Ejemplo n.º 1
 def run(self, tmp=None, task_vars=None):
     sync = Sync(self._task,
     sync_result = sync.run(tmp=tmp, task_vars=task_vars)
     return dict(results=sync_result)
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def test_remote_user_not_in_local_tmpdir(self, spy_remote_expand_user, ll_ec):
     x = SynchronizeTester()
     SAM = ActionModule(x.task, x.connection, x._play_context,
                        x.loader, x.templar, x.shared_loader_obj)
         SAM.run(task_vars={'hostvars': {'foo': {}, 'localhost': {}}, 'inventory_hostname': 'foo'})
     except BreakPoint:
     self.assertEqual(spy_remote_expand_user.call_count, 0)
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def runtest(self, fixturepath='fixtures/synchronize/basic'):

        metapath = os.path.join(fixturepath, 'meta.yaml')
        with open(metapath, 'rb') as f:
            fdata = f.read()
        test_meta = yaml.load(fdata)

        # load initial play context vars
        if '_play_context' in test_meta:
            if test_meta['_play_context']:
                self.task.args = {}
                for (k, v) in test_meta['_play_context'].items():
                    if v == 'None':
                        v = None
                    setattr(self._play_context, k, v)

        # load initial task context vars
        if '_task' in test_meta:
            if test_meta['_task']:
                self.task.args = {}
                for (k, v) in test_meta['_task'].items():
                    # import epdb; epdb.st()
                    if v == 'None':
                        v = None
                    setattr(self.task, k, v)

        # load initial task vars
        if 'task_args' in test_meta:
            if test_meta['task_args']:
                self.task.args = {}
                for (k, v) in test_meta['task_args'].items():
                    self.task.args[k] = v

        # load initial task vars
        invarspath = os.path.join(
            test_meta.get('fixtures', {}).get('taskvars_in',
        with open(invarspath, 'rb') as f:
            fdata = f.read()
        fdata = fdata.decode("utf-8")
        in_task_vars = json.loads(fdata)

        # load expected final task vars
        outvarspath = os.path.join(
            test_meta.get('fixtures', {}).get('taskvars_out',
        with open(outvarspath, 'rb') as f:
            fdata = f.read()
        fdata = fdata.decode("utf-8")
        out_task_vars = json.loads(fdata)

        # fixup the connection
        for (k, v) in test_meta['connection'].items():
            setattr(self.connection, k, v)

        # fixup the hostvars
        if test_meta['hostvars']:
            for (k, v) in test_meta['hostvars'].items():
                in_task_vars['hostvars'][k] = v

        # initialize and run the module
        SAM = ActionModule(self.task, self.connection, self._play_context,
                           self.loader, self.templar, self.shared_loader_obj)
        SAM._execute_module = self._execute_module
        result = SAM.run(task_vars=in_task_vars)

        # run assertions
        for check in test_meta['asserts']:
            value = eval(check)
            # if not value:
            #     print(check, value)
            #     import epdb; epdb.st()
            assert value, check
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def runtest(self, fixturepath='fixtures/synchronize/basic'):

        metapath = os.path.join(fixturepath, 'meta.yaml')
        with open(metapath, 'rb') as f:
            fdata = f.read()
        test_meta = yaml.load(fdata)

        # load inital play context vars
        if '_play_context' in test_meta:
            if test_meta['_play_context']:
                self.task.args = {}
                for k,v in test_meta['_play_context'].items():
                    if v == 'None':
                        v = None
                    setattr(self._play_context, k, v)

        # load inital task context vars
        if '_task' in test_meta:
            if test_meta['_task']:
                self.task.args = {}
                for k,v in test_meta['_task'].items():
                    #import epdb; epdb.st()
                    if v == 'None':
                        v = None
                    setattr(self.task, k, v)

        # load inital task vars
        if 'task_args' in test_meta:
            if test_meta['task_args']:
                self.task.args = {}
                for k,v in test_meta['task_args'].items():
                    self.task.args[k] = v

        # load inital task vars
        invarspath = os.path.join(fixturepath, 
                test_meta.get('fixtures', {}).get('taskvars_in', 'taskvars_in.json'))
        with open(invarspath, 'rb') as f:
            fdata = f.read()
        fdata = fdata.decode("utf-8")    
        in_task_vars = json.loads(fdata)

        # load expected final task vars
        outvarspath = os.path.join(fixturepath, 
                test_meta.get('fixtures', {}).get('taskvars_out', 'taskvars_out.json'))
        with open(outvarspath, 'rb') as f:
            fdata = f.read()
        fdata = fdata.decode("utf-8")    
        out_task_vars = json.loads(fdata)

        # fixup the connection
        for k,v in test_meta['connection'].items():
            setattr(self.connection, k, v)

        # fixup the hostvars
        if test_meta['hostvars']:
            for k,v in test_meta['hostvars'].items():
                in_task_vars['hostvars'][k] = v

        # initalize and run the module
        SAM = ActionModule(self.task, self.connection, self._play_context, 
                           self.loader, self.templar, self.shared_loader_obj)
        SAM._execute_module = self._execute_module
        result = SAM.run(task_vars=in_task_vars)

        # run assertions
        for check in test_meta['asserts']:
            value = eval(check)
            #if not value:
            #    print(check, value)
            #    import epdb; epdb.st()
            assert value, check