Ejemplo n.º 1
    def _parse_base_groups(self):
        # FIXME: refactor

        ungrouped = Group(name='ungrouped')
        all = Group(name='all')

        self.groups = dict(all=all, ungrouped=ungrouped)
        active_group_name = 'ungrouped'

        for line in self.lines:
            line = utils.before_comment(line).strip()
            if line.startswith("[") and line.endswith("]"):
                active_group_name = line.replace("[", "").replace("]", "")
                if ":vars" in line or ":children" in line:
                    active_group_name = active_group_name.rsplit(":", 1)[0]
                    if active_group_name not in self.groups:
                        new_group = self.groups[active_group_name] = Group(
                    active_group_name = None
                elif active_group_name not in self.groups:
                    new_group = self.groups[active_group_name] = Group(
            elif line.startswith(";") or line == '':
            elif active_group_name:
                tokens = shlex.split(line)
                if len(tokens) == 0:
                hostname = tokens[0]
                port = C.DEFAULT_REMOTE_PORT
                # Three cases to check:
                # 0. A hostname that contains a range pesudo-code and a port
                # 1. A hostname that contains just a port
                if hostname.count(":") > 1:
                    # Possible an IPv6 address, or maybe a host line with multiple ranges
                    # IPv6 with Port  XXX:XXX::XXX.port
                    # FQDN            foo.example.com
                    if hostname.count(".") == 1:
                        (hostname, port) = hostname.rsplit(".", 1)
                elif ("[" in hostname and "]" in hostname and ":" in hostname
                      and (hostname.rindex("]") < hostname.rindex(":"))
                      or ("]" not in hostname and ":" in hostname)):
                    (hostname, port) = hostname.rsplit(":", 1)

                hostnames = []
                if detect_range(hostname):
                    hostnames = expand_hostname_range(hostname)
                    hostnames = [hostname]

                for hn in hostnames:
                    host = None
                    if hn in self.hosts:
                        host = self.hosts[hn]
                        host = Host(name=hn, port=port)
                        self.hosts[hn] = host
                    if len(tokens) > 1:
                        for t in tokens[1:]:
                            if t.startswith('#'):
                                (k, v) = t.split("=", 1)
                            except ValueError, e:
                                raise errors.AnsibleError(
                                    "Invalid ini entry: %s - %s" % (t, str(e)))
                            host.set_variable(k, self._parse_value(v))
Ejemplo n.º 2
Archivo: ini.py Proyecto: grlee/ansible
    def _parse_base_groups(self):
        # FIXME: refactor

        ungrouped = Group(name='ungrouped')
        all = Group(name='all')

        self.groups = dict(all=all, ungrouped=ungrouped)
        active_group_name = 'ungrouped'

        for line in self.lines:
            line = utils.before_comment(line).strip()
            if line.startswith("[") and line.endswith("]"):
                active_group_name = line.replace("[","").replace("]","")
                if ":vars" in line or ":children" in line:
                    active_group_name = active_group_name.rsplit(":", 1)[0]
                    if active_group_name not in self.groups:
                        new_group = self.groups[active_group_name] = Group(name=active_group_name)
                    active_group_name = None
                elif active_group_name not in self.groups:
                    new_group = self.groups[active_group_name] = Group(name=active_group_name)
            elif line.startswith(";") or line == '':
            elif active_group_name:
                tokens = shlex.split(line)
                if len(tokens) == 0:
                hostname = tokens[0]
                port = C.DEFAULT_REMOTE_PORT
                # Three cases to check:
                # 0. A hostname that contains a range pesudo-code and a port
                # 1. A hostname that contains just a port
                if hostname.count(":") > 1:
                    # Possible an IPv6 address, or maybe a host line with multiple ranges
                    # IPv6 with Port  XXX:XXX::XXX.port
                    # FQDN            foo.example.com
                    if hostname.count(".") == 1:
                        (hostname, port) = hostname.rsplit(".", 1)
                elif ("[" in hostname and
                    "]" in hostname and
                    ":" in hostname and
                    (hostname.rindex("]") < hostname.rindex(":")) or
                    ("]" not in hostname and ":" in hostname)):
                        (hostname, port) = hostname.rsplit(":", 1)

                hostnames = []
                if detect_range(hostname):
                    hostnames = expand_hostname_range(hostname)
                    hostnames = [hostname]

                for hn in hostnames:
                    host = None
                    if hn in self.hosts:
                        host = self.hosts[hn]
                        host = Host(name=hn, port=port)
                        self.hosts[hn] = host
                    if len(tokens) > 1:
                        for t in tokens[1:]:
                            if t.startswith('#'):
                                (k,v) = t.split("=", 1)
                            except ValueError, e:
                                raise errors.AnsibleError("Invalid ini entry: %s - %s" % (t, str(e)))

                            # If there is a hash in the value don't pass it through to ast at ast will split at the hash.
                            if "#" in v:
                                host.set_variable(k, v)
                                # Using explicit exceptions.
                                # Likely a string that literal_eval does not like. We wil then just set it.
                                except ValueError:
                                    # For some reason this was thought to be malformed.
                                    host.set_variable(k, v)
                                except SyntaxError:
                                    # Is this a hash with an equals at the end?
                                    host.set_variable(k, v)

Ejemplo n.º 3
    def _parse_base_groups(self):
        # FIXME: refactor,貌似在后面的版本中该函数会被重构
        # 这部分解析ini配置文件的代码却是写的很臃肿,急需要重构
        # 基础group解析,除了已经定义组名的group以外,还有ungrouped表示未分组的组名,all表示所有组的总和

        ungrouped = Group(name='ungrouped')
        all = Group(name='all')

        # 喜欢这种dict创建字典的方式,比用{}的方式好看多了
        self.groups = dict(all=all, ungrouped=ungrouped)
        active_group_name = 'ungrouped'

        # 遍历self.lines,self.lines是文件内容,
        # ini文件的解析大多可以用python内置的conparser类,不过ansible的inventory所支持的语法比较复杂,这里作者自己处理了
        for lineno in range(len(self.lines)):
            line = utils.before_comment(self.lines[lineno]).strip()
            # 如果某行以'['开头,以']'结尾则表名是一个section
            if line.startswith("[") and line.endswith("]"):
                # 将中括号replace掉获得组名
                active_group_name = line.replace("[","").replace("]","")
                # 如果组名中有:vars 或:children,则进行二次处理,比如[southeast:vars],在通过冒号分割得到southeast
                if ":vars" in line or ":children" in line:
                    active_group_name = active_group_name.rsplit(":", 1)[0] # rsplit(":", 1)表示右边开始以冒号为分隔符分割一次
                    # 如果组名未加到self.groups里面,则创建一个新的Group类,并添加到self.groups里面
                    # 如果组名已经存在与self.groups里面,跳过...
                    if active_group_name not in self.groups:
                        new_group = self.groups[active_group_name] = Group(name=active_group_name)
                    # 在这种情况下将active_group_name设置为None,用来表示这不是一个包含真正host的group
                    active_group_name = None
                # 这部分是组名中没有冒号的处理方式,和上面一样。
                elif active_group_name not in self.groups:
                    new_group = self.groups[active_group_name] = Group(name=active_group_name)
            elif line.startswith(";") or line == '':
                # 如果改行以分号开始或为空行则跳过。
            elif active_group_name:
                # 这种情况表示当前行为非中括号打头的行,既包含真实host主机数据的行
                # 在section中包含:vars/:children的段并不包含真实主机
                # shlex模块实现了一个类来解析简单的类shell语法,可以用来编写领域特定的语言,或者解析加引号的字符串。
                tokens = shlex.split(line)
                if len(tokens) == 0:
                hostname = tokens[0] # 获取主机名
                port = C.DEFAULT_REMOTE_PORT # 使用默认的SSH端口号
                # Three cases to check:
                # 0. A hostname that contains a range pesudo-code and a port,like badwol[a:f].example.com:5309
                # 1. A hostname that contains just a port ,like badwolf.example.com:5309
                # 对hostname需要进行以下的检测
                if hostname.count(":") > 1:
                    # IPV6格式的地址,端口号和hostname之间用"."表示。
                    # Possible an IPv6 address, or maybe a host line with multiple ranges
                    # IPv6 with Port  XXX:XXX::XXX.port
                    # FQDN            foo.example.com
                    if hostname.count(".") == 1:
                        (hostname, port) = hostname.rsplit(".", 1)
                elif ("[" in hostname and
                    "]" in hostname and
                    ":" in hostname and
                    (hostname.rindex("]") < hostname.rindex(":")) or
                    ("]" not in hostname and ":" in hostname)):
                        # 如果冒号在中括号外面,表示这个冒号后面是端口号,因此通过通过rsplit按照冒号分割一次获取端口号和hostname
                        (hostname, port) = hostname.rsplit(":", 1)

                hostnames = []
                # 检测hostname是否是表示一个范围的hosts,如果是则将其扩展成一组host列表,否则加入空列表
                if detect_range(hostname):
                    hostnames = expand_hostname_range(hostname)
                    hostnames = [hostname]

                # 遍历hostnames列表
                for hn in hostnames:
                    host = None
                    if hn in self.hosts:
                        host = self.hosts[hn]
                        # 如果host不在self.hosts列表中,则创建一个Host基类
                        host = Host(name=hn, port=port)
                        self.hosts[hn] = host
                    # len(tokens) > 1表示该行拥有变量,如:jumper ansible_ssh_port=5555 ansible_ssh_host=
                    if len(tokens) > 1:
                        for t in tokens[1:]:
                            if t.startswith('#'): # 如果是注释则退出,在ini文件中仍然可以使用#作为注释标识。
                                (k,v) = t.split("=", 1) # kv变量解析
                            except ValueError, e:
                                raise errors.AnsibleError("%s:%s: Invalid ini entry: %s - %s" % (self.filename, lineno + 1, t, str(e)))
                            host.set_variable(k, self._parse_value(v)) # 将该行解析的变量设置到该host下
                    self.groups[active_group_name].add_host(host) # 将该host加入到对应的group中。
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def _parse_base_groups(self):
        # FIXME: refactor

        ungrouped = Group(name='ungrouped')
        all = Group(name='all')

        self.groups = dict(all=all, ungrouped=ungrouped)
        active_group_name = 'ungrouped'

        for lineno in range(len(self.lines)):
            line = utils.before_comment(self.lines[lineno]).strip()
            if line.startswith("[") and line.endswith("]"):
                active_group_name = line.replace("[","").replace("]","")
                if ":vars" in line or ":children" in line:
                    active_group_name = active_group_name.rsplit(":", 1)[0]
                    if active_group_name not in self.groups:
                        new_group = self.groups[active_group_name] = Group(name=active_group_name)
                    active_group_name = None
                elif active_group_name not in self.groups:
                    new_group = self.groups[active_group_name] = Group(name=active_group_name)
            elif line.startswith(";") or line == '':
            elif active_group_name:
                tokens = shlex.split(line)
                if len(tokens) == 0:
                hostname = tokens[0]
                port = C.DEFAULT_REMOTE_PORT
                # Three cases to check:
                # 0. A hostname that contains a range pesudo-code and a port
                # 1. A hostname that contains just a port
                if hostname.count(":") > 1:
                    # Possible an IPv6 address, or maybe a host line with multiple ranges
                    # IPv6 with Port  XXX:XXX::XXX.port
                    # FQDN            foo.example.com
                    if hostname.count(".") == 1:
                        (hostname, port) = hostname.rsplit(".", 1)
                elif ("[" in hostname and
                    "]" in hostname and
                    ":" in hostname and
                    (hostname.rindex("]") < hostname.rindex(":")) or
                    ("]" not in hostname and ":" in hostname)):
                        (hostname, port) = hostname.rsplit(":", 1)

                hostnames = []
                if detect_range(hostname):
                    hostnames = expand_hostname_range(hostname)
                    hostnames = [hostname]

                for hn in hostnames:
                    host = None
                    if hn in self.hosts:
                        host = self.hosts[hn]
                        host = Host(name=hn, port=port)
                        self.hosts[hn] = host
                    if len(tokens) > 1:
                        for t in tokens[1:]:
                            if t.startswith('#'):
                                (k,v) = t.split("=", 1)
                            except ValueError, e:
                                raise errors.AnsibleError("%s:%s: Invalid ini entry: %s - %s" % (self.filename, lineno + 1, t, str(e)))
                            host.set_variable(k, self._parse_value(v))
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def _parse_base_groups(self):
        # FIXME: refactor

        ungrouped = Group(name='ungrouped')
        all = Group(name='all')

        self.groups = dict(all=all, ungrouped=ungrouped)
        active_group_name = 'ungrouped'

        for line in self.lines:
            line = utils.before_comment(line).strip()
            if line.startswith("[") and line.endswith("]"):
                active_group_name = line.replace("[","").replace("]","")
                if line.find(":vars") != -1 or line.find(":children") != -1:
                    active_group_name = active_group_name.rsplit(":", 1)[0]
                    if active_group_name not in self.groups:
                        new_group = self.groups[active_group_name] = Group(name=active_group_name)
                    active_group_name = None
                elif active_group_name not in self.groups:
                    new_group = self.groups[active_group_name] = Group(name=active_group_name)
            elif line.startswith(";") or line == '':
            elif active_group_name:
                tokens = shlex.split(line)
                if len(tokens) == 0:
                hostname = tokens[0]
                port = C.DEFAULT_REMOTE_PORT
                # Three cases to check:
                # 0. A hostname that contains a range pesudo-code and a port
                # 1. A hostname that contains just a port
                if hostname.count(":") > 1:
                    # Possible an IPv6 address, or maybe a host line with multiple ranges
                    # IPv6 with Port  XXX:XXX::XXX.port
                    # FQDN            foo.example.com
                    if hostname.count(".") == 1:
                        (hostname, port) = hostname.rsplit(".", 1)
                elif (hostname.find("[") != -1 and
                    hostname.find("]") != -1 and
                    hostname.find(":") != -1 and
                    (hostname.rindex("]") < hostname.rindex(":")) or
                    (hostname.find("]") == -1 and hostname.find(":") != -1)):
                        (hostname, port) = hostname.rsplit(":", 1)

                hostnames = []
                if detect_range(hostname):
                    hostnames = expand_hostname_range(hostname)
                    hostnames = [hostname]

                for hn in hostnames:
                    host = None
                    if hn in self.hosts:
                        host = self.hosts[hn]
                        host = Host(name=hn, port=port)
                        self.hosts[hn] = host
                    if len(tokens) > 1:
                        for t in tokens[1:]:
                            if t.startswith('#'):
                                (k,v) = t.split("=", 1)
                            except ValueError, e:
                                raise errors.AnsibleError("Invalid ini entry: %s - %s" % (t, str(e)))

                            # If there is a hash in the value don't pass it through to ast at ast will split at the hash.
                            if "#" in v:
                                host.set_variable(k, v)
                                # Using explicit exceptions.
                                # Likely a string that literal_eval does not like. We wil then just set it.
                                except ValueError:
                                    # For some reason this was thought to be malformed.
                                    host.set_variable(k, v)
                                except SyntaxError:
                                    # Is this a hash with an equals at the end?
                                    host.set_variable(k, v)
