Ejemplo n.º 1
 def parse_keyuser(self,response):
     item = WeibospiderItem() 
     analyzer = Analyzer()
     total_pq = analyzer.get_html(response.body,'script:contains("feed_content wbcon")')
     item['keyword_uid'] =analyzer.get_keyuser(total_pq)
     item['keyword'] = response.meta['keyword']
     return item
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def update_music_data(self):

        analyzer = Analyzer()
        music_list = self.banshee.get_tracks()

        # delete previously analyzed songs no longer existing in Banshee
        for mp3 in self.music_shelve:
            if mp3 not in music_list:
                del self.music_shelve[mp3]

        song_count = len(music_list)
        progress = Progress("Analyzing Songs", song_count)

        # calculate and save features of new songs
        for mp3 in music_list:
            if mp3 not in self.music_shelve:
                features = analyzer.compute_features(mp3)
                if analyzer.valid_features(features):
                    self.music_shelve[mp3] = features


        # convert music data to array
        self.music_data = np.array(self.music_shelve.values())
Ejemplo n.º 3
def classification_preprocess_all_datasets():
    Preprocesses all datasets to be ready for classification task.
    This will include stemming, word correction, lower-casing, hashtag removal, special char removal.
    for i in range(0,len(utils.annotated_datasets)):
        tweetlines = utils.get_dataset(utils.annotated_datasets[i])
        tweets = []
        for line in tweetlines:
            if len(line)>1:
#        tweets = lower_case(tweets)
        tweets = remove_hastags_and_users(tweets)
        tweets = count_emoticons(tweets)
        tweets = replace_links(tweets)
        tweets = remove_specialchars(tweets)
        tweets = correct_words(tweets)
        tweets = stem(tweets)
        tweets = tokenize(tweets)
        tweets = pos_tag(tweets)
        tweets = count_exclamations(tweets)

        analyzer = Analyzer(utils.annotated_datasets[i], tweets)
        stats = analyzer.analyze()
        print stats
        #store tweets in pickles...
        print "Storing pickles..."
        utils.store_pickles(tweets, utils.annotated_datasets[i][24:len(utils.annotated_datasets[i])-4])
 def atuser_uid_parser(self,response):
     item = WeibospiderItem()
     analyzer = Analyzer()
     friendcircle = FriendCircle()
     total_pq = analyzer.get_html(response.body,'script:contains("W_face_radius")') 
     uid = friendcircle.get_user_uid(total_pq)
     self.atuser_dict[response.meta['atuser_nickname']] = uid
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def analyze(self):
     for i, line in enumerate(self.segment):
         if i == 0:
             self.vicar.name = line
             analyzer = Analyzer(line, self.vicar)
Ejemplo n.º 6
def test_pipe_path_winxp(p):
    a = Analyzer()

    p.return_value = osversion(5, 1)
    assert a.get_pipe_path("foo") == "\\\\.\\PIPE\\foo"

    p.return_value = osversion(6, 1)
    assert a.get_pipe_path("foo") == "\\??\\PIPE\\foo"
Ejemplo n.º 7
 def parse_secondload(self,response):
     item = response.meta['item']
     analyzer = Analyzer()
     total_pq =  analyzer.get_mainhtml(response.body)
     item['content'] = analyzer.get_content(total_pq)
     item['time'] = analyzer.get_time(total_pq)
     item['atuser'],item['repostuser'] = analyzer.get_atuser_repostuser(total_pq)
     return item
Ejemplo n.º 8
def main():
    analyzer = Analyzer()
    response = requests.get("http://cryptopals.com/static/challenge-data/4.txt")
    content  = response.content.split('\n')
    for line in content:
        decoded_str = line.decode("hex")
 def parse_load(self,response):
     item = WeibospiderItem();analyzer = Analyzer();friendcircle = FriendCircle()
     total_pq =  analyzer.get_mainhtml(response.body)
     item['uid'] = response.meta['uid']
     item['content'] = analyzer.get_content(total_pq)
     item['time'],item['timestamp'] = analyzer.get_time(total_pq)
     atuser_info,item['repost_user'] = analyzer.get_atuser_repostuser(total_pq)
     yield item
Ejemplo n.º 10
    def run(self):
        # info = urllib2.urlopen(self.url).info()
        html_name, url_name = scanner([self.url], "000")
        a = Analyzer(html_name, url_name)

        print self.url
        self.model.mydata = self.model.mydata + [(self.url, a.getAds()[1], a.getAds()[0], a.getUniqueVisitors(), "0")]

Ejemplo n.º 11
Archivo: gran.py Proyecto: Yagg/gran
def main(path):
    files = [join(path, f) for f in listdir(path) if isfile(join(path, f)) and fnmatch(f, '*.zip')]
    reports = []
    for filename in files:
        print >> sys.stderr, "Processing report %s" % filename
        rep = report.Report(filename)
    an = Analyzer(reports)
 def parse_total_page(self,response):
     analyzer = Analyzer()
     total_pq = analyzer.get_html(response.body,'script:contains("W_pages")')
     keyword_analyzer = keyword_info_analyzer()
     total_pages = keyword_analyzer.get_totalpages(total_pq)  #需要爬取的搜索结果总页数
     for page in range(1):  #此处更改为total_pages
         search_url = response.meta['search_url'] + str(page + 1)  #此处添加for循环total_pages
         yield Request(url=search_url,meta={'cookiejar':response.meta['cookiejar'],'keyword':response.meta['keyword']},callback=self.parse_keyword_info)
Ejemplo n.º 13
 def parse_thirdload(self,response):        
     item = WeibospiderItem()
     analyzer = Analyzer()
     total_pq =  analyzer.get_mainhtml(response.body)
     item['uid'] = response.meta['uid']
     item['content'] = analyzer.get_content(total_pq)
     item['time'] = analyzer.get_time(total_pq)
     item['atuser'],item['repostuser'] = analyzer.get_atuser_repostuser(total_pq)
     return item
 def parse_keyword_info(self,response):
     item = WeibospiderItem()
     analyzer = Analyzer()
     total_pq = analyzer.get_html(response.body,'script:contains("feed_content wbcon")') 
     keyword_analyzer = keyword_info_analyzer()
     item['keyword_uid'],item['keyword_alias'],item['keyword_content'],item['keyword_publish_time'] = keyword_analyzer.get_keyword_info(total_pq)
     item['keyword'] = response.meta['keyword']
     return item
 def parse_atuser_uid(self,response):
    item = WeibospiderItem()
    analyzer = Analyzer()
    friendcircle = FriendCircle()
    item['atuser_nickname'] = response.meta['atuser_nickname'];  
    total_pq = analyzer.get_html(response.body,'script:contains("W_face_radius")') 
    atuser_uid = friendcircle.get_user_uid2(item['atuser_nickname'],total_pq)
    item['atuser_uid'] = atuser_uid
    item['uid'] = response.meta['uid']
    yield item
 def parse_atuser_uid(self,response):
     item = WeibospiderItem()
     analyzer = Analyzer()
     friendcircle = FriendCircle()
     atuser_nickname = response.meta['atuser_nickname'];
     total_pq = analyzer.get_html(response.body,'script:contains("W_face_radius")') 
     #uid = friendcircle.get_user_uid(total_pq)
     atuser_uid = friendcircle.get_user_uid2(atuser_nickname,total_pq) #根据昵称获取@用户uid
     self.atuser_dict[atuser_nickname] = atuser_uid
 def get_userurl(self,response):
     analyzer = Analyzer()
     total_pq =  analyzer.get_html(response.body,'script:contains("PCD_person_info")')
     user_property = analyzer.get_userproperty(total_pq)
     if user_property == 'icon_verify_co_v': #该账号为公众账号
         public_userinfo_url = analyzer.get_public_userinfohref(total_pq)
         yield Request(url=public_userinfo_url,meta={'cookiejar':response.meta['cookiejar'],'uid':response.meta['uid'],'user_property':user_property},callback=self.parse_public_userinfo)
     else:  #该账号为个人账号
         userinfo_url = analyzer.get_userinfohref(total_pq)
         yield Request(url=userinfo_url,meta={'cookiejar':response.meta['cookiejar'],'uid':response.meta['uid'],'user_property':user_property},callback=self.parse_userinfo)
Ejemplo n.º 18
def analyze_tweets(twitter_string):
    analyzer = Analyzer(["han", "hon", "den", "det", "denna", "denne", "hen"])
    read = ReadJSON()
    total_tweets = 0
    for line_array in read.read_string(twitter_string):
        total_tweets += 1
    arr = analyzer.count_array
    arr["total"] = total_tweets
    return arr
Ejemplo n.º 19
def parse(path, f=None):
    p = Parser(path=path)
    a = Analyzer(parser=p)
    j = Packer(analyzer=a)
    if f is None:
        return j.pack()
 def parse_total_page(self,response):
     analyzer = Analyzer()
     total_pq = analyzer.get_html(response.body,'script:contains("W_pages")')
     keyword_analyzer = keyword_info_analyzer()
     total_pages = keyword_analyzer.get_totalpages(total_pq)  #需要爬取的搜索结果总页数
     logger.info("the total_pages is: %d",total_pages)
     for page in range(1):  #TODO 此处更改为total_pages
         search_url = response.meta['search_url'] + str(page + 1)  #此处添加for循环total_pages
         yield Request(url=search_url,cookies=random.choice(COOKIES),meta={'keyword':response.meta['keyword']},callback=self.parse_keyword_info)
Ejemplo n.º 21
    def pickup(self):

        # создаем браузер, которым будем ходить по wmtake.ru
        b = Browser()
        # сщздаем анализатор, которым будем распознавать капчу
        a = Analyzer(self.site, self.symsize, self.charset)

        log.debug('LOADING PAGE WITH WM BONUS')

            log.debug('SAVING CAPTCHA')
            captcha = b.js('$("#scode-pic img")[0].src')
            #b.save(captcha, '/home/polzuka/inspirado/captcha/wmtake/%02d.gif' % i)

            log.debug('CAPTCHA TRANSFORMING')
                t = Transformer('orig', b.image(captcha))
                t.resizeby('resize', t['orig'], 2, 2)
                t.grayscale('grayscale', t['resize'], 2)
                t.binarize('binarize', t['grayscale'], 150, CV_THRESH_BINARY_INV)

                t.contourSplit('breaksplit', t['binarize'], 0.001)
                if len(t.symbols) != self.symqty:
                    raise Exception
            except Exception, e:
                log.debug(colorize('INCORRECT SYMBOL NUMBER', RED))
                log.debug('LOADING PAGE WITH WM BONUS')

            t.normolize('origsplit', 'breaksplit', self.symsize)
            symbols = t.slice('origsplit')
            log.debug('RECOGNITION CAPTCHA')
            code = a.captcha(symbols)
            log.debug('ANALYZE RESULT: %s' % colorize(code))
            del t
            print code

            log.debug('FILLING FIELDS')
            b.js("$('#scode').val('%s')" % code)
            b.js("$('#purse').val('R%s')" % self.purse)
            b.js("$('div.news_box div.bn p').click()")

            if not b.js("$('#mess-exec:visible').length"):

            log.debug('INCORRECT CAPCTHA RECOGNITION')
            log.debug('LOADING PAGE WITH WM BONUS')
            b.js("$('#mess-exec p').click()")
Ejemplo n.º 22
def processFile(path):
        p = Parser(path=path)
        a = Analyzer(parser=p)
        j = Packer(analyzer=a)
        return j.pack()
        print path
Ejemplo n.º 23
class Manager:
    Actual object to manage everything

    # reference to the entire data storage
    __cache = None

    # reference to object managing articles access and storage
    __articles = None

    # reference to the object doing the analysis
    __analyzer = None

    def __init__(self, config):
      Prepare the entire system's objects

      config - the configuration object from the click library
        yaml_config = yaml.load(config.obj["config"])
        self.__cache = Cache(db_file=config.obj["database"])
        self.__articles = Articles(key=yaml_config["api_key"], cache=self.__cache)
        self.__analyzer = Analyzer()

    def perform_search(self, phrase, training_size=1000):
      Perform the actual search either to cache or ny times

      phrase - the phrase to search by
      training_size - the amount of articles to use and fetch

      returns the list of found articles
        return self.__articles.perform_search(phrase, training_size)

    def analyze_results(self, article_list):
      Perform the regression analysis on the results and print
      them out to the command line
        print("Using %i articles" % (len(article_list),))

    def predict_result(self, date):
      Make a prediction on a date

      date - a datetime to make a prediction on

      return a tuple of the type of article created from the analyzer
        return self.__analyzer.predict(date)
Ejemplo n.º 24
    def picup(self):
        print 'GET PAGE'
        print 'GET CAPTCHA'
        captcha = browser.js('$("#wmbonus_form_captcha img")[0].src')

        t.load('orig', browser.image(captcha))
        browser.save(captcha, '/home/polzuka/inspirado/symbols/first')

        t.resizeby('resize', t['orig'], 4, 4)
        t.grayscale('grayscale', t['resize'], 2)
        t.binarize('binarize', t['grayscale'], 200, CV_THRESH_BINARY)

        radius = 3
        kernel = cvCreateStructuringElementEx(radius * 2 + 1, radius * 2 + 1, radius, radius, CV_SHAPE_ELLIPSE)
        t.morphology('morphology', t['binarize'], 1, 1, kernel)
            t.breakSplit('breaksplit', t['morphology'], 0.2)
        except TransformError:
            print 'ololo'
        t.normolize('origsplit', 'breaksplit', 20, 30)
        sl = t.slice('origsplit')
        a = Analyzer(20, 30, '0123456789')
        code = a.captcha(sl)
        print code

        print 'GET CLICK'
        browser.js('$("#frm_vallet").val("%s")' % data['purse'])


        for i in xrange(5):

        browser.js('$("#frm_captcha").val("%s")' % code)
        print 2
        print 3
    def parse_load(self,response):
        item = WeibospiderItem()  #获取用户微博内容信息
        analyzer = Analyzer()
        friendcircle = FriendCircle()
        total_pq = analyzer.get_html(response.body,'script:contains("WB_feed WB_feed_v3")')
        item['uid'] = response.meta['uid']
        item['content'] = analyzer.get_content(total_pq)
        item['time'],item['timestamp'] = analyzer.get_time(total_pq)

        weibo_analyzer = weibocontent_analyzer()
        item['repost_nums'],item['comment_nums'],item['like_nums'] = weibo_analyzer.get_weibo_relative_args(total_pq)
        yield item     
Ejemplo n.º 26
def brute(ciphertext):
    analyzer = Analyzer()
    highestText  = ""
    highestValue = 0
    keys = [chr(i) for i in xrange(0, 0x100)]
    for key in keys:
        message = xor(ciphertext, key)
        value = analyzer.analyze(message)
        if (value > highestValue):
            highestValue = value
            highestText  = message
    print "[Score = %f] %s" % (highestValue, highestText)
Ejemplo n.º 27
    def __init__(self, master):
        self.master = master
        east_group = LabelFrame(master, text='东部')
        east_group.grid(row=0, column=0, padx=5, pady=5)
        west_group = LabelFrame(master, text='西部')
        west_group.grid(row=1, column=0, padx=5, pady=5)
        # 东部排名
        east_ranking = LabelFrame(master, text='东部排名')
        east_ranking.grid(row=0, column=1, rowspan=2, padx=5, pady=5, sticky=N)
        self.east_ranking_list = self.creat_teams_ranking_list(east_ranking)

        # 西部排名
        west_ranking = LabelFrame(master, text='西部排名')
        west_ranking.grid(row=0, column=2, rowspan=2, padx=5, pady=5, sticky=N)
        self.west_ranking_list = self.creat_teams_ranking_list(west_ranking)

        # 东部
        atlantic_group = LabelFrame(east_group, text='大西洋区')
        atlantic_group.grid(row=0, column=0, padx=5, pady=5)
        central_group = LabelFrame(east_group, text='中部区')
        central_group.grid(row=0, column=1, padx=5, pady=5)
        southeast_group = LabelFrame(east_group, text='东南区')
        southeast_group.grid(row=0, column=2, padx=5, pady=5)

        # 西部
        pacific_group = LabelFrame(west_group, text='太平洋区')
        pacific_group.grid(row=1, column=0, padx=5, pady=5)
        southwest_group = LabelFrame(west_group, text='西南区')
        southwest_group.grid(row=1, column=1, padx=5, pady=5)
        northwest_group = LabelFrame(west_group, text='西北区')
        northwest_group.grid(row=1, column=2, padx=5, pady=5)

        spider = Spider()
        index_data = spider.load_teams_index()
        teams_ranking_data = spider.load_teams_ranking()

        analyzer = Analyzer()
        teams_data = analyzer.analyze_teams_data(index_data)
        self.teams_ranking = analyzer.analyze_teams_ranking(teams_ranking_data)


        self.teams_logo = utils.load_teams_logos()
        self.load_group(atlantic_group, teams_data[0:5])
        self.load_group(pacific_group, teams_data[5:10])
        self.load_group(central_group, teams_data[10:15])
        self.load_group(southwest_group, teams_data[15:20])
        self.load_group(southeast_group, teams_data[20:25])
        self.load_group(northwest_group, teams_data[25:30])
 def parse_userinfo(self,response):
     item = WeibospiderItem()
     analyzer = Analyzer()
         total_pq1 = analyzer.get_html(response.body,'script:contains("pf_photo")')
         item['image_urls'] = analyzer.get_userphoto_url(total_pq1)
         total_pq2 = analyzer.get_html(response.body,'script:contains("PCD_text_b")')
         item['userinfo'] = analyzer.get_userinfo(total_pq2)
     except Exception,e:
         item['userinfo'] = {}.fromkeys(('昵称:'.decode('utf-8'),'所在地:'.decode('utf-8'),'性别:'.decode('utf-8'),'博客:'.decode('utf-8'),'个性域名:'.    decode('utf-8'),'简介:'.decode('utf-8'),'生日:'.decode('utf-8'),'注册时间:'.decode('utf-8')),'')
         item['image_urls'] = None
Ejemplo n.º 29
 def parse_thirdload(self,response):        
     item = response.meta['item']
     item['uid'] = response.meta['uid']
     item['followuidlist'] = response.meta['followlist']
     #item['userinfo'] = response.meta['userinfo']
     #print '{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{',response.meta['userinfo']
     analyzer = Analyzer()
     total_pq =  analyzer.get_mainhtml(response.body)
     item['content'] = analyzer.get_content(total_pq)
     item['time'] = analyzer.get_time(total_pq)
     item['atuser'],item['repostuser'] = analyzer.get_atuser_repostuser(total_pq)
     return item
    def parse_public_userinfo(self,response):  
        item = WeibospiderItem()
        analyzer = Analyzer()
            total_pq1 = analyzer.get_html(response.body,'script:contains("pf_photo")')
            item['image_urls'] = analyzer.get_userphoto_url(total_pq1)

            total_pq2 = analyzer.get_html(response.body,'script:contains("PCD_text_b")') 
            item['userinfo'] = analyzer.get_public_userinfo(total_pq2)
        except Exception,e:
            item['userinfo'] = {}.fromkeys(('联系人:'.decode('utf-8'),'电话:'.decode('utf-8'),'>邮箱:'.decode('utf-8'),'友情链接:'.decode('utf-8')),'')   
            item['image_urls'] = None
Ejemplo n.º 31
 def test_analyze_connect(self):
     import random
     for word in words:
     while num<20:
         send_message=send_message+random_word[0]+" "+random_word[1]+" "
         for word in checked.keys():
Ejemplo n.º 32
def clear_background_for_image2(source, target, colors, verbose=True):
    """Clear background of source image.
    Result is a black and white image in png format. White color 
    coresponds to foreground pixels, black color to background pixels."""
    global errors
    sourceTime = os.path.getmtime(source)
    targetTime = os.path.getmtime(target) if os.path.exists(target) else 0
    if sourceTime <= targetTime:
        print "%s is up to date" % (source)
    print "%s -> %s" % (source, target)
    img = Image.open(source)
    # compute mean color
        analyzer = Analyzer(img, colors, verbose)
        pixels, groups, indexes = analyzer.filter_background2(img, 20)
        analyzer.save_pixels(target, pixels)
    except AnalyzerError as e:
        print "Error: %s: %s" % (source, str(e))
        errors = errors + 1
Ejemplo n.º 33
def main():

    # ensure proper usage
    if len(sys.argv) != 2:
        sys.exit("Usage: ./smile word")

    # absolute paths to lists
    positives = os.path.join(sys.path[0], "positive-words.txt")
    negatives = os.path.join(sys.path[0], "negative-words.txt")

    # instantiate analyzer
    analyzer = Analyzer(positives, negatives)

    # analyze word
    score = analyzer.analyze(sys.argv[1])
    if score > 0.0:
        print(colored(":)", "green"))
    elif score < 0.0:
        print(colored(":(", "red"))
        print(colored(":|", "yellow"))
Ejemplo n.º 34
def search():

    # validate screen_name
    screen_name = request.args.get("screen_name", "")
    if not screen_name:
        return redirect(url_for("index"))

    # get screen_name's tweets
    tweets = helpers.get_user_timeline(screen_name, 100)

    if tweets == None:
        sys.exit("Couldn't get user timeline: Invalid twitter handle")

    # absolute paths to lists
    positives = os.path.join(sys.path[0], "positive-words.txt")
    negatives = os.path.join(sys.path[0], "negative-words.txt")

    # instantiate analyzer
    analyzer = Analyzer(positives, negatives)

    positive_counter = 0
    negative_counter = 0
    neutral_counter = 0

    for i in tweets:
        sentiment = analyzer.analyze(i)
        if sentiment > 0:
            positive_counter += 1
        elif sentiment < 0:
            negative_counter += 1
            neutral_counter += 1

        positive, negative, neutral = positive_counter, negative_counter, neutral_counter

    # generate chart
    chart = helpers.chart(positive, negative, neutral)

    # render results
    return render_template("search.html", chart=chart, screen_name=screen_name)
Ejemplo n.º 35
def search():

    # validate screen_name
    screen_name = request.args.get("screen_name", "")
    if not screen_name:
        return redirect(url_for("index"))

    # get screen_name's tweets
    tweets = helpers.get_user_timeline(screen_name, 100)

    # redirect to error page if no user found/tweets protected
    if tweets is None:
        return redirect(url_for("notweets", screen_name=screen_name))

    positives = os.path.join(sys.path[0], 'positive-words.txt')
    negatives = os.path.join(sys.path[0], 'negative-words.txt')

    analyzer = Analyzer(positives, negatives)

    # TODO
    positive, negative, neutral = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0
    for tweet in tweets:
        score = analyzer.analyze(tweet)
        if score < 0:
            negative += 1
        elif score > 0:
            positive += 1
            neutral += 1

    # Find percentages of sentiments - using len(tweets) should give correct results even if user tweets < 100
    positive = (positive / len(tweets)) * 100
    neutral = (neutral / len(tweets)) * 100
    negative = (negative / len(tweets)) * 100

    # generate chart
    chart = helpers.chart(positive, negative, neutral)

    # render results
    return render_template("search.html", chart=chart, screen_name=screen_name)
Ejemplo n.º 36
def search():

    # validate screen_name
    screen_name = request.args.get("screen_name", "")
    if not screen_name:
        return redirect(url_for("index"))

    # get screen_name's tweets
    tweets = helpers.get_user_timeline(screen_name, 100)

    # error checking
    if tweets == None:
        sys.exit("Couldn't reach user timeline")

    # absolute paths to lists
    positives = os.path.join(sys.path[0], "positive-words.txt")
    negatives = os.path.join(sys.path[0], "negative-words.txt")

    # instantiate analyzer
    analyzer = Analyzer(positives, negatives)

    # initial values
    positive, negative, neutral = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0

    # get score of tweet and add accordingly
    for tweet in tweets:
        # analyze word
        score = analyzer.analyze(tweet)
        if score > 0.0:
            positive += 1
        elif score < 0.0:
            negative += 1
            neutral += 1

    # generate chart
    chart = helpers.chart(positive, negative, neutral)

    # render results
    return render_template("search.html", chart=chart, screen_name=screen_name)
Ejemplo n.º 37
def search():

    # validate screen_name
    screen_name = request.args.get("screen_name", "")
    if not screen_name:
        return redirect(url_for("index"))
    # absolute paths to lists
    positives = os.path.join(sys.path[0], "positive-words.txt")
    negatives = os.path.join(sys.path[0], "negative-words.txt")
    # instantiate analyzer
    analyzer = Analyzer(positives, negatives)

    # get screen_name's tweets
    tweets = helpers.get_user_timeline(screen_name)
    # analyze each tweet and get sentiments frequency
        positive, negative, neutral = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0
        positive, negative, neutral = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0
            for i in tweets:
                s = analyzer.analyze(i)
                if s > 0:
                elif s < 0:
            positive = positive/len(tweets)
            negative = negative/len(tweets)
            neutral = neutral/len(tweets)

    # generate chart
    chart = helpers.chart(positive, negative, neutral)

    # render results
    return render_template("search.html", chart=chart, screen_name=screen_name)
Ejemplo n.º 38
def main():
	Main function of packet scanner when running from cmdline.
    #ps = PackageScanner()
    #packages = ps.getInstalledPackages()

    an = Analyzer()
    an.loadFromFile(config.PKG_SCAN_DIR / config.PKG_SCAN_FILE)
Ejemplo n.º 39
def file_upload():
    print('DEBUG: uploading file...')
    if request.method == 'POST':
        result = {}
        # Check username existence
        if 'username' not in request.form:
            flash("No username")
            result['result'] = 'False'
            return jsonify(result)
        username = request.form['username']
        print("DEBUG: username = ", username)
        # Check file existence
        if 'file' not in request.files:
            flash('No file part')
            result['result'] = 'False'
            return jsonify(result)
        file = request.files['file']
        if file.filename == '':
            flash('No selected file')
            result['result'] = 'False'
            return jsonify(result)
        if file and allowed_file(file.filename):
            filename = secure_filename(file.filename)
            file.save(os.path.join(app.config['UPLOAD_FOLDER'], filename))
            path = os.path.join(app.config['UPLOAD_FOLDER'], filename)
            get_frames(username, path)
            tester = Analyzer(username)
            is_me = False
            is_lively = tester.detect_liveness(path)
            if tester.identify() > THRESHOLD:
                is_me = True
            if is_me and is_lively:
                result['result'] = 'True'
                result['result'] = 'False'
            return jsonify(result)
            # return redirect(request.url)

    return render_template('upload.html')
Ejemplo n.º 40
def main():
    utils.print_header("MUSIC BACKUP PROGRAM")
    configs = Configs.from_json("config.json")
    analyzer = Analyzer(configs)
    dst_files = analyzer.get_backup_files()
    src_files = analyzer.get_source_files()
    summary = ""
    if analyzer.files_to_backup > 0 and configs.backup_enabled:
        utils.print_header("COPYING TO BACKUP")
        print("Starting copying process...\n")
        copier = Copier(configs.source_path, configs.backup_path, src_files,
                        dst_files, analyzer.files_to_backup)
        backed_up_count = copier.copy()
        summary += "Backed up a total of {} files!".format(backed_up_count)
    if analyzer.files_to_backcopy > 0 and configs.backcopy_enabled:
        utils.print_header("COPYING TO LOCAL")
        print("Starting copying process...")
        copier = Copier(configs.backup_path, configs.backcopy_path, dst_files,
                        src_files, analyzer.files_to_backcopy)
        backcopied_count = copier.copy()
        summary += "Copied a total of {} files to your local!".format(
    if summary and (configs.backcopy_enabled or configs.backup_enabled):
Ejemplo n.º 41
def search():

    # validate screen_name
    screen_name = request.args.get("screen_name", "").lstrip("@")
    if not screen_name:
        return redirect(url_for("index"))

    # get screen_name's tweets
    tweets = helpers.get_user_timeline(screen_name, count=100)

    positives = os.path.join(sys.path[0], "positive-words.txt")
    negatives = os.path.join(sys.path[0], "negative-words.txt")
    analyzer = Analyzer(positives, negatives)

    total_tweets = len(tweets)

    positive = 0.0
    negative = 0.0
    neutral = total_tweets

    for tweet in tweets:
        score = analyzer.analyze(tweet)
        if score > 0:
            positive += 1
            neutral -= 1
        elif score < 0:
            negative += 1
            neutral -= 1

    # make positive, negative, and neutral into percentages

    positive = (positive / total_tweets) * 100
    negative = (negative / total_tweets) * 100
    neutral = (neutral / total_tweets) * 100

    # generate chart
    chart = helpers.chart(positive, negative, neutral)

    # render results
    return render_template("search.html", chart=chart, screen_name=screen_name)
Ejemplo n.º 42
def search():

    # validate screen_name
    screen_name = request.args.get("screen_name", "").lstrip("@")
    if not screen_name:
        return redirect(url_for("index"))

    # get screen_name's tweets
    tweets = helpers.get_user_timeline(screen_name, 100)
    # instantiate analyzer
    # absolute paths to lists
    positives = os.path.join(sys.path[0], "positive-words.txt")
    negatives = os.path.join(sys.path[0], "negative-words.txt")
    analyzing = Analyzer(positives, negatives)

    # TODO
    positive, negative, neutral = 0.0, 0.0, 0.00
    if tweets == None:
        print("Enter different user, no tweets")
        for tweet in tweets:
            sentsum = 0
            for word in tweet.split():
                sentsum += analyzing.analyze(word)
            if sentsum > 0.0:
                positive += 1.0
            elif sentsum < 0.0:
                negative += 1.0
                neutral += 1.0

    positive = positive / 100.00
    negative = negative / 100.00
    neutral = neutral / 100.00

    # generate chart
    chart = helpers.chart(positive, negative, neutral)

    # render results
    return render_template("search.html", chart=chart, screen_name=screen_name)
Ejemplo n.º 43
def search():

    # validate screen_name
    screen_name = request.args.get("screen_name", "").lstrip("@")
    if not screen_name:
        return redirect(url_for("index"))
    # absolute paths to lists
    positives = os.path.join(sys.path[0], "positive-words.txt")
    negatives = os.path.join(sys.path[0], "negative-words.txt")

    # instantiate analyzer
    analyzer = Analyzer(positives, negatives)

    # get screen_name's tweets
    tweets = helpers.get_user_timeline(screen_name)
    # return to index if screen_name doesn't exist
    if tweets == None:
        return redirect(url_for("index"))

    # TODO
    positive, negative, neutral = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0
    #analayze tweets
    for tweet in tweets:
        score = analyzer.analyze(tweet)
        if score > 0.0:
            positive += 1
        elif score < 0.0:
            negative += 1
            neutral += 1 

    # generate chart
    chart = helpers.chart(positive, negative, neutral)

    # render results
    return render_template("search.html", chart=chart, screen_name=screen_name)
def search():

    # validate screen_name
    screen_name = request.args.get("screen_name", "")
    if not screen_name:
        return redirect(url_for("index"))

    # get screen_name's tweets
    tweets = helpers.get_user_timeline(screen_name)
    if not tweets:
        return redirect(url_for("index"))

    # absolute paths to lists
    positives = os.path.join(sys.path[0], "positive-words.txt")
    negatives = os.path.join(sys.path[0], "negative-words.txt")
    classics = os.path.join(sys.path[0], "classics-words.txt")
    arthistory = os.path.join(sys.path[0], "arthistory-words.txt")
    tech = os.path.join(sys.path[0], "tech-words.txt")

    # instantiate analyzer
    analyzer = Analyzer(positives, negatives, classics, arthistory, tech)

    # initialise positive, negative, neutral counters
    positive, negative, neutral = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0

    # loop through tweets list to analyse it, adding to counter
    for tweet in tweets:
        score = analyzer.analyze(tweet)
        if score > 0.0:
            positive += 1
        elif score < 0.0:
            negative += 1
            neutral += 1

    # generate chart
    chart = helpers.chart(positive, negative, neutral)

    # render results
    return render_template("search.html", chart=chart, screen_name=screen_name)
Ejemplo n.º 45
    def parse_based_follownum(self, response):
        item = WeibospiderItem()
        analyzer = Analyzer()
        total_follow_pq = analyzer.get_childfollowhtml(response.body)
        follow_page_num = analyzer.get_relation_pagenum(total_follow_pq)

        if follow_page_num != "" and int(follow_page_num) >= 5:
            for page in range(5, 0, -1):
                GetWeibopage.relation_data['page'] = page
                follow_url = getinfo.get_follow_mainurl(
                ) + WeiboSpider.getweibopage.get_relation_paramurl()
                yield Request(url=follow_url,
                                  'cookiejar': response.meta['cookiejar'],
                                  'uid': response.meta['uid']

        elif follow_page_num == "":
            follow_url = 'http://weibo.com/%s/follow?page=1' % response.meta[
            yield Request(url=follow_url,
                              'cookiejar': 1,
                              'uid': response.meta['uid']
            for page in range(int(follow_page_num), 0, -1):
                GetWeibopage.relation_data['page'] = page
                follow_url = getinfo.get_follow_mainurl(
                ) + WeiboSpider.getweibopage.get_relation_paramurl()
                yield Request(url=follow_url,
                                  'cookiejar': response.meta['cookiejar'],
                                  'uid': response.meta['uid']
Ejemplo n.º 46
def search():
    # validate screen_name
    screen_name = request.args.get("screen_name", "").lstrip("@")
    if not screen_name:
        return redirect(url_for("index"))

    # get screen_name's tweets
    tweets = helpers.get_user_timeline(screen_name, 100)
    if tweets is None:
        return redirect(url_for("index"))
    # absolute paths to lists
    positives = os.path.join(sys.path[0], "positive-words.txt")
    negatives = os.path.join(sys.path[0], "negative-words.txt")

    # instantiate analyzer
    analyzer = Analyzer(positives, negatives)
    # set up counters of positive, negative and neutral tweets
    positive = 0
    negative = 0
    neutral = 0
    # iterate over each tweet
    for tweet in tweets:
        # analyze each word of tweets, sum up the total score and add it to the correct sentiment tally
        score = analyzer.analyze(tweet)
        if score > 0.0:
            positive += 1
        elif score < 0.0:
            negative += 1
            neutral += 1

    # generate chart
    chart = helpers.chart(positive, negative, neutral)

    # render results
    return render_template("search.html", chart=chart, screen_name=screen_name)
Ejemplo n.º 47
def search():

    # validate screen_name
    screen_name = request.args.get("screen_name", "").lstrip("@")

    if screen_name == None:
        return redirect(url_for("index"))

    # get screen_name's tweets

    positives = os.path.join(sys.path[0], "positive-words.txt")
    negatives = os.path.join(sys.path[0], "negative-words.txt")
    analyzer = Analyzer(positives, negatives)

    tweets = helpers.get_user_timeline(screen_name, 100)

    if tweets == None:
        return redirect(url_for("index"))

    red_score = 0.0
    yellow_score = 0.0
    green_score = 0.0

    for t in tweets:
        fscore = analyzer.analyze(t)  #Analyze every tweet and score it

        if fscore > 0:
            green_score += 1.0
        elif fscore < 0:
            red_score += 1.0
            yellow_score += 1.0

    # TODO

    # generate chart
    chart = helpers.chart(green_score, red_score, yellow_score)

    # render results
    return render_template("search.html", chart=chart, screen_name=screen_name)
Ejemplo n.º 48
def search():

    # validate screen_name
    screen_name = request.args.get("screen_name", "").lstrip("@")
    if not screen_name:
        return redirect(url_for("index"))

    # get screen_name's tweets
    tweets = helpers.get_user_timeline(screen_name, 100)

    # back to index if no screen_name
    if tweets == None:
        return render_template("index.html")

    # TODO

    #instantiate Analyzer object
    positives = os.path.join(sys.path[0], "positive-words.txt")
    negatives = os.path.join(sys.path[0], "negative-words.txt")
    analyzer = Analyzer(positives, negatives)

    # prepare for check
    positive = negative = neutral = 0
    for tweet in tweets:
        score = analyzer.analyze(tweet)
        if score > 0:
            positive += 1
        elif score < 0:
            negative += 1
            neutral += 1

    #positive, negative, neutral = 0.0, 0.0, 100.0

    # generate chart
    chart = helpers.chart(positive, negative, neutral)

    # render results
    return render_template("search.html", chart=chart, screen_name=screen_name)
Ejemplo n.º 49
    def init_analyzer(self, example_count, first_run=False):
        if first_run is True:
            analyzer = Analyzer(example_count)
            # analyzer.init_analyzer(example_count)

            pickle_out_analyzer = open('saved/analyzer.pickle', 'wb')
            pickle.dump(analyzer, pickle_out_analyzer)
            pickle_in_analyzer = open('saved/analyzer.pickle', 'rb')
            analyzer = pickle.load(pickle_in_analyzer)

        self.analyzer = analyzer
def search():

    # validate screen_name
    screen_name = request.args.get("screen_name", "").lstrip("@")
    if not screen_name:
        return redirect(url_for("index"))

    # get screen_name's tweets
    tweets = helpers.get_user_timeline(screen_name, count=100)
    if tweets == None:
        sys.exit("Tweets not found")

    # absolute paths to lists
    positives = os.path.join(sys.path[0], "positive-words.txt")
    negatives = os.path.join(sys.path[0], "negative-words.txt")

    # instantiate analyzer
    analyzer = Analyzer(positives, negatives)

    #analyse tweets and count positives, negatives and neutrals
    counter_positives, counter_negatives, counter_neutrals = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0
    for line in tweets:
        score = analyzer.analyze(line)
        if score > 0.0:
            counter_positives += 1
        elif score < 0.0:
            counter_negatives += 1
            counter_neutrals += 1
    total_tweets = counter_positives + counter_negatives + counter_neutrals

    #generates a chart that accurately depicts those sentiments as percentages.
    positive, negative, neutral = 100.0 * counter_positives / total_tweets, 100.0 * counter_negatives / total_tweets, 100.0 * counter_neutrals / total_tweets

    # generate chart
    chart = helpers.chart(positive, negative, neutral)

    # render results
    return render_template("search.html", chart=chart, screen_name=screen_name)
Ejemplo n.º 51
def search():

    # validate screen_name
    screen_name = request.args.get("screen_name")
    if not screen_name:
        return redirect(url_for("index"))
    screen_name = re.sub(r'@?','',screen_name)

    # get screen_name's tweets
    tweets = helpers.get_user_timeline(screen_name, 100)
    if tweets == None:
        return redirect(url_for("index"))
    # instantiate analyzer
    analyzer = Analyzer()
    # TODO
    positive, negative, neutral = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0
    for tweet in tweets:
        score = analyzer.analyze(tweet)
        if  score > 0.0:
            positive += 1     
        elif score < 0.0:
            negative += 1
            neutral += 1
    allTweets = positive + negative + neutral
    positive = (positive/allTweets) * 100
    negative = (negative/allTweets) * 100
    neutral = 100 - positive - negative
    # generate chart
    chart = helpers.chart(positive, negative, neutral)

    # render results
    return render_template("search.html", chart=chart, screen_name=screen_name)
Ejemplo n.º 52
def search():

    # validate screen_name
    screen_name = request.args.get("screen_name", "")
    if not screen_name:
        return redirect(url_for("index"))

    # absolute paths to lists
    positives = os.path.join(sys.path[0], "positive-words.txt")
    negatives = os.path.join(sys.path[0], "negative-words.txt")

    # instantiate analyzer
    analyzer = Analyzer(positives, negatives)

    # get screen_name's 50 most recent tweets
    tweets = helpers.get_user_timeline(screen_name, 50)

    # redirect to the index if there are no tweets
    if tweets == None:
        return redirect(url_for("index"))

    # define variables for counting
    positive, negative, neutral = 0.0, 0.0, 100.0

    # analyze words in tweet and increment counting variables
    for word in tweets:
        score = analyzer.analyze(word)
        if score > 0.0:
            positive += 1
        elif score < 0.0:
            negative += 1
            neutral += 1

    # generate chart
    chart = helpers.chart(positive, negative, neutral)

    # render results
    return render_template("search.html", chart=chart, screen_name=screen_name)
Ejemplo n.º 53
def search():

    # validate screen_name
    screen_name = request.args.get("screen_name", "")
    if not screen_name:
        return redirect(url_for("index"))

    positives = os.path.join(sys.path[0], "positive-words.txt")
    negatives = os.path.join(sys.path[0], "negative-words.txt")
    # get screen_name's tweets

    analyzer = Analyzer(positives, negatives)
    para, value, positive, negative, neutral = analyzer.analyze(screen_name, 100)

    # TODO
   # positive, negative, neutral = 0.0, 0.0, 100.0

    # generate chart
    chart = helpers.chart(positive, negative, neutral)

    # render results
    return render_template("search.html", chart=chart, screen_name=screen_name)
Ejemplo n.º 54
def search():

    # validate screen_name
    screen_name = request.args.get("screen_name", "")
    if not screen_name:
        return redirect(url_for("index"))

    # get screen_name's tweets
    tweets = helpers.get_user_timeline(screen_name)
    # render index template if get_user_timeline returned None
    if tweets == None:
        return redirect(url_for("index"))
    #Absolute paths to lists
    positives = os.path.join(sys.path[0], "positive-words.txt")
    negatives = os.path.join(sys.path[0], "negative-words.txt")
    #Init variables to keep track of tweets
    positive, negative, neutral = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0
    #Instantiate Analyzer for single tweet(from Analayzer.py)
    singleTweetAnalyzer = Analyzer(positives,negatives)
    #Loop through every tweet
    for tweet in tweets:
        #Analyze tweet
        score = singleTweetAnalyzer.analyze(tweet)
        if score > 0.0:
        elif score < 0.0:
    # generate chart
    chart = helpers.chart(positive, negative, neutral)

    # render results
    return render_template("search.html", chart=chart, screen_name=screen_name)
Ejemplo n.º 55
def search():

    # validate screen_name
    screen_name = request.args.get("screen_name", "")
    if not screen_name:
        return redirect(url_for("index"))

    # get screen_name's tweets
    tweets = helpers.get_user_timeline(screen_name)
    if tweets==None:
        return redirect(url_for("index"))
    #Absolute paths
    positives = os.path.join(sys.path[0], "positive-words.txt")
    negatives = os.path.join(sys.path[0], "negative-words.txt")
    analyzer = Analyzer(positives,negatives)
    positive, negative, neutral = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0
    if len(tweets) is not 0:
        for tweet in tweets:
            score = analyzer.analyze(tweet)
            if score > 0:
                positive += 1
            elif score < 0:
                negative += 1
                neutral += 1
        neutral = 100.0
    # generate chart
    chart = helpers.chart(positive, negative, neutral)

    # render results
    return render_template("search.html", chart=chart, screen_name=screen_name)
Ejemplo n.º 56
def search():

    # validate screen_name
    screen_name = request.args.get("screen_name", "")
    if not screen_name:
        return redirect(url_for("index"))

    # absolute paths to lists
    positives = os.path.join(sys.path[0], "positive-words.txt")
    negatives = os.path.join(sys.path[0], "negative-words.txt")

    # instantiate analyzer
    analyzer = Analyzer(positives, negatives)

    # get screen_name's most recent 100 tweets
    tweets = helpers.get_user_timeline(screen_name, 100)

    # return to index if screen_name doesn't exist
    if tweets == None:
        return redirect(url_for("index"))

    # create positive, negative and neutral count
    positive, negative, neutral = 0, 0, 0

    # analyze each tweet & increase corresponding sentimen count
    for tweet in tweets:
        score = analyzer.analyze(tweet)
        if score > 0.0:
            positive += 1
        elif score < 0.0:
            negative += 1
            neutral += 1

    # generate chart
    chart = helpers.chart(positive, negative, neutral)

    # render results
    return render_template("search.html", chart=chart, screen_name=screen_name)
Ejemplo n.º 57
def search():

    # validate screen_name
    screen_name = request.args.get("screen_name", "")
    if not screen_name:
        return redirect(url_for("index"))

    # get screen_name's tweets
    tweets = helpers.get_user_timeline(screen_name, 100)
    if tweets == None:
        return redirect(url_for("index"))

    ## absolute paths to lists
    positives = os.path.join(sys.path[0], "positive-words.txt")
    negatives = os.path.join(sys.path[0], "negative-words.txt")

    # instantiate analyzer
    analyzer = Analyzer(positives, negatives)
    positive, negative, neutral = 0.0, 0.0, 100.0
    for tweet in tweets:
        #analyze tweets using previously written function
        score = analyzer.analyze(tweet)
        #add to positive score if tweetscore is positive
        if score > 0:
            positive += 1
            neutral -= 1
        # same with negative
        elif score < 0:
            negative += 1
            neutral -=1
        #same with neutral
            neutral -= 1"""

    # generate chart
    chart = helpers.chart(positive, negative, neutral)

    # render results
    return render_template("search.html", chart=chart, screen_name=screen_name)
Ejemplo n.º 58
 def __init__(self):
     # definition of the (instance) parsing graph
     self.graph = {0:  # initial state
                       ([(None, None, -1001, None),  # T10.0.0 EOSeq -> missing number error
                         (' ', None, 0, None),  # T10.0.1 white spaces -> keep state
                         ('0b', None, 1, None),  # T10.0.2 binary prefix -> go to 1
                         ('0x', None, 2, None),  # T10.0.3 hexadecimal prefix -> go to 2
                         ('0', None, 3, None),  # T10.0.4 possibly octal prefix -> go to 3
                         ('-', None, 4, None),  # T10.0.5 negative decimal prefix -> go to 4
                         ('+', None, 6, None),  # T10.0.6 positive decimal prefix -> go to 6
                         (self.dec_range_detector, None, 5, None)],  # T10.0.7 decimal digit -> go to 5
                        -1001),  # T10.0.8 missing number error
                   1:  # parsing next binary digits
                       ([(None, None, -1002, None),  # T10.1.0 EOSeq -> malformed number error
                         (self.bin_number_analyzer, None, 1000, self.check_limits)],  # T10.1.1
                        -1002),  # T10.1.2
                   2:  # parsing next hexadecimal digits
                       ([(None, None, -1005, None),  # T10.2.0 EOSeq -> malformed number error
                         (self.hex_number_analyzer, None, 1000, self.check_limits)],  # T10.2.1
                        -1005),  # T10.2.2
                   3:  # parsing next octal digits
                       ([(None, None, 1000, self.insert_zero),  # T10.3.0 EOSeq -> keep first octal digit
                         (self.oct_number_analyzer, None, 1000, self.check_limits)],  # T10.3.1
                        -1003),  # T10.3.2
                   4:  # parsing next decimal digits (negative number)
                       ([(None, None, -1004, None),  # T10.4.0 EOSeq -> malformed number error
                         (self.dec_number_analyzer, None, 1000, self.invert_number)],
                        # T10.4.1 decimal digit -> invert value
                        -1004),  # T10.4.2 malformed number error
                   5:  # parsing next decimal digits
                       ([(None, None, 1000, None),  # T10.5.0 EOSeq -> NEVER followed (T10.0.6 don't advance pos)
                         (self.dec_number_analyzer, None, 1000, self.check_limits)],  # T10.5.1
                        -1004),  # T10.5.2 malformed number error
                   6:  # parsing next decimal digits
                       ([(None, None, -1004, None),  # T10.5.0 EOSeq -> malformed number error
                         (self.dec_number_analyzer, None, 1000, self.check_limits)],  # T10.5.1
                        -1004),  # T10.5.2 malformed number error
Ejemplo n.º 59
    def run(self):
        logger.info('agent starting skyline %s' % skyline_app)

        # @added 20201105 - Feature #3830: metrics_manager
        # Start a metrics_manager process.  This process is responsible for
        # managing all the metrics lists, Redis sets and hash keys outside and
        # independently from the analysis process/es.
        logger.info('agent starting skyline metrics_manager')

        while 1:
Ejemplo n.º 60
def main():

    # ensure proper usage
    if len(sys.argv) != 2:
        sys.exit("Usage: ./tweets word")

    tweets = helpers.get_user_timeline(sys.argv[1].lstrip("@"))

    # absolute paths to lists
    positives = os.path.join(sys.path[0], "positive-words.txt")
    negatives = os.path.join(sys.path[0], "negative-words.txt")
    # instantiate analyzer
    analyzer = Analyzer(positives, negatives)
    # analyze word
    for i in tweets:
        score = analyzer.analyze(i)
        if score > 0.0:
            print(colored(str(score) + " " + i, "green"))
        elif score < 0.0:
            print(colored(str(score) + " " + i, "red"))
            print(colored(str(score) + " " + i, "yellow"))