Ejemplo n.º 1

            print "Parallel Parallel Tempering, run ", i, " complete."

            solution_spt, histories_spt = serial_parallel_tempering(
                graph, distance, initial_Xs, initial_temps, iterr, changepath, nswaps, nbefore
            best_hist, time_hist = hist_best(histories_spt[0])

            print "Serial Parallel Tempering, run ", i, " complete."

            solution_sa, history_sa = simulated_annealing(
                graph, distance, initial_Xs[0], initial_temps[0], nbefore, iterr, changepath, nswaps, reheat, cool
            best_hist, time_hist = hist_best(history_sa)

            print "Simulated Annealing, run ", i, " complete."

            # Take the mean of each column, save these outputs so they can be plotted and examined without re-running simulations
        dist_hist_ppt = np.mean(dist_hist_ppt, 0)
        time_hist_ppt = np.mean(time_hist_ppt, 0)
        # Save results to plot in plotter.py
        np.save("../SavedResults/time_hist_ppt.npy", time_hist_ppt)
        np.save("../SavedResults/dist_hist_ppt.npy", dist_hist_ppt)

        dist_hist_spt = np.mean(dist_hist_spt, 0)
Ejemplo n.º 2
	initial_path = np.random.permutation(size)
	print "Initial path: " + str(initial_path)
	print "Initial path length: " + str(distance(graph, initial_path)) + "\n"
	initial_temp = 2.
	cool = 0.9
	nbefore = 480
	nswaps = 1
	reheat = np.sqrt(5)

	# Run simulated annealing
	print "\nSimulated Annealing\n"
	for iterr in [10**x for x in [3, 4, 5]]:
		with Timer() as t:
			solution, history = simulated_annealing(graph, distance,
                                                         initial_temp, nbefore,
                                                         iterr, changepath,
                                                         nswaps, reheat, cool)
		print "Iterations: {:.2E}".format(iterr)
		print "Calculated path: " + str(solution)
		print "Calculated path length: " + str(distance(graph, solution))
		print "Time: " + str(t.interval) + "\n"
	# Reuse copy of initial path for all trials
	nsystems = 4
	initial_paths = []
	for i in xrange(nsystems):

	initial_temps = [1., np.sqrt(5), np.sqrt(5)**2, np.sqrt(5)**3]
print "Best path: " + str(bestpath)
print "Best path length: " + str(distance(graph, bestpath))

#Initial values, probably need to be tuned
initial_path = np.random.permutation(size)
initial_temp = 2.
cool = 0.9
reanneal = 100
nswaps = 3

# Run simulated annealing
print "\nSimulated Annealing\n"
for iterr in [10**x for x in [3,4,5]]:
	with Timer() as t:
		solution, history = simulated_annealing(graph, distance, initial_path, 
												initial_temp, cool, reanneal, iterr, 
												changepath, nswaps)
	print "\nIterations: {:.2E}".format(iterr)
	print "Calculated path: " + str(solution)
	print "Calculated path length: " + str(distance(graph, solution))
	print "Time: " + str(t.interval)

# Initial values for parallel tempering
nsystems = 3
initial_paths = [np.random.permutation(size) for i in xrange(nsystems)]
initial_temps = [1., 5., 10.]
nbefore = 100

# Run parallel tempering
print "\nParallel Tempering\n"
for iterr in [10**x for x in [3,4,5]]: