Ejemplo n.º 1
def parse_decl(cls, node):
  annos = []
  def anno_filter(node):
    return node.getText() == C.T.ANNO
  for _node in ifilter(anno_filter, node.getChildren()):
    _anno = parse_anno(_node)

  tags = map(op.methodcaller("getText"), node.getChildren())
  def mod_filter(tag):
    return tag not in [C.T.ANNO, C.T.CLS, C.T.ITF, C.T.ENUM, C.T.FLD, C.T.MTD]
  mods = filter(mod_filter, tags)

  _node = node.getChildren()[-1]
  f_or_m = _node.getText()

  # (FIELD (TYPE Id) (NAME Id (= (E... ))?))
  if f_or_m == C.T.FLD: field.parse(cls, node, annos, mods)
  # (METHOD (TYPE Id) (NAME Id) (PARAMS (Id Id)+)? (THROWS Id+)? Body)
  elif f_or_m == C.T.MTD: method.parse(cls, node, annos, mods)
  # inner class or interface
    inner = parse_class(_node)
    inner.annos = annos
    inner.mods = mods
    inner.outer = cls
Ejemplo n.º 2
  def __init__(self, ast):
    # reset ids and lists of meta-classes: Field, Method, and Clazz

    self._frozen = False

    # class declarations in this template
    self._classes = [] # [ Clazz... ]

    # primitive classes
    cls_obj = Clazz(pkg=u"java.lang", name=C.J.OBJ)
    cls_obj.sup = None # Object is the root

    annos = []
    pkg = None
    mods = []
    for _ast in ast.getChildren():
      tag = _ast.getText()
      if tag in [C.T.CLS, C.T.ITF, C.T.ENUM]:
        clazz = parse_class(_ast)
        clazz.annos = annos
        if pkg:
          for cls in util.flatten_classes([clazz], "inners"): cls.pkg = pkg
        clazz.mods = mods

        annos = []
        pkg = None
        mods = []

      elif tag == C.T.ANNO:
      elif tag == C.T.PKG:
        p_node = util.mk_v_node_w_children(_ast.getChildren())
        pkg = util.implode_id(p_node)
      else: # modifiers
    ## parsing done
    ## post manipulations go below

    logging.debug("# class(es): {}".format(len(classes())))
    logging.debug("# method(s): {}".format(len(methods())))
    logging.debug("# field(s): {}".format(len(fields())))

Ejemplo n.º 3
def parse_e(node, cls=None):
  curried_e = lambda n: parse_e(n, cls)

  kind = node.getText()
  _nodes = node.getChildren()
  # (E... STH) or (None STH) (i.e., synthetic node)
  if len(_nodes) == 1 and (not kind or kind == C.T.EXP): # unwrap
    return curried_e(node.getChild(0))
  else: # already in a recursive expression
    _node = node

  # (A... )
  if kind == C.T.ANNO:
    a = parse_anno(_node)
    e = Expression(C.E.ANNO, anno=a)

  # ??
  elif kind == C.T.HOLE:
    e = gen_E_hole()

  # {| e* |}
  elif kind == C.T.REGEN:
    es = map(curried_e, _nodes)
    e = gen_E_gen(es)

  # (CAST (TYPE (E... ty)) e)
  elif kind == C.T.CAST:
    t_node = _node.getChild(0).getChild(0)
    e_node = util.mk_v_node_w_children(_node.getChildren()[1:])
    ty = curried_e(t_node)
    re = curried_e(e_node)
    e = gen_E_cast(ty, re)

  # (INS_OF e (TYPE (E... ty)))
  elif kind == C.T.INS_OF:
    e_node = util.mk_v_node_w_children(_node.getChildren()[:-1])
    t_node = _node.getChildren()[-1].getChild(0)
    le = curried_e(e_node)
    ty = curried_e(t_node)
    e = gen_E_ins_of(le, ty)

  # (bop le re)
  elif kind in C.bop + C.rop and _node.getChildCount() == 2:
    le = curried_e(_node.getChild(0))
    re = curried_e(_node.getChild(1))
    e = gen_E_bop(kind, le, re)

  # (uop e)
  elif kind in C.uop:
    e_node = util.mk_v_node_w_children(_node.getChildren())
    re = curried_e(e_node)
    e = gen_E_uop(kind, re)

  # const or id
  elif len(_nodes) <= 1:
    if kind:
        if kind in [C.J.TRUE, C.J.FALSE, C.J.N]: e = gen_E_c(unicode(kind))
        else: e = gen_E_c(ast.literal_eval(kind))
      except Exception: e = gen_E_id(unicode(kind))
    else: e = gen_E_id(_nodes[0].getText())

  # (E... new Clazz (ARGUMENT ...) ('{' (DECL ...)* '}')?)
  # (E... new typ([])* '{' ... '}')
  # (E... new typ '[' sz ']')
  elif _nodes[0].getText() == C.J.NEW:
    is_init = util.exists(lambda n: n.getText() == C.T.ARG, _nodes)
    if is_init: # class <init>
      if _nodes[-1].getText() == '}': # anonymous inner class
        for i, n in enumerate(_nodes):
          if n.getText() == '{':
            c_node = util.mk_v_node_w_children(_nodes[1:i])
            decl_nodes = _nodes[i+1:-1]
        c = curried_e(c_node)
        name = clazz.anony_name(cls)
        anony = clazz.Clazz(name=name, itfs=[unicode(c.f)], outer=cls)
        map(partial(clazz.parse_decl, anony), decl_nodes)
        c.f.id = name
        e = gen_E_new(c)
        c_node = util.mk_v_node_w_children(_nodes[1:])
        c = curried_e(c_node)
        e = gen_E_new(c)
    else: # array (w/ initial values)
      w_init_vals = util.exists(lambda n: n.getText() in ['{', '}'], _nodes)
      if w_init_vals:
        what_to_find = '{' # starting point of initial values
        what_to_find = '[' # starting point of array size
      for i, n in enumerate(_nodes):
        if n.getText() == what_to_find:
          t_node = util.mk_v_node_w_children(_nodes[1:i])
          init_node = util.mk_v_node_w_children(_nodes[i:])
      t = gen_E_id(util.implode_id(t_node))
      init = util.implode_id(init_node)
      e = gen_E_new(t, init)

  # (E... ... (ARGV ...))
  elif _nodes[-1].getText() == C.T.ARG:
    f_node = util.mk_v_node_w_children(_nodes[:-1])
    f = curried_e(f_node)
    a = map(curried_e, _nodes[-1].getChildren())
    e = gen_E_call(f, a)

  # (E... ... '[' (E... ) ']')
  elif _nodes[-1].getText() == ']' and _nodes[-3].getText() == '[':
    idx = curried_e(_nodes[-2])
    le_node = util.mk_v_node_w_children(_nodes[:-3])
    le = curried_e(le_node)
    e = gen_E_idx(le, idx)

  # (... '.' ...)
  elif any(filter(lambda n: n.getText() == '.', _nodes)):
    i = [i for i, n in enumerate(_nodes) if n.getText() == '.'][-1]
    l_node = util.mk_v_node_w_children(_nodes[:i])
    le = curried_e(l_node)
    r_node = util.mk_v_node_w_children(_nodes[i+1:])
    re = curried_e(r_node)
    e = gen_E_dot(le, re)

  # (... '<' ... '>') # e.g., Collection<T>
  elif _nodes[-1].getText() == '>':
    e = gen_E_id(util.implode_id(_node))

  else: raise Exception("unhandled expression", node.toStringTree())

  return e