Ejemplo n.º 1
class Application:
    Represents the main application window of a dissembler game.
    def __init__(self, master, init_size=(WINDOW_WIDTH, WINDOW_HEIGHT)):
            master: a tk.Tk object that manages the window
            init_size: a tuple of two non-negative integers representing the
            initial size of the game window (width, height) in pixels

        Creates and populates all of the GUI elements of the game.
        self.master = master
        self.width, self.height = init_size

        self.animator = Animator(self)
        self.master.bind('<Key>', self.key_handler)

        # Whether a game square has been clicked
        self.square_clicked = None

        # A GameState object
        self.game_state = gs.GameState()
        # A stack of game states, for the purpose of undoing moves
        self.state_stack = []
        # Number of moves made, undos do not reset
        self.moves = 0

        self.send_message('Hello! To start playing, please load a puzzle file.'+
            ' Many pre-built examples are included.' +
            ' For more info, such as keybinds, see readme.txt.')

    def mainloop(self):

    def create_widgets(self):
        Creates all of the widgets in the GUI. Consists of 3 main widgets:

        - self.menu_canvas: the canvas which holds the drop-down menu
        - self.game_canvas: the canvas which holds the actual dissembler game
        - self.info_frame: a frame that contains text displayed to the player

        Within inf_frame, there is a label that displays the text.

        menu_size = self.height * MENU_PROPORTION
        game_size = self.height * (1 - MENU_PROPORTION) * GAME_WINDOW_PROPORTION
        text_size = (self.height - menu_size) * (1 - GAME_WINDOW_PROPORTION)

        self.menu_canvas = tk.Canvas(self.master, width = self.width, 
            height = menu_size)

        self.game_canvas = tk.Canvas(self.master, width = self.width, 
            height = game_size)

        self.info_frame = tk.Frame(self.master, width = self.width,
            height = text_size)

        self.display_text = tk.StringVar()
        self.display = tk.Message(self.info_frame,
            textvariable=self.display_text, anchor='w',
            font=FONT, width=self.width, justify='left')

        self.menu_canvas.pack(expand='yes', fill='both')
        self.game_canvas.pack(expand='yes', fill='both')
        self.info_frame.pack(expand='yes', fill='both')

        self.display.pack(expand='yes', fill='both')

        self.game_canvas.bind('<Button-1>', self.on_game_click)

    def create_menu_buttons(self):
        Creates the buttons bound to the menu canvas.

        width = int(self.menu_canvas['width'])
        height = int(self.menu_canvas['height'])

        button_diameterx = int((width - 4 * (width / SPACING)) / 6)
        button_diametery = int((height - 2 * (height / SPACING)) / 2)

        button_width = int(button_diameterx*113/400)
        button_height = int(button_diametery*10/100)

        load_button = tk.Button(self.master, text='Load', 
            command=self.prompt_load, width=button_width, height=button_height)

        self.menu_canvas.create_window(width / SPACING + button_diameterx,
            height / SPACING + button_diametery, window=load_button,

        undo_button = tk.Button(self.master, text='Undo', 
            command=self.undo_move, width=button_width, height=button_height)

        self.menu_canvas.create_window(2*(width / SPACING) + 3*button_diameterx,
            height / SPACING + button_diametery, window=undo_button,

        restart_button = tk.Button(self.master, text='Restart', 
            command=self.restart, width=button_width, height=button_height)

        self.menu_canvas.create_window(3*(width / SPACING) + 5*button_diameterx,
            height / SPACING + button_diametery, window=restart_button,

    def load(self, filename, game_state):
        Loads a dissembler file from 'filename' into 'game_state'.

        Returns the updated game state.
        color_dict = {}

        with open(filename, 'r') as file:
            line = file.readline()

            if file.readline():
                raise IOError('The contents of the file need to be on one ' +
                    'line. See readme.txt for more info on proper input.')

            for r, row in enumerate(line.split(' ')):
                if r > MAX_SIZE:
                    raise IOError('The size of the puzzle is limited to '+

                squares = []
                it = iter(row)

                for elem in it:
                    if elem == '|':
                        square = ''
                        elem = next(it)
                            while elem != '|':
                                if elem == '.':
                                    raise IOError('"." cannot be used inside' +
                                        ' a pair of "|". See readme.txt ' + 
                                        'for more info on proper input.')
                                square += elem
                                elem = next(it)
                        except StopIteration as e:
                            raise IOError('"|" symbols must be in pairs. ' + 
                                'See readme.txt for more info on ' +
                                'proper input.') from e


                for c, square in enumerate(squares):
                    if c > MAX_SIZE:
                        raise IOError('The size of the puzzle is limited to ' +
                    for i in square:
                        if i == '.':
                        if i not in color_dict:
                            color_dict[i] = self.random_color()
                        game_state.add((c, r), color_dict[i])

        return game_state

    def prompt_load(self):
        Prompts the user to load a file.
        filename = askopenfilename()
        if not filename:
        new_game_state = gs.GameState()

            self.load(filename, new_game_state)
        except IOError as e:
            self.send_message('Your file is not a valid input: ' + str(e), 

        self.game_state = new_game_state
        self.state_stack = []
        self.moves = 0


    def random_color(self):
        Returns a random string in the form of #RRGGBB, representing a color 
        code in hex form.
        color = '#'
        for i in range(6):
            hex_code = random.randint(0, 15)
            # must do [2:] b/c hex starts w/ '0x'
            color += hex(hex_code)[2:]

        return color

    def draw_game_state(self):
        Draws the current game state to the game canvas.

        space_size, x, y = self.get_drawing_dimensions()

        self.spacing = space_size / SPACING

        for loc in self.game_state:
            tag = f'{loc[0]}+{loc[1]}'

                color_queue = self.game_state[loc]
            except KeyError:
            colored_squares = []
            for i, color in enumerate(color_queue):
                if i > 3:
                    # Colors beyond the 4th appear as black
                    color = 'black'

                if i == 0:
                    modified_tag = (tag, 'outside')
                    modified_tag = tag
                self.draw_square_in_grid(self.game_canvas, space_size, 
                    color, modified_tag,
                    self.spacing + i*(0.25*(space_size/2 - self.spacing - 3)))

            self.game_canvas.tag_bind(tag, '<Enter>', 
                lambda event, tag=tag: self.on_square_hover(event, tag))
            self.game_canvas.tag_bind(tag, '<Leave>', 
                lambda event, tag=tag: self.on_square_hover(event, tag))

            self.game_canvas.tag_bind(tag, '<Button-1>', 
                lambda event, tag=tag: self.on_square_click(event, tag))

        # Move counter
        self.game_canvas.create_text(self.width - FONT[1]*4, 
            FONT[1], font=FONT, text=f'Moves: {self.moves}')

    def get_drawing_dimensions(self):
        Computes the rectangular grid where the squares in the dissembler
        game should be drawn relative to the canvas.

        Returns (square_size, startx, starty), where
        'space_size' is the length
        of one square space in the grid, and 'startx' and 'starty' are the pixel
        coordinate of the top left of the grid, relative to the canvas.
        nrows = self.game_state.nrows()
        ncols = self.game_state.ncols()

        n = max(nrows, ncols)

        width = int(self.game_canvas['width'])
        height = int(self.game_canvas['height'])

        canvas_ratio = width / height

        game_ratio = nrows / ncols

        if game_ratio > canvas_ratio:
            # Widths are matching
            r = (width * ncols) / (height * nrows)
            x = 0
            y = int(height * (1 - r)) // 2
            space_size = width / nrows
        elif game_ratio <= canvas_ratio:
            # Heights are matching
            r = (height * nrows) / (width * ncols)
            x = int(width * (1 - r)) // 2
            y = 0
            space_size = height / ncols

        return space_size, x, y

    def draw_square_in_grid(self, canvas, space_size, x, y, color, tag,
            canvas: a tkinter canvas
            space_size: the size of the grid space allocated to the square
            x, y: the pixel coords of the top left of the grid square relative 
            to the canvas
            color: the color to draw the square
            tag: identifying handle of the square in the canvas
            spacing: an integer representing the number of pixels between the
            edge of the square and the edge of the grid space allocated to it

        Draws a square on canvas in a grid space allocated to it, defined by
        'square_size', 'x', and 'y'
            [(x + spacing, y + spacing),
            (x + spacing, y + space_size - spacing),
            (x + space_size - spacing, y + space_size - spacing), 
            (x + space_size - spacing, y + spacing)], 
            fill=color, outline='', width=4, tags=tag)

    def loc_to_coord(self, loc):
            loc - a (row, column) location

        Returns the pixel coordinates of the square space corresponding to loc
        relative to the game canvas.

        space_size, x, y = self.get_drawing_dimensions()

        locx = loc[0] - self.game_state.minrow
        locy = loc[1] - self.game_state.mincol

        return x + space_size * locx, y + space_size * locy

    def coord_to_loc(self, coord):
            coord: a (x, y) pixel coordinate relative to the game canvas

        Returns the corresponding (row, col) location that
        contains the coord.
        space_size, x, y = self.get_drawing_dimensions()

        row = (coord[0] - x) // space_size
        col = (coord[1] - y) // space_size

        row -= self.game_state.minrow
        col -= self.game_state.mincol

        return int(row), int(col)

    def on_square_hover(self, event, tag):
            event: a tkinter event
            tag: tag of the item hovered over

        A callback function to highlight the square being hovered over by the
        mouse. Only highlights outermost square.
        if self.square_clicked and self.square_clicked[0] == tag:

        if self.animator.animating:

        tag_squres = event.widget.find_withtag(tag)
        outside_squares = event.widget.find_withtag('outside')

        item = set(tag_squres).intersection(outside_squares).pop()

        if event.type == '7':  # Enter
            event.widget.itemconfig(item, outline='black', width=4)
        elif event.type == '8': # Leave
            event.widget.itemconfig(item, outline='', width=4)

    def on_square_click(self, event, tag):
        A callback function called when a square with 'tag' gets clicked on 
        by the mouse.
        if self.animator.animating:

        tag_squres = event.widget.find_withtag(tag)
        outside_squares = event.widget.find_withtag('outside')

        item = set(tag_squres).intersection(outside_squares).pop()

        event.widget.itemconfig(item, outline='black', width=4)

        if not self.square_clicked:
            self.square_clicked = tag, item

        # Clicked on second square

        loc1 = self.coord_to_loc(self.game_canvas.coords(
        loc2 = self.coord_to_loc((event.x, event.y))

            removed = self.game_state.make_move(loc1, loc2)
        except ValueError:
            self.send_message(self.get_swap_error_msg(loc1, loc2), 'red')
            self.on_swap(self.square_clicked[0], tag, loc1, loc2, removed)
            game_state_copy = deepcopy(self.game_state)

    def on_game_click(self, event):
        A callback function called when the mouse is clicked inside the game
        if not self.square_clicked or self.animator.animating:

        if not event.widget.find_overlapping(event.x, event.y, 
            event.x, event.y):
            item = self.square_clicked[1]
            event.widget.itemconfig(item, outline='')
            self.square_clicked = None

    def key_handler(self, event):
        if event.keysym == 'u':

        elif event.keysym == 'l':

        elif event.keysym == 'r':

        elif event.keysym == 'q':

    def undo_move(self):
        Reverts the game state to the previous state on the game_stack.

            self.game_state = deepcopy(self.state_stack[-2])
        except IndexError:
            # Nothing to undo


    def restart(self):
        Restarts the puzzle
        self.moves = 0


        self.game_state = self.state_stack[0]
        self.state_stack = [deepcopy(self.game_state)]

    def send_message(self, msg, color='black'):
            msg: a string

        Displays an message on the GUI
        self.display['foreground'] = color
        self.animator.animate_text(msg, self.display_text)

    def get_swap_error_msg(self, loc1, loc2):
            loc1, loc2: two location tuples

        Called when a move swap is invalid. Returns the error message 
        corresponding to the invalid move of loc1 and loc2.

        if not ls.is_adjacent(loc1, loc2):
            return 'Your move needs to swap two adjacent squares!'
            return 'Your move needs to connect at least 3 squares of the same'+\
            ' color!'

    def on_swap(self, tag1, tag2, loc1, loc2, removed):
            tag1, tag2: two strings referring to the squares that were just
            loc1, loc2: location tuples corresponding to the squares
            removed: a locset of removed locations

        Called when a valid swap occurs. Resolves the swap.
        self.moves += 1


        direction = ls.orientation(loc1, loc2)
        self.animator.animate_swap(tag1, tag2, loc2, 
            direction, removed)

    def after_swap(self, tag1, tag2, removed):
            tag1, tag2: two canvas tags corresponding to squares that were
            just succesfully swapped.
            removed: a set of locations that had their colors stripped

        Called after the swaping animation is done. Resolves any actions
        that are needed after a swap.
        # Unclick
        self.game_canvas.itemconfig(tag1, outline='')
        self.game_canvas.itemconfig(tag2, outline='')
        self.square_clicked = None

        self.animator.animate_removal(removed, 0)

    def check_victory(self):
        If the game has been won, activate the victory splash screen.

        if not self.game_state:

            x = int(self.game_canvas['width']) / 2
            y = int(self.game_canvas['height']) / 2

            victory_image = tk.PhotoImage(file=VICTORY_IMAGE)

            width = victory_image.width()
            height = victory_image.height()

            largest_dim = max(width, height)
            smallest_window = min(x*2, y*2)

            scaling_factor = int(largest_dim / smallest_window) + 1
            victory_image = victory_image.subsample(50)

            self.game_canvas.image = victory_image
            self.game_canvas.create_image(x, y, image=victory_image, 
            self.animator.animate_victory(smallest_window, victory_image)

            self.game_canvas.create_text(x, y, text='You Win!', 
                font=('Courier', 44))