Ejemplo n.º 1
def untrack(files: T.Iterable[T.Path]) -> None:
    """ Untrack the given files """
    for f in files:
        if not file.is_regular(f):
            # Skip non-regular files
            log.warning(f"Cannot untrack {f}: Doesn't exist or is not regular")
                "Contact HGI if a file exists in the vault, but has been deleted outside"

        vault = _create_vault(f)
        if (branch := vault.branch(f)) is not None:
                vault.remove(branch, f)

            except core.vault.exception.VaultCorruption as e:
                # Corruption detected
                log.critical(f"Corruption detected: {e}")
                log.info("Contact HGI to resolve this corruption")

            except core.vault.exception.PermissionDenied as e:
                # User doesn't have permission to remove files
                log.error(f"Permission denied: {e}")

            except core.idm.exception.NoSuchIdentity as e:
                # IdM doesn't know about the vault's group
                log.critical(f"Unknown vault group: {e}")
                log.info("Contact HGI to resolve this inconsistency")

            except core.vault.exception.PhysicalVaultFile:
                # This wouldn't make sense, so we just skip it sans log
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def _resolve_path(path: T.Path) -> T.Path:
     resolved_path = path.resolve()
     if path.is_symlink():
             f"{path} is a symlink. Acting on the original file: {resolved_path}"
     return resolved_path
Ejemplo n.º 3
def drain(persistence: core.persistence.base.Persistence, *,
          force: bool = False) -> int:
    """ Drain phase """
    handler = _Handler(config.archive.handler)
    criteria = Filter(state=State.Staged(notified=True), stakeholder=Anything)

        with persistence.files(criteria) as staging_queue:
            # NOTE The returned files will be purged on exit of this
            # context manager. An exception MUST be raised to avoid that
            # (e.g., if we need to cancel the drain, or if the
            # downstream handler fails, etc.)
            if (count := len(staging_queue)) == 0:
                raise _StagingQueueEmpty()

            if count < config.archive.threshold and not force:
                raise _StagingQueueUnderThreshold(
                    f"Only {count} files to archive; use --force-drain to ignore the threshold")

            required_capacity = staging_queue.accumulator
                f"Checking downstream handler is ready for {human_size(required_capacity)}B...")

            log.info("Handler is ready; beginning drain...")
            handler.consume(f.key for f in staging_queue)
                f"Successfully drained {count} files into the downstream handler")

    except _StagingQueueEmpty:
        log.info("Staging queue is empty")

    except _StagingQueueUnderThreshold as e:
        log.info(f"Skipping: {e}")

    except _HandlerBusy:
        log.warning("The downstream handler is busy; try again later...")

    except _DownstreamFull:
            "The downstream handler is reporting it is out of capacity and cannot proceed")
        return 1

    except _UnknownHandlerError:
            "The downstream handler failed unexpectedly; please check its logs for details...")
        return 1

    return 0
Ejemplo n.º 4
def add(branch: Branch, files: T.Iterable[T.Path]) -> None:
    """ Add the given files to the appropriate branch """
    for f in files:
        if not file.is_regular(f):
            # Skip non-regular files
            log.warning(f"Cannot add {f}: Doesn't exist or is not regular")

            vault = _create_vault(f)
            vault.add(branch, f)

        except core.vault.exception.VaultCorruption as e:
            # Corruption detected
            log.critical(f"Corruption detected: {e}")
            log.info("Contact HGI to resolve this corruption")

        except core.vault.exception.PermissionDenied as e:
            # User does have permission to add files
            log.error(f"Permission denied: {e}")

        except core.vault.exception.PhysicalVaultFile as e:
            # Trying to add a vault file to the vault
            log.error(f"Cannot add: {e}")
Ejemplo n.º 5
def main(argv: T.List[str] = sys.argv) -> None:
    args = usage.parse_args(argv[1:])

    log.info("Enter Sandman")

    # Cheery thoughts
    if args.weaponise:
        log.warning("Weaponised: Now I am become Death, "
                    "the destroyer of worlds")
        log.info("Dry Run: The filesystem will not be affected "
                 "and the drain phase will not run")

    persistence = Persistence(config.persistence, idm)

    # Sweep Phase
    log.info("Starting the sweep phase")

        if args.stats is not None:
            log.info(f"Walking mpistat output from {args.stats}")
            log.warning("mpistat data may not be up to date")
            walker = mpistatWalker(args.stats, *args.vaults)

            log.info("Walking the filesystem directly")
            log.warning("This is an expensive operation")
            walker = FilesystemWalker(*args.vaults)

    except InvalidVaultBases as e:
        # Safety checks failed on input Vault paths

    Sweeper(walker, persistence, args.weaponise)

    # Drain Phase
    if args.weaponise:
        log.info("Starting the drain phase")
        if (exit_code := drain(persistence, force=args.force_drain)) != 0: