Ejemplo n.º 1
def doit():

    # planet data
    ecc_A = 0.0  # eccentricity of planet A
    ecc_B = 0.4  # eccecntricity of planet B

    a_A = 1.0  # semi-major axis of planet A
    a_B = 4.0**(1. / 3.)  # semi-major axis of planet B

    # integration data
    nsteps_year = 365  # number of steps per year
    nyears = 4  # total integration time (years)

    s = solar_system_integrator.SolarSystem()

    s.add_planet(a_A, ecc_A, loc="perihelion")
    s.add_planet(a_B, ecc_B, loc="aphelion")

    sol = s.integrate(nsteps_year, nyears)

    # plotting
    for n in range(len(sol[0].x)):


        # plot the foci
        pylab.scatter([0], [0], s=250, marker=(5, 1), color="k")
        pylab.scatter([0], [0], s=200, marker=(5, 1), color="y")

        # plot planet A
        pylab.plot(sol[0].x, sol[0].y, color="r")
        pylab.scatter([sol[0].x[n]], [sol[0].y[n]], s=100, color="r")

        # plot planet B
        pylab.plot(sol[1].x, sol[1].y, color="b")
        pylab.scatter([sol[1].x[n]], [sol[1].y[n]], s=100, color="b")

        pylab.axis([-2.5, 1.5, -1.8, 1.8])

        ax = pylab.gca()
        ax.set_aspect("equal", "datalim")

        f = pylab.gcf()
        f.set_size_inches(9.6, 7.2)

                   "time = %6.3f yr" % sol[0].t[n],
                   "a = %6.3f, e = %5.2f" % (a_A, ecc_A),
                   "a = %6.3f, e = %5.2f" % (a_B, ecc_B),

        pylab.savefig("orbit_%04d.png" % n)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def doit():

    # planet data
    ecc_E = 0.016710  # eccentricity of planet Earth
    ecc_M = 0.093315  # eccecntricity of planet Mars

    a_E = 1.0  # semi-major axis of planet Earth
    a_M = 1.523679  # semi-major axis of planet Mars

    # integration data
    nsteps_year = 365 * 2  # number of steps per year
    nyears = 0.6  # total integration time (years)

    s = solar_system_integrator.SolarSystem()

    # Earth initialization

    # set the initial conditions.  The initial position is perihelion
    #y[0] = a_E*(1.0 - ecc_E)   # x
    #y[1] = 0.0                 # y

    # at perihelion, all the veloicity is in the y-direction.
    #y[2] = 0.0      # v_x

    # v_y^2 = (GM/a) (1+e)/(1-e)  (see C&O Eq. 2.33 for example)
    # This is the perihelion velocity.  For a = 1, e = 0, v = 2 pi
    #y[3] = -math.sqrt( (G*M_sun/a_E) * (1.0 + ecc_E) / (1.0 - ecc_E))

    # Mars initialization

    # set the initial conditions.  The initial position is perihelion
    #y[4] = a_M*(1.0 - ecc_M)  # x
    #y[5] = 0.0                 # y

    # at perihelion, all the veloicity is in the y-direction.
    #y[6] = 0.0      # v_x

    # v_y^2 = (GM/a) (1+e)/(1-e)  (see C&O Eq. 2.33 for example)
    # This is the perihelion velocity.  For a = 1, e = 0, v = 2 pi
    #y[7] = -math.sqrt( (G*M_sun/a_M) * (1.0 + ecc_M) / (1.0 - ecc_M))

    # These initial conditions were found by putting Mars and Earth
    # both at their perihelion, but with their velocities in the
    # opposite direction (i.e. we want them to go backwards).  This
    # configuration is opposition, and is setup by using the commented
    # out initial conditions above.  We then integrated backwards for 1/4
    # year (91 steps) to get these starting coordinates (note, we reverse
    # the direction of the velocity to get it orbitting in the forward
    # direction.)

    # Earth
    x = -0.04631900088483218
    y = -0.9994219951994862
    vx = 6.277324691390798
    vy = -0.185920887199495

    vp0 = solar_system_integrator.PlanetPosVel(x, y, vx, vy)
    s.add_planet(a_E, ecc_E, loc="specify", pos_vel=vp0)

    # Mars
    x = 0.7856599524256417
    y = -1.203323492875661
    vx = 4.280834571016523
    vy = 3.272064392180777

    vp0 = solar_system_integrator.PlanetPosVel(x, y, vx, vy)
    s.add_planet(a_M, ecc_M, loc="specify", pos_vel=vp0)

    # integrate
    sol = s.integrate(nsteps_year, nyears)

    # some background stars
    N = 10
    xpos = []
    ypos = []
    for s in range(N):
        xpos.append(random.uniform(3.0, 3.9))
        ypos.append(random.uniform(-1.4, 1.9))

    if both_sides:
        xpos_left = []
        ypos_left = []
        for s in range(N):
            xpos_left.append(random.uniform(-2.4, -1.4))
            ypos_left.append(random.uniform(-1.4, 1.9))

    # ================================================================
    # plotting
    # ================================================================
    for n in range(len(sol[0].x)):

        f = plt.figure()

        # plot the foci
        plt.scatter([0], [0], s=1600, marker=(20, 1), color="k")
        plt.scatter([0], [0], s=1500, marker=(20, 1), color="#FFFF00")

        # plot Earth
        plt.plot(sol[0].x, sol[0].y, color="b")
        plt.scatter([sol[0].x[n]], [sol[0].y[n]], s=100, color="b")

        # plot Mars
        plt.plot(sol[1].x, sol[1].y, color="r")
        plt.scatter([sol[1].x[n]], [sol[1].y[n]], s=100, color="r")

        # draw a line connecting Earth and Mars and extending a bit
        # further out
        slope = (sol[1].y[n] - sol[0].y[n]) / (sol[1].x[n] - sol[0].x[n])
        xpt = 3.5
        ypt = sol[0].y[n] + slope * (xpt - sol[0].x[n])

        plt.plot([sol[0].x[n], xpt], [sol[0].y[n], ypt], "b--")

        # draw some random background stars
        for s in range(N):
            plt.scatter([xpos[s]], [ypos[s]], s=200, marker=(5, 1), color="c")

        if both_sides:
            xpt = -2.5
            ypt = sol[0].y[n] + slope * (xpt - sol[0].x[n])
            plt.plot([sol[0].x[n], xpt], [sol[0].y[n], ypt], "b--")

            for s in range(N):
                plt.scatter([xpos_left[s]], [ypos_left[s]],
                            marker=(5, 1),

        plt.axis([-2.5, 4.0, -1.5, 2.0])

        ax = plt.gca()
        ax.set_aspect("equal", "datalim")

        f.set_size_inches(12.8, 7.2)

        plt.text(-1.5, -1.5, "time = %6.3f yr" % sol[0].t[n])
        plt.title("Retrograde Mars")

        plt.savefig("retrograde_%04d.png" % n)

Ejemplo n.º 3
def sidereal_solar():

    # set the semi-major axis and eccentricity
    a = 1.0
    e = 0.0

    ss = ssi.SolarSystem()
    ss.add_planet(a, e, loc="perihelion")

    # compute the period of the orbit from Kepler's law and ...
    P_orbital = ss.period(0)

    # ... set the rotation period
    P_rotation = 0.5 * P_orbital

    omega = 2 * math.pi / P_rotation

    # integrate
    nsteps_per_year = 720
    num_years = 2

    sol = ss.integrate(nsteps_per_year, num_years)

    # ================================================================
    # plotting
    # ================================================================

    for n in range(len(sol[0].t)):


        # plot the foci
        plt.scatter([0], [0], s=250, marker=(5, 1), color="k")
        plt.scatter([0], [0], s=200, marker=(5, 1), color="y")

        # plot the orbit
        plt.plot(sol[0].x, sol[0].y, color="0.5", ls="--")

        # plot planet
        theta = np.radians(np.arange(360))
        r = 0.05  # exaggerate the planet's size
        x_surface = sol[0].x[n] + r * np.cos(theta)
        y_surface = sol[0].y[n] + r * np.sin(theta)
        plt.fill(x_surface, y_surface, "c", edgecolor="c", zorder=100)

        # plot a point on the planet's surface
        xpt = sol[0].x[n] + r * np.cos(omega * sol[0].t[n] + math.pi / 2.0)
        ypt = sol[0].y[n] + r * np.sin(omega * sol[0].t[n] + math.pi / 2.0)

        plt.scatter([xpt], [ypt], s=25, color="k", zorder=100)

        plt.axis([-1.2, 1.2, -1.2, 1.2])

        ax = plt.gca()
        ax.set_aspect("equal", "datalim")

        plt.subplots_adjust(left=0.05, right=0.98, bottom=0.05, top=0.98)

        f = plt.gcf()
        f.set_size_inches(7.2, 7.2)


Ejemplo n.º 4
def doit():

    s = solar_system_integrator.SolarSystem()

    # set the semi-major axis and eccentricity
    a = 1.5874
    e = 0.5

    # set the initial coordinates -- perihelion
    s.add_planet(a, e, loc="perihelion")

    # compute the period of the orbit from Kepler's law and make
    # the timestep by 1/720th of a period
    P = math.sqrt(a**3)

    # put 720 steps per period (the input is steps per year)
    sol = s.integrate(720 / P, P)

    # set up some intervals (start time, end time) to shade.
    # Note, the length of the intervals should be the same
    intervals = []
    intervals.append(interval(0, P / 12))
    intervals.append(interval(P / 2, 7.0 * P / 12.0))
    intervals.append(interval(9.5 * P / 12, 10.5 * P / 12.0))

    for i in range(len(intervals)):

        if intervals[i].start < 0 or intervals[i].end > P:
            print "ERROR: interval {} not contained in a single orbit".format(

        print "interval {}, dt = {}".format(
            i, intervals[i].end - intervals[i].start)

    # plot the orbit
    iframe = 0

    for n in range(len(sol[0].x)):


        pylab.subplots_adjust(left=0.1, right=0.9, bottom=0.1, top=0.9)

        ax = pylab.gca()
        ax.set_aspect("equal", "datalim")

        # plot the foci
        pylab.scatter([0], [0], s=350, marker=(5, 1), color="k", zorder=10)
        pylab.scatter([0], [0], s=300, marker=(5, 1), color="y", zorder=10)

        # plot planet
        pylab.plot(sol[0].x, sol[0].y, color="r")
        pylab.scatter([sol[0].x[n]], [sol[0].y[n]],

        # shade the intervals
        for i in range(len(intervals)):

            # one vertex is the Sun
            x = [0]
            y = [0]

            for m in range(len(sol[0].x)):

                if sol[0].t[m] >= intervals[i].start and \
                   sol[0].t[m] <= min(intervals[i].end,sol[0].t[n]):

                elif (sol[0].t[m] > intervals[i].end):

            pylab.fill(x, y, alpha=0.20, facecolor="b")

        xmin = -a * (1.0 + e)
        xmax = a * (1.0 - e)
        dx = xmax - xmin
        pylab.axis([xmin - 0.1 * dx, xmax + 0.1 * dx, -1.5, 1.5])

        f = pylab.gcf()
        f.set_size_inches(9.6, 7.2)

        pylab.savefig("second_law_%04d.png" % n)
Ejemplo n.º 5
def orbitalenergy():

    # set the semi-major axis and eccentricity
    a = 1.5874 * AU
    e = 0.4

    orbit = ss.SolarSystem(GM=G * M_sun, year=year)

    orbit.add_planet(a, e, loc="perihelion")

    # compute the period of the orbit from Kepler's law and make
    # the timestep by 1/720th of a period
    P = orbit.period(0)

    print "period = ", P / year

    sol = orbit.integrate(360, P / year)

    # ================================================================
    # plotting
    # ================================================================

    # plot the orbit
    iframe = 0

    # v1
    for n in range(len(sol[0].t)):


        # plot the foci
        plt.scatter([0], [0], s=250, marker=(5, 1), color="k")
        plt.scatter([0], [0], s=200, marker=(5, 1), color="y")

        # plot planet
        plt.plot(sol[0].x, sol[0].y, color="r")
        plt.scatter([sol[0].x[n]], [sol[0].y[n]], s=100, color="r")

        # compute the kinetic energy / kg
        KE = 0.5 * (sol[0].vx[n]**2 + sol[0].vy[n]**2)

        # compute the potential energy / kg
        r = math.sqrt(sol[0].x[n]**2 + sol[0].y[n]**2)
        PE = -G * M_sun / r

        plt.axis([-4 * AU, 2 * AU, -4 * AU, 2 * AU])

        f = plt.gcf()
        f.set_size_inches(7.2, 7.2)

        ax = plt.gca()
        ax.set_aspect("equal", "datalim")

        plt.title("Orbital Energy")

        plt.text(-3.5 * AU, -3 * AU, "KE / unit mass (J/kg): %10.5e" % (KE))
        plt.text(-3.5 * AU, -3.3 * AU, "PE / unit mass (J/kg): %10.5e" % (PE))
        plt.text(-3.5 * AU, -3.6 * AU,
                 "total energy / unit mass (J/kg): %10.5e" % (PE + KE))

        plt.xlabel("x [m]")
        plt.ylabel("y [m]")


        plt.savefig("orbitalenergy_%04d.png" % n)
Ejemplo n.º 6
# we work in units of AU, yr, and M_sun
# in these units, G = 4 pi^2

# planet data
ecc_A = 0.0  # eccentricity of planet A
ecc_B = 0.4  # eccecntricity of planet B

a_A = 1.0  # semi-major axis of planet A

# we want the perihelion distance of planet B to be the same
# as planet a
r_p_A = a_A * (1.0 - ecc_A)
a_B = r_p_A / (1.0 - ecc_B)

ss = ssi.SolarSystem()
ss.add_planet(a_A, ecc_A, loc="perihelion")
ss.add_planet(a_B, ecc_B, loc="perihelion")

P_B = ss.period(1)

# integration data
nsteps_year = 365  # number of steps per year

sol = ss.integrate(nsteps_year, P_B)

sol_A = sol[0]
sol_B = sol[1]

nsteps = len(sol_A.x)
Ejemplo n.º 7
def seasons():

    # set the semi-major axis and eccentricity
    a = 1.0  # AU
    e = 0.0

    s = ssi.SolarSystem()

    s.add_planet(a, e, loc="perihelion")

    P = s.period(0)

    nsteps_per_year = 360
    num_years = 1

    sol = s.integrate(nsteps_per_year, num_years)

    # apply a projection to account for the inclination
    # wrt the observer
    inc = 80

    sol[0].y = sol[0].y * np.cos(np.radians(inc))

    # ================================================================
    # plotting
    # ================================================================

    # plot the orbit
    for n in range(len(sol[0].t)):


        # plot the Sun at the foci
        plt.scatter([0], [0], s=2600, marker=(20, 1), color="k", zorder=0)
        plt.scatter([0], [0],
                    marker=(20, 1),

        # plot the orbit
        plt.plot(sol[0].x, sol[0].y, color="0.5", ls="--", zorder=-50)

        # plot planet -- hide it with zorder
        if sol[0].y[n] > 0:
            z = -20
            z = 20

        theta = np.radians(np.arange(360))
        r = 0.075  # exaggerate the planet's size
        x_surface = sol[0].x[n] + r * np.cos(theta)
        y_surface = sol[0].y[n] + r * np.sin(theta)
        plt.fill(x_surface, y_surface, "b", edgecolor="b", zorder=z)

        # axis
        tilt = np.radians(23.5)
        L = 0.1
        x = [-L * np.sin(tilt), L * np.sin(tilt)]
        y = [-L * np.cos(tilt), L * np.cos(tilt)]

        plt.plot(sol[0].x[n] + x, sol[0].y[n] + y, color="k", lw=2, zorder=z)

        # equator
        y = [r * np.sin(tilt), -r * np.sin(tilt)]
        x = [-r * np.cos(tilt), r * np.cos(tilt)]

        plt.plot(sol[0].x[n] + x,
                 sol[0].y[n] + y,

        plt.axis([-1.2, 1.2, -0.9, 0.9])

        f = plt.gcf()
        f.set_size_inches(9.6, 7.2)



        ax = plt.gca()
        ax.set_aspect("equal", "datalim")

Ejemplo n.º 8
def orbitalenergy():

    # set the semi-major axis and eccentricity
    a = 0.387
    e = 0.2056

    ss = ssi.SolarSystem()
    ss.add_planet(a, e, loc="perihelion")

    P_orbital = ss.period(0)

    # set the rotation period
    P_rotation = (2. / 3.) * P_orbital

    omega = 2 * math.pi / P_rotation

    print "orbital period = ", P_orbital

    nsteps_per_year = int(360 / P_orbital)
    nyears = 4 * P_orbital
    sol = ss.integrate(nsteps_per_year, nyears)

    # ================================================================
    # plotting
    # ================================================================

    for n in range(len(sol[0].t)):


        # plot the foci
        plt.scatter([0], [0], s=1600, marker=(20, 1), color="k")
        plt.scatter([0], [0], s=1500, marker=(20, 1), color="#FFFF00")

        # plot the orbit
        plt.plot(sol[0].x, sol[0].y, color="0.5")

        # plot planet
        theta = np.radians(np.arange(360))

        r = 0.03  # exaggerate the planet's size
        x_surface = sol[0].x[n] + r * np.cos(theta)
        y_surface = sol[0].y[n] + r * np.sin(theta)
        plt.fill(x_surface, y_surface, color="r", alpha=1.0, zorder=1000)

        # plot a point on the planet's surface
        xpt = sol[0].x[n] + r * np.cos(omega * sol[0].t[n] + math.pi)
        ypt = sol[0].y[n] + r * np.sin(omega * sol[0].t[n] + math.pi)
        plt.scatter([xpt], [ypt], s=25, color="k")

        plt.axis([-0.5, 0.5, -0.5, 0.5])


        ax = plt.gca()
        ax.set_aspect("equal", "datalim")

        plt.subplots_adjust(left=0.05, right=0.98, bottom=0.05, top=0.98)

        f = plt.gcf()

                 r"Mercury: $P_\mathrm{rotation} = (2/3) P_\mathrm{orbital}$",

        f.set_size_inches(7.2, 7.2)

Ejemplo n.º 9
def sidereal():

    # set the semi-major axis and eccentricity
    a = 1.0
    e = 0.0

    ss = ssi.SolarSystem()

    x = 0.0
    y = -a*(1.0 + e)
    vx = math.sqrt((ss.GM/a)*(1.0+e)/(1.0-e))
    vy = 0.0

    pos = ssi.PlanetPosVel(x, y, vx, vy)
    ss.add_planet(a, e, loc="specify", pos_vel=pos)

    # compute the period of the orbit from Kepler's law
    P_orbital = ss.period(0)

    # set the rotation period -- this is the sidereal day
    #P_rotation = 0.99726968*day    # Earth
    P_rotation = 0.05*P_orbital

    omega = 2*math.pi/P_rotation

    # compute the length of the solar day
    P_solar = P_rotation/(1.0 - P_rotation/P_orbital)

    print "period = ", P_orbital

    print "sidereal day = ", P_rotation
    print "solar day    = ", P_solar

    # We will maintain two trajectories: full_orbit is the full orbit
    # of the planet.  orbit is just a small segment carrying 2 
    # sidereal days

    # evolve for 2 sidereral days with lots of frames to get a smooth
    # animation
    tmax = 2.0*P_rotation
    nsteps = 1000

    # fraction of a year we are doing
    f = tmax/P_orbital
    orbit = ss.integrate(nsteps/f, f)
    dt = orbit[0].t[1] - orbit[0].t[0]

    # evolve the full orbit for plotting purposes
    nsteps_per_year = 720.0
    full_orbit = ss.integrate(nsteps_per_year, 1.0)

    # ================================================================
    # plotting
    # ================================================================

    # plot the orbit
    iframe = 0

    for n in range(len(orbit[0].t)):


        # plot the foci
        plt.scatter([0], [0], s=1600, marker=(20,1), color="k")
        plt.scatter([0], [0], s=1500, marker=(20,1), color="#FFFF00")

        # plot the orbit
        plt.plot(full_orbit[0].x, full_orbit[0].y, color="0.5")

        # plot planet 
        theta = np.radians(np.arange(360))
        r = 0.075  # exaggerate the planet's size
        x_surface = orbit[0].x[n] + r*np.cos(theta)
        y_surface = orbit[0].y[n] + r*np.sin(theta)
        plt.fill(x_surface, y_surface, "b", edgecolor="b", zorder=1000)

        # plot a point on the planet's surface
        xpt = orbit[0].x[n] + 1.2*r*np.cos(omega*orbit[0].t[n]+math.pi/2.0)
        ypt = orbit[0].y[n] + 1.2*r*np.sin(omega*orbit[0].t[n]+math.pi/2.0)
        plt.scatter([xpt], [ypt], s=15, color="k")

        plt.axis([-1.2, 1.2, -1.2, 1.2])

        f = plt.gcf()
        f.set_size_inches(7.2, 7.2)

        plt.title("Sidereal vs. Solar Day")


        ax = plt.gca()
        ax.set_aspect("equal", "datalim")

        plt.text(-1.0, -1.2, "Note: length of day exaggerated", 
                    fontsize=9, color="0.5")

        if (orbit[0].t[n] >= P_rotation - 0.5*dt and
            orbit[0].t[n] <= P_rotation + 0.5*dt):
            n_sidereal = n

        # special lines
        if (orbit[0].t[n] >= P_rotation - 0.5*dt and 
            orbit[0].t[n] <= P_solar + 0.5*dt):
            plt.plot([orbit[0].x[n_sidereal], orbit[0].x[n_sidereal]],
                     [orbit[0].y[n_sidereal], 0], linestyle=":", color="0.5")

        # special notes
        if (orbit[0].t[n] < 1.5*dt):
            plt.text(-1.0, -1.15, "Noon (Sun is on the meridian)")

            for d in range(150):
                iframe += 1

        elif (orbit[0].t[n] >= P_rotation - 0.5*dt and 
              orbit[0].t[n] <= P_rotation + 0.5*dt):
            plt.text(-1.0, -1.15, "1 Sidereal period (Earth rotated 360 degrees)")

            for d in range(150):
                iframe += 1

        elif (orbit[0].t[n] >= P_solar - 0.5*dt and 
              orbit[0].t[n] <= P_solar + 0.5*dt):
            plt.text(-1.0, -1.15, "1 Solar period (Sun is back on the meridian)")

            for d in range(150):
                iframe += 1

        iframe += 1
Ejemplo n.º 10
def asteroids():

    ss = ssi.SolarSystem()

    # Jupiter
    P_jupiter = 12 # years
    e = 0.0
    ss.add_planet_by_period(P_jupiter, e, loc="perihelion")

    # an asteroid, with some eccentricity but 1/2 the period
    e = 0.3
    ss.add_planet_by_period(0.5*P_jupiter, e, loc="perihelion")

    # add some background asteroids with random orbits
    a_min = 2.0
    a_max = 3.5
    n_asteroids = 50

    for n in range(n_asteroids):
        a = random.uniform(a_min, a_max)
        e = random.uniform(0.0, 0.4)
        if n % 2 == 0:
        ss.add_planet(a, e, loc=loc, rot="random")

    # integrate
    nsteps_per_year = 45.0
    sol = ss.integrate(nsteps_per_year, 2*P_jupiter)
    # plots
    iframe = 0
    for n in range(len(sol[0].t)):

        # plot the Sun
        plt.scatter([0], [0], s=1600, marker=(20,1), color="k")
        plt.scatter([0], [0], s=1500, marker=(20,1), color="#FFFF00")

        # plot Jupiter
        plt.plot(sol[0].x, sol[0].y, color="k")
        plt.scatter([sol[0].x[n]], [sol[0].y[n]], s=500, color="k")

        # plot our asteroid
        plt.plot(sol[1].x, sol[1].y, color="r")
        plt.scatter([sol[1].x[n]], [sol[1].y[n]], s=50, color="r")

        # and the background asteroids
        for k in range(2, 2+n_asteroids):
            plt.plot(sol[k].x, sol[k].y, color="0.85", zorder=-100)
            plt.scatter([sol[k].x[n]], [sol[k].y[n]], s=25, color="0.5", zorder=-100)

        f = plt.gcf()
        f.set_size_inches(7.2, 7.2)

        ax = plt.gca()
        ax.set_aspect("equal", "datalim")

        # if jupiter is at perihelion, the pause and annotate
        perihelion = False
        if n == 0:
            perihelion = True
        elif n > 0 and n < len(sol[0].t)-1:
            if sol[0].y[n]*sol[0].y[n+1] < 0.0 and sol[0].x[n] > 0.0:
                perihelion = True

        if perihelion:
            plt.text(0.5, 0.96,
                     "Jupiter and our asteroid are at their closest point",
                     horizontalalignment="center", transform=f.transFigure,

            plt.text(0.5, 0.92,
                     "The gravitational force on the asteroid is always",
                     horizontalalignment="center", transform=f.transFigure)            

            plt.text(0.5, 0.89,
                     "strongest and in the same direction here",            
                     horizontalalignment="center", transform=f.transFigure)            

            plt.arrow(sol[1].x[n], sol[1].y[n], 1.0, 0.0, color="r",
                      head_width = 0.2, width=0.05, overhang=-0.1)

            for k in range(150):
                iframe += 1
        iframe += 1