Ejemplo n.º 1
    def store_result_dict(self, res_dict):
        Store the analysis results from the `res_dict`.
        All needed infos for storage will be taken from it.

        res_dict : dict
            See `ResultObject.description_dict`

        fastapk = FastApk.load_from_result_dict(res_dict)
        script = AndroScript.load_from_result_dict(res_dict, fastapk)

            self.create_entry_for_apk(fastapk, update = True)
            self.store_result_for_apk(fastapk, script)
        except FileSysStoreException as e:
Ejemplo n.º 2
        res = self.res

        # register key
        KEY = "Manifest"
        # faster way
#         # get manifest
#         manifest_xml = ""
#         for i in apk.zip.namelist():
#             if i == "AndroidManifest.xml":
#                 apk.axml[i] = AXMLPrinter(apk.zip.read(i))
#                 try:
#                     manifest_xml = apk.axml[i].get_buff()
#                 except:
#                     pass
        # more convenient way with pretty priting, but also slower
        manifest_str = apk.xml.items()[0][1].toprettyxml(indent=" " * 2)
        # replace multiple \n and split into list for better representation in json
        manifest_str = re.sub("\n+", "\n", manifest_str)
        manifest_list = manifest_str.split("\n")
        res.log(KEY, manifest_list)
#         if manifest_xml:
#             res.log(KEY, manifest_xml.split("\n"))

if __name__ == '__main__':
    for res in AndroScript.test(Manifest, ["../../../../../../androguard_playground/apks/ipcinetcall.apk"]):
        print res.write_to_json()
Ejemplo n.º 3
                        (permission_name, method_name, method_analysis))

        for permission_name, method_name in method_names:
            # log which classes use which permissions
            res.log_append_to_enum(permission_name, method_name,
                                   CAT_PERMISSIONS, PERMISSIONS_LISTING)

        for permission_name, method_name, method_analysis in method_analysis_objs:

            ms = decompile.DvMethod(method_analysis)

            source_code = ms.get_source()

            # decompile these methods too!
            log_val = {method_name: source_code.split("\n")[1:-1]}
            res.log_append_to_enum(permission_name, log_val, CAT_PERMISSIONS,

    def needs_dalvik_vm_format(self):
        return True

    def needs_vmanalysis(self):
        return True

if __name__ == '__main__':
    for res in AndroScript.test(CodePermissions,
        print res
        print res.write_to_json()
Ejemplo n.º 4
            res.log_true(key, CAT_SSL)

        # run ssl checks
        for check_val, check_name in self.CHECKS:
            if dx.tainted_packages.search_packages(check_val) != []:
                # log

        if is_dyn_code(dx):
            res.log_true(CODE_LOADING_DYN, CAT_CODE_LOADING)

        if is_native_code(dx):
            res.log_true(CODE_LOADING_NATIVE, CAT_CODE_LOADING)

        return res

    #---Script requirements

    def needs_xref(self):
        ''' Create cross references '''
        return True

def get_DynCode(dx):
    return dx.tainted_packages.search_packages( "Ldalvik/system/DexClassLoader")

if __name__ == '__main__':
    for res in AndroScript.test(SSL, ["../../../../testenv/apks/a2dp.Vol.apk"]):
        print res
        print res.write_to_json()
# encoding: utf-8

__author__ = "Nils Tobias Schmidt"
__email__ = "schmidt89 at informatik.uni-marburg.de"

from androlyze.model.script.AndroScript import AndroScript
from androlyze.model.script.ChainedScript import ChainedScript
from androlyze.model.script.impl.manifest.Manifest import Manifest
from androlyze.model.script.impl.manifest.components.ContentProviders import ContentProviders
from androlyze.model.script.impl.manifest.components.PublicContentProviders import PublicContentProviders

class PublicContentProviders_Manifest(ChainedScript):
    ''' Additionally to `PublicContentProviders` also show all content providers and the manifest ''' 
    VERSION = "0.1"

    def chain_scripts(self):
        # use the chained_script function to do further grouping
        return [PublicContentProviders(), ContentProviders(), Manifest()]

    def root_categories(self):
        return ('ContentProviderStuff', )

    def log_chained_script_meta_infos(self):
        return False
# testing code
if __name__ == '__main__':
    for res in AndroScript.test(PublicContentProviders_Manifest, ["../../../../../../../androguard_playground/apks/public_content_provider.apk"]):
        print res.write_to_json()
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def _analyze(self, apk, dalvik_vm_format, vm_analysis, gvm_analysis, *args, **kwargs):
        res = self.res

        # dvm stuff
        # list<ClassDefItem>
        classes = dalvik_vm_format.get_classes()

        # run over classes
        for c in classes:
            ROOT_CAT = (CAT_CLASS_DETAILS, c.name)
            res.register_keys([CAT_METHODS, CAT_FIELDS], *ROOT_CAT)

            # list<EncodedMethod>
            methods = c.get_methods()
            res.log(CAT_METHODS, [mn.name for mn in methods], *ROOT_CAT)

            # list<EncodedField>
            fields = c.get_fields()
            res.log(CAT_FIELDS, [fn.name for fn in fields], *ROOT_CAT)


    def needs_dalvik_vm_format(self):
        return True

if __name__ == '__main__':
    for res in AndroScript.test(ClassDetails, ["../../../../testenv/apks/a2dp.Vol.apk"]):
        print res
        print res.write_to_json()
Ejemplo n.º 7
        Evaluate the script results.

        storage : RedundantStorage

        # Use either the AndroLyze query API:

        # iterate over the results (one result per APK = iteration)
        for ordered_dict in self.action_query_result_db():
            # do something else than just printing the dictionary

        # Or perform a direct query on the mongodb API:

        # get the mongodb singleton
        mongodb = storage.result_db_storage
        for ordered_dict in mongodb.get_res_coll().find(
            {"script meta.name": "ScriptTemplate"}, {"apk meta": 1}):

# testing code
if __name__ == '__main__':
    for res in AndroScript.test(ScriptTemplate,
        print res
        print res.write_to_json()
__email__ = "schmidt89 at informatik.uni-marburg.de"

from androlyze.model.script.AndroScript import AndroScript
from androlyze.model.script.ChainedScript import ChainedScript
from androlyze.model.script.impl.manifest.Manifest import Manifest
from androlyze.model.script.impl.manifest.components.ContentProviders import ContentProviders
from androlyze.model.script.impl.manifest.components.PublicContentProviders import PublicContentProviders

class PublicContentProviders_Manifest(ChainedScript):
    ''' Additionally to `PublicContentProviders` also show all content providers and the manifest '''

    VERSION = "0.1"

    def chain_scripts(self):
        # use the chained_script function to do further grouping
        return [PublicContentProviders(), ContentProviders(), Manifest()]

    def root_categories(self):
        return ('ContentProviderStuff', )

    def log_chained_script_meta_infos(self):
        return False

# testing code
if __name__ == '__main__':
    for res in AndroScript.test(PublicContentProviders_Manifest, [
        print res.write_to_json()
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def register_structure(self, res):
        # register keys
    def _analyze(self, apk, dalvik_vm_format, vm_analysis, gvm_analysis, *args, **kwargs):
        apk: EAndroApk
        dalvik_vm_format: DalvikVMFormat
            Parsed .dex file.
            Only available if `needs_dalvik_vm_format` returns True.
        vm_analysis: VMAnalysis
            Dex analyzer.
            Only available if `needs_vmanalysis` returns True.
        gvm_analysis : GVMAnalysis

        res = self.res
        public_components = apk.get_manifest_public_components()
        for cp in apk.get_providers():
            if cp in public_components:
                res.log_append_to_enum(CAT, cp)
# testing code
if __name__ == '__main__':
    for res in AndroScript.test(PublicContentProviders, ["../../../../../../../androguard_playground/apks/sql_injection.apk", "../../../../../../../androguard_playground/apks/public_content_provider.apk"]):
        print res.write_to_json()
Ejemplo n.º 10
                    # get androguard.core.analysis.analysis.MethodAnalysis
                    method_analysis = vm_analysis.get_method(encoded_method)

                    method_analysis_objs.add((permission_name, method_name, method_analysis))

        for permission_name, method_name in method_names:
            # log which classes use which permissions
            res.log_append_to_enum(permission_name, method_name, CAT_PERMISSIONS, PERMISSIONS_LISTING)

        for permission_name, method_name, method_analysis in method_analysis_objs:

            ms = decompile.DvMethod(method_analysis)

            source_code = ms.get_source()

            # decompile these methods too!
            log_val = {method_name : source_code.split("\n")[1:-1]}
            res.log_append_to_enum(permission_name, log_val, CAT_PERMISSIONS, PERMISSIONS_CODE)

    def needs_dalvik_vm_format(self):
        return True

    def needs_vmanalysis(self):
        return True

if __name__ == '__main__':
    for res in AndroScript.test(CodePermissions, ["../../../../testenv/apks/a2dp.Vol.apk"]):
        print res
        print res.write_to_json()
Ejemplo n.º 11
    ON_SCRIPT = ScriptTemplate

    def _evaluate(self, storage):
        Evaluate the script results.

        storage : RedundantStorage

        # Use either the AndroLyze query API:

        # iterate over the results (one result per APK = iteration)
        for ordered_dict in self.action_query_result_db():
            # do something else than just printing the dictionary

        # Or perform a direct query on the mongodb API:

        # get the mongodb singleton
        mongodb = storage.result_db_storage
        for ordered_dict in mongodb.get_res_coll().find({"script meta.name" : "ScriptTemplate"}, {"apk meta" : 1}):

# testing code
if __name__ == '__main__':
    for res in AndroScript.test(ScriptTemplate, ["../../../../testenv/apks/a2dp.Vol.apk"]):
        print res
        print res.write_to_json()