Ejemplo n.º 1
def listtables(request, schema_name):
    insp = actions.connect()
    labels = get_readable_table_names(schema_name)
    tables = [(table, labels[table] if table in labels else None) for table in insp.get_table_names(schema=schema_name) if
              not table.startswith('_')]
    tables = sorted(tables, key=lambda x: x[0])
    return render(request, 'dataedit/dataedit_tablelist.html',
                  {'schema': schema_name, 'tables': tables})
Ejemplo n.º 2
def listschemas(request):
    insp = actions.connect()
    schemas = sorted([(schema, len(
        {table for table in insp.get_table_names(schema=schema) if
         not table.startswith('_')})) for schema in insp.get_schema_names() if
                      schema in schema_whitelist and not schema.startswith('_')], key=lambda x: x[0])
    return render(request, 'dataedit/dataedit_schemalist.html',
                  {'schemas': schemas})
Ejemplo n.º 3
def listtables(request, schema_name):
    insp = actions.connect()
    labels = get_readable_table_names(schema_name)
    tables = [(table, labels[table] if table in labels else None)
              for table in insp.get_table_names(schema=schema_name)
              if not table.startswith('_')]
    tables = sorted(tables, key=lambda x: x[0])
    return render(request, 'dataedit/dataedit_tablelist.html', {
        'schema': schema_name,
        'tables': tables
Ejemplo n.º 4
def listschemas(request):
    insp = actions.connect()
    schemas = sorted(
              for table in insp.get_table_names(schema=schema)
              if not table.startswith('_')
          })) for schema in insp.get_schema_names()
         if schema in schema_whitelist and not schema.startswith('_')],
        key=lambda x: x[0])
    return render(request, 'dataedit/dataedit_schemalist.html',
                  {'schemas': schemas})
Ejemplo n.º 5
def listschemas(request):
    Loads all schemas that are present in the external database specified in
    oeplatform/securitysettings.py. Only schemas that are present in the
    whitelist are processed that do not start with an underscore.

    :param request: A HTTP-request object sent by the Django framework

    :return: Renders the schema list

    insp = actions.connect()
    engine = actions._get_engine()
    conn = engine.connect()
    query = 'SELECT schemaname, count(tablename) as tables FROM pg_tables WHERE pg_has_role(\'{user}\', tableowner, \'MEMBER\') AND tablename NOT LIKE \'\_%%\' group by schemaname;'.format(
    response = conn.execute(query)
    schemas = sorted([(row.schemaname, row.tables)
                      for row in response if row.schemaname in schema_whitelist
                      and not row.schemaname.startswith('_')],
                     key=lambda x: x[0])
    return render(request, 'dataedit/dataedit_schemalist.html',
                  {'schemas': schemas})
Ejemplo n.º 6
def listschemas(request):
    Loads all schemas that are present in the external database specified in
    oeplatform/securitysettings.py. Only schemas that are present in the
    whitelist are processed that do not start with an underscore.

    :param request: A HTTP-request object sent by the Django framework

    :return: Renders the schema list

    searchedQueryString = request.GET.get("query")
    searchedTagIds = list(map(
        lambda t: int(t),

    for tag_id in searchedTagIds:

    insp = actions.connect()
    engine = actions._get_engine()
    conn = engine.connect()
    query = (
        "SELECT i.schema_name as schemaname, count(distinct p.tablename) as table_count, array_agg(p.tablename) as tables, array_agg(tg.id) as tag_ids FROM pg_tables p "
        "right join information_schema.schemata i "
        "ON p.schemaname=i.schema_name "
        "left join table_tags t "
        "ON p.schemaname=t.schema_name "
        "left join tags tg "
        "ON t.tag=tg.id "
        "WHERE p.tablename IS NULL "
        "   OR (pg_has_role('{user}', tableowner, 'MEMBER') "
        "       AND p.tablename NOT LIKE '\_%%') "
        "GROUP BY i.schema_name;".format(user=sec.dbuser))
    response = conn.execute(query)

    description = {
        "Data that depicts boundaries, such as geographic, administrative or political boundaries. Such data comes as polygons.",
        "Data related to climate and weather. This includes, for example, precipitation, temperature, cloud cover and atmospheric conditions.",
        "Data related to economic activities. Examples: sectoral value added, sectoral inputs and outputs, GDP, prices of commodities etc.",
        "Data on demand. Demand can relate to commodities but also to services.",
        "Energy transmission infrastructure. examples: power lines, substation, pipelines",
        "Data on supply. Supply can relate to commodities but also to services.",
        "environmental resources, protection and conservation. examples: environmental pollution, waste storage and treatment, environmental impact assessment, monitoring environmental risk, nature reserves, landscape",
        "Demographic data such as population statistics and projections, fertility, mortality etc.",
        "Unfinished data of any kind. Note: there is no version control and data is still volatile.",
        "Scenario data in the broadest sense. Includes input and output data from models that project scenarios into the future. Example inputs: assumptions made about future developments of key parameters such as energy prices and GDP. Example outputs: projected electricity transmission, projected greenhouse gas emissions. Note that inputs to one model could be an output of another model and the other way around.",
        "sources, literature",
        "Data on emissions. Examples: total greenhouse gas emissions, CO2-emissions, energy-related CO2-emissions, methane emissions, air pollutants etc.",
        "OpenStreetMap is a open project that collects and structures freely usable geodata and keeps them in a database for use by anyone. This data is available under a free license, the Open Database License.",
        "Data on policies and measures. This could, for example, include a list of renewable energy policies per European Member State. It could also be a list of climate related policies and measures in a specific country."

    schemas = sorted(
        [(row.schemaname, description.get(
            row.schemaname, "No description"), row.table_count, row.tag_ids)
         for row in response if row.schemaname in schema_whitelist
         and not row.schemaname.startswith("_") and
         (not searchedQueryString or searchedQueryString in row.schemaname
          or list(
                  lambda tableName: tableName and searchedQueryString in
                  tableName, row.tables))) and (not searchedTagIds or set(
                      filter(lambda x: x is not None, row.tag_ids)).issuperset(
        key=lambda x: x[0],


    return render(request, "dataedit/dataedit_schemalist.html", {
        "schemas": schemas,
        "query": searchedQueryString,
        "tags": searchedTagIds