Ejemplo n.º 1
def test_discovery_interpreter_linux_auto():
    res1 = u'PLATFORM\nLinux\nFOUND\n/usr/bin/python\n/usr/bin/python3.5\n/usr/bin/python3\nENDFOUND'

    mock_action = MagicMock()
    mock_action._low_level_execute_command.side_effect = [{'stdout': res1}, {'stdout': mock_ubuntu_platform_res}]

    actual = discover_interpreter(mock_action, 'python', 'auto', {'inventory_hostname': u'host-fóöbär'})

    assert actual == u'/usr/bin/python3'
    assert len(mock_action.method_calls) == 2
Ejemplo n.º 2
def test_no_interpreters_found():
    mock_action = MagicMock()
    mock_action._low_level_execute_command.return_value = {'stdout': u'PLATFORM\nWindows\nFOUND\nENDFOUND'}

    actual = discover_interpreter(mock_action, 'python', 'auto_legacy', {'inventory_hostname': u'host-fóöbär'})

    assert actual == u'/usr/bin/python'
    assert len(mock_action.method_calls) == 2
    assert mock_action.method_calls[1][0] == '_discovery_warnings.append'
    assert u'No python interpreters found for host host-fóöbär (tried' \
           in mock_action.method_calls[1][1][0]
Ejemplo n.º 3
def run_interpreter_discovery_if_necessary(s, task_vars, action,
    Triggers ansible python interpreter discovery if requested.
    Caches this value the same way Ansible does it.
    For connections like `docker`, we want to rediscover the python interpreter because
    it could be different than what's ran on the host
    # keep trying different interpreters until we don't error
    if action._finding_python_interpreter:
        return action._possible_python_interpreter

    if s in ['auto', 'auto_legacy', 'auto_silent', 'auto_legacy_silent']:
        # python is the only supported interpreter_name as of Ansible 2.8.8
        interpreter_name = 'python'
        discovered_interpreter_config = u'discovered_interpreter_%s' % interpreter_name

        if task_vars.get('ansible_facts') is None:
            task_vars['ansible_facts'] = {}

        if rediscover_python and task_vars.get(
                'ansible_facts', {}).get(discovered_interpreter_config):
            # if we're rediscovering python then chances are we're running something like a docker connection
            # this will handle scenarios like running a playbook that does stuff + then dynamically creates a docker container,
            # then runs the rest of the playbook inside that container, and then rerunning the playbook again
            action._rediscovered_python = True

            # blow away the discovered_interpreter_config cache and rediscover
            del task_vars['ansible_facts'][discovered_interpreter_config]

        if discovered_interpreter_config not in task_vars['ansible_facts']:
            action._finding_python_interpreter = True
            # fake pipelining so discover_interpreter can be happy
            action._connection.has_pipelining = True
            s = AnsibleUnsafeText(

            # cache discovered interpreter
            task_vars['ansible_facts'][discovered_interpreter_config] = s
            action._connection.has_pipelining = False
            s = task_vars['ansible_facts'][discovered_interpreter_config]

        # propagate discovered interpreter as fact
        action._discovered_interpreter_key = discovered_interpreter_config
        action._discovered_interpreter = s

    action._finding_python_interpreter = False
    return s
Ejemplo n.º 4
def test_discovery_interpreter_non_linux():
    mock_action = MagicMock()
    mock_action._low_level_execute_command.return_value = \
        {'stdout': u'PLATFORM\nDarwin\nFOUND\n/usr/bin/python\nENDFOUND'}

    actual = discover_interpreter(mock_action, 'python', 'auto_legacy', {'inventory_hostname': u'host-fóöbär'})

    assert actual == u'/usr/bin/python'
    assert len(mock_action.method_calls) == 2
    assert mock_action.method_calls[1][0] == '_discovery_warnings.append'
    assert u'Platform darwin on host host-fóöbär is using the discovered Python interpreter at /usr/bin/python, ' \
           u'but future installation of another Python interpreter could change the meaning of that path' \
           in mock_action.method_calls[1][1][0]
Ejemplo n.º 5
def test_discovery_interpreter_linux_auto_legacy():
    res1 = u'PLATFORM\nLinux\nFOUND\n/usr/bin/python\n/usr/bin/python3.5\n/usr/bin/python3\nENDFOUND'

    mock_action = MagicMock()
    mock_action._low_level_execute_command.side_effect = [{'stdout': res1}, {'stdout': mock_ubuntu_platform_res}]

    actual = discover_interpreter(mock_action, 'python', 'auto_legacy', {'inventory_hostname': u'host-fóöbär'})

    assert actual == u'/usr/bin/python'
    assert len(mock_action.method_calls) == 3
    assert mock_action.method_calls[2][0] == '_discovery_warnings.append'
    assert u'Distribution Ubuntu 16.04 on host host-fóöbär should use /usr/bin/python3, but is using /usr/bin/python' \
           u' for backward compatibility' in mock_action.method_calls[2][1][0]