Ejemplo n.º 1
    def __init__(self,
                 tags: Dict[str, str] = None,
                 always_reset: bool = True,
                 strict: bool = True,
                 tag_sep: str = '<>',
                 ansistring_cls: type = None,
                 default_line_length: int = 120,
                 default_first_row_bg_color: str = "#E5E5E5",
                 default_second_row_bg_color: str = "#D5D5D5") -> None:
        :param tags: List of named tags as dictionary
        :param always_reset: Reset every markup at the end of a single print command
        :param strict: Within a print command, every opening tags needs a corresponding closing tag
        :param tag_sep: Seperator of tags, e.g. "{}" if you want print_with_colors(text="{red}Hello World{/red}") to
        print a red text.
        :param ansistring_cls: A class for ansistring
        :param default_line_length: Default maximal line length for printing a line with background color. Every line
        has the background color defined by print_with_bg_color(...) or print_for_row(...) up to the specified line
        length. Can be overwritten by a parameter of the aformentioned methods.
        :param default_first_row_bg_color: A default background-color for the i-th block of rows printed by
        method print_for_row(...). Default is a light grey. A color name (red, green, blue, ...) or hex-value,
        e.g. #00AAFF
        :param default_second_row_bg_color: A default background-color for the (i+1)-th block of rows printed by
        method print_for_rows(...). Default is a light grey being a bit darker than default_first_row_bg_color.
        A color name (red, green, blue, ...) or hex-value, e.g. #00AAFF
        self.__tag_open = tag_sep[0]
        self.__tag_close = tag_sep[1]

        self.__default_first_row_bg_color = default_first_row_bg_color
        self.__default_second_row_bg_color = default_second_row_bg_color
        self.__default_line_length = default_line_length

        self.__am = ansimarkup.AnsiMarkup(tags=tags,
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def make_ansimarkup(color):
     color = ansimarkup.parse(color)
     custom_markup = dict(level=color, lvl=color)
     am = ansimarkup.AnsiMarkup(tags=custom_markup, strict=True)
     return am
Ejemplo n.º 3
import ansimarkup
import click
import colorama
from dicttoxml import dicttoxml
from jinja2 import Environment, PackageLoader

JINJA2_ENV = Environment(loader=PackageLoader("greynoise.cli"))

ANSI_MARKUP = ansimarkup.AnsiMarkup(
        "header": ansimarkup.parse("<bold>"),
        "key": ansimarkup.parse("<blue>"),
        "value": ansimarkup.parse("<green>"),
        "noise": ansimarkup.parse("<light-yellow>"),
        "not-noise": ansimarkup.parse("<dim>"),
        "malicious": ansimarkup.parse("<light-red>"),
        "unknown": ansimarkup.parse("<dim>"),
        "benign": ansimarkup.parse("<light-green>"),

def colored_output(function):
    """Decorator that converts ansi markup into ansi escape sequences.

    :param function: Function that will return text using ansi markup.
    :type function: callable
    :returns: Wrapped function that converts markup into escape sequences.
    :rtype: callable
Ejemplo n.º 4
import ansimarkup
import click
import colorama
from jinja2 import Environment, PackageLoader

JINJA2_ENV = Environment(loader=PackageLoader("sublime.cli"),

ANSI_MARKUP = ansimarkup.AnsiMarkup(
        "header": ansimarkup.parse("<bold>"),
        "key": ansimarkup.parse("<cyan>"),
        "value": ansimarkup.parse("<green>"),
        "not-detected": ansimarkup.parse("<dim>"),
        "fail": ansimarkup.parse("<light-red>"),
        "success": ansimarkup.parse("<green>"),
        "unknown": ansimarkup.parse("<dim>"),
        "detected": ansimarkup.parse("<light-green>"),
        "enrichment": ansimarkup.parse("<light-yellow>"),
        "warning": ansimarkup.parse("<light-yellow>"),
        "query": ansimarkup.parse("<white>"),

def colored_output(function):
    """Decorator that converts ansi markup into ansi escape sequences.

    :param function: Function that will return text using ansi markup.
    :type function: callable
    :returns: Wrapped function that converts markup into escape sequences.
    :rtype: callable
Ejemplo n.º 5
import pytest
import ansimarkup
from loguru import logger

am = ansimarkup.AnsiMarkup(tags={"empty": ansimarkup.parse("")})

def test_log_int_level(writer):
               format="{level.name} -> {level.no} -> {message}",
    logger.log(10, "test")

    assert writer.read() == "Level 10 -> 10 -> test\n"

def test_log_str_level(writer):
               format="{level.name} -> {level.no} -> {message}",
    logger.log("DEBUG", "test")

    assert writer.read() == "DEBUG -> 10 -> test\n"

def test_add_level(writer):
    name = "L3V3L"
    icon = "[o]"
    level = 10

    logger.level(name, level, color="<red>", icon=icon)