Ejemplo n.º 1
class LevelObject(Sprite):

    base_img_path = None
    can_get_hurt = False
    can_give_hurt = False
    solid = True
    #can object teleport player?
    #if true, then must implement teleport()
    teleporter = False
    #direction to enter teleport object's 'portal'
    teleportDir = DOWN

    def __init__(self,x,y,velX=0,velY=0,xmult=0,ymult=0):
        #optional terrain velocities
        self.velX = velX
        self.velY = velY
        #optional terrain velocity multipliers
        self.xmult = xmult
        self.ymult = ymult
        #If this isn't set we assume the base class has already loaded its image
        if self.base_img_path:
            self.anim = StaticAnimation( self.base_img_path )

        self.rect = self.anim.get_rect()
        self.rect.topleft = (x,y)

    #implement in specific classes
    def update(self):

    #implement in specific classes
    def handleNodeCollision(self, node):

    def draw(self,camera):
        image = self.anim.get_image()
        if image != None:

    def get_rect(self):
        return self.rect

    def try_hurt(self,by):
        if self.can_get_hurt and by.can_give_hurt:
        elif by.can_get_hurt and self.can_give_hurt:

    def die(self):
Ejemplo n.º 2
class LevelObject(Sprite):

    base_img_path = None
    can_get_hurt = False
    can_give_hurt = False
    solid = True
    #can object teleport player?
    #if true, then must implement teleport()
    teleporter = False
    #direction to enter teleport object's 'portal'
    teleportDir = DOWN

    def __init__(self, x, y, velX=0, velY=0, xmult=0, ymult=0):
        #optional terrain velocities
        self.velX = velX
        self.velY = velY
        #optional terrain velocity multipliers
        self.xmult = xmult
        self.ymult = ymult
        #If this isn't set we assume the base class has already loaded its image
        if self.base_img_path:
            self.anim = StaticAnimation(self.base_img_path)

        self.rect = self.anim.get_rect()
        self.rect.topleft = (x, y)

    #implement in specific classes
    def update(self):

    #implement in specific classes
    def handleNodeCollision(self, node):

    def draw(self, camera):
        image = self.anim.get_image()
        if image != None:
            camera.draw(image, self.rect)

    def get_rect(self):
        return self.rect

    def try_hurt(self, by):
        if self.can_get_hurt and by.can_give_hurt:
        elif by.can_get_hurt and self.can_give_hurt:

    def die(self):
Ejemplo n.º 3
class Parallax(Sprite):

    #x and y are the topleft coords for their corresponding img
    #img is the path of the actual image
    #images are from farthest to closest
    def __init__(self, img1,x1,y1, img2=None,x2=None,y2=None):
        self.prevDist = None
        self.img1 = None
        self.img2 = None

        #corrector for gaps - there are still gaps though -_-
        self.gapCorrector = 5
        #corrector for loading levels
        self.loadCorrector = 900

        self.totalx = 0
        self.prevx = None
        self.dx = 0

        if img1:
            self.img1 = StaticAnimation(img1)
            self.rect1 = self.img1.get_rect()
            self.rect1.topleft = (x1,y1)
            #copy of the first image for when img1 is done
            self.x1copy = False
            self.rect1copy = self.img1.get_rect()
            self.rect1copy.topleft = (x1,y1)
        if img2:
            self.img2 = StaticAnimation(img2)
            self.rect2 = self.img2.get_rect()
            self.rect2.topleft = (x2,y2)
            #copy of the second image for when img2 is done
            self.x2copy = False
            self.rect2copy = self.img2.get_rect()
            self.rect2.topleft = (x2,y2)

    # x = player.rect.x y = player.rect.y
    def update(self,x,y):
        #init values for starting/loading a level
        if not self.prevx:
            self.prevx = x
            #need to start parallax in the right-ish place when loading a level
            if self.img1:
                self.rect1.x = x - self.loadCorrector
            if self.img2:
                self.rect2.x = x - self.loadCorrector
            #store partial moves
            self.dx += x - self.prevx

            #calculate move amount
            amount1 = -floor(self.dx/10)

            #move images
            if self.rect1:
            if self.x1copy:
            if self.rect2:
            if self.x2copy:

        self.dx %= 10
        #save current x
        self.prevx = x

        #bg images need to be looped on right side
        if x + SCREEN_WIDTH >= self.rect1.right and not self.x1copy:
            self.x1copy = True
            self.rect1copy.x = x + SCREEN_WIDTH - self.gapCorrector
        if x + SCREEN_WIDTH >=  self.rect2.right and not self.x2copy:
            self.x2copy = True
            self.rect2copy.x = x + SCREEN_WIDTH - self.gapCorrector

        """ assumption is that player won't run backwards..

        #bg images need to be looped on left side
        if not self.x1copy and x - SCREEN_WIDTH <= self.rect1.left:
            self.x1copy = True
            self.rect1copy.x = x - (SCREEN_WIDTH + self.rect1copy.width)
        if not self.x2copy and x - SCREEN_WIDTH <= self.rect2.left:
            self.x2copy = True
            self.rect2copy.x = x - (SCREEN_WIDTH + self.rect1copy.width)

        #player passed the original bg image - going right
        #make the original image's rect the copy's
        if x - SCREEN_WIDTH > self.rect1.right and self.x1copy:
            self.rect1.x = self.rect1copy.x
            self.x1copy = False
        if x - SCREEN_WIDTH > self.rect2.right and self.x2copy:
            self.rect2.x = self.rect2copy.x
            self.x2copy = False

        """ assumption is that player won't run backwards

        #player has passed the original bg image - going left
        #make the original image's rect the copy's
        if x + SCREEN_WIDTH < self.rect1.left and self.x1copy:
            self.rect1.x = self.rect1copy.x
            self.x1copy = False
        if x + SCREEN_WIDTH < self.rect2.left and self.x2copy:
            self.x2 = self.x2copy
            self.rect2.x = self.rect2copy.x
            self.x2copy = False

        #free copy image - ex: unseen on left side, unseen on right

    def draw(self,camera):
        #draw main images
        image1 = self.img1.get_image()
        if image1:
        image2 = self.img2.get_image()
        if image2:
        #draw copies if needed
        if self.x1copy:
        if self.x2copy:
Ejemplo n.º 4
class Parallax(Sprite):

    #x and y are the topleft coords for their corresponding img
    #img is the path of the actual image
    #images are from farthest to closest
    def __init__(self, img1, x1, y1, img2=None, x2=None, y2=None):
        self.prevDist = None
        self.img1 = None
        self.img2 = None

        #corrector for gaps - there are still gaps though -_-
        self.gapCorrector = 5
        #corrector for loading levels
        self.loadCorrector = 900

        self.totalx = 0
        self.prevx = None
        self.dx = 0

        if img1:
            self.img1 = StaticAnimation(img1)
            self.rect1 = self.img1.get_rect()
            self.rect1.topleft = (x1, y1)
            #copy of the first image for when img1 is done
            self.x1copy = False
            self.rect1copy = self.img1.get_rect()
            self.rect1copy.topleft = (x1, y1)
        if img2:
            self.img2 = StaticAnimation(img2)
            self.rect2 = self.img2.get_rect()
            self.rect2.topleft = (x2, y2)
            #copy of the second image for when img2 is done
            self.x2copy = False
            self.rect2copy = self.img2.get_rect()
            self.rect2.topleft = (x2, y2)

    # x = player.rect.x y = player.rect.y
    def update(self, x, y):
        #init values for starting/loading a level
        if not self.prevx:
            self.prevx = x
            #need to start parallax in the right-ish place when loading a level
            if self.img1:
                self.rect1.x = x - self.loadCorrector
            if self.img2:
                self.rect2.x = x - self.loadCorrector
            #store partial moves
            self.dx += x - self.prevx

            #calculate move amount
            amount1 = -floor(self.dx / 10)

            #move images
            if self.rect1:
                self.rect1.move_ip(amount1, 0)
            if self.x1copy:
                self.rect1copy.move_ip(amount1, 0)
            if self.rect2:
                self.rect2.move_ip(-1, 0)
            if self.x2copy:
                self.rect2copy.move_ip(-1, 0)

        self.dx %= 10
        #save current x
        self.prevx = x

        #bg images need to be looped on right side
        if x + SCREEN_WIDTH >= self.rect1.right and not self.x1copy:
            self.x1copy = True
            self.rect1copy.x = x + SCREEN_WIDTH - self.gapCorrector
        if x + SCREEN_WIDTH >= self.rect2.right and not self.x2copy:
            self.x2copy = True
            self.rect2copy.x = x + SCREEN_WIDTH - self.gapCorrector
        """ assumption is that player won't run backwards..

        #bg images need to be looped on left side
        if not self.x1copy and x - SCREEN_WIDTH <= self.rect1.left:
            self.x1copy = True
            self.rect1copy.x = x - (SCREEN_WIDTH + self.rect1copy.width)
        if not self.x2copy and x - SCREEN_WIDTH <= self.rect2.left:
            self.x2copy = True
            self.rect2copy.x = x - (SCREEN_WIDTH + self.rect1copy.width)

        #player passed the original bg image - going right
        #make the original image's rect the copy's
        if x - SCREEN_WIDTH > self.rect1.right and self.x1copy:
            self.rect1.x = self.rect1copy.x
            self.x1copy = False
        if x - SCREEN_WIDTH > self.rect2.right and self.x2copy:
            self.rect2.x = self.rect2copy.x
            self.x2copy = False
        """ assumption is that player won't run backwards

        #player has passed the original bg image - going left
        #make the original image's rect the copy's
        if x + SCREEN_WIDTH < self.rect1.left and self.x1copy:
            self.rect1.x = self.rect1copy.x
            self.x1copy = False
        if x + SCREEN_WIDTH < self.rect2.left and self.x2copy:
            self.x2 = self.x2copy
            self.rect2.x = self.rect2copy.x
            self.x2copy = False

        #free copy image - ex: unseen on left side, unseen on right

    def draw(self, camera):
        #draw main images
        image1 = self.img1.get_image()
        if image1:
            camera.draw(image1, self.rect1)
        image2 = self.img2.get_image()
        if image2:
            camera.draw(image2, self.rect2)
        #draw copies if needed
        if self.x1copy:
            camera.draw(image1, self.rect1copy)
        if self.x2copy:
            camera.draw(image2, self.rect2copy)