def visitWhileStat(self, ctx): if self._debug: print("while statement, condition is:") print(Trees.toStringTree(ctx.expr(), None, self._parser)) print("and block is:") print(Trees.toStringTree(ctx.stat_block(), None, self._parser)) raise NotImplementedError()
def ast_to_actions_seq(node, rule_names, file_id, parent_id: int, action_id): global rules_dict, actions_dict, action_counter, rules_in_files, actions_in_files rule_name = Trees.getNodeText(node, rule_names) if rule_name not in rules_dict: rules_dict[rule_name] = (len(rules_dict), 1, 1) rules_in_files[rule_name] = {file_id} else: rules_in_files[rule_name].add(file_id) rules_dict[rule_name] = (rules_dict[rule_name][0], len(rules_in_files[rule_name]), rules_dict[rule_name][2] + 1) action_str = rule_name rule_seq = [[ action_id, file_id, rules_dict[rule_name][0], parent_id, action_counter ]] action_counter += 1 if not isinstance(node, antlr4.tree.Tree.TerminalNodeImpl): next_action_id = action_id for child in node.getChildren(): child_subtree_seq = ast_to_actions_seq(child, rule_names, file_id, action_id, next_action_id + 1) rule_seq.extend(child_subtree_seq) action_str += '##' + Trees.getNodeText(child, rule_names) next_action_id = rule_seq[-1][0] if action_str not in actions_dict: actions_dict[action_str] = (len(actions_dict), 1, 1) actions_in_files[action_str] = {file_id} else: actions_in_files[action_str].add(file_id) actions_dict[action_str] = (actions_dict[action_str][0], len(actions_in_files[action_str]), actions_dict[action_str][2] + 1) rule_seq[0].append(actions_dict[action_str][0]) return rule_seq
def visitCondBlock(self, ctx): if self._debug: print("condblockstatement, condition is:") print(Trees.toStringTree(ctx.expr(), None, self._parser)) print("and block is:") print(Trees.toStringTree(ctx.stat_block(), None, self._parser)) pass # TODO
def visitWhileStat(self, ctx): if self._debug: print("while statement, condition is:") print(Trees.toStringTree(ctx.expr(), None, self._parser)) print("and block is:") print(Trees.toStringTree(ctx.stat_block(), None, self._parser)) print("je suis là") pass # TODO
def visitCondBlock(self, ctx): if self._debug: print("condblockstatement, condition is:") print(Trees.toStringTree(ctx.expr(), None, self._parser)) print("and block is:") print(Trees.toStringTree(ctx.stat_block(), None, self._parser)) end_if = self.ctx_stack[-1] # get the label for the end! raise NotImplementedError()
def generate_tree(cls, code_line): tree, parser = get_grammar_tree(code_text=code_line) test_tree = Trees.getChildren(tree)[0] string_tree = Trees.toStringTree(test_tree, recog=parser) string_tree = string_tree.replace('( (', '[ (').replace(') )', ') ]') return Tree.fromstring(string_tree)
def traverse(self, tree): parent_label = Trees.getNodeText(tree, self.parser.ruleNames) self.nodes.append((self.stack[-1], parent_label)) for child in Trees.getChildren(tree): self.cnt += 1 self.edges.append((self.stack[-1], self.cnt)) self.stack.append(self.cnt) self.traverse(child) self.stack.pop()
def traverse(tree: Tree, file, dot, node_name): children = Trees.getChildren(tree) for child in children: node = Trees.getNodeText(tree, DbQlGrammarParser.ruleNames) child_node = Trees.getNodeText(child, DbQlGrammarParser.ruleNames) child_name = get_node_name() dot.node(node_name, node) dot.node(child_name, child_node) dot.edge(node_name, child_name) traverse(child, file, dot, child_name)
def visitWhileStat(self, ctx): if self._debug: print("while statement, condition is:") print(Trees.toStringTree(ctx.expr(), None, self._parser)) print("and block is:") print(Trees.toStringTree(ctx.stat_block(), None, self._parser)) labelbegin, labelend = self._current_function.new_label_while() self._current_function.addLabel(labelbegin) reg = self.visit(ctx.expr()) self._current_function.addInstructionCondJUMP(labelend, reg, Condition("beq"), 0) self.visit(ctx.stat_block()) self._current_function.addInstructionJUMP(labelbegin) self._current_function.addLabel(labelend)
def visitCondBlock(self, ctx): if self._debug: print("condblockstatement, condition is:") print(Trees.toStringTree(ctx.expr(), None, self._parser)) print("and block is:") print(Trees.toStringTree(ctx.stat_block(), None, self._parser)) end_if = self.ctx_stack[-1] # get the label for the end! next_cond = self._current_function.new_label('end_cond') cond = self.visit(ctx.expr()) self._current_function.addInstructionCondJUMP(next_cond, cond, Condition("beq"), 0) self.visit(ctx.stat_block()) self._current_function.addInstructionJUMP(end_if) self._current_function.addLabel(next_cond)
def process(t, ruleNames): global level if t.getChildCount() == 0: return escapeWhitespace(Trees.getNodeText(t, ruleNames), False) sb = "" sb += lead(level) level += 1 s = escapeWhitespace(Trees.getNodeText(t, ruleNames), False) sb += (s + ' ') for i in range(t.getChildCount()): sb += process(t.getChild(i), ruleNames) level -= 1 # sb += lead(level) return sb
def visitWhileStat(self, ctx): if self._debug: print("while statement, condition is:") print(Trees.toStringTree(ctx.expr(), None, self._parser)) print("and block is:") print(Trees.toStringTree(ctx.stat_block(), None, self._parser)) ltest1 = self._current_function.new_label("ltest1") lendwhile1 = self._current_function.new_label("lendwhile") self._current_function.addLabel(ltest1) tmp4=self.visit(ctx.expr()) self._current_function.addInstructionCondJUMP(lendwhile1,tmp4,Condition(MiniCParser.EQ),0) self.visit(ctx.stat_block()) self._current_function.addInstructionJUMP(ltest1) self._current_function.addLabel(lendwhile1)
def visitCondBlock(self, ctx): if self._debug: print("condblockstatement, condition is:") print(Trees.toStringTree(ctx.expr(), None, self._parser)) print("and block is:") print(Trees.toStringTree(ctx.stat_block(), None, self._parser)) tmp4=self.visit(ctx.expr()) lendif1 = self._current_function.new_label("lendif") self._current_function.addInstructionCondJUMP(lendif1,tmp4,Condition(MiniCParser.EQ),0) self.visit(ctx.stat_block()) end_if=self.ctx_stack[-1] self._current_function.addInstructionJUMP(end_if) self._current_function.addLabel(lendif1) return tmp4
def parse( text: str, start: str, strict=False, transform: Union[str, Callable] = None, error_listener: ErrorListener = None, ) -> ParseTree: lexer = LexerGo(antlr4.InputStream(text)) lexer.removeErrorListeners() lexer.addErrorListener(LexerErrorListener()) stream = CommonTokenStream(lexer) parser = ParserGo(stream) tree = parser.sourceFile() printer = ParserGoListener() walker = ParseTreeWalker() walker.walk(printer, tree) visitor = ParserGoVisitor() parser.buildParseTrees = True # default if strict: error_listener = StrictErrorListener() if error_listener is not None and error_listener is not True: parser.removeErrorListeners() if error_listener: parser.addErrorListener(error_listener) print(Trees.toStringTree(tree, None, parser)) return tree
def evaluate(self, t: ParseTree): # return all children of t that match nodeName return [ c for c in Trees.getChildren(t) if isinstance(c, TerminalNode) and ( c.symbol.type == self.tokenType) == (not self.invert) ]
def parse(argv): if len(sys.argv) > 1: input = FileStream(argv[1]) #read the first argument as a filestream lexer = DecafLexer(input) #call your lexer stream = CommonTokenStream(lexer) #stream.fill() #print(stream.tokens) #tokencitos = ([token.text for token in stream.tokens]) #print(tokencitos) parser = DecafParser(stream) tree = parser.program( ) #start from the parser rule, however should be changed to your entry rule for your specific grammar #pydot__tree_to_png(tree, "./tree.png") traverse(tree, parser.ruleNames) traverse_intermediate_code(tree, parser.ruleNames) f = open('treegen.txt', 'w') f.write((Trees.toStringTree(tree, None, parser))) f.close() #printer = DecafListener() printer = ImpListener() walker = ParseTreeWalker() walker.walk(printer, tree) #print(walker) else: print('Error : Expected a valid file')
def visitCondBlock(self, ctx): if self._debug: print("condblockstatement, condition is:") print(Trees.toStringTree(ctx.expr(), None, self._parser)) print("and block is:") print(Trees.toStringTree(ctx.stat_block(), None, self._parser)) end_if = self.ctx_stack[-1] next_cond = self._prog.new_label('end_cond') cond = self.visit(ctx.expr()) src_cond = self._prog.addInstructionCondJUMP(next_cond, cond, Condition('eq'), Immediate(0)) self.visit(ctx.stat_block()) i = self._prog.addInstructionJUMP(end_if) self._prog.addLabel(next_cond) return src_cond
def visitRelationalExpr(self, ctx): c = Condition(ctx.myop.type) if self._debug: print("relational expression:") print(Trees.toStringTree(ctx, None, self._parser)) print("Condition:", c) raise NotImplementedError()
def get_pretty_tree( tree: "ParseTree", rule_names: list = None, parser: Parser = None, level: int = 0 ) -> str: """Take antlr ``ParseTree`` and return indented tree format for test comparison. Adapted from ``antrl4.tree.Trees.toStringTree()`` method. Args: tree: The antlr parse tree. rule_names: Names of parser rules. parser: The parser used to generated the tree. level: Level of tree (used for indentation). Returns: Pretty tree format (indents of one space at each level). """ indent_value = " " # indent using two spaces to match ``yaml`` reference files if parser is not None: rule_names = parser.ruleNames node_text = Trees.getNodeText(tree, rule_names) pretty_tree = level * indent_value + node_text + "\n" if tree.getChildCount() > 0: for i in range(0, tree.getChildCount()): pretty_tree += get_pretty_tree(tree.getChild(i), rule_names=rule_names, level=level + 1) return pretty_tree
def __traverse(self, tree, counter): root = Trees.getNodeText(tree, DbQLGrammarParser.ruleNames) root_name = str(counter) for child in Trees.getChildren(tree): child_node = Trees.getNodeText(child, DbQLGrammarParser.ruleNames) new_counter = counter + 1 child_name = str(new_counter), root), child_node), child_name) counter = self.__traverse(child, new_counter) return counter
def evaluate(self, t: ParseTree): # return all children of t that match nodeName return [ c for c in Trees.getChildren(t) if isinstance(c, ParserRuleContext) and ( c.ruleIndex == self.ruleIndex) == (not self.invert) ]
def evaluate(self, t): # return all children of t that match nodeName nodes = [] for c in Trees.getChildren(t): if isinstance(c, TerminalNode): if (c.symbol.type == self.tokenType) == (not self.invert): nodes.append(c) return nodes
def visitWhileStat(self, ctx): if self._debug: print("while statement, condition is:") print(Trees.toStringTree(ctx.expr(), None, self._parser)) print("and block is:") print(Trees.toStringTree(ctx.stat_block(), None, self._parser)) test = self._prog.new_label("test") end_while = self._prog.new_label("end_while") self._prog.addLabel(test) dr = self.visit(ctx.expr()) #If expr is false, jump to end self._prog.addInstructionCondJUMP(end_while, dr, Condition(MuParser.EQ), 0) #else execute code self.visit(ctx.stat_block()) self._prog.addInstructionJUMP(test) self._prog.addLabel(end_while)
def visitCondBlock(self, ctx): if self._debug: print("condblockstatement, condition is:") print(Trees.toStringTree(ctx.expr(), None, self._parser)) print("and block is:") print(Trees.toStringTree(ctx.stat_block(), None, self._parser)) end_if = self.ctx_stack[-1] # get the label for the end! end_cond = self._prog.new_label("end_cond") dr = self.visit(ctx.expr()) #If condition (in dr) is false jump to endif self._prog.addInstructionCondJUMP(end_cond, dr, Condition(MuParser.EQ), 0) #Else condition is true self.visit(ctx.stat_block()) self._prog.addInstructionJUMP(end_if) self._prog.addLabel(end_cond)
def visitRelationalExpr(self, ctx): if self._debug: print("relational expression:") print(Trees.toStringTree(ctx, None, self._parser)) tmpl = self.visit(ctx.expr(0)) tmpr = self.visit(ctx.expr(1)) c = Condition(ctx.myop.type) raise NotImplementedError()
def evaluate(self, t: ParseTree): # return all children of t that match nodeName nodes = [] for c in Trees.getChildren(t): if isinstance(c, TerminalNode): if (c.symbol.type == self.tokenType) == (not self.invert): nodes.append(c) return nodes
def evaluate(self, t: ParseTree): # return all children of t that match nodeName nodes = [] for c in Trees.getChildren(t): if isinstance(c, ParserRuleContext): if (c.ruleIndex == self.ruleIndex) == (not self.invert): nodes.append(c) return nodes
def main(): ais = FileStream(sys.argv[1]) lexer = myGrammarLexer(ais) tokens = CommonTokenStream(lexer) parser = myGrammarParser(tokens) tree = parser.rules() print Trees.toStringTree(tree, None, parser) # generating dot file walker = ParseTreeWalker() collector = FunctionListener() walker.walk(collector, tree) print collector.graph.toDOT() # using graphviz subprocess.check_call(["dot", "-Tpng", "", "-o", "dt.png"])
def evaluate(self, t:ParseTree): # return all children of t that match nodeName nodes = [] for c in Trees.getChildren(t): if isinstance(c, ParserRuleContext ): if (c.ruleIndex == self.ruleIndex ) == (not self.invert): nodes.append(c) return nodes
def aster(path): dir_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(path)) name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(path))[0] lexer = BasisLexer(FileStream(path)) stream = CommonTokenStream(lexer) parser = BasisParser(stream) ast = parser.program() with open(dir_path + "\\" + name + ".rkt", 'w') as f: f.write(Trees.toStringTree(ast, None, parser)) f.close()
def aster(path): dir_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(path)) name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(path))[0] lexer = WenyanLexer(FileStream(path, encoding='utf8')) stream = CommonTokenStream(lexer) parser = WenyanParser(stream) ast = parser.program() with open('ast/' + name + ".txt", 'w') as f: f.write(Trees.toStringTree(ast, None, parser)) f.close()
def visitAssignStat(self, ctx): if self._debug: print("assign statement, rightexpression is:") print(Trees.toStringTree(ctx.expr(), None, self._parser)) reg4expr = self.visit(ctx.expr()) name = ctx.ID().getText() if name in self._memory: self._current_function.addInstructionMV(self._memory[name], reg4expr) else: raise Exception("Variable is not declared")
def main(argv): print "Parsing: " + argv[1] + "\n" input = FileStream(argv[1]) lexer = SQLiteLexer(input) stream = CommonTokenStream(lexer) parser = SQLiteParser(stream) tree = parser.parse() print(Trees.toStringTree(tree, None, parser))
def main(): '''Main entry point for the dfs CLI.''' args = docopt(__doc__, version=__version__) dslfile = args["FILE"] input = FileStream(dslfile) lexer = FinalStatePatternLexer(input) stream = CommonTokenStream(lexer) parser = FinalStatePatternParser(stream) tree = parser.top_level() traverser = FSPOntologyListener() walker = ParseTreeWalker() walker.walk(traverser, tree) print(Trees.toStringTree(tree, None, parser))
def parse(self, sql): in_stream = InputStream(sql) lexer = SparksqlLexer(in_stream) token_stream = CommonTokenStream(lexer) try: parser = SparksqlParser(token_stream) parser._listeners = [CustomErrorListener()] self.tree = parser.select_statement() self.tree_str = Trees.toStringTree(self.tree, None, parser) self.is_valid = True except Exception as ex: self.is_valid = False self.error = ex
def parse(formula: str): f = InputStream(formula) lexer = FODTLLexer(f) stream = CommonTokenStream(lexer) parser = FODTLParser(stream) parser.addParseListener(FodtlParser()) parser.buildParseTrees = True # TODO : important prediction mode optimization (we gain x5 speed up with SLL) # use SLL for the first pass, if an error detected we probably have to make a second pass # using LL mode (to check, see the doc) # parser._interp.predictionMode = PredictionMode.LL # ~2.5 parser._interp.predictionMode = PredictionMode.SLL # ~0.4 # parser._interp.predictionMode = PredictionMode.LL_EXACT_AMBIG_DETECTION # ~2.5 tr = parser.main() bt = Trees.toStringTree(tr, recog=parser) # print(bt) l = parser.getParseListeners().pop(0) return l.formula
def toStringTree(self, ruleNames=None, recog=None): return Trees.toStringTree(self, ruleNames=ruleNames, recog=recog)
def loop(self): while True: try: if self.readMore: sys.stdout.write("... ") sys.stdout.flush() self.single_input += sys.stdin.readline() else: sys.stdout.write(">>> ") sys.stdout.flush() self.single_input = sys.stdin.readline() input_stream = antlr4.InputStream(self.single_input) # Instantiate and run generated lexer self.lexer = CustomLexer(input_stream) self.tokens = antlr4.CommonTokenStream(self.lexer) # Setting up error handling stuff error_handler = CustomErrorStrategy() error_listener = CustomErrorListener() buffered_errors = BufferedErrorListener() error_listener.addDelegatee(buffered_errors) # Run parser and set error handler self.parser = TinyPyParser(self.tokens) self.parser._errHandler = error_handler # Remove default terminal error listener & and our own self.parser.removeErrorListeners() self.parser.addErrorListener(error_listener) # Parse input parse_tree = self.parser.single_input() # Determine what to do next if error_listener.eof_received: print() exit(0) elif error_listener.input_unfinished or self.lexer.opened > 0: # User has not finished his input yet, read the next line and repeat self.readMore = True continue elif error_listener.errors_encountered > 0: # Errors encountered, start over print(buffered_errors.buffer) self.readMore = False continue else: # Successfully parsed the input, next time start over self.readMore = False # Build a flattened syntax tree cst = CST.CstFiltered(tree=parse_tree) # Print some stuff... (if needed) if self.args.cst: print(cst) if self.args.parse_tree: parseTreeString = Trees.toStringTree(parse_tree, recog=self.parser) print(parseTreeString) # Evaluate it... visitor = CustomVisitor() ast = visitor.visitSingle_input(parse_tree) if ast == None: continue if self.args.parse_only: continue results = ast.eval() # # ast.eval() returns list of statements; loop through them and print # if results != None: for statement in results: if statement != None and not isinstance(statement, ControlFlowMark): sys.displayhook(statement) #if results != None: # sys.displayhook(results) except KeyboardInterrupt as e: print("") exit(0) except antlr4.RecognitionException as e: print("Caught" + str(e) ) except runtime.Errors.BaseRuntimeException as e: print(e.__class__.__name__ + ": " + str(e)) except SystemExit as e: sys.exit(e) except BaseException as e: print(e.__class__.__name__ + ": " + str(e))
def evaluate(self, t:ParseTree): if self.invert: return list() # !* is weird but valid (empty) else: return Trees.getChildren(t)
def evaluate(self, t:ParseTree): if self.invert: return list() # !* is weird but valid (empty) else: return Trees.descendants(t)
def evaluate(self, t:ParseTree): return Trees.findAllTokenNodes(t, self.tokenType)
def evaluate(self, t:ParseTree): # return all children of t that match nodeName return [c for c in Trees.getChildren(t) if isinstance(c, ParserRuleContext) and (c.ruleIndex == self.ruleIndex) == (not self.invert)]
def evaluate(self, t:ParseTree): return Trees.findAllRuleNodes(t, self.ruleIndex)
def toStringTree(self, ruleNames: list = None, recog: Parser = None): return Trees.toStringTree(self, ruleNames=ruleNames, recog=recog)
def delete(self): if self._depth == 0: Trees.remove(self) else: self.parent.children.remove(self) del self
def evaluate(self, t): # return all children of t that match nodeName return [c for c in Trees.getChildren(t) if isinstance(c, TerminalNode) and (c.symbol.type == self.tokenType) == (not self.invert)]