def readGraph(self, vertexFileName, edgeFileNames, undirected=True, delimiter=None):
        Read a MultiGraph from at least 2 files: one is the information about
        vertices and the other(s) are lists of edges. For the list of vertices
        the first column must be the ID of the vertex. 
        X = numpy.loadtxt(vertexFileName, skiprows=1, converters=self.converters, usecols=self.vertexIndices, delimiter=delimiter)

        numVertices = X.shape[0]
        numFeatures = X.shape[1]-1 

        vertexIds = X[:, 0]
        vertexIdsDict = {}

        for i in range(0, numVertices):
            vertexIdsDict[vertexIds[i]] = i

        if self.nanProcessor != None:
            X[:, 1:numFeatures+1] = self.nanProcessor(X[:, 1:numFeatures+1])

        vertexList = VertexList(numVertices, numFeatures)
        vertexList.setVertices(X[:, 1:numFeatures+1])
        maxEdgeTypes = len(edgeFileNames)
        sparseMultiGraph = SparseMultiGraph(vertexList, maxEdgeTypes, undirected)

        for i in range(0, maxEdgeTypes):
            self.__readEdgeFile(vertexIdsDict, edgeFileNames[i], sparseMultiGraph, i)"MultiGraph read with " + str(sparseMultiGraph.getNumVertices()) + " vertices and " + str(sparseMultiGraph.getNumEdges()) + " edges")

        return sparseMultiGraph
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def setUp(self):
        numpy.set_printoptions(suppress=True, precision=3)
        numpy.set_printoptions(threshold=numpy.nan, linewidth=100)

        #Use the example in the document
        self.numVertices = 10
        self.numFeatures = 2
        self.graph1 = SparseGraph(
            VertexList(self.numVertices, self.numFeatures))
            numpy.random.rand(self.numVertices, self.numFeatures))

        edges = numpy.array([[0, 1], [0, 2], [0, 4], [0, 5], [0, 8], [0, 9]])
        edges = numpy.array([[1, 3], [1, 5], [1, 6], [1, 8], [2, 9], [3, 4],
                             [3, 5], [3, 6], [3, 7], [3, 8], [3, 9]])
        edges = numpy.array([[4, 2], [4, 7], [4, 9], [5, 8], [6, 7]])

        self.graph2 = SparseGraph(
            VertexList(self.numVertices, self.numFeatures))
            numpy.random.rand(self.numVertices, self.numFeatures))

        edges = numpy.array([[0, 3], [0, 4], [0, 5], [0, 8], [0, 9], [1, 2]])
        edges = numpy.array([[1, 3], [1, 5], [1, 7], [1, 8], [1, 9], [2, 3],
                             [2, 5], [3, 5], [4, 5], [4, 6]])
        edges = numpy.array([[4, 9], [6, 8], [7, 8], [7, 9], [8, 9]])
class VertexListTest(unittest.TestCase, AbstractVertexListTest):
    def setUp(self):
        self.numVertices = 10
        self.numFeatures = 3
        self.vList = VertexList(self.numVertices, self.numFeatures)
        self.emptyVertex = numpy.zeros(self.numFeatures)

    def testConstructor(self):
        self.assertEquals(self.vList.getNumFeatures(), self.numFeatures)
        self.assertEquals(self.vList.getNumVertices(), self.numVertices)

    def testSaveLoad(self):
            vList = VertexList(self.numVertices, self.numFeatures)
            vList.setVertex(0, numpy.array([1, 2, 3]))
            vList.setVertex(1, numpy.array([4, 5, 6]))
            vList.setVertex(2, numpy.array([7, 8, 9]))

            tempDir = PathDefaults.getTempDir()
            fileName = tempDir + "vList"

            vList2 = VertexList.load(fileName)

                (vList.getVertices() == vList2.getVertices()).all())
        except IOError as e:

    def testGetItem2(self):
        V = numpy.random.rand(self.numVertices, self.numFeatures)

        for i in range(self.numVertices):
            nptst.assert_array_equal(self.vList[i, :], V[i, :])

    def testSetItem2(self):
        V = numpy.random.rand(self.numVertices, self.numFeatures)

        for i in range(self.numVertices):
            self.vList[i, :] = V[i, :]
            nptst.assert_array_equal(self.vList[i, :], V[i, :])

    def testAddVertices(self):
        numFeatures = 5
        vList = VertexList(10, numFeatures)
        vList.setVertex(1, numpy.ones(numFeatures) * 0.1)
        self.assertEquals(vList.getNumVertices(), 10)
        nptst.assert_array_equal(vList[1], numpy.ones(numFeatures) * 0.1)

        self.assertEquals(vList.getNumVertices(), 15)
        vList.setVertex(11, numpy.ones(numFeatures) * 2)
        nptst.assert_array_equal(vList[1], numpy.ones(numFeatures) * 0.1)
        nptst.assert_array_equal(vList[11], numpy.ones(numFeatures) * 2)
class VertexListTest(unittest.TestCase, AbstractVertexListTest):
    def setUp(self):
        self.numVertices = 10 
        self.numFeatures = 3
        self.vList = VertexList(self.numVertices, self.numFeatures)
        self.emptyVertex = numpy.zeros(self.numFeatures)
    def testConstructor(self):
        self.assertEquals(self.vList.getNumFeatures(), self.numFeatures)
        self.assertEquals(self.vList.getNumVertices(), self.numVertices)
    def testSaveLoad(self):
            vList = VertexList(self.numVertices, self.numFeatures)
            vList.setVertex(0, numpy.array([1, 2, 3]))
            vList.setVertex(1, numpy.array([4, 5, 6]))
            vList.setVertex(2, numpy.array([7, 8, 9]))

            tempDir = PathDefaults.getTempDir()
            fileName = tempDir + "vList"

            vList2 = VertexList.load(fileName)

            self.assertTrue((vList.getVertices() == vList2.getVertices()).all())
        except IOError as e:

    def testGetItem2(self): 
        V = numpy.random.rand(self.numVertices, self.numFeatures)
        for i in range(self.numVertices): 
            nptst.assert_array_equal(self.vList[i, :], V[i, :])
    def testSetItem2(self):         
        V = numpy.random.rand(self.numVertices, self.numFeatures)        
        for i in range(self.numVertices): 
            self.vList[i, :] = V[i, :]
            nptst.assert_array_equal(self.vList[i, :], V[i, :])

    def testAddVertices(self): 
        numFeatures = 5
        vList = VertexList(10, numFeatures)
        vList.setVertex(1, numpy.ones(numFeatures)*0.1)
        self.assertEquals(vList.getNumVertices(), 10)
        nptst.assert_array_equal(vList[1], numpy.ones(numFeatures)*0.1)
        self.assertEquals(vList.getNumVertices(), 15)
        vList.setVertex(11, numpy.ones(numFeatures)*2)
        nptst.assert_array_equal(vList[1], numpy.ones(numFeatures)*0.1)
        nptst.assert_array_equal(vList[11], numpy.ones(numFeatures)*2)
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def setUp(self):
        #Let's set up a very simple graph
        numVertices = 5
        numFeatures = 1
        edges = []

        vList = VertexList(numVertices, numFeatures)

        #An undirected dense graph
        self.dGraph1 = DenseGraph(vList, True)
        self.dGraph1.addEdge(0, 1, 1)
        self.dGraph1.addEdge(0, 2, 1)
        self.dGraph1.addEdge(2, 4, 1)
        self.dGraph1.addEdge(2, 3, 1)
        self.dGraph1.addEdge(3, 4, 1)

        #A directed sparse graph
        self.dGraph2 = DenseGraph(vList, False)
        self.dGraph2.addEdge(0, 1, 1)
        self.dGraph2.addEdge(0, 2, 1)
        self.dGraph2.addEdge(2, 4, 1)
        self.dGraph2.addEdge(2, 3, 1)
        self.dGraph2.addEdge(3, 4, 1)

        #Now try sparse graphs
        vList = VertexList(numVertices, numFeatures)
        self.sGraph1 = SparseGraph(vList, True)
        self.sGraph1.addEdge(0, 1, 1)
        self.sGraph1.addEdge(0, 2, 1)
        self.sGraph1.addEdge(2, 4, 1)
        self.sGraph1.addEdge(2, 3, 1)
        self.sGraph1.addEdge(3, 4, 1)

        self.sGraph2 = SparseGraph(vList, False)
        self.sGraph2.addEdge(0, 1, 1)
        self.sGraph2.addEdge(0, 2, 1)
        self.sGraph2.addEdge(2, 4, 1)
        self.sGraph2.addEdge(2, 3, 1)
        self.sGraph2.addEdge(3, 4, 1)

        #Finally, try DictGraphs
        self.dctGraph1 = DictGraph(True)
        self.dctGraph1.addEdge(0, 1, 1)
        self.dctGraph1.addEdge(0, 2, 2)
        self.dctGraph1.addEdge(2, 4, 8)
        self.dctGraph1.addEdge(2, 3, 1)
        self.dctGraph1.addEdge(12, 4, 1)

        self.dctGraph2 = DictGraph(False)
        self.dctGraph2.addEdge(0, 1, 1)
        self.dctGraph2.addEdge(0, 2, 1)
        self.dctGraph2.addEdge(2, 4, 1)
        self.dctGraph2.addEdge(2, 3, 1)
        self.dctGraph2.addEdge(12, 4, 1)
    def testAddVertices(self):
        numFeatures = 5
        vList = VertexList(10, numFeatures)
        vList.setVertex(1, numpy.ones(numFeatures) * 0.1)
        self.assertEquals(vList.getNumVertices(), 10)
        nptst.assert_array_equal(vList[1], numpy.ones(numFeatures) * 0.1)

        self.assertEquals(vList.getNumVertices(), 15)
        vList.setVertex(11, numpy.ones(numFeatures) * 2)
        nptst.assert_array_equal(vList[1], numpy.ones(numFeatures) * 0.1)
        nptst.assert_array_equal(vList[11], numpy.ones(numFeatures) * 2)
 def testAddVertices(self): 
     numFeatures = 5
     vList = VertexList(10, numFeatures)
     vList.setVertex(1, numpy.ones(numFeatures)*0.1)
     self.assertEquals(vList.getNumVertices(), 10)
     nptst.assert_array_equal(vList[1], numpy.ones(numFeatures)*0.1)
     self.assertEquals(vList.getNumVertices(), 15)
     vList.setVertex(11, numpy.ones(numFeatures)*2)
     nptst.assert_array_equal(vList[1], numpy.ones(numFeatures)*0.1)
     nptst.assert_array_equal(vList[11], numpy.ones(numFeatures)*2)
    def testNormalisedLaplacianSym2(self):
        numVertices = 10
        numFeatures = 0

        vList = VertexList(numVertices, numFeatures)
        graph = self.GraphType(vList)
        graph.addEdge(0, 1)
        graph.addEdge(0, 2)
        graph.addEdge(0, 9)
        graph.addEdge(1, 1)
        graph.addEdge(1, 5)

        L = graph.normalisedLaplacianSym(sparse=True)

        W = graph.getWeightMatrix()
        L2 = numpy.zeros((numVertices, numVertices))
        d = graph.outDegreeSequence()

        for i in range(numVertices):
            for j in range(numVertices):
                if d[i] != 0 and d[j] != 0:
                    Wij = W[i, j] / (numpy.sqrt(d[i] * d[j]))
                    Wij = 0

                if i == j:
                    L2[i, j] = 1 - Wij
                    L2[i, j] = -Wij

                self.assertAlmostEquals(L[i, j], L2[i, j])
    def testNormalisedLaplacianRw(self):
        numVertices = 10
        numFeatures = 0

        vList = VertexList(numVertices, numFeatures)
        graph = SparseGraph(vList)

        ell = 2
        m = 2
        generator = BarabasiAlbertGenerator(ell, m)
        graph = generator.generate(graph)

        k = 10
        W = graph.getSparseWeightMatrix()
        L = GraphUtils.normalisedLaplacianRw(W)

        L2 = graph.normalisedLaplacianRw()

        tol = 10**-6
        self.assertTrue(numpy.linalg.norm(L - L2) < tol)

        #Test zero rows/cols
        W = scipy.sparse.csr_matrix((5, 5))
        W[1, 0] = 1
        W[0, 1] = 1
        L = GraphUtils.normalisedLaplacianRw(W)

        for i in range(2, 5):
            self.assertEquals(L[i, i], 0)
Ejemplo n.º 10
    def testIndicesFromScores(self):
        numVertices = 10
        numFeatures = 1

        vList = VertexList(numVertices, numFeatures)
        graph = SparseGraph(vList)

        graph.addEdge(0, 1)
        graph.addEdge(0, 2)
        graph.addEdge(0, 3)
        graph.addEdge(1, 2)
        graph.addEdge(3, 4)
        graph.addEdge(5, 6)
        graph.addEdge(4, 6)
        graph.addEdge(9, 8)
        graph.addEdge(9, 7)
        graph.addEdge(9, 6)

        windowSize = 10
        predictor = RandomEdgePredictor(windowSize)
        scores = numpy.random.randn(numVertices)
        ind = 0 
        p, s = predictor.indicesFromScores(ind , scores)

        self.assertTrue(p.shape[0] == windowSize)
        self.assertTrue(s.shape[0] == windowSize)

        infIndices = p[numpy.nonzero(s==-float('Inf'))]

        self.assertTrue((numpy.sort(infIndices) == numpy.sort(graph.neighbours(ind))).all())
Ejemplo n.º 11
    def testCvModelSelection(self):
        numVertices = 10
        numFeatures = 1

        vList = VertexList(numVertices, numFeatures)
        graph = SparseGraph(vList)

        graph.addEdge(0, 1)
        graph.addEdge(0, 2)
        graph.addEdge(0, 3)
        graph.addEdge(1, 2)
        graph.addEdge(3, 4)
        graph.addEdge(5, 6)
        graph.addEdge(4, 6)
        graph.addEdge(9, 8)
        graph.addEdge(9, 7)
        graph.addEdge(9, 6)

        windowSize = 3
        predictor = RandomEdgePredictor(windowSize)

        folds = 5
        paramList = [[1, 2], [2, 1], [12, 1]]
        paramFunc = [predictor.setC, predictor.setD]

        errors = predictor.cvModelSelection(graph, paramList, paramFunc, folds)

        self.assertTrue(errors.shape[0] == len(paramList))

        for i in range(errors.shape[0]): 
            self.assertTrue(errors[i]>= 0 and errors[i]<= 1)
    def setUp(self):
        self.numVertices = 10
        self.numFeatures = 3
        self.maxEdgeTypes = 3
        self.vList = VertexList(self.numVertices, self.numFeatures)

        self.sMultiGraph = SparseMultiGraph(self.vList, self.maxEdgeTypes)
    def testGraphDisplay(self):
            import networkx
            import matplotlib
        except ImportError as error:

        numFeatures = 1
        numVertices = 20

        vList = VertexList(numVertices, numFeatures)
        graph = SparseGraph(vList)

        ell = 2
        m = 2
        generator = BarabasiAlbertGenerator(ell, m)

        graph = generator.generate(graph)


        nxGraph = graph.toNetworkXGraph()
        nodePositions = networkx.spring_layout(nxGraph)
        nodesAndEdges = networkx.draw_networkx(nxGraph, pos=nodePositions)
    def testGenerate(self):
        numFeatures = 1
        numVertices = 20

        vList = VertexList(numVertices, numFeatures)
        graph = SparseGraph(vList)

        ell = 2
        m = 0
        generator = BarabasiAlbertGenerator(ell, m)

        graph = generator.generate(graph)
        self.assertEquals(graph.getNumEdges(), 0)

        ell = 5
        graph = generator.generate(graph)
        self.assertEquals(graph.getNumEdges(), 0)

        #Now test case where we m != 0
        ell = 2
        m = 1
        graph = generator.generate(graph)
        self.assertEquals(graph.getNumEdges(), (numVertices - ell) * m)

        m = 2
        graph = generator.generate(graph)
        self.assertEquals(graph.getNumEdges(), (numVertices - ell) * m)
    def testMeanSeqScalarStats(self):
        numFeatures = 1
        numVertices = 10
        vList = VertexList(numVertices, numFeatures)
        p = 0.1 
        generator = ErdosRenyiGenerator(p)

        numGraphs = 50
        graphList = []
        subgraphIndices = [list(range(3)), list(range(6)), list(range(10))]

        for i in range(numGraphs): 
            graph = generator.generate(SparseGraph(vList))
            graphList.append((graph, subgraphIndices))

        growthStatistics = GraphStatistics()
        meanStats, stdStats = growthStatistics.meanSeqScalarStats(graphList)

        #Check some of the stats
        for i in range(len(subgraphIndices)):
            self.assertEquals(meanStats[i, growthStatistics.numVerticesIndex], len(subgraphIndices[i]))
            self.assertEquals(stdStats[i, growthStatistics.numVerticesIndex], 0)

            self.assertAlmostEquals(meanStats[i, growthStatistics.numEdgesIndex], 0.5*(len(subgraphIndices[i])*(len(subgraphIndices[i])-1))*p, places=0)
Ejemplo n.º 16
    def testWriteToFile3(self):
        We will test out writing out some random graphs to Pajek
        numVertices = 20
        numFeatures = 0
        vList = VertexList(numVertices, numFeatures)
        graph = SparseGraph(vList)

        p = 0.1
        generator = ErdosRenyiGenerator(p)
        graph = generator.generate(graph)

        pw = PajekWriter()
        directory = PathDefaults.getOutputDir() + "test/"
        pw.writeToFile(directory + "erdosRenyi20", graph)

        #Now write a small world graph
        p = 0.2
        k = 3

        generator = SmallWorldGenerator(p, k)
        graph = generator.generate(graph)

        pw.writeToFile(directory + "smallWorld20", graph)
Ejemplo n.º 17
    def testDegreeDistribution(self):
        #We want to see how the degree distribution changes with kronecker powers

        numVertices = 3
        numFeatures = 0

        vList = VertexList(numVertices, numFeatures)
        initialGraph = SparseGraph(vList)
        initialGraph.addEdge(0, 1)
        initialGraph.addEdge(1, 2)

        for i in range(numVertices):
            initialGraph.addEdge(i, i)


        k = 2
        generator = KroneckerGenerator(initialGraph, k)
        graph = generator.generate()


        k = 3
        generator = KroneckerGenerator(initialGraph, k)
        graph = generator.generate()

    def readGraph(self,
        Read a MultiGraph from at least 2 files: one is the information about
        vertices and the other(s) are lists of edges. For the list of vertices
        the first column must be the ID of the vertex. 

        X = numpy.loadtxt(vertexFileName,

        numVertices = X.shape[0]
        numFeatures = X.shape[1] - 1

        vertexIds = X[:, 0]
        vertexIdsDict = {}

        for i in range(0, numVertices):
            vertexIdsDict[vertexIds[i]] = i

        if self.nanProcessor != None:
            X[:, 1:numFeatures + 1] = self.nanProcessor(X[:,
                                                          1:numFeatures + 1])

        vertexList = VertexList(numVertices, numFeatures)
        vertexList.setVertices(X[:, 1:numFeatures + 1])

        maxEdgeTypes = len(edgeFileNames)
        sparseMultiGraph = SparseMultiGraph(vertexList, maxEdgeTypes,

        for i in range(0, maxEdgeTypes):
            self.__readEdgeFile(vertexIdsDict, edgeFileNames[i],
                                sparseMultiGraph, i)"MultiGraph read with " +
                     str(sparseMultiGraph.getNumVertices()) +
                     " vertices and " + str(sparseMultiGraph.getNumEdges()) +
                     " edges")

        return sparseMultiGraph
    def testSaveLoad(self):
            vList = VertexList(self.numVertices, self.numFeatures)
            vList.setVertex(0, numpy.array([1, 2, 3]))
            vList.setVertex(1, numpy.array([4, 5, 6]))
            vList.setVertex(2, numpy.array([7, 8, 9]))

            tempDir = PathDefaults.getTempDir()
            fileName = tempDir + "vList"

            vList2 = VertexList.load(fileName)

                (vList.getVertices() == vList2.getVertices()).all())
        except IOError as e:
Ejemplo n.º 20
    def testEvaluate(self):
        numVertices = 6
        numFeatures = 1
        vList = VertexList(numVertices, numFeatures)

        g1 = DenseGraph(vList)
        g1.addEdge(0, 1)
        g1.addEdge(2, 1)
        g1.addEdge(3, 1)
        g1.addEdge(4, 1)
        g1.addEdge(5, 2)

        g2 = DenseGraph(vList)
        g2.addEdge(0, 2)
        g2.addEdge(1, 2)
        g2.addEdge(3, 2)
        g2.addEdge(4, 2)
        g2.addEdge(5, 1)

        g3 = DenseGraph(vList)
        g3.addEdge(0, 1)

        g4 = SparseGraph(vList)
        g4.addEdge(0, 1)
        g4.addEdge(2, 1)
        g4.addEdge(3, 1)
        g4.addEdge(4, 1)
        g4.addEdge(5, 2)

        lmbda = 0.01
        pgk = RandWalkGraphKernel(lmbda)

        logging.debug((pgk.evaluate(g1, g1)))
        logging.debug((pgk.evaluate(g1, g2)))
        logging.debug((pgk.evaluate(g2, g1)))
        logging.debug((pgk.evaluate(g2, g2)))
        logging.debug((pgk.evaluate(g1, g3)))
        logging.debug((pgk.evaluate(g3, g3)))

        #Tests - graph kernel is symmetric, permutations of indices are identical
        self.assertAlmostEquals(pgk.evaluate(g1, g2),
                                pgk.evaluate(g2, g1),
        self.assertAlmostEquals(pgk.evaluate(g1, g3),
                                pgk.evaluate(g3, g1),
        self.assertAlmostEquals(pgk.evaluate(g1, g1),
                                pgk.evaluate(g1, g2),
        self.assertAlmostEquals(pgk.evaluate(g2, g4),
                                pgk.evaluate(g1, g2),

        #All evaluation of themselves are above zero
        self.assertTrue(pgk.evaluate(g1, g1) >= 0)
        self.assertTrue(pgk.evaluate(g2, g2) >= 0)
        self.assertTrue(pgk.evaluate(g3, g3) >= 0)
Ejemplo n.º 21
    def readFromFile(self, fileName):
        inFile = open(fileName, "r")
        numFeatures = 1

        graphList = []
        line = inFile.readline()

        while line != "":
            #First 3 lines are useless


            #4th line has edge information
            line = inFile.readline()
            valueList = line.split(None)
            numVertices = int(valueList[0])
            #Not strictly the number of edges, as molecules can have multiple edges
            #between a pair of atoms
            numEdges = int(valueList[1])

            vList = VertexList(numVertices, numFeatures)

            for i in range(numVertices):
                line = inFile.readline()
                valueList = line.split(None)
                vList.setVertex(i, numpy.array([self.atomDict[valueList[3]]]))

            graph = SparseGraph(vList)

            for i in range(numEdges):
                line = inFile.readline()
                valueList = line.split(None)
                graph.addEdge(int(valueList[0]) - 1, int(valueList[1]) - 1)


            #Ignore next two lines
            line = inFile.readline()

        return graphList
    def testTreeDepth(self):
        numVertices = 4
        numFeatures = 1

        vList = VertexList(numVertices, numFeatures)
        graph = SparseGraph(vList, False)
        graph.addEdge(0, 1)
        graph.addEdge(0, 2)
        graph.addEdge(2, 3)
        self.assertEquals(GraphUtils.treeDepth(graph), 2)

        numVertices = 5
        vList = VertexList(numVertices, numFeatures)
        graph = SparseGraph(vList, False)
        graph.addEdge(0, 1)
        graph.addEdge(0, 2)
        graph.addEdge(2, 3)
        graph.addEdge(3, 4)
        self.assertEquals(GraphUtils.treeDepth(graph), 3)
    def readFromFile(self, fileName):
        inFile = open(fileName,"r")
        numFeatures = 1

        graphList = []
        line = inFile.readline()

        while line != "":
            #First 3 lines are useless

            #4th line has edge information
            line = inFile.readline()
            valueList = line.split(None)
            numVertices = int(valueList[0])
            #Not strictly the number of edges, as molecules can have multiple edges
            #between a pair of atoms 
            numEdges = int(valueList[1])

            vList = VertexList(numVertices, numFeatures)

            for i in range(numVertices):
                line = inFile.readline()
                valueList = line.split(None)
                vList.setVertex(i, numpy.array([self.atomDict[valueList[3]]]))

            graph = SparseGraph(vList)

            for i in range(numEdges):
                line = inFile.readline()
                valueList = line.split(None)
                graph.addEdge(int(valueList[0])-1, int(valueList[1])-1)

            #Ignore next two lines
            line = inFile.readline()

        return graphList 
    def testInit(self):
        numVertices = 0
        numFeatures = 1
        vList = VertexList(numVertices, numFeatures)
        graph = PySparseGraph(vList)

        numVertices = 10
        numFeatures = 1
        vList = VertexList(numVertices, numFeatures)
        graph = PySparseGraph(vList)

        self.assertRaises(ValueError, PySparseGraph, [])
        self.assertRaises(ValueError, PySparseGraph, vList, 1)
        self.assertRaises(ValueError, PySparseGraph, vList, True, 1)

        #Now test invalid values of W
        W = scipy.sparse.csr_matrix((numVertices, numVertices))
        self.assertRaises(ValueError, PySparseGraph, vList, True, W)

        W = numpy.zeros((numVertices + 1, numVertices))
        self.assertRaises(ValueError, PySparseGraph, vList, True, W)

        W = numpy.zeros((numVertices, numVertices))
        W[0, 1] = 1
        self.assertRaises(ValueError, PySparseGraph, vList, True, W)

        W = spmatrix.ll_mat(numVertices, numVertices)
        graph = PySparseGraph(vList, W=W)

        self.assertTrue(isinstance(W, spmatrix.LLMatType))

        #Test intialising with non-empty graph
        numVertices = 10
        W = spmatrix.ll_mat(numVertices, numVertices)
        W[1, 0] = 1.1
        W[0, 1] = 1.1
        graph = PySparseGraph(numVertices, W=W)

        self.assertEquals(graph[1, 0], 1.1)

        #Test just specifying number of vertices
        graph = PySparseGraph(numVertices)
        self.assertEquals(graph.size, numVertices)
Ejemplo n.º 25
    def setUp(self):
        self.numVertices = 100
        self.numFeatures = 2

        p = 0.1
        k = 10

        self.vList = VertexList(self.numVertices, self.numFeatures)
        self.graph = SparseGraph(self.vList)
        self.swg = SmallWorldGenerator(p, k)
Ejemplo n.º 26
    def generateIndicatorVertices(self, numVertices, mu, sigma, p):
        Generate a set of vertices from the means and variances of Y using
        the multivariate normal distribution. Also add at
        the end an indicator variables which is 1 with probability p.
        if not (sigma.T == sigma).all():
            raise ValueError("Must use symmetric sigma matrix: " + str(sigma))

        n = mu.shape[0]
        X = numpy.zeros((numVertices, n+1), numpy.int32)
        X[:, 0:n] = numpy.round(random.multivariate_normal(mu, sigma, numVertices)).astype(numpy.int32)
        X[:, n] = (random.rand(numVertices) < p).astype(numpy.int32)
        vList = VertexList(numVertices, n+1)
        for i in range(0, numVertices): 
            vList.setVertex(i, X[i, :])
        return vList 
    def testSaveLoad(self):
            vList = VertexList(self.numVertices, self.numFeatures)
            vList.setVertex(0, numpy.array([1, 2, 3]))
            vList.setVertex(1, numpy.array([4, 5, 6]))
            vList.setVertex(2, numpy.array([7, 8, 9]))

            tempDir = PathDefaults.getTempDir()
            fileName = tempDir + "vList"

            vList2 = VertexList.load(fileName)

            self.assertTrue((vList.getVertices() == vList2.getVertices()).all())
        except IOError as e:
Ejemplo n.º 28
    def load(cls, filename):
        Load the graph object from the corresponding file. Data is loaded in a zip
        format as created using save().

        :param filename: The name of the file to load.
        :type filename: :class:`str`

        :returns: A graph corresponding to the one saved in filename.
        Parameter.checkClass(filename, str)
        import zipfile 

        (path, filename) = os.path.split(filename)
        if path == "":
            path = "./"
        tempPath = tempfile.mkdtemp()
        originalPath = os.getcwd()

            myzip = zipfile.ZipFile(filename + '.zip', 'r')


            #Deal with legacy files 
                W = cls.loadMatrix(cls._wFilename)
                metaDict = Util.loadPickle(cls._metaFilename)
                vList = globals()[metaDict["vListType"]].load(cls._verticesFilename)
                undirected = metaDict["undirected"]

            except IOError:
                W = cls.loadMatrix(filename + cls._matExt)
                vList = VertexList.load(filename)
                undirected = Util.loadPickle(filename + cls._boolExt)

            graph = cls(vList, undirected)
            graph.W = W

            for tempFile in myzip.namelist():


        return graph
    def testSequenceVectorStats(self):
        numFeatures = 1
        numVertices = 10
        vList = VertexList(numVertices, numFeatures)
        graph = SparseGraph(vList)

        graph.addEdge(0, 2)
        graph.addEdge(0, 1)

        subgraphIndices = [[0, 1, 3], [0, 1, 2, 3]]

        growthStatistics = GraphStatistics()
        statsList = growthStatistics.sequenceVectorStats(graph, subgraphIndices)
    def readFromFile(self, fileName):
        X = numpy.loadtxt(fileName, skiprows=1, converters=self.converters)
        vertexIds = numpy.zeros(X.shape[0] * 2)

        #First, we will map the vertex Ids to a set of numbers
        for i in range(0, X.shape[0]):
            vertexIds[2 * i] = X[i, self.vertex1IdIndex]
            vertexIds[2 * i + 1] = X[i, self.vertex2IdIndex]

        vertexIds = numpy.unique(vertexIds)

        numVertices = vertexIds.shape[0]
        numFeatures = len(self.vertex1Indices)

        vList = VertexList(numVertices, numFeatures)
        sGraph = SparseGraph(vList, self.undirected)

        for i in range(0, X.shape[0]):
            vertex1Id = X[i, self.vertex1IdIndex]
            vertex2Id = X[i, self.vertex2IdIndex]

            vertex1 = X[i, self.vertex1Indices]
            vertex2 = X[i, self.vertex2Indices]

            vertex1VListId = numpy.nonzero(vertexIds == vertex1Id)[0]
            vertex2VListId = numpy.nonzero(vertexIds == vertex2Id)[0]

            vertex1VListId = int(vertex1VListId)
            vertex2VListId = int(vertex2VListId)
            vList.setVertex(vertex1VListId, vertex1)
            vList.setVertex(vertex2VListId, vertex2)

            sGraph.addEdge(vertex1VListId, vertex2VListId, self.edgeWeight)"Read " + fileName + " with " +
                     str(sGraph.getNumVertices()) + " vertices and " +
                     str(sGraph.getNumEdges()) + " edges")

        return sGraph
Ejemplo n.º 31
    def testInit(self):
        numVertices = 0
        numFeatures = 1
        vList = VertexList(numVertices, numFeatures)

        graph = CsArrayGraph(vList)
        self.assertEquals(graph.weightMatrixDType(), numpy.float)

        graph = CsArrayGraph(vList, dtype=numpy.int16)
        self.assertEquals(graph.weightMatrixDType(), numpy.int16)

        #Test just specifying number of vertices
        graph = CsArrayGraph(numVertices)
        self.assertEquals(graph.size, numVertices)
    def setUp(self):
        numVertices = 10
        numFeatures = 5

        vList = VertexList(numVertices, numFeatures)
        vList.setVertices(numpy.random.rand(numVertices, numFeatures))
        graph = SparseGraph(vList, False)

        graph.addEdge(0, 1, 1)
        graph.addEdge(0, 2, 1)
        graph.addEdge(0, 3, 1)
        graph.addEdge(0, 4, -1)
        graph.addEdge(0, 5, -1)
        graph.addEdge(1, 2, 1)
        graph.addEdge(1, 3, -1)
        graph.addEdge(1, 8, 1)
        graph.addEdge(2, 3, -1)
        graph.addEdge(2, 4, -1)
        graph.addEdge(2, 5, -1)
        graph.addEdge(2, 6, 1)

        self.graph = graph
    def testDegreeDistribution(self):
        numFeatures = 0
        numVertices = 100

        vList = VertexList(numVertices, numFeatures)
        graph = SparseGraph(vList)

        alpha = 10.0
        p = 0.01
        dim = 2
        generator = GeometricRandomGenerator(graph)
        graph = generator.generateGraph(alpha, p, dim)

    def setUp(self):
        numVertices = 10
        numFeatures = 5

        vList = VertexList(numVertices, numFeatures)
        vList.setVertices(numpy.random.rand(numVertices, numFeatures))
        graph = SparseGraph(vList, False)

        graph.addEdge(0, 1, 1)
        graph.addEdge(0, 2, 1)
        graph.addEdge(0, 3, 1)
        graph.addEdge(0, 4, -1)
        graph.addEdge(0, 5, -1)
        graph.addEdge(1, 2, 1)
        graph.addEdge(1, 3, -1)
        graph.addEdge(1, 8, 1)
        graph.addEdge(2, 3, -1)
        graph.addEdge(2, 4, -1)
        graph.addEdge(2, 5, -1)
        graph.addEdge(2, 6, 1)

        self.graph = graph 
Ejemplo n.º 35
    def testUnNormSpectralClusterer(self):
        numVertices = 10
        numFeatures = 0

        vList = VertexList(numVertices, numFeatures)
        graph = SparseGraph(vList)

        #We form two cliques with an edge between then
        graph.addEdge(0, 1)
        graph.addEdge(0, 2)
        graph.addEdge(0, 3)
        graph.addEdge(1, 2)
        graph.addEdge(1, 3)
        graph.addEdge(2, 3)

        graph.addEdge(2, 4)

        graph.addEdge(4, 5)
        graph.addEdge(4, 6)
        graph.addEdge(4, 7)
        graph.addEdge(5, 6)
        graph.addEdge(5, 7)
        graph.addEdge(6, 7)
        graph.addEdge(7, 8)
        graph.addEdge(7, 9)

        #graph.addEdge(0, 4)

        k = 3
        clusterer = SpectralClusterer(k)
        clusters = clusterer.cluster(graph)

        self.assertEquals(clusters.shape[0], numVertices)
        self.assertEquals(numpy.unique(clusters).shape[0], k)

        realClusters = numpy.array([1,1,1,1, 0,0,0,0, 2,2])

        similarityMatrix1 = numpy.zeros((numVertices, numVertices))
        similarityMatrix2 = numpy.zeros((numVertices, numVertices))

        for i in range(numVertices):
            for j in range(numVertices):
                if clusters[i] == clusters[j]:
                    similarityMatrix1[i, j] = 1

                if realClusters[i] == realClusters[j]:
                    similarityMatrix2[i, j] = 1     

        self.assertTrue((similarityMatrix1 == similarityMatrix2).all())
    def readFromFile(self, fileName):
        X = numpy.loadtxt(fileName, skiprows=1, converters=self.converters)
        vertexIds = numpy.zeros(X.shape[0]*2)
        #First, we will map the vertex Ids to a set of numbers
        for i in range(0, X.shape[0]):
            vertexIds[2*i] = X[i, self.vertex1IdIndex]
            vertexIds[2*i+1] = X[i, self.vertex2IdIndex]

        vertexIds = numpy.unique(vertexIds)

        numVertices = vertexIds.shape[0]
        numFeatures = len(self.vertex1Indices)
        vList = VertexList(numVertices, numFeatures)
        sGraph = SparseGraph(vList, self.undirected)

        for i in range(0, X.shape[0]):
            vertex1Id = X[i, self.vertex1IdIndex]
            vertex2Id = X[i, self.vertex2IdIndex]
            vertex1 = X[i, self.vertex1Indices]
            vertex2 = X[i, self.vertex2Indices]

            vertex1VListId = numpy.nonzero(vertexIds==vertex1Id)[0]
            vertex2VListId = numpy.nonzero(vertexIds==vertex2Id)[0]

            vertex1VListId = int(vertex1VListId)
            vertex2VListId = int(vertex2VListId)
            vList.setVertex(vertex1VListId, vertex1)
            vList.setVertex(vertex2VListId, vertex2)

            sGraph.addEdge(vertex1VListId, vertex2VListId, self.edgeWeight)"Read " + fileName + " with " + str(sGraph.getNumVertices()) + " vertices and " + str(sGraph.getNumEdges()) + " edges")

        return sGraph 
Ejemplo n.º 37
    def generateIndicatorVertices2(self, numVertices, mu, sigma, p, minVals, maxVals):
        Generate a set of vertices from the means and variances of Y using the multivariate
        normal distribution. Also add at the end an indicator variables which is 1
        with probability p. Make sure the values fall within minVals and maxVals. 
        if  numpy.linalg.norm(sigma.T - sigma) > 10**-8 :
            raise ValueError("Must use symmetric sigma matrix: " + str(sigma.T - sigma))

        if (minVals > maxVals).any():
            raise ValueError("minVals must be less than or equal to maxVals")"Generating " + str(numVertices) + " vertices")

        n = mu.shape[0]
        X = numpy.round(random.multivariate_normal(mu, sigma, numVertices)).astype(numpy.int32)
        indVector = (random.rand(numVertices) < p).astype(numpy.int32)
        constantValueInds = numpy.nonzero(minVals == maxVals)[0]
        constantValues = minVals[constantValueInds]

        blockSize = 10000
        X = X[numpy.logical_and(X >= minVals, X <= maxVals).all(1), :]

        while X.shape[0] < numVertices:
  "Generated " + str(X.shape[0]) + " vertices so far")
            XBlock = numpy.round(random.multivariate_normal(mu, sigma, blockSize)).astype(numpy.int32)
            XBlock[:, constantValueInds] = constantValues
            XBlock = XBlock[numpy.logical_and(XBlock >= minVals, XBlock <= maxVals).all(1), :]

            X = numpy.r_[X, XBlock]

        X = X[0:numVertices, :]
        X = numpy.c_[X, indVector]

        vList = VertexList(numVertices, n+1)
        return vList
Ejemplo n.º 38
    def readFromFile(self, fileName):
            Read vertices and edges of the graph from the given file name. The file
            must have as its first line "Vertices" followed by a list of
            vertex indices (one per line). Then the lines following "Arcs" or "Edges"
            have a list of pairs of vertex indices represented directed or undirected
        infile = open(fileName, "r")
        line = infile.readline()
        line = infile.readline()
        ind = 0
        vertexIdDict = {}

        while infile and line != "Edges" and line != "Arcs":
            vertexIdDict[int(line)] = ind
            line = infile.readline().strip()
            ind += 1

        if line == "Edges":
            undirected = True
        elif line == "Arcs":
            undirected = False
            raise ValueError("Unknown edge types: " + line)

        numVertices = len(vertexIdDict)
        numFeatures = 0
        vList = VertexList(numVertices, numFeatures)
        sGraph = SparseGraph(vList, undirected)
        line = infile.readline()

        while line:
            s = line.split()
                i = vertexIdDict[int(s[0].strip(',').strip())]
                j = vertexIdDict[int(s[1].strip(',').strip())]
                k = float(s[2].strip(',').strip())
            except KeyError:
                print("Vertex not found in list of vertices.")

            sGraph.addEdge(i, j, k)
            line = infile.readline()"Read graph with " + str(numVertices) + " vertices and " +
                     str(sGraph.getNumEdges()) + " edges")

        return sGraph
    def testGenerateGraph(self):
        numFeatures = 0
        numVertices = 20

        vList = VertexList(numVertices, numFeatures)
        graph = SparseGraph(vList)

        alpha1 = 10.0
        alpha2 = 20.0
        p = 0.001
        dim = 2
        generator = GeometricRandomGenerator(graph)

        graph = generator.generateGraph(alpha1, p, dim)
        numEdges1 = graph.getNumEdges()

        #Check no self edges
        for i in range(numVertices):
            self.assertTrue(graph.getEdge(i, i) == None)

        graph = generator.generateGraph(alpha2, p, dim)
        numEdges2 = graph.getNumEdges()

        #self.assertTrue(numEdges1 >= numEdges2)

        for i in range(numVertices):
            self.assertTrue(graph.getEdge(i, i) == None)

        #Test case with p=0 and alpha huge 
        p = 0.0
        alpha = 100.0
        graph = generator.generateGraph(alpha, p, dim)

        self.assertEquals(graph.getNumEdges(),  0)

        #When alpha=0, should get max edges
        alpha = 0.0
        graph = generator.generateGraph(alpha, p, dim)

        #self.assertEquals(graph.getNumEdges(), int(0.5*(numVertices + numVertices**2) - numVertices))

        #TODO: Test variations in dimension 

    def setUp(self):
        self.tol = 10**-4
        self.numVertices = 5
        self.numFeatures = 2

        vertexList1 = VertexList(self.numVertices, self.numFeatures)
        vertexList1.setVertex(0, numpy.array([1, 1]))
        vertexList1.setVertex(1, numpy.array([1, 2]))
        vertexList1.setVertex(2, numpy.array([3, 2]))
        vertexList1.setVertex(3, numpy.array([4, 2]))
        vertexList1.setVertex(4, numpy.array([2, 6]))

        vertexList2 = VertexList(self.numVertices, self.numFeatures)
        vertexList2.setVertex(0, numpy.array([1, 3]))
        vertexList2.setVertex(1, numpy.array([7, 2]))
        vertexList2.setVertex(2, numpy.array([3, 22]))
        vertexList2.setVertex(3, numpy.array([54, 2]))
        vertexList2.setVertex(4, numpy.array([2, 34]))

        self.sGraph1 = SparseGraph(vertexList1)
        self.sGraph1.addEdge(0, 1)
        self.sGraph1.addEdge(0, 2)
        self.sGraph1.addEdge(1, 2)
        self.sGraph1.addEdge(2, 3)

        self.sGraph2 = SparseGraph(vertexList2)
        self.sGraph2.addEdge(0, 1)
        self.sGraph2.addEdge(0, 2)
        self.sGraph2.addEdge(1, 2)
        self.sGraph2.addEdge(2, 3)
        self.sGraph2.addEdge(3, 4)

        self.sGraph3 = SparseGraph(vertexList2)
        self.sGraph3.addEdge(4, 1)
        self.sGraph3.addEdge(4, 2)
        self.sGraph3.addEdge(1, 2)
        self.sGraph3.addEdge(1, 0)
 def setUp(self):
     self.numVertices = 10 
     self.numFeatures = 3
     self.vList = VertexList(self.numVertices, self.numFeatures)
     self.emptyVertex = numpy.zeros(self.numFeatures)
Ejemplo n.º 42
    def testVertexLabelPairs(self):
        numVertices = 6
        numFeatures = 1
        vList = VertexList(numVertices, numFeatures)
        vList.setVertices(numpy.array([numpy.arange(0, 6)]).T)

        graph = DenseGraph(vList, True)
        graph.addEdge(0, 1, 0.1)
        graph.addEdge(1, 3, 0.1)
        graph.addEdge(0, 2, 0.2)
        graph.addEdge(2, 3, 0.5)
        graph.addEdge(0, 4, 0.1)
        graph.addEdge(3, 4, 0.1)

        tol = 10**-6
        edges = graph.getAllEdges()

        X = GraphUtils.vertexLabelPairs(graph, edges)
        self.assertTrue(numpy.linalg.norm(X - edges) < tol )

        X = GraphUtils.vertexLabelPairs(graph, edges[[5, 2, 1], :])
        self.assertTrue(numpy.linalg.norm(X - edges[[5,2,1], :]) < tol )

        #Try a bigger graph
        numVertices = 6
        numFeatures = 2
        vList = VertexList(numVertices, numFeatures)
        vList.setVertices(numpy.random.randn(numVertices, numFeatures))

        graph = DenseGraph(vList, True)
        graph.addEdge(0, 1, 0.1)
        graph.addEdge(1, 3, 0.1)

        edges = graph.getAllEdges()

        X = GraphUtils.vertexLabelPairs(graph, edges)
        self.assertTrue(numpy.linalg.norm(X[0, 0:numFeatures] - vList.getVertex(1)) < tol )
        self.assertTrue(numpy.linalg.norm(X[0, numFeatures:numFeatures*2] - vList.getVertex(0)) < tol )
        self.assertTrue(numpy.linalg.norm(X[1, 0:numFeatures] - vList.getVertex(3)) < tol )
        self.assertTrue(numpy.linalg.norm(X[1, numFeatures:numFeatures*2] - vList.getVertex(1)) < tol )

        #Try directed graphs
        graph = DenseGraph(vList, False)
        graph.addEdge(0, 1, 0.1)
        graph.addEdge(1, 3, 0.1)

        edges = graph.getAllEdges()

        X = GraphUtils.vertexLabelPairs(graph, edges)
        self.assertTrue(numpy.linalg.norm(X[0, 0:numFeatures] - vList.getVertex(0)) < tol )
        self.assertTrue(numpy.linalg.norm(X[0, numFeatures:numFeatures*2] - vList.getVertex(1)) < tol )
        self.assertTrue(numpy.linalg.norm(X[1, 0:numFeatures] - vList.getVertex(1)) < tol )
        self.assertTrue(numpy.linalg.norm(X[1, numFeatures:numFeatures*2] - vList.getVertex(3)) < tol )
Ejemplo n.º 43
    def testFullTransGraph(self):
        transGraph = self.egoSimulator.fullTransGraph()

        #Create a simple graph and deterministic classifier
        numExamples = 10
        numFeatures = 3

        #Here, the first element is gender (say) with female = 0, male = 1
        vList = VertexList(numExamples, numFeatures)
        vList.setVertex(0, numpy.array([0,0,1]))
        vList.setVertex(1, numpy.array([1,0,0]))
        vList.setVertex(2, numpy.array([1,0,0]))
        vList.setVertex(3, numpy.array([1,0,0]))
        vList.setVertex(4, numpy.array([0,0,1]))
        vList.setVertex(5, numpy.array([0,0,1]))
        vList.setVertex(6, numpy.array([0,0,0]))
        vList.setVertex(7, numpy.array([1,0,0]))
        vList.setVertex(8, numpy.array([0,0,1]))
        vList.setVertex(9, numpy.array([1,0,0]))

        sGraph = SparseGraph(vList)
        sGraph.addEdge(0, 1, 1)
        sGraph.addEdge(0, 2, 1)
        sGraph.addEdge(0, 3, 1)
        sGraph.addEdge(4, 5, 1)
        sGraph.addEdge(4, 6, 1)
        sGraph.addEdge(6, 7, 1)
        sGraph.addEdge(6, 8, 1)
        sGraph.addEdge(6, 9, 1)

        simulator = EgoSimulator(sGraph, self.dc)
        logging.debug("Writing out full transmission graph")
        transGraph = simulator.fullTransGraph()

        self.assertEquals(transGraph.isUndirected(), False)
        self.assertEquals(transGraph.getNumEdges(), 11)
        self.assertEquals(transGraph.getEdge(0,1), 1)
        self.assertEquals(transGraph.getEdge(0,2), 1)
        self.assertEquals(transGraph.getEdge(0,3), 1)
        self.assertEquals(transGraph.getEdge(4,5), 1)
        self.assertEquals(transGraph.getEdge(4,6), 1)
        self.assertEquals(transGraph.getEdge(5,4), 1)
        self.assertEquals(transGraph.getEdge(6,4), 1)
        self.assertEquals(transGraph.getEdge(6,7), 1)
        self.assertEquals(transGraph.getEdge(6,8), 1)
        self.assertEquals(transGraph.getEdge(6,9), 1)
        self.assertEquals(transGraph.getEdge(8,6), 1)

        self.assertEquals(transGraph.getVertexList(), vList)
Ejemplo n.º 44
    def testAdvanceGraph2(self):
        #Create a simple graph and deterministic classifier 
        numExamples = 10
        numFeatures = 3
        #Here, the first element is gender (say) with female = 0, male = 1 
        vList = VertexList(numExamples, numFeatures)
        vList.setVertex(0, numpy.array([0,0,1]))
        vList.setVertex(1, numpy.array([1,0,0]))
        vList.setVertex(2, numpy.array([1,0,0]))
        vList.setVertex(3, numpy.array([1,0,0]))
        vList.setVertex(4, numpy.array([0,0,1]))
        vList.setVertex(5, numpy.array([0,0,1]))
        vList.setVertex(6, numpy.array([0,0,0]))
        vList.setVertex(7, numpy.array([1,0,0]))
        vList.setVertex(8, numpy.array([0,0,1]))
        vList.setVertex(9, numpy.array([1,0,0]))
        sGraph = SparseGraph(vList)
        sGraph.addEdge(0, 1, 1)
        sGraph.addEdge(0, 2, 1)
        sGraph.addEdge(0, 3, 1)
        sGraph.addEdge(4, 5, 1)
        sGraph.addEdge(4, 6, 1)
        sGraph.addEdge(6, 7, 1)
        sGraph.addEdge(6, 8, 1)
        sGraph.addEdge(6, 9, 1)

        simulator = EgoSimulator(sGraph, self.dc)
        self.assertEquals(simulator.getNumIterations(), 1)
        self.assertEquals(sGraph.getVertex(0)[numFeatures-1], 1)
        self.assertEquals(sGraph.getVertex(1)[numFeatures-1], 1)
        self.assertEquals(sGraph.getVertex(2)[numFeatures-1], 1)
        self.assertEquals(sGraph.getVertex(3)[numFeatures-1], 1)
        self.assertEquals(sGraph.getVertex(4)[numFeatures-1], 1)
        self.assertEquals(sGraph.getVertex(5)[numFeatures-1], 1)
        self.assertEquals(sGraph.getVertex(6)[numFeatures-1], 1)
        self.assertEquals(sGraph.getVertex(7)[numFeatures-1], 0)
        self.assertEquals(sGraph.getVertex(8)[numFeatures-1], 1)
        self.assertEquals(sGraph.getVertex(9)[numFeatures-1], 0)
        #Advance again and all egos have information 
        self.assertEquals(simulator.getNumIterations(), 2)

        self.assertEquals(sGraph.getVertex(0)[numFeatures-1], 1)
        self.assertEquals(sGraph.getVertex(1)[numFeatures-1], 1)
        self.assertEquals(sGraph.getVertex(2)[numFeatures-1], 1)
        self.assertEquals(sGraph.getVertex(3)[numFeatures-1], 1)
        self.assertEquals(sGraph.getVertex(4)[numFeatures-1], 1)
        self.assertEquals(sGraph.getVertex(5)[numFeatures-1], 1)
        self.assertEquals(sGraph.getVertex(6)[numFeatures-1], 1)
        self.assertEquals(sGraph.getVertex(7)[numFeatures-1], 1)
        self.assertEquals(sGraph.getVertex(8)[numFeatures-1], 1)
        self.assertEquals(sGraph.getVertex(9)[numFeatures-1], 1)
        #Should be no change 
        self.assertEquals(simulator.getNumIterations(), 3)
        #Check the correct alters are added at each step 
        self.assertTrue((simulator.getAlters(0) == numpy.array([1,2,3,6])).all())
        self.assertTrue((simulator.getAlters(1) == numpy.array([7,9])).all())
        self.assertTrue((simulator.getAlters(2) == numpy.array([])).all())

        #Check that the transmission graph is okay
        transGraph = simulator.getTransmissionGraph()
        self.assertEquals(transGraph.getNumVertices(), 9)
        self.assertEquals(transGraph.getNumEdges(), 7)
        self.assertEquals(transGraph.getAllVertexIds(), [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9])

        for i in transGraph.getAllVertexIds():
            self.assertTrue((transGraph.getVertex(i) == sGraph.getVertex(i)).all())