Ejemplo n.º 1
    def getAction(self, state):
        # find the facing direction of ghost
        self.current_ghosts_states = api.ghostStatesWithTimes(state)

        valid_facing = [(1, 0), (-1, 0), (0, 1), (0, -1), (0, 0)]
        self.ghosts_facing = []
        for i in range(len(self.current_ghosts_states)):
            facing_of_ghost = (int(
                round(self.current_ghosts_states[i][0][0] -
                                   round(self.current_ghosts_states[i][0][1] -
            # elated by pacman
            if facing_of_ghost not in valid_facing:
                facing_of_ghost = (0, 0)

        self.last_ghosts_states = self.current_ghosts_states

        # search optimal policy and do an optimal action

        pacman = api.whereAmI(state)
        utilities_map = self.updateUtilities()

        legal = api.legalActions(state)

        action_vectors = [Actions.directionToVector(a, 1) for a in legal]
        optic_action = max(
                lambda x: (float(
                    utilities_map.getValue(x[0] + pacman[0], x[1] + pacman[1])
                ), x), action_vectors))
        return api.makeMove(Actions.vectorToDirection(optic_action[1]), legal)
 def ghost_update(self, state):
     Update ghosts to the map
     ghosts = api.ghostStatesWithTimes(state)
     for ghost in ghosts:
         # if ghosts are scared and the time of remaining scared
         # is longer than 2 (set 2 for safety)
         if ghost[1] > 2:
             # ignore the ghosts
             # if ghosts are not scared or the time of being scared 
             # is less than 2
             ghost_x = int(ghost[0][0])
             ghost_y = int(ghost[0][1])
             # set ghost reward to ghost
             self.map.set_value(ghost_x, ghost_y, self.ghost_reward)
             # for safety, also assign ghost_reward to cells next to ghosts
             ghost_neighbors = self.four_neighbors(ghost_x, ghost_y)
             for neighbor in ghost_neighbors:
                 # if not wall
                 if neighbor not in api.walls(state):
                     self.map.set_value(neighbor[0], neighbor[1], self.ghost_reward)
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def getAction(self, state):
            The function to work out next intended action carried out.


                Directions: Intended action that Pacman will carry out.
        current_pos = api.whereAmI(state)
        corners = api.corners(state)
        food = api.food(state)
        ghosts = api.ghosts(state)
        ghost_scared_time = api.ghostStatesWithTimes(state)[0][1]
        walls = api.walls(state)
        legal = api.legalActions(state)
        capsules = api.capsules(state)
        protected_coords = walls + ghosts + [current_pos]

        width = max(corners)[0] + 1
        height = max(corners, key=itemgetter(1))[1] + 1

        board = self.create_board(width, height, -0.04)
        board.set_position_values(food, 1)
        board.set_position_values(walls, 'x')
        board.set_position_values(capsules, 2)

        if ghost_scared_time < 5:
            board.set_position_values(ghosts, -3)

            # for i in range(height):
            #     for j in range(width):
            #         print board[i, j],
            #     print
            # print
            print "GHOST LIST: ", ghosts
            for x, y in ghosts:
                # set the surrounding area around the ghost to half the reward of the ghost
                # avoids changing the reward of the ghost itself, the pacman and the walls
                # print "GHOST Coordinates: " + str(x) + " " + str(y)
                x_coordinates = [x - 1, x, x + 1]
                y_coordinates = [y - 1, y, y + 1]
                # print "X/Y Coordinates: " + str(x_coordinates) + " " + str(y_coordinates)
                for x_coord in x_coordinates:
                    for y_coord in y_coordinates:
                        if (x_coord, y_coord) not in protected_coords:
                            # print("index: " + str((board.convert_y(y_coord), x_coord)))
                            converted_y = board.convert_y(y_coord)
                            # print "VALUE: " + str(board[board.convert_y(y), x])
                                  x_coord] = board[board.convert_y(y), x] / 2
                            # print "VALUE PART 2: " + str(board[converted_y, x_coord])

        board = self.value_iteration(state, board)
        expected_utility = self.calculate_expected_utility(
            state, board, abs(current_pos[1] - (height - 1)), current_pos[0])
        return max([(utility, action) for utility, action in expected_utility
                    if action in legal])[1]
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def registerInitialState(self, state):
        # self.numberOfGame += 1
        print "Running registerInitialState!"
        # Make a map of the right size
        self.reward_map = self.map.copy()
        # map base codes
        self.is_small_grid = True
        if self.reward_map.getWidth() < 9:
            self.dis_count = 0.8
            self.tolerant = 0.0001
            self.is_small_grid = False
            self.dis_count = 0.85
            self.tolerant = 0.000001

        # initialize the position of ghosts
        self.current_ghosts_states = api.ghostStatesWithTimes(state)
        self.last_ghosts_states = api.ghostStatesWithTimes(state)
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def updateGhosts(self,state):
        ghosts = api.ghosts(state)
        ghostStatesWithTimes= api.ghostStatesWithTimes(state)

        for g in ghostStatesWithTimes:
            ghostVal = 1.2*g[1]-20
            #g[0] here is the coordinates of the respective ghost 
            # and g[1] is how much time till ghosts revert from edible state to hunting pacman
            # with 0 being not edible anymore

        self.dankMap =self.map #update map to dankMap
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def bellmanUpdate(
        self, state
    ):  #preforms bellmans over the entire map using bellmans equation on each cell
        ghostList = api.ghosts(state)
        foodList = api.food(state)
        wallList = api.walls(state)
        scaredTime = api.ghostStatesWithTimes(state)[0][1]
        capsuleList = api.capsules(state)
        width = self.map.width
        height = self.map.height
        done = False

        while not done:  #loops over map preforming bellmans until previous map from the last iteration is equal to the map at the end of the new iteration
            oldMap = deepcopy(self.map)

            for x in range(0, width):
                for y in range(0, height):
                    if oldMap[x][y] != None:
                        bestUtil = -1000
                        moves = [
                            oldMap[x][y + 1], oldMap[x + 1][y],
                            oldMap[x][y - 1], oldMap[x - 1][y]
                        ]  # list of all possible moves from the current cell

                        for i in range(
                        ):  # finds the best util possible based on all legal moves to uses in value iteration
                            if moves[i] != None:
                                tutil = moves[i] * 0.8
                                if moves[i - 1] != None:
                                    tutil += moves[i - 1] * 0.1
                                    tutil += oldMap[x][y] * 0.1
                                if moves[(i + 1) % 4] != None:
                                    tutil += moves[(i + 1) % 4] * 0.1
                                    tutil += oldMap[x][y] * 0.1
                                if tutil > bestUtil:
                                    bestUtil = deepcopy(tutil)

                        self.map[x][y] = (bestUtil * 0.9) + self.reward(
                            x, y, state, ghostList, foodList, capsuleList,
                            wallList)  #bellmans equation using rewards functon

            done = self.checkSame(
                oldMap, self.map
            )  #checks to see whether old map is the same as new map
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def getAction(self, state):

        # Demonstrates the information that Pacman can access about the state
        # of the game.

        # What are the current moves available
        legal = api.legalActions(state)
        print "Legal moves: ", legal

        # Where is Pacman?
        pacman = api.whereAmI(state)
        print "Pacman position: ", pacman

        # Where are the ghosts?
        print "Ghost positions:"
        theGhosts = api.ghosts(state)
        for i in range(len(theGhosts)):
            print theGhosts[i]

        print "timer"
        moreGhosts = api.ghostStatesWithTimes(state)
        for i in range(len(moreGhosts)):
            print moreGhosts[i]

        # How far away are the ghosts?
        print "Distance to ghosts:"
        for i in range(len(theGhosts)):
            print util.manhattanDistance(pacman, theGhosts[i])

        # Where are the capsules?
        print "Capsule locations:"
        print api.capsules(state)

        # Where is the food?
        print "Food locations: "
        print api.food(state)

        # Where are the walls?
        print "Wall locations: "
        print api.walls(state)

        # getAction has to return a move. Here we pass "STOP" to the
        # API to ask Pacman to stay where they are.
        return api.makeMove(Directions.STOP, legal)
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def findGhosts(self, state):
        #get the current states of the ghosts
        ghostStates = api.ghostStatesWithTimes(state)
        #reset the lists to empty
        self.scaredGhosts = []
        self.ghosts = []
        self.adjGhosts = []

        #for every ghost add them to the approriate list
        for ghostStates in ghostStates:
            #if the ghosts are scared
            if ghostStates[1] > 0:
                #floor and ceiling it?
                #if the ghosts are scared we want to stay away from the vicinity of the ghost
                for ghost in self.ghosts:
                    for move in self.possibleMoves:
                        self.adjGhosts.append(self.sumPair(ghost, move[0]))
Ejemplo n.º 9
 def updateMap(self,state):
     #print "updateMap"
     reward = deepcopy(self.reward)
     # get location of all visible food
     foods = api.food(state)
     #get location of all visible capsules
     capsules = api.capsules(state)
     ghosts = api.ghostStatesWithTimes(state)
     #get location of all visible walls
     walls = api.walls(state)
     #now add in all the information pacman knows initially. starting with all known locations of food
     for food in foods:
         #use "F" to mark food on the map
         reward[food[0]][food[1]] = 10
     #now mark the location of capsules on the map, this time using "C"
     for capsule in capsules:
         reward[capsule[0]][capsule[1]] = 5
     for ghost in ghosts:
         ghostX = int(ghost[0][0])
         ghostY = int(ghost[0][1])
         if(ghost[1] > 0):
             reward[ghostX][ghostY] = self.scaredGhostReward
             if(ghostX == ghost[0][0] and ghostY == ghost[0][1]):
                 reward[ghostX + 1][ghostY + 1] = self.scaredGhostReward
             #reward = self.markGhost(state, reward)
             #need to change reward of adjacent squares as well
             reward[ghostX][ghostY] = self.ghostReward
     #now mark the location of the walls on the map, using "W"
     for wall in walls:
         self.reward[wall[0]][wall[1]] = "W"
         self.utility[wall[0]][wall[1]] = "W"
     return reward
Ejemplo n.º 10
    def createMap(self, state):
        grid = list()

        for row in range(self.max_x + 1):
            rowList = [0] * (self.max_y + 1)

        for food in api.food(state):
            grid[food[0]][food[1]] = self.food

        for capsule in api.capsules(state):
            grid[capsule[0]][capsule[1]] = self.capsule

        for ghostState in api.ghostStatesWithTimes(state):
                ghostState[0][1])] = self.ghostState if (
                    ghostState[1] < 3) else self.food
            if (util.manhattanDistance(ghostState[0], api.whereAmI(state)) <
                grid[int(ghostState[0][0]) + self.buffer][int(
                    ghostState[0][1])] = -10 if (
                        ghostState[1] < 3) else self.food
                    ghostState[0][0])][int(ghostState[0][1]) +
                                       self.buffer] = -10 if (
                                           ghostState[1] < 3) else self.food
                grid[int(ghostState[0][0]) - self.buffer][int(
                    ghostState[0][1])] = -10 if (
                        ghostState[1] < 3) else self.food
                    ghostState[0][0])][int(ghostState[0][1]) -
                                       self.buffer] = -10 if (
                                           ghostState[1] < 3) else self.food

        for wall in api.walls(state):
            grid[wall[0]][wall[1]] = -10

        return grid
Ejemplo n.º 11
    def updateMap(self, state, gameMap, directions, largeOrSmall):
        food = api.food(state)
        capsules = api.capsules(state)
        pacman = api.whereAmI(state)
        #method 3 - food reward based on going column by column
        # [(1, 1), (1, 2), (1, 3), (1, 4), (1, 5), (1, 6), (1, 7), (1, 8), (2, 1), (2, 5), (2, 9), 
        # (3, 1), (3, 3), (3, 4), (3, 5), (3, 6), (3, 7), (3, 9), (4, 1), (4, 2), (4, 3), (4, 5), (4, 7), 
        # (4, 8), (4, 9), (5, 3), (5, 5), (5, 7), (6, 1), (6, 2), (6, 3), (6, 4), (6, 5), (6, 6), (6, 7), 
        # (6, 8), (6, 9), (7, 1), (7, 3), (7, 7), (7, 9), (8, 1), (8, 3), (8, 7), (8, 9), (9, 3), (9, 7), 
        # (9, 9), (10, 1), (10, 3), (10, 7), (10, 9), (11, 1), (11, 3), (11, 7), (11, 9), (12, 1), (12, 3), 
        # (12, 7), (12, 9), (13, 1), (13, 2), (13, 3), (13, 4), (13, 5), (13, 6), (13, 7), (13, 8), (13, 9),
        #  (14, 3), (14, 5), (14, 7), (15, 1), (15, 2), (15, 3), (15, 5), (15, 7), (15, 8), (15, 9), (16, 1), 
        # (16, 3), (16, 4), (16, 5), (16, 6), (16, 7), (16, 9), (17, 1), (17, 5), (17, 9), (18, 2), (18, 3), 
        # (18, 4), (18, 5), (18, 6), (18, 7), (18, 8), (18, 9)]
        1--> 5
        2-->20 10
        3-->30 20


        if (largeOrSmall == True):
            for f in food:
                # if f[0] > 9:
                #     foodReward = (f[0]/10)
                #     foodReward = (foodReward * 5) +5
                # else:
                #     foodReward = (f[0] * 5)+5
                foodReward = (f[0] * 5) + 5
                gameMap[f] = (foodReward, 0)
            for f in food:
                gameMap[f] = (10, 0)

        #method 2 - food reward based on distance to pacman
        # if (largeOrSmall==True):
        #     for f in food:
        #         foodDistance = (util.manhattanDistance(pacman,f))
        #         foodReward = (10 / foodDistance)
        #         gameMap[f] = (foodReward, 0)
        #         print food
        # else:
        #     for f in food:
        #         gameMap[f] = (10, 0)

        #Method 1 = if there's nothing near the food
        # if (largeOrSmall== True) and (len(food) < size[2])
        #     for f in food:
        #         #gameMap[f] = (10, 0)
        #         foodNeighbours = [Actions.getSuccessor(food, move) for move in directions]
        #         empty = 0
        #         for neighbour in foodNeighbours:
        #             empty+= gameMap[neighbour][0]
        #         if empty < 11
        #             gameMap[f] = (20,0)
        for capsule in capsules:
            gameMap[capsule] = (50, 0)
        if largeOrSmall == True:
            ghostTimer = api.ghostStatesWithTimes(state)
            for ghost in ghostTimer:
                #in case ghost is in location .5
                ghostLoc = (int(round(ghost[0][0])), int(round(ghost[0][1])))
                ghostNeighbours = [
                    Actions.getSuccessor(ghostLoc, move) for move in directions
                if ghost[1] < 3:
                    if (util.manhattanDistance(pacman, ghostLoc) < 5):
                        #if ghost is 5 away from pacman, set all ghost neighbours reward lower
                        gameMap[ghostLoc] = (-150, 0)
                        for ghostN in ghostNeighbours:
                            gameMap[ghostN] = (-100, 0)
                        gameMap[ghostLoc] = (-200, 0)  # was 100
                else:  # if ghost is edible
                    gameMap[ghostLoc] = (5, 0)
        else:  #if in a smaller grid
            ghosts = api.ghosts(state)
            for ghost in ghosts:
                ghostLoc = (int(round(ghost[0])), int(round(ghost[1])))
                gameMap[ghostLoc] = (-100, 0)

        pacman = api.whereAmI(state)
        gameMap[pacman] = (-0.04, 0)

        return gameMap
Ejemplo n.º 12
    def calculateUtility(self, state):
        discount_factor = 0.6
        new_utility_values = []
        food_reward = 2
        ghost_reward = -500
        maximum_change = 0.00001
        uti_need_change = True

        #Update the utility
        while uti_need_change == True:
            new_utility_values = []
            for i in range(self.map.getWidth()):
                for j in range(self.map.getHeight()):
                    #Utility calculation by using value iteration with bellman equation
                    current_utility = self.map.getUtility(i, j)
                    current_reward = 0  # The reward value if this position have no ghost and no food,

                    #If this grid contains a food, change the reward to 5
                    if self.map.getValue(i, j) == '*':
                        current_reward = food_reward

                    ghostStates_list = api.ghostStatesWithTimes(state)

                    ghost_list = api.ghosts(state)

                    #Notice: if the ghost is scared, its speed will reduce
                    #Notice: The time is reduced from 36 to 0
                    if (i, j) in ghost_list:
                        for ghost, time in ghostStates_list:
                            if ghost == (i, j):
                                #A relative "greedy" approach
                                if time >= 12:
                                    current_reward = 0
                                    current_reward = ghost_reward

                    #There is no need to update the utility if it's a wall
                    if self.map.getValue(i, j) != '%':

                        #Find the effect by taking action a from current state
                        east = (i + 1, j)
                        west = (i - 1, j)
                        north = (i, j + 1)
                        south = (i, j - 1)

                        dires = [east, west, north, south]

                        init_index = 0
                        for dire in dires:
                            #If the result by taking this action will hit the wall, the utility value for this position should be the utility of current state
                            if self.map.getValue(dire[0], dire[1]) == '%':
                                dires[init_index] = (i, j)
                            init_index += 1

                        utilities_list = []
                        current_utilities_list = []

                        #Get the utility of the effects state(order: east, west, north, south)
                        for dire in dires:
                                self.map.getUtility(dire[0], dire[1]))

                        #calculate the utilities, the number 0.8 is given by the document
                        north_utility = 0.8 * current_utilities_list[
                            2] + 0.1 * current_utilities_list[
                                0] + 0.1 * current_utilities_list[1]

                        south_utility = 0.8 * current_utilities_list[
                            3] + 0.1 * current_utilities_list[
                                0] + 0.1 * current_utilities_list[1]

                        west_utility = 0.8 * current_utilities_list[
                            1] + 0.1 * current_utilities_list[
                                2] + 0.1 * current_utilities_list[3]

                        east_utility = 0.8 * current_utilities_list[
                            0] + 0.1 * current_utilities_list[
                                2] + 0.1 * current_utilities_list[3]

                        max_utility = max(
                            utilities_list)  #Find the max value of them
                        new_utility = current_reward + (
                            discount_factor * max_utility
                        )  # Value iteration update function

                            i, j,
                            new_utility)  #Set the new utility to this location

                        utility_changed = abs(current_utility - new_utility)

            #Faster convergence speed, but precision might be lost
            if max(new_utility_values) < maximum_change:
                uti_need_change = False
Ejemplo n.º 13
    def makeValueMap(self, state):
        # This function returns a dictionary of all possible coordinates on a grid
        # As well as all the values that are assigned to each coordinate-category
        # Food is given a value of 5
        # Empty spaces are given a value of 0
        # Capsules are given a value of 5

        food = api.food(state)
        walls = api.walls(state)
        capsules = api.capsules(state)
        pacman = api.whereAmI(state)
        corners = api.corners(state)

        # If pacman's location has not been recorded in a list of visited locations
        # Record it
        if pacman not in self.visited:

        # Up
        for i in food:
            if i not in self.foodMap:

        for i in walls:
            if i not in self.wallMap:

        for i in capsules:
            if i not in self.capsuleMap:

        # Create a dictionary storing all
        # Food, wall and capsule locations, while assigning values to them
        self.foodDict = dict.fromkeys(self.foodMap, 5)
        self.wallDict = dict.fromkeys(self.wallMap, '#')
        self.capsuleDict = dict.fromkeys(self.capsuleMap, 5)

        # Initiate valueMap to store all coordinates
        valueMap = {}

        # Using the APIs to get coordinates tends to leave out pacman
        # Initial position
        # This will sweep through all available coordinates
        # And add the square to the list with 0

        for i in range(self.getLayoutWidth(corners) - 1):
            for j in range(self.getLayoutHeight(corners) - 1):
                if (i, j) not in valueMap.keys():
                    valueMap[(i, j)] = 0

        # Update function. If pacman has been seen to visit a square
        # It means he has eaten the food or capsules there
        # Thus, set their values to 0
        for i in self.foodMap:
            if i in self.visited:
                valueMap[i] = 0

        for i in self.capsuleMap:
            if i in self.visited:
                valueMap[i] = 0

        # Another update function
        # Updates the location of the ghost
        ghosts = api.ghosts(state)
        ghostStates = api.ghostStatesWithTimes(state)

        for i in valueMap.keys():
            for j in range(len(ghosts)):
                ghostTime = ghostStates[j][1]
                #Convert coordinates to int (keys are stored as int, but coordinates from API are stored as float)
                if ((int(ghosts[j][0])), (int(ghosts[j][1]))) == i:
                    valueMap[i] = -10
                #elif ((int(ghosts[j][0])), (int(ghosts[j][1]))) == i and ghostTime >= 5:
                #	valueMap[i] = 5

        return valueMap