ = 'Christoph Kirst <*****@*****.**>'
__docformat__ = 'rest'

import os
import glob
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt;
import scipy.io
import numpy as np

import analysis.experiment as exp

exp.experiment_directory = '/home/ckirst/Science/Projects/CElegansBehaviour/Experiment/ImageData'

xy = exp.load(strain = 'N2', dtype = 'xy', wid = 0)

### Create features from xy positions

# xy.shape = (ntimes, 2)

def dxy(xy, delta = 1):
  return (xy[delta:] - xy[:-delta]);

def speed(xy, delta = 1, dt = 1):  #

def distance(xy, delta = 1):
  d = speed(xy, delta, dt = 1);
Ejemplo n.º 21
nstrains = 16
ntot = 16 * 5 + 14

strains = ['n2'] * nstrains
strains.extend(['tph1'] * nstrains)
strains.extend(['tdc1'] * nstrains)
strains.extend(['npr1'] * nstrains)
strains.extend(['daf7'] * 14)
strains.extend(['cat2'] * nstrains)

#wids = np.array(range(nstrains) * 4)[:ntot];

# roamng fraction
wids = []
for s in ['n2', 'tph1', 'tdc1', 'npr1', 'daf7', 'cat2']:
    roam = exp.load(strain=s, wid=all, dtype='speed')
    means = np.array([np.nanmean(r) for r in roam])
    ids = np.argsort(means)
    print ids
    nworms = len(ids)
    if nworms <= 16:
        sel = np.array(np.linspace(0, nworms - 1, np.min([nworms, 18])),
        sel = sel[1:-1]
        assert (len(sel) == 16)

wids = np.hstack(wids)
nworms = len(wids)
Ejemplo n.º 22
data_files = [
    os.path.join(data_path, 'analysis_2016_10_26_' + n + '.npy')
    for n in data_names

fig_dir = '/home/ckirst/Desktop/labmeeting'

### match head and tails

data = {n: np.load(f, mmap_mode='r+')
        for n, f in zip(data_names, data_files)}

theta = data["theta"]
center = data["center"]
orient = data["orientation"]
pos = exp.load(wid=80, dtype='xy')

#head vs center pos
c_pos = pos + data["xy"]
h_pos = pos + data["center"][:, 0]
t_pos = pos + data["center"][:, -1]
valid = data["width"][:, 0] != -1

t0 = 0
t1 = 1000
plt.plot(t_pos[t0:t1, 0], t_pos[t0:t1, 1])
plt.plot(h_pos[t0:t1, 0], h_pos[t0:t1, 1])

#match head tail postions

    xy = np.vstack(coords)

    # (1,1) is invalid coordinates
    inv = np.logical_and(xy[:, 0] == 1.0, xy[:, 1] == 1.0)
    xy[inv, :] = np.nan

    print 'worm %d: len = %d' % (wid, xy.shape[0])
    fn_out = exp.filename(strain=strain, wid=wid)
    np.save(fn_out, xy)

#%% Precalculate Speed

import analysis.features as feat

delta = 3

for wid in range(nworms):
    print 'processing worm %d/%d' % (wid, nworms)

    xy = exp.load(strain=strain, wid=wid, memmap=None)

    v = feat.speed(xy, delta=delta)
    fn_out = exp.filename(strain=strain, wid=wid, dtype='speed')
    np.save(fn_out, v)

    r = feat.rotation(xy, delta=delta)
    fn_out = exp.filename(strain=strain, wid=wid, dtype='rotation')
    np.save(fn_out, r)
def find_plate(strain, wid = 0, verbose = True, save = None, thresholds = [160, 175]):
  fns = np.sort(np.unique(glob.glob(os.path.join(dir_names[wid], 'Traj*.mat'))))
  img_plate = scipy.io.loadmat(fns[-1])['Trace'];
  xy = exp.load(strain = strain, wid = wid, dtype = 'xy')
  ### Detect circles
  import cv2
  gray = 2**8 - np.array(np.sum(img_plate, axis = 2) / 3, dtype = 'uint8');
  th1 = thresholds[0]; th2 = thresholds[1];
  gray[gray < th1] = th1;
  gray[gray > th2] = th2;
  gray = np.array(gray, dtype = 'uint8');
  #plt.figure(8); plt.clf();
  #plt.imshow(gray, cmap = plt.cm.gray)
  #nn = 1500;
  #plt.scatter(np.round(xy[-nn:,0]-1), np.round(xy[-nn:,1]-1))
  #plt.imshow(gray > 200)
  #cimg = cv2.cvtColor(gray,cv2.COLOR_GRAY2BGR)
  circles = cv2.HoughCircles(gray, cv2.HOUGH_GRADIENT, dp = 2, minDist = 100, minRadius = 485, maxRadius = 500, param1 = 40, param2 = 50)
  # detect the correct dish  
  center = circles[0, :,:2]
  radius = circles[0, :, 2]
  xy = exp.load(strain = strain, wid = wid, dtype = 'xy')
  xyv = xy[np.logical_not(np.isnan(xy[:,0]))];
  pt = xyv[-1]
  if verbose:
    if circles is None:
      print 'worm %d / %d: no cirlces found!' % (wid, nworms)
      print 'worm %d / %d: %d circles found !' % (wid, nworms, len(circles[0]))
    fig = plt.figure(8); plt.clf();
    plt.imshow(gray, cmap = plt.cm.gray)
    ax = plt.gcf().gca();
    for (x, y, r) in circles[0]:
      # draw the outer circle
      ax.add_artist(plt.Circle((x,y),r, color = 'green',fill = False, linewidth = 2))
      # draw the center of the circle
      ax.add_artist(plt.Circle((x,y),2, color = 'green', fill = True))
    plt.title('Worm %s, Experiment: %s' % (wid, exp_names[wid]) )
  plate = np.where(np.linalg.norm(center - pt, axis = 1) < 1 * radius)[0];
  #if len(plate) == 0:
  #  plate = np.where(np.linalg.norm(center - pt, axis = 1) < 1.05 * radius)[0];
  if len(plate) != 1:
    print 'could not find plate for worm %d, %s!' % (wid, strain);
    assert False;
  plate = plate[0];
  x = center[plate,0]; y = center[plate,1];
  r = radius[plate]
  if  verbose:
    ax.add_artist(plt.Circle((x,y),r, color = 'red',fill = False, linewidth = 2))
    ax.add_artist(plt.Circle((x,y),2, color = 'red', fill = True))
    if save is not None:
  return [x,y,r];
Ejemplo n.º 25
                 time_data = None, time_size = 0.5, time_cmap = plt.cm.Reds,
                 border = 60, vmin = 84, vmax = 92,
                 save = fname, fps = 10, dpi = 360,
                 time_stamp = True, font_size = 8, font_size_title = 12)

#%% Make Movie of 100 worms

wids = range(110);
wids[90] = 111;

# sort via average roaming fraction
roaming = exp.load(strain = 'n2', wid = wids, dtype = 'roam');

roaming_mean = np.array([np.nanmean(r) for r in roaming]);

rorder = np.argsort(roaming_mean);

wids = np.array(wids)[rorder];


stimes= exp.load_stage_times(strain = 'n2', wid = wids)[:,:-1];
duration = np.sum(np.diff(stimes, axis = 1), axis = 1);
duration_min = np.min(duration);
dtmin = 1;
Ejemplo n.º 26
  n = size[0] * size[1];
  return np.array([1.0 * xx.sum() / n, 1.0 * yy.sum() / n]);

plt.figure(7); plt.clf();
plt.imshow(img1t - img2t)

## what is the original position:

pos = exp.load(wid = 80)
xy10 = pos[t0];
xy20 = pos[t0+1]

xy1 = center_of_mass(img1t)
xy2 = center_of_mass(img2t)

xy10 - xy1
xy20 - xy2

def align_images(img1, img2):
Ejemplo n.º 27
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

plt.rcParams['axes.facecolor'] = 'w'
plt.rcParams['figure.facecolor'] = 'w'

import analysis.video as v

#%% All worms

wids = np.arange(124)
wids[90] = 124
# wid = 90 is corrupted data !

# sort via average roaming fraction
roaming = exp.load(strain='n2', wid=wids, dtype='roam')

roaming_mean = np.array([np.nanmean(r) for r in roaming])

rorder = np.argsort(roaming_mean)

wids = np.array(wids)[rorder]

#%% persitence based ordering

wids = np.array(np.genfromtxt(
wids = wids - 1
Ejemplo n.º 28
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt;

import copy
import time

import imageprocessing.active_worm as aw;

import analysis.experiment as exp;

wid = 80;

xydata = exp.load(wid = wid)
ntime = xydata.shape[0];

#create results data array for traces, points

basedir = '/home/ckirst/Science/Projects/CElegansBehaviour/Analysis/Data/2016_07_23_Wormshapes/'
shapefile = os.path.join(basedir, "shape_wid=%d_shapes.npy" % wid);
measurefile  = os.path.join(basedir, "shape_wid=%d_measures.npy" % wid);
figfile =  os.path.join(basedir, "shape_wid=%d_t=%s.png" % (wid, "%d"));

# create the files

npoints = 21;

#shapedata = np.zeros((ntime,3*npoints));
#np.save(shapefile, shapedata);
  return x_mean;

#%% Parameter  
rate = 3; # Hz sample rate
time_bin = 5*60; # [sec] for averaging 

# derived 
nbins = rate * time_bin; # number of time bins to calculate mean

### Create Data Matrices

r_all_0 = [];
nmax = 0;
for wid in range(nworms):
  r = exp.load(strain = strain, wid = wid, dtype = 'rotation')
  r_mean = average(r, nbins);
  nmax = max(nmax, len(r_mean));

r_all = np.zeros((nworms, nmax));
for wid in range(nworms):
  r_all[wid,:len(r_all_0[wid])] = r_all_0[wid];

v_all_0 = [];
nmax = 0;
for wid in range(nworms):
  v = exp.load(strain = strain, wid = wid, dtype = 'speed')
  v_mean = average(v, nbins);
data_files = [os.path.join(data_path, 'analysis_2016_10_26_' + n + '.npy') for n in data_names];

fig_dir = '/home/ckirst/Desktop/labmeeting'

### match head and tails

data = {n : np.load(f, mmap_mode = 'r+') for n,f in zip(data_names, data_files)};

theta = data["theta"];
center = data["center"]
orient = data["orientation"]
pos = exp.load(wid = 80, dtype = 'xy')

#head vs center pos
c_pos = pos + data["xy"];
h_pos = pos + data["center"][:,0];
t_pos = pos + data["center"][:,-1];
valid = data["width"][:,0] != -1;

plt.figure(1); plt.clf();
t0 = 0; t1 = 1000;
plt.plot(t_pos[t0:t1,0], t_pos[t0:t1,1])
plt.plot(h_pos[t0:t1,0], h_pos[t0:t1,1])

#match head tail postions
Ejemplo n.º 31
 def load(self):
   """Returns worm data as memmap or array"""
   return exp.load(strain = self.strain,  dtype = self.dtype, wid = self.wid, stage = self.stage, label = self.label, 
                   valid_only = self.valid_only, replace_invalid = self.replace_invalid, memmap = self.memmap);
Ejemplo n.º 32
import os
import numpy as np
import analysis.experiment as exp
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

plt.rcParams['axes.facecolor'] = 'w'
plt.rcParams['figure.facecolor'] = 'w'

import analysis.video as v

#%% Gui

td = exp.load(wid=35, dtype='roam')
td[np.isnan(td)] = 0.5

#td = np.random.rand(td.shape[0]);

dt = 3
g = v.WormGui(strain='n2',
              trajectory_length=3 * 60 * 60 / dt,