#from anuga.validation_utilities.parameters import cfl

args = anuga.get_args()
alg = args.alg
np = args.np
verbose = args.verbose

# Get the current svn revision
timestamp = time.asctime()
major_revision = anuga.get_version()
    # This fails if using git for version control
    minor_revision = anuga.get_revision_number()
        # This works when using git on unix
        minor_revision = os.popen("git show-ref --head -s | head -n1").read().strip()
        # This is a fallback position
        minor_revision = 'unknown'

# Now it is ok to create the latex 
# macro file with run parameters
# FIXME: THis is a little dangerous as
# this is changed before all the tests
#from anuga.validation_utilities.parameters import cfl

args = anuga.get_args()
alg = args.alg
np = args.np
verbose = args.verbose

# Get the current svn revision
timestamp = time.asctime()
major_revision = anuga.get_version()
    # This fails if using git for version control
    minor_revision = anuga.get_revision_number()
        # This works when using git on unix
        minor_revision = os.popen("git show-ref --head -s | head -n1").read().strip()
        # This is a fallback position
        minor_revision = 'unknown'

# Now it is ok to create the latex 
# macro file with run parameters
# FIXME: THis is a little dangerous as
# this is changed before all the tests
        system('bibtex %s' %texfile)    

    # Create pdf file
    #system('dvips %s -o %s.ps' %((texfile,)*2))    
    #system('ps2pdf %s.ps' %texfile)    
    # Create html pages
    if do_html is True:
        system('latex2html %s' %texfile)
        print 'Skipping html version for %s as requested' %texfile

# Clean-up
#system('/bin/rm version.tex')
#system('svn update') # Restore version file

#system('cp *.pdf ../')
#system('cp anuga_user_manual.pdf ../../anuga_core/doc')

print 'Cleanup aux tex files'
system('rm *.aux *.bbl *.blg *.idx *.ilg *.ind *.log *.out *.toc *.syn *.synctex.gz ')

# Print
print 'User manual compiled'

print 'Anuga version:', get_version()
print 'Build:', get_revision_number()

Ejemplo n.º 4
    def store_header(self,
                     description='Converted from URS mux2 format',
        """Write a header to the underlying data file.

        outfile          handle to open file to write
        times            list of the time slice times *or* a start time
        number_of_points the number of URS gauge sites
        description      description string to write into the STS file
        sts_precision    format of data to write (netcdf constant ONLY)
        verbose          True if this function is to be verbose

        If 'times' is a list, the info will be made relative.

        outfile.institution = 'Geoscience Australia'
        outfile.description = description

            revision_number = anuga.get_revision_number()
            revision_number = None

        # Allow None to be stored as a string
        outfile.revision_number = str(revision_number)

        # Start time in seconds since the epoch (midnight 1/1/1970)
        # This is being used to seperate one number from a list.
        # what it is actually doing is sorting lists from numeric arrays.
        if isinstance(times, (list, num.ndarray)):
            number_of_times = len(times)
            times = ensure_numeric(times)
            if number_of_times == 0:
                starttime = 0
                starttime = times[0]
                times = times - starttime  #Store relative times
            number_of_times = 0
            starttime = times

        outfile.starttime = starttime

        # Dimension definitions
        outfile.createDimension('number_of_points', number_of_points)
        outfile.createDimension('number_of_timesteps', number_of_times)
        outfile.createDimension('numbers_in_range', 2)

        # Variable definitions
        outfile.createVariable('permutation', netcdf_int, ('number_of_points',))
        outfile.createVariable('x', sts_precision, ('number_of_points',))
        outfile.createVariable('y', sts_precision, ('number_of_points',))
        outfile.createVariable('elevation', sts_precision, \

        q = 'elevation'
        outfile.createVariable(q + Write_sts.RANGE, sts_precision,

        # Initialise ranges with small and large sentinels.
        # If this was in pure Python we could have used None sensibly
        outfile.variables[q + Write_sts.RANGE][0] = max_float  # Min
        outfile.variables[q + Write_sts.RANGE][1] = -max_float # Max

        self.write_dynamic_quantities(outfile, Write_sts.sts_quantities, times)
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def store_header(self,
                     description='Converted from URS mux2 format',
        """Write a header to the underlying data file.

        outfile          handle to open file to write
        times            list of the time slice times *or* a start time
        number_of_points the number of URS gauge sites
        description      description string to write into the STS file
        sts_precision    format of data to write (netcdf constant ONLY)
        verbose          True if this function is to be verbose

        If 'times' is a list, the info will be made relative.

        outfile.institution = 'Geoscience Australia'
        outfile.description = description

            revision_number = anuga.get_revision_number()
            revision_number = None

        # Allow None to be stored as a string
        outfile.revision_number = str(revision_number)

        # Start time in seconds since the epoch (midnight 1/1/1970)
        # This is being used to seperate one number from a list.
        # what it is actually doing is sorting lists from numeric arrays.
        if isinstance(times, (list, num.ndarray)):
            number_of_times = len(times)
            times = ensure_numeric(times)
            if number_of_times == 0:
                starttime = 0
                starttime = times[0]
                times = times - starttime  #Store relative times
            number_of_times = 0
            starttime = times

        outfile.starttime = starttime

        # Dimension definitions
        outfile.createDimension('number_of_points', number_of_points)
        outfile.createDimension('number_of_timesteps', number_of_times)
        outfile.createDimension('numbers_in_range', 2)

        # Variable definitions
        outfile.createVariable('permutation', netcdf_int,
                               ('number_of_points', ))
        outfile.createVariable('x', sts_precision, ('number_of_points', ))
        outfile.createVariable('y', sts_precision, ('number_of_points', ))
        outfile.createVariable('elevation', sts_precision, \

        q = 'elevation'
        outfile.createVariable(q + Write_sts.RANGE, sts_precision,
                               ('numbers_in_range', ))

        # Initialise ranges with small and large sentinels.
        # If this was in pure Python we could have used None sensibly
        outfile.variables[q + Write_sts.RANGE][0] = max_float  # Min
        outfile.variables[q + Write_sts.RANGE][1] = -max_float  # Max

        self.write_dynamic_quantities(outfile, Write_sts.sts_quantities, times)