Ejemplo n.º 1
def delete_party(request):
    DELETE -- Deletes the party that the member is in, if any.
            We are allowing "POST" here because django tests don't allow DELETE
    :param request:
    session_email = request.user.username
    if not request.user.is_authenticated:
        return http_response({}, message="You are not logged in", code=302)

        user = Member.objects.get(email=session_email)
    except Member.DoesNotExist:
        return http_response(
            {}, message="You do not have the required permissions", code=403)

    party_id = user.party_id

    if party_id is None:
        return http_response(message='You are not in a party', code=400)
    run_connection("DELETE FROM api_party WHERE id = %s", party_id)

    # Make sure any members associated with this party are updated
    return run_connection(
        "UPDATE api_member SET party_id=NULL WHERE party_id=%s", party_id)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def create_queue(type):
    :param type:

    return run_connection("INSERT INTO api_queue (type) VALUES (%s)", type)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def delete_queue(id):
        Deletes the queue with id
    :param id:

    return run_connection("DELETE FROM api_queue WHERE id=%s", id)
Ejemplo n.º 4
def edit_queue(id, type):
        Modifies queue with id to a different type
    :param id:
    :param type:
    if get_queue_by_id(id):
        return run_connection("UPDATE api_queue SET type=%s WHERE id=%s", type,
        return http_response({},
                             message='No queue exists with this id!',
Ejemplo n.º 5
def add_member(request):
        POST -- Adds a member to the logged in user's party
            Required Keys: id, delete
            Optional Keys: queue_id, add_members, remove_members
                NOTE: `add_members` and `remove_members` are comma separated lists of
                    member id's to add or remove from the party respectively

        :param request:

    post_dict = dict(request.POST.items())
    if not validate_keys(['member_id'], post_dict):
        return http_response({}, message="Keys not found", code=400)

    member_id = post_dict['member_id']
    my_id = id_for_member(request.user.email)
    party = party_for_member(my_id)
    party_id = party.id

    rawquery = Member.objects.raw(
        "SELECT * FROM api_member WHERE interested_ptr_id=%s AND party_id NOT NULL",
    member_is_in_party = len(list(rawquery)) > 0
    if member_is_in_party:
        return http_response(message="Member is already in a party", code=400)

    members = Member.objects.raw(
        "SELECT * FROM api_member WHERE party_id NOT NULL AND party_id = %s AND interested_ptr_id = %s",
        [party_id, member_id])
    if len(list(members)) > 0:
        return http_response(message="Member is already part of party")

    response = run_connection(
        "UPDATE api_member SET party_id = %s WHERE interested_ptr_id = %s",
        party_id, member_id)
    return response
Ejemplo n.º 6
def join_party(request):
    session_email = request.user.username
    if not request.user.is_authenticated:
        return http_response({}, message="You are not logged in", code=302)

        user = Member.objects.get(email=session_email)
    except Member.DoesNotExist:
        return http_response(
            {}, message="You do not have the required permissions", code=403)

    member_id = user.id
    curr_party_id = user.party_id
    if curr_party_id is not None:
        return http_response(message="You are already in a party", code=400)

    post_dict = dict(request.POST.items())
    if not validate_keys(['party_id'], post_dict):
        return http_response({}, message="Keys not found", code=400)
    party_id = post_dict["party_id"]

    return run_connection(
        "UPDATE api_member SET party_id=%s WHERE interested_ptr_id=%s",
        party_id, member_id)
Ejemplo n.º 7
def create_party(request):
    POST -- Creates a party. Anyone with Member permission or above can do this.
        Required Keys: queue_type, member_ids
            NOTE: member_ids is a comma separated list of ids to add to the party (EXCLUDES the user themselves)
    :param request:
    post_dict = dict(request.POST.items())
    if not validate_keys(['queue_id', 'member_ids'], post_dict):
        return http_response({}, message="Keys not found", code=400)

    queue_id = post_dict['queue_id']
    queues = Queue.objects.raw("SELECT * FROM api_queue WHERE id = %s",
    if len(list(queues)) <= 0:
        return http_response(message='Queue does not exist', code=400)

    queue = queues[0]

    queue_id = queue.id
    user_id = id_for_member(request.user.email)
    member_ids = post_dict['member_ids']
    member_ids = member_ids.split(",")  # list of ids to add to the party
    if user_id not in member_ids:
            str(user_id))  # add self to the party, if not already specified

    # Check if the user is already in a party
    rawquery = Member.objects.raw(
        "SELECT * FROM api_member WHERE interested_ptr_id=%s AND party_id NOT NULL",
    member_is_in_party = len(list(rawquery)) > 0
    if member_is_in_party:
        return http_response(message="User is already in a party", code=400)

    parties_with_max_id = Party.objects.raw(
        "SELECT * FROM api_party WHERE id = (SELECT MAX(id) FROM api_party)")
    if len(list(parties_with_max_id)) == 0:
        new_id = 0
        party_with_max_id = parties_with_max_id[0]
        new_id = party_with_max_id.id + 1

    # Check if there are other parties on this queue. If not, for each court associated with
    # this queue, check if there are matches with NULL endDateTime with the court id. If for a court_id, there
    # are no matches with a NULL endDateTime, that means there is no ongoing match on that court. In that case,
    # skip creating a party and just throw this group into a match on that empty court.
    open_court_id = queue_is_empty_with_open_court(queue_id)
    if open_court_id:
        # Create match
        # Randomize the member_id's into two teams (preferably equal numbers on each team)
        a_players = []
        b_players = []
        num_players = len(member_ids)
        for member_id in member_ids:
            choice = random.choice([True, False])
            if choice and len(a_players) < num_players / 2:
                # Add to a_players, if half of players aren't already on there
                if len(b_players) < num_players / 2:

        return http_response(message="OK", code=200)
        # Create party on the queue
        response = run_connection(
            "INSERT INTO api_party(id, queue_id) VALUES (%s, %s)", new_id,
        if response.status_code != 200:
            return response

        # response = run_connection("UPDATE api_member SET party_id = %s WHERE interested_ptr_id = %s", new_id, member_id)
        # if response.status_code != 200:
        #     return response
        add_members_to_party(new_id, member_ids)

        return response
Ejemplo n.º 8
def dequeue_party_to_court_call(queue_type):
    response = get_parties_by_playtime(queue_type)
    my_json = json.loads(response.content.decode())
    parties = my_json['parties']
    if len(parties) == 0:
        return http_response({}, message='No parties on this queue', code=400)
    party_to_dequeue = parties[0]
    party_id = party_to_dequeue['party_id']
    queues = Queue.objects.raw("SELECT * FROM api_queue WHERE type = %s",
    if len(list(queues)) == 0:
        return http_response({}, message='No such queue found', code=400)
    queue = queues[0]
    queue_courts = Court.objects.raw(
        "SELECT * FROM api_court WHERE queue_id = %s", [queue.id])
    if len(list(queue_courts)) == 0:
        return http_response({},
                             message='No courts available for this queue',

    found_available_court = False
    for court in queue_courts:
        if court.match is None:
            # Found an empty court
            found_available_court = True

            # Get the members from the party
            members_query = Member.objects.raw(
                "SELECT * FROM api_member WHERE party_id = %s", [party_id])
            members = []
            for member in members_query:
                member.party = None

            # Remove party from queue
            response = run_connection("DELETE FROM api_party WHERE id = %s",
            if response.status_code != 200:
                # Error
                return response

            # Create match on court
            all_matches = Match.objects.raw("SELECT * FROM api_match")
            largest_id = max([match.id for match in all_matches
                              ]) if len(list(all_matches)) > 0 else -1
            id_of_new_match = largest_id + 1

            now = datetime.datetime.now(tz=api.datetime_extension.cst)

            response = run_connection(
                "INSERT INTO api_match(id, startDateTime, scoreA, scoreB) VALUES (%s, %s, 0, 0)",
                id_of_new_match, serializeDateTime(now))
            if response.status_code != 200:
                # Error
                return response

            # Assign teams
            num_members = len(members)
            for i in range(num_members):
                team = "A" if i % 2 == 0 else "B"
                member = members[i]
                response = run_connection(
                    "INSERT INTO api_playedin(team, match_id, member_id) VALUES (%s, %s, %s)",
                    team, id_of_new_match, member.id)
                if response.status_code != 200:
                    # Error
                    return response

            # Add the match to the court
            response = run_connection(
                "UPDATE api_court SET match_id = %s WHERE id = %s",
                id_of_new_match, court.id)

    if found_available_court:
        return response
        return http_response(message="No available courts", code=400)