Ejemplo n.º 1
    def add_extension(self, new_ext):
        """Add a new extension or replace existing one."""
        if not isinstance(new_ext, extension.X509Extension):
            raise errors.X509Error("ext is not an anchor X509Extension")
        attributes = self.get_attributes()
        ext_attrs = [a for a in attributes
                     if a['attrType'] == OID_extensionRequest]
        if not ext_attrs:
            new_attr_index = len(attributes)
            attributes[new_attr_index] = None
            ext_attr = attributes[new_attr_index]
            ext_attr['attrType'] = OID_extensionRequest
            ext_attr['attrValues'] = None
            exts = rfc5280.Extensions()
            ext_attr = ext_attrs[0]
            exts = decoder.decode(ext_attr['attrValues'][0].asOctets(),

        # the end is the default position
        new_ext_index = len(exts)
        # unless there's an existing extension with the same OID
        for i, ext_i in enumerate(exts):
            if ext_i['extnID'] == new_ext.get_oid():
                new_ext_index = i

        exts[new_ext_index] = new_ext._ext

        ext_attr['attrValues'][0] = encoder.encode(exts)
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def get_extensions(self, ext_type=None):
        """Get the list of all X509 V3 Extensions on this CSR

        :return: a list of X509Extension objects
        ext_attrs = [a for a in self.get_attributes()
                     if a['attrType'] == OID_extensionRequest]
        if len(ext_attrs) == 0:
            return []
            exts_der = ext_attrs[0]['attrValues'][0].asOctets()
            exts = decoder.decode(exts_der, asn1Spec=rfc5280.Extensions())[0]
            return [extension.construct_extension(e) for e in exts
                    if ext_type is None or e['extnID'] == ext_type._oid]
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def test_with_duplicates(self):
     csr = signing_request.X509Csr()
     ext = extension.X509ExtensionSubjectAltName()
     exts = rfc5280.Extensions()
     exts[0] = ext._ext
     exts[1] = ext._ext
     # Anchor doesn't allow this normally, so tests need to cheat
     attrs = csr.get_attributes()
     attrs[0] = None
     attrs[0]['attrType'] = signing_request.OID_extensionRequest
     attrs[0]['attrValues'] = None
     attrs[0]['attrValues'][0] = encoder.encode(exts)
     with self.assertRaises(errors.ValidationError):