def getFileHaveBeenOpen(): """ Lấy danh sách các file trong MRU cache. File được lưu vào thư mục "tmpFolder/FileHaveBeenOpen/" được tạo bởi start.preEnv() """ api.copyFile(outputDir + "tmpFolder/reg/userReg", outputDir + "tmpFolder/FileHaveBeenOpen") listFolder = api.retCmd("ls " + outputDir + "tmpFolder/FileHaveBeenOpen/userReg").split("\n") for userFolder in listFolder: if len(userFolder) > 2: listReg = api.retCmd("ls " + outputDir + "tmpFolder/FileHaveBeenOpen/userReg/" + userFolder).split("\n") tmpPath = outputDir + "tmpFolder/FileHaveBeenOpen/userReg/" + userFolder + "/" for regName in listReg: if len(regName) > 2 and "ntus" in regName.lower( ) and "txt" not in regName.lower(): cmd = " -r " + tmpPath + regName + " -p userassist > " + tmpPath + regName.replace( ".DAT", "Full.txt").replace(".dat", "Full.txt") api.retCmd(cmd) f = open( tmpPath + regName.replace(".DAT", "Full.txt").replace( ".dat", "Full.txt"), "r").read().split("\n") retFile = open( tmpPath + regName.replace(".DAT", ".txt").replace( ".dat", ".txt"), "w") tmpCE = commonExtension.split("-") for line in f: for cE in tmpCE: if cE.lower() in line.lower(): retFile.write(line.strip() + "\n") retFile.close()
def getRoughData(): """ Lấy Dữ liệu thô gồm windows logs và registry. File được lưu vào thư mục "tmpFolder" được tạo bởi start.preEnv() """ try: api.copyFile(inputPath + "Windows/System32/config", outputDir + "tmpFolder/reg") #registry api.copyFile(inputPath + "Windows/System32/winevt/Logs", outputDir + "tmpFolder/winLog") #winlog api.retCmd(" -r " + outputDir + "tmpFolder/reg/config/SAM -p samparse > " + outputDir + "tmpFolder/reg/config/SAMparse") except: print "loi getRoughData phase 1" try: getUserAndSID() for userName in userList: cacheStore = outputDir + "tmpFolder/reg/userReg/" + userName api.retCmd("mkdir -p " + cacheStore) api.copyFile(inputPath + "Users/" + userName + "/NTUSER.DAT", cacheStore) #user registry except: print "loi getRoughData phase 2" return 0
def getBrowserCache(): getUserAndSID() for userName in userList: cacheStore = outputDir + "tmpFolder/browserCache/" + userName api.retCmd("mkdir -p " + cacheStore) # -------------------------------------------- test chay binh thuong -------------------------------------------- chromeCache = inputPath + "Users/" + userName + "/AppData/Local/Google/Chrome/User Data/Default/Cache" if os.path.exists(chromeCache): api.copyFile(chromeCache, cacheStore + "/chrome") coccocCache = inputPath + "Users/" + userName + "/AppData/Local/CocCoc/Browser/User Data/Default/Cache" if os.path.exists(coccocCache): api.copyFile(coccocCache, cacheStore + "/coccoc") ieCache = inputPath + "Users/" + userName + "/AppData/Local/Microsoft/Windows/INetCache/IE" if os.path.exists(ieCache): api.copyFile(ieCache, cacheStore + "/IE1") ieCache = inputPath + "Users/" + userName + "/AppData/Local/Microsoft/Windows/Caches" if os.path.exists(ieCache): api.copyFile(ieCache, cacheStore + "/IE2") ieCache = inputPath + "Users/" + userName + "/AppData/Local/Microsoft/Windows/Profiles/INetCache/IE" if os.path.exists(ieCache): api.copyFile(ieCache, cacheStore + "/IE3") # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- operaCache = inputPath + "Users/" + userName + "AppData/Local/Opera Software/Opera Stable" if os.path.exists(operaCache): api.copyFile(operaCache, cacheStore + "/opera") firefoxCache = inputPath + "Users/" + userName + "/AppData/Local/Mozilla/Firefox/Profiles" if os.path.exists(firefoxCache): api.copyFile(firefoxCache, cacheStore + "/firefox")
def getRoughData(): # get reg file and some thing we want to use try: api.copyFile(inputPath + "Windows/System32/config", outputDir + "tmpFolder/reg") #registry api.copyFile(inputPath + "Windows/System32/winevt/Logs", outputDir + "tmpFolder/winLog") #winlog api.retCmd(" -r " + outputDir + "tmpFolder/reg/config/SAM -p samparse > " + outputDir + "tmpFolder/reg/config/SAMparse") except: print "loi getRoughData phase 1" try: getUserAndSID() for userName in userList: cacheStore = outputDir + "tmpFolder/reg/userReg/" + userName api.retCmd("mkdir -p " + cacheStore) api.copyFile(inputPath + "Users/" + userName + "/NTUSER.DAT", cacheStore) #user registry except: print "loi getRoughData phase 2" return 0
def copyChosenFile(): f = open("FileNeedCopy.txt", "r").read().split("\n") count = 0 for file in f: if len(file) > 2: path = outputDir + "tmpFolder/fileCopyOption/" + str(count) api.retCmd("mkdir -p " + path) api.copyFile(inputPath + file, path) count += 1
def getNetworkConfig(): """ Lấy cấu hình network. File được lưu vào thư mục "tmpFolder/network/" được tạo bởi start.preEnv() """ retFile = open(outputDir + "tmpFolder/network/status.txt", "a") if not os.path.exists(outputDir + "tmpFolder/reg/config/SYSTEM"): retFile.write("Can't find SYSTEM file !") retFile.close() print "Can't find SYSTEM file !" return 0 try: retFile.write(api.retCmd("ifconfig -a")) retFile.write("\n") tmpSysRegData = api.retCmd( " -r " + outputDir + "tmpFolder/reg/config/SYSTEM -f system").split( "----------------------------------------") for block in tmpSysRegData: if "Gets NIC info from System hive" in block: tmp1 = block.split("\n") for line in tmp1: if "Adapter" in line: retFile.write("+++++\n") retFile.write(line) retFile.write("\n") if "LastWrite Time:" in line: retFile.write(line) retFile.write("\n") if "EnableDHCP" in line: retFile.write(line) retFile.write("\n") if "SubnetMask" in line: retFile.write(line) retFile.write("\n") if "DhcpServer" in line: retFile.write(line) retFile.write("\n") if "LeaseObtainedTime" in line: retFile.write(line) retFile.write("\n") if "T1" in line: retFile.write(line) retFile.write("\n") if "T2" in line: retFile.write(line) retFile.write("\n") if "RegistrationEnabled" in line: retFile.write(line) retFile.write("\n") retFile.write("----------------------------------------") retFile.write("\n") retFile.close() except: print "fail in getNetworkConfig"
def copyChosenFile(): """ Copy các file được yêu cầu trong "FileNeedCopy.txt". File được lưu vào thư mục "tmpFolder/fileCopyOption/" được tạo bởi start.preEnv() """ f = open("FileNeedCopy.txt", "r").read().split("\n") count = 0 for file in f: if len(file) > 2: path = outputDir + "tmpFolder/fileCopyOption/" + str(count) api.retCmd("mkdir -p " + path) api.copyFile(inputPath + file, path) count += 1
def main(): global path global outputDir f = open("control.txt","r").read().split("\n") outputDir=f[0] path=f[1] if outputDir[-1] != "/": outputDir=outputDir+"/" if path[-1] != "/": path=path+"/" if "preEnv" in sys.argv[1]: preEnv() pathLs=api.retCmd("ls "+path) if "ProgramData" in pathLs or "Program Files" in pathLs: winOnLinux.main(path,outputDir,sys.argv[1]) return 0
def getRDPHistory(): """ Lấy lịch sử truy cập bằng phương thức RDP. File được lưu vào thư mục "tmpFolder/winLog/" được tạo bởi start.preEnv() """ api.retCmd("rm " + outputDir + "tmpFolder/winLog/LocalSessionManagerOperational") api.retCmd("rm " + outputDir + "tmpFolder/winLog/RDPHistory") api.retCmd("rm " + outputDir + "tmpFolder/winLog/RemoteConnectionManagerOperational") api.retCmd("rm " + outputDir + "tmpFolder/winLog/Security") allIp = '' userEvent1 = "1" #eventid 1149 Applications and Services Logs -> Microsoft -> Windows -> Terminal-Services-RemoteConnectionManager > Operational userEvent2 = "1" #eventid 4624 4625 Windows -> Security userEvent3 = "1" #eventid 21 23 Applications and Services Logs -> Microsoft -> Windows -> TerminalServices-LocalSessionManager -> Operational listLog = api.retCmd("ls " + outputDir + "tmpFolder/winLog/Logs").split("\n") retFile = open(outputDir + "tmpFolder/winLog/RDPHistory", "a") for list1 in listLog: if "RemoteConnectionManager" in list1 and "Operational" in list1: userEvent1 = list1 if "Security.evtx" in list1: userEvent2 = list1 if "LocalSessionManager" in list1 and "Operational" in list1: userEvent3 = list1 if userEvent1 != 1: api.retCmd( "linuxTool/" + api.toolDir + "/evtx_dump -f " + outputDir + "tmpFolder/winLog/RemoteConnectionManagerOperational -o json " + outputDir + "tmpFolder/winLog/Logs/" + api.checkPath(userEvent1)) tmpdata = open( outputDir + "tmpFolder/winLog/RemoteConnectionManagerOperational", "r").read().split("Record ") for a in tmpdata: if '"EventID": 1149' in a and '"UserData"' in a: retFile.write( "Remote Desktop Services: User authentication succeeded\n") a = a.split("\n") for line in a: if "Param" in line or "SystemTime" in line or "Computer" in line or "EventRecordID" in line or "Guid" in line or "UserID" in line: line = line.replace(" ", "") line = " " + line retFile.write(line + "\n") if 'Param3' in line: line = line.replace(" ", "").replace( '"Param3":"', "").replace('"', "").replace(',', "") if line not in allIp: allIp += line + "\n" retFile.write("\n<-->\n") else: retFile.write( "Missing file tmpFolder/winLog/Logs/Microsoft-Windows-TerminalServices-RemoteConnectionManager%4Operational.evtx" ) retFile.write("----------------------------------------\n") if userEvent2 != 1: api.retCmd("linuxTool/" + api.toolDir + "/evtx_dump -f " + outputDir + "tmpFolder/winLog/Security -o json " + outputDir + "tmpFolder/winLog/Logs/" + api.checkPath(userEvent2)) tmpdata = open(outputDir + "tmpFolder/winLog/Security", "r").read().split("Record ") for a in tmpdata: if '"EventID": 4624' in a and '"IpAddress": "-"' not in a: retFile.write("An account was successfully logged on\n") a = a.split("\n") for line in a: if "AuthenticationPackageName" in line or "IpAddress" in line or "IpPort" in line or "LogonProcessName" in line or "LogonType" in line or "ProcessName" in line or "SubjectDomainName" in line or "SubjectUserName" in line or "TargetDomainName" in line or "TargetUserSid" in line or "AuthenticationPackageName" in line or "WorkstationName" in line or "Computer" in line or "SystemTime" in line: line = line.replace(" ", "") line = " " + line retFile.write(line + "\n") if 'IpAddress' in line: line = line.replace(" ", "").replace( '"IpAddress":"', "").replace('"', "").replace(',', "") if line not in allIp: allIp += line + "\n" retFile.write("\n<-->\n") else: retFile.write("Missing file tmpFolder/winLog/Logs/Security.evtx") retFile.write("----------------------------------------\n") if userEvent3 != 1: api.retCmd("linuxTool/" + api.toolDir + "/evtx_dump -f " + outputDir + "tmpFolder/winLog/LocalSessionManagerOperational -o json " + outputDir + "tmpFolder/winLog/Logs/" + api.checkPath(userEvent2)) tmpdata = open( outputDir + "tmpFolder/winLog/LocalSessionManagerOperational", "r").read().split("Record ") for a in tmpdata: if '"EventID": 21' in a: retFile.write( "Remote Desktop Services: Session logon succeeded\n") retFile.write("Record " + a) retFile.write("\n<-->\n") if '"EventID": 23' in a: retFile.write( "Remote Desktop Services: Session logoff succeeded\n") retFile.write("Record " + a) retFile.write("\n<-->\n") else: retFile.write( "Missing file tmpFolder/winLog/Logs/Microsoft-Windows-TerminalServices-LocalSessionManager%4Operational.evtx" ) retFile.write("----------------------------------------\n") retFile.write("All ip RDP to target PC\n" + allIp) retFile.close()
def getUserLoginHistory(): """ Lấy lịch sử đăng nhập của người dùng. File được lưu vào thư mục "tmpFolder/winLog/" được tạo bởi start.preEnv() """ getUserAndSID() api.retCmd("rm " + outputDir + "tmpFolder/winLog/MicrosoftWindowsUserProfileService") api.retCmd("rm " + outputDir + "tmpFolder/winLog/retUserLoginHistory") listLog = api.retCmd("ls " + outputDir + "tmpFolder/winLog/Logs").split("\n") print listLog userEvent = "1" for list1 in listLog: if "Microsoft-Windows-User Profile Service" in list1: userEvent = list1 break if userEvent == "1": print "Have no user Event check the exist of 'Microsoft-Windows-User Profile Service' in folder " + outputDir + "tmpFolder/winLog/Logs" return 1 api.retCmd("linuxTool/" + api.toolDir + "/evtx_dump -f " + outputDir + "tmpFolder/winLog/MicrosoftWindowsUserProfileService -o json " + outputDir + "tmpFolder/winLog/Logs/" + api.checkPath(userEvent)) ulAll = open( outputDir + "tmpFolder/winLog/MicrosoftWindowsUserProfileService", "rb").read().split("Record ") retUlAll = open(outputDir + "tmpFolder/winLog/retUserLoginHistory", "wb") for ul in ulAll: tmp = ul.replace(" ", "") if '"EventID":2' in tmp: tmp = tmp.split("\n") userName = '' for a12 in tmp: if "UserID" in a12: userName = a12 userName = userName.replace('"UserID":"', "").replace('"', '') for uN in userAndSID: if userName in uN: userName = uN.split("<-->")[0] break retUlAll.write("User::::::::" + userName + "::::::::login\n") for line in ul.split("\n"): if "Guid" in line or "UserID" in line or "SystemTime" in line: line = line.replace(" ", "") line = " " + line retUlAll.write(line + "\n") retUlAll.write( "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" ) elif '"EventID":4' in tmp: tmp = tmp.split("\n") userName = '' for a12 in tmp: if "UserID" in a12: userName = a12 userName = userName.replace('"UserID":"', "").replace('"', '') for uN in userAndSID: if userName in uN: userName = uN.split("<-->")[0] break retUlAll.write("User::::::::" + userName + "::::::::logoff\n") for line in ul.split("\n"): if "Guid" in line or "UserID" in line or "SystemTime" in line: line = line.replace(" ", "") line = " " + line retUlAll.write(line + "\n") retUlAll.write( "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" ) retUlAll.close() return 0
def preEnv(): global outputDir if os.path.exists(api.fillPath(outputDir+"tmpFolder")): today = str(time.time()).replace(".","") api.retCmd("mv "+api.fillPath(outputDir+"tmpFolder")+" "+api.fillPath(outputDir+"tmpFolder"+today)) api.retCmd("mkdir -p "+api.fillPath(outputDir+"tmpFolder/reg")) api.retCmd("mkdir -p "+api.fillPath(outputDir+"tmpFolder/winLog")) api.retCmd("mkdir -p "+api.fillPath(outputDir+"tmpFolder/browserCache")) api.retCmd("mkdir -p "+api.fillPath(outputDir+"tmpFolder/other")) api.retCmd("mkdir -p "+api.fillPath(outputDir+"tmpFolder/network")) api.retCmd("mkdir -p "+api.fillPath(outputDir+"tmpFolder/fileCopyOption")) return 0