Ejemplo n.º 1
	def subgrad(self, i, w, z):
		def dlogpxz_dwz(w, z, k):
			_x = ndict.getCols(my_x, k*my_n_batch, (k+1)*my_n_batch).copy() #@UndefinedVariable
			if z == None:
				logpx, gw = my_model.dlogpxmc_dw(w, _x) #@UndefinedVariable
				return logpx, None, gw, None
				return my_model.dlogpxz_dwz(w, _x, z) #@UndefinedVariable
		tasks = []
		for j in range(len(self.c)):
			_z = z
			if _z != None:
				_z = ndict.getCols(z, j*self.n_batch, (j+1)*self.n_batch)
			tasks.append(self.c.load_balanced_view().apply_async(dlogpxz_dwz, w, _z, i))
		res = [task.get() for task in tasks]
		v, gw, gz = res[0]
		for k in range(1,len(self.c)):
			vi, gwi, gzi = res[k]
			v += vi
			for j in gw: gw[j] += gwi[j]
			for j in gz: gz[j] += gzi[j]
		return v, gw, gz
 def ll(w, z, k):
     _x = ndict.getCols(my_x, k * my_n_batch,
                        (k + 1) * my_n_batch)  # @UndefinedVariable
     if z is None:
         return my_model.logpxmc(w, _x), None  # @UndefinedVariable
         return my_model.logpxz(w, _x, z)  # @UndefinedVariable
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def doEpoch():
   from collections import OrderedDict
   n_tot = x['x'].shape[1]
   idx_from = 0
   L = 0
   scores = []
   while idx_from < n_tot:
     idx_to = min(n_tot, idx_from+n_batch)
     x_minibatch = ndict.getCols(x, idx_from, idx_to)
     idx_from += n_batch
     if byteToFloat: x_minibatch['x'] = x_minibatch['x'].astype(np.float32)/256.
     if bernoulli_x: x_minibatch['x'] = np.random.binomial(n=1, p=x_minibatch['x']).astype(np.float32)
     # Do gradient ascent step
     L += model.evalAndUpdate(x_minibatch, {}).sum()
   L /= n_tot
   return L
Ejemplo n.º 4
		def dlogpxz_dwz(w, z, k):
			_x = ndict.getCols(my_x, k*my_n_batch, (k+1)*my_n_batch).copy() #@UndefinedVariable
			if z == None:
				logpx, gw = my_model.dlogpxmc_dw(w, _x) #@UndefinedVariable
				return logpx, None, gw, None
				return my_model.dlogpxz_dwz(w, _x, z) #@UndefinedVariable
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def infer(data, n_batch=1000):
     size = data['x'].shape[1]
     #res = np.zeros((sum(n_hidden), size))
     #res3 = np.zeros((n_z,size))
     #res1 = np.zeros((n_z,size))
     predy = []
     for i in range(0, size, n_batch):
       idx_to = min(size, i+n_batch)
       x_batch = ndict.getCols(data, i, idx_to)
       # may have bugs
       nn_batch = idx_to - i
       _x, _z, _z_confab = model.gen_xz(x_batch, {}, nn_batch)
       x_samples = _z_confab['x']
       predy += list(_z_confab['predy'])        
       #for (hi, hidden) in enumerate(_z_confab['hidden']):
       #  res[sum(n_hidden[:hi]):sum(n_hidden[:hi+1]),i:i+nn_batch] = hidden
       #res3[:,i:i+nn_batch] = _z_confab['logvar']
       #res1[:,i:i+nn_batch] = _z_confab['mean']
     stats = dict()
     #if epoch == -1:
     #  print 'features: ', res.shape
     return predy #(res, predy, _z, res1, res3)
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def doEpoch():

        from collections import OrderedDict

        n_tot = next(iter(x.values())).shape[1]
        idx_from = 0
        L = 0
        while idx_from < n_tot:
            idx_to = min(n_tot, idx_from + n_batch)
            x_minibatch = ndict.getCols(x, idx_from, idx_to)
            idx_from += n_batch
            if byteToFloat:
                x_minibatch['x'] = x_minibatch['x'].astype(np.float32) / 256.
            if bernoulli_x:
                x_minibatch['x'] = np.random.binomial(
                    n=1, p=x_minibatch['x']).astype(np.float32)

            # Get gradient
            #raise Exception()
            L += model.evalAndUpdate(x_minibatch, {}).sum()

        L /= n_tot

        return L
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def est_loglik(self, x, n_batch, n_samples=1, byteToFloat=False):

        n_tot = next(iter(x.values())).shape[1]

        px = 0  # estimate of marginal likelihood
        lowbound = 0  # estimate of lower bound of marginal likelihood
        for _ in range(n_samples):
            _L = np.zeros((1, 0))
            i = 0
            # iterate over the examples in x
            while i < n_tot:
                i_to = min(n_tot, i + n_batch)
                # Get examples from i to i_to
                _x = ndict.getCols(x, i, i_to)
                if byteToFloat:
                    _x = {i: _x[i].astype(np.float32) / 256. for i in _x}
                # Stack arrays in sequence horizontally, basically adds the evaluation of _x
                _L = np.hstack((_L, self.eval(_x, {})))
                i += n_batch
            lowbound += _L.mean()
            px += np.exp(_L)

        lowbound /= n_samples
        logpx = np.log(px / n_samples).mean()
        return lowbound, logpx
    def subval(self, i, w, z):
        raise Exception("TODO")

        # Replaced my_model.nbatch with my_n_batch, this is UNTESTED

        def ll(w, z, k):
            _x = ndict.getCols(my_x, k * my_n_batch,
                               (k + 1) * my_n_batch)  # @UndefinedVariable
            if z is None:
                return my_model.logpxmc(w, _x), None  # @UndefinedVariable
                return my_model.logpxz(w, _x, z)  # @UndefinedVariable

        tasks = []
        for j in range(len(self.c)):
            _z = z
            if _z is not None:
                _z = ndict.getCols(z, j * self.n_batch, (j + 1) * self.n_batch)
            tasks.append(self.c.load_balanced_view().apply_async(ll, w, _z, i))

        res = [task.get() for task in tasks]

        raise Exception("TODO: implementation with uncoupled logpx and logpz")
        return sum(res)
Ejemplo n.º 9
 def est_loglik(self, x, n_batch, n_samples=1, byteToFloat=False):
     n_tot = x.itervalues().next().shape[1]
     px = 0 # estimate of marginal likelihood
     lowbound = 0 # estimate of lower bound of marginal likelihood
     for _ in range(n_samples):
         _L = np.zeros((1,0))
         i = 0
         while i < n_tot:
             i_to = min(n_tot, i+n_batch)
             _x = ndict.getCols(x, i, i_to)
             if byteToFloat: _x = {i:_x[i].astype(np.float32)/256. for i in _x}
             _L = np.hstack((_L, self.eval(_x, {})))
             i += n_batch
         lowbound += _L.mean()
         px += np.exp(_L)
     lowbound /= n_samples
     logpx = np.log(px / n_samples).mean()
     return lowbound, logpx
Ejemplo n.º 10
    def est_loglik(self, x, n_batch, n_samples=1, byteToFloat=False):

        n_tot = iter(x.values()).next().shape[1]

        px = 0  # estimate of marginal likelihood
        lowbound = 0  # estimate of lower bound of marginal likelihood
        for _ in range(n_samples):
            _L = np.zeros((1, 0))
            i = 0
            while i < n_tot:
                i_to = min(n_tot, i + n_batch)
                _x = ndict.getCols(x, i, i_to)
                if byteToFloat:
                    _x = {i: _x[i].astype(np.float32) / 256. for i in _x}
                _L = np.hstack((_L, self.eval(_x, {})))
                i += n_batch
            lowbound += _L.mean()
            px += np.exp(_L)

        lowbound /= n_samples
        logpx = np.log(px / n_samples).mean()
        return lowbound, logpx
Ejemplo n.º 11
    def test(self, x, n_batch, n_samples=1, byteToFloat=False):

        n_tot = x.itervalues().next().shape[1]

        px = 0  # estimate of marginal likelihood
        lowbound = 0  # estimate of lower bound of marginal likelihood
        pzzz = 0
        pxxx = 0
        qzzz = 0
        for _ in range(n_samples):
            _L = np.zeros((1, 0))
            px = np.zeros((1, 0))
            pz = np.zeros((1, 0))
            qz = np.zeros((1, 0))

            i = 0
            while i < n_tot:
                i_to = min(n_tot, i + n_batch)
                _x = ndict.getCols(x, i, i_to)
                if byteToFloat:
                    _x = {i: _x[i].astype(np.float32) / 256. for i in _x}
                result = self.eval_test(_x, {})
                _L = np.hstack((_L, result[0]))
                px = np.hstack((px, result[1]))
                pz = np.hstack((pz, result[2]))
                qz = np.hstack((qz, result[3]))

                i += n_batch
            lowbound += _L.mean()
            pzzz += pz.mean()
            pxxx += px.mean()
            qzzz += qz.mean()

        lowbound /= n_samples
        pzzz /= n_samples
        pxxx /= n_samples
        qzzz /= n_samples

        return lowbound, pxxx, pzzz, qzzz
    def __init__(self, x, model, n_batch):
        raise Exception("TODO")

        self.x = x
        self.c = c = IPython.parallel.Client()
        self.model = model
        self.n_batch = n_batch
        self.clustersize = len(c)

        print('ipcluster size = ' + str(self.clustersize))
        n_train = next(iter(x.values())).shape[1]
        if n_train % (self.n_batch * len(c)) != 0:
            raise BaseException()
        self.blocksize = self.n_batch * len(c)
        self.n_minibatches = n_train / self.blocksize

        # Get pointers to slaves
        c.block = False
        # Remove namespaces on slaves
        # Execute stuff on slaves
        module, function, args = self.model.constr
        c[:].push({'args': args, 'x': x}).wait()
        commands = [
            'import os; cwd = os.getcwd()',
            'import sys; sys.path.append(\'../shared\')',
            'import anglepy.ndict as ndict', 'import ' + module,
            'my_n_batch = ' + str(n_batch),
            'my_model = ' + module + '.' + function + '(**args)'
        for cmd in commands:
        # Import data on slaves
        for i in range(len(c)):
            _x = ndict.getCols(x, i * (n_train / len(c)),
                               (i + 1) * (n_train / len(c)))
            c[i].push({'my_x': _x})
Ejemplo n.º 13
 def test(self, x, n_batch, n_samples=1, byteToFloat=False):
     n_tot = x.itervalues().next().shape[1]
     px = 0 # estimate of marginal likelihood
     lowbound = 0 # estimate of lower bound of marginal likelihood
     pzzz = 0
     pxxx = 0
     qzzz = 0
     for _ in range(n_samples):
         _L = np.zeros((1,0))
         px = np.zeros((1,0))
         pz = np.zeros((1,0))
         qz = np.zeros((1,0))
         i = 0
         while i < n_tot:
             i_to = min(n_tot, i+n_batch)
             _x = ndict.getCols(x, i, i_to)
             if byteToFloat: _x = {i:_x[i].astype(np.float32)/256. for i in _x}
             result = self.eval_test(_x, {})
             _L = np.hstack((_L, result[0]))
             px = np.hstack((px, result[1]))
             pz = np.hstack((pz, result[2]))
             qz = np.hstack((qz, result[3]))
             i += n_batch
         lowbound += _L.mean()
         pzzz+= pz.mean()
         pxxx+= px.mean()
         qzzz+= qz.mean()
     lowbound /= n_samples
     pzzz /= n_samples
     pxxx /= n_samples
     qzzz /= n_samples
     return lowbound, pxxx, pzzz, qzzz
Ejemplo n.º 14
 def infer(data, n_batch=1000):
     #print '--', n_batch
     size = data['x'].shape[1]
     res = np.zeros((sum(n_hidden), size))
     res1 = np.zeros((n_z,size))
     res2 = np.zeros((n_hidden[-1],size))
     res3 = np.zeros((n_z,size))
     for i in range(0, size, n_batch):
       idx_to = min(size, i+n_batch)
       x_batch = ndict.getCols(data, i, idx_to)
       # may have bugs
       nn_batch = idx_to - i
       _x, _z, _z_confab = model.gen_xz(x_batch, {}, nn_batch)
       x_samples = _z_confab['x']
       for (hi, hidden) in enumerate(_z_confab['hidden']):
         res[sum(n_hidden[:hi]):sum(n_hidden[:hi+1]),i:i+nn_batch] = hidden
       res1[:,i:i+nn_batch] = _z_confab['mean']
       res2[:,i:i+nn_batch] = _z_confab['hidden'][-1]
       res3[:,i:i+nn_batch] = _z_confab['logvar']
     #print '--'             
     return res, res1, res2, res3
Ejemplo n.º 15
	def __init__(self, x, model, n_batch):
		raise Exception("TODO")
		self.x = x
		self.c = c = IPython.parallel.Client()
		self.model = model
		self.n_batch = n_batch
		self.clustersize = len(c)
		print 'ipcluster size = '+str(self.clustersize)
		n_train = x.itervalues().next().shape[1]
		if n_train%(self.n_batch*len(c)) != 0: raise BaseException()
		self.blocksize = self.n_batch*len(c)
		self.n_minibatches = n_train/self.blocksize
		# Get pointers to slaves
		c.block = False
		# Remove namespaces on slaves
		# Execute stuff on slaves
		module, function, args = self.model.constr
		commands = [
				'import os; cwd = os.getcwd()',
				'import sys; sys.path.append(\'../shared\')',
				'import anglepy.ndict as ndict',
				'import '+module,
				'my_n_batch = '+str(n_batch),
				'my_model = '+module+'.'+function+'(**args)'
		for cmd in commands: c[:].execute(cmd).get()
		# Import data on slaves
		for i in range(len(c)):
			_x = ndict.getCols(x, i*(n_train/len(c)), (i+1)*(n_train/len(c)))
Ejemplo n.º 16
	def subval(self, i, w, z):
		raise Exception("TODO")
		# Replaced my_model.nbatch with my_n_batch, this is UNTESTED
		def ll(w, z, k):
			_x = ndict.getCols(my_x, k*my_n_batch, (k+1)*my_n_batch) #@UndefinedVariable
			if z == None:
				return my_model.logpxmc(w, _x), None #@UndefinedVariable
				return my_model.logpxz(w, _x, z) #@UndefinedVariable
		tasks = []
		for j in range(len(self.c)):
			_z = z
			if _z != None:
				_z = ndict.getCols(z, j*self.n_batch, (j+1)*self.n_batch)
			tasks.append(self.c.load_balanced_view().apply_async(ll, w, _z, i))
		res = [task.get() for task in tasks]
		raise Exception("TODO: implementation with uncoupled logpx and logpz")
		return sum(res)
Ejemplo n.º 17
 def make_minibatch(i):
     _x = ndict.getCols(x, i * n_batch, (i + 1) * n_batch)
     _eps = model.gen_eps(n_batch)
     if bernoulli_x: _x['x'] = np.random.binomial(n=1, p=_x['x'])
     return [i, _x, _eps]
Ejemplo n.º 18
	def subgrad(self, i, w, z):
		_x = ndict.getCols(self.x, i*self.n_batch, (i+1)*self.n_batch)
		_z = ndict.getCols(z, i*self.n_batch, (i+1)*self.n_batch)
		logpx, logpz, g, _ = self.model.dlogpxz_dwz(w, _x, _z)
		return logpx, logpz, g
Ejemplo n.º 19
	def subgrad(self, i, w):
		_x = ndict.getCols(self.x, i, i+1)
		logpx, gw = self.model.dlogpxmc_dw(w, _x, self.n_mc_samples)
		return logpx, gw
Ejemplo n.º 20
	def subval(self, i, w):
		_x = ndict.getCols(self.x, i, i+1)
		return self.model.logpxmc(w, _x, self.n_mc_samples)
Ejemplo n.º 21
	def getColsZX(self, w, z, i):
		_x = ndict.getCols(self.x, i*self.n_batch, (i+1)*self.n_batch)
		if z != None:
			_z = ndict.getCols(z, i*self.n_batch, (i+1)*self.n_batch)
		return _z, _x
Ejemplo n.º 22
	def subval(self, i, w, z):
		_x = ndict.getCols(self.x, i*self.n_batch, (i+1)*self.n_batch)
		_z = ndict.getCols(z, i*self.n_batch, (i+1)*self.n_batch)
		return self.model.logpxz(w, _x, _z)
Ejemplo n.º 23
 def make_minibatch(i):
     _x = ndict.getCols(x, i * n_batch, (i+1) * n_batch)
     _eps = model.gen_eps(n_batch)
     if bernoulli_x: _x['x'] = np.random.binomial(n=1, p=_x['x'])
     return [i, _x, _eps]
Ejemplo n.º 24
 def make_minibatch(i):
     _x_labeled = ndict.getCols(x_labeled, i * n_batch_l,
                                (i + 1) * n_batch_l)
     _x_unlabeled = ndict.getCols(x_unlabeled, i * n_batch_u,
                                  (i + 1) * n_batch_u)
     return [i, _x_labeled, _x_unlabeled]
Ejemplo n.º 25
		def ll(w, z, k):
			_x = ndict.getCols(my_x, k*my_n_batch, (k+1)*my_n_batch) #@UndefinedVariable
			if z == None:
				return my_model.logpxmc(w, _x), None #@UndefinedVariable
				return my_model.logpxz(w, _x, z) #@UndefinedVariable
Ejemplo n.º 26
 def make_minibatch(i):
     _x_labeled = ndict.getCols(x_labeled, i * n_batch_l, (i+1) * n_batch_l)
     _x_unlabeled = ndict.getCols(x_unlabeled, i * n_batch_u, (i+1) * n_batch_u)
     return [i, _x_labeled, _x_unlabeled]