apiResponse = requests.get(URL, params=payload)
 if apiResponse.status_code == 200:
     apiResponseJSON = apiResponse.json()
     apiRowCount = apiResponseJSON['_metadata'].get('rowCount')
     apiOffset = apiOffset + apiLimit
     for member in apiResponseJSON['members']:
         memberCount += 1
         logger.debug(str(memberCount) + " " + member.get('email'))
         # Check to see if we have seen this member
         SQL = 'SELECT ID, User_Email, User_Last_Name, User_First_Name FROM Members WHERE ID = ?;'
         SQLdata = (cleanStrLower(member.get('userName')), )
         dbCursor.execute(SQL, SQLdata)
         dbMemberRecord = dbCursor.fetchone()
         if dbMemberRecord is None:
             uniqueMemberCount += 1
             SQL = 'INSERT INTO Members (ID, User_Email, User_Last_Name, User_First_Name, KMS_Valid) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, 1);'
             SQLdata = (cleanStrLower(member.get('userName')), cleanStrLower(member.get('email')), cleanStr(member.get('lastName')), cleanStr(member.get('firstName')), )
                 dbUpdateCursor.execute(SQL, SQLdata)
             except sqlite3.Error as errorMessage:
                 logger.error('SQL error on update Members: ' + str(errorMessage) + ' on record: ' + member.get('email'))
             if args.update:
                 updateMemberCount += 1
                 logger.debug('Updating: ' + cleanStr(member.get('email')))
                 SQL = 'UPDATE Members SET User_Email = ?, User_Last_Name = ?, User_First_Name = ?, KMS_Valid = 1 WHERE ID = ?;'
Ejemplo n.º 2
 apiResponse = requests.get(URL, params=payload)
 if apiResponse.status_code == 200:
     apiResponseJSON = apiResponse.json()
     apiRowCount = apiResponseJSON['_metadata'].get('rowCount')
     apiOffset = apiOffset + apiLimit
     for key in apiResponseJSON['keys']:
         keyCount += 1
         logger.debug(str(keyCount) + " " + key.get('apiKey'))
         # Check to see if we have seen this key
         SQL = 'SELECT API_Key, fk_Site_ID, fk_Member_ID, Application_Name, Description, KMS_Valid FROM Keys WHERE API_key = ?;'
         SQLdata = (cleanStrLower(key.get('apiKey')), )
         dbCursor.execute(SQL, SQLdata)
         dbKeyRecord = dbCursor.fetchone()
         if dbKeyRecord is None:
             uniqueKeyCount += 1
             SQL = 'INSERT INTO Keys (API_Key, fk_Site_ID, fk_Member_ID, Application_Name, Description, KMS_Valid) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, 1);'
             SQLdata = (cleanStrLower(key.get('apiKey')), 
                 cleanStr(key['application'].get('description')), )
                 dbUpdateCursor.execute(SQL, SQLdata)
             except sqlite3.Error as errorMessage:
                 logger.error('SQL error on insert into Keys: ' + str(errorMessage) + ' on record: ' + key.get('apiKey'))
Ejemplo n.º 3
def processQuery (database, SQL):
    matchCount = 0
    emailCount = 0
    nameCount = 0
    descriptionCount = 0

    SQLdata = ()
    dbCursor.execute(SQL, SQLdata)
    queryRecords = dbCursor.fetchall()

    if queryRecords is None:
        logger.info('No rows retrieved from query: ' + SQL)
        readRow = dict(
            key = str(),
            application_name = str(),
            email = str())

        for queryRecord in queryRecords:
            matchCount += 1
            readRow = dict(
                key = queryRecord[0],
                application_name = queryRecord[1],
                email = queryRecord[2],
                description = queryRecord[3])
            writeRow = dict(
                key = str(),
                application_name = str(),
                description = str(),
                email =str(),
                last_name = str(),
                first_name = str())

            URL = 'https://kmsapi.portal.bazaarvoice.com/api/v1/keys/' +  readRow['key']
            payload = {'passkey': args.apiKey}
            keyDetails = requests.get(URL, params=payload)
            if keyDetails.status_code == 200:
                writeRow['key'] = cleanStrLower(readRow['key'])
                keySet = keyDetails.json()
                for keyDetailsJSON in keySet['keys']:
                    applicationJSON = keyDetailsJSON.get('application')
                    if applicationJSON:
                        logger.debug('Application JSON: ' + str(applicationJSON))
                        logger.debug('Application Name WriteRow: ' + str(writeRow))
                        writeRow['application_name'] = cleanStr(applicationJSON.get('name'))
                        if readRow['application_name'] is None and writeRow['application_name'] is not None:
                            nameCount += 1
                            SQL = 'UPDATE Keys SET Application_Name = ?, KMS_Valid = 1 WHERE API_Key = ?;'
                            SQLdata = (writeRow['application_name'], writeRow['key'], )
                                dbUpdateCursor.execute(SQL, SQLdata)
                            except sqlite3.Error as errorMessage:
                                logger.error('SQL error on update application name: ' + str(errorMessage) + ' on record: ' + str(writeRow))
                        writeRow['description'] = cleanStr(applicationJSON.get('description'))
                        if readRow['description'] is None and writeRow['description'] is not None:
                            descriptionCount += 1
                            SQL = 'UPDATE Keys SET Description = ?, KMS_Valid = 1 WHERE API_Key = ?;'
                            SQLdata = (writeRow['description'], writeRow['key'], )
                                dbUpdateCursor.execute(SQL, SQLdata)
                            except sqlite3.Error as errorMessage:
                                logger.error('SQL error on update description: ' + str(errorMessage) + ' on record: ' + str(writeRow))
                    memberJSON = keyDetailsJSON.get('member')                
                    if memberJSON:
                        writeRow['email'] =  cleanStrLower(memberJSON.get('email'))
                        writeRow['last_name'] = cleanStr(memberJSON.get('last_name'))
                        writeRow['first_name'] = cleanStr(memberJSON.get('first_name'))
                        if readRow['email'] is None and writeRow['email'] is not None:
                            emailCount += 1
                            logger.debug('Email JSON: ' + str(memberJSON))
                            logger.debug('Email WriteRow: ' + str(writeRow))
                            SQL = 'SELECT User_Email FROM Members WHERE User_Email = ?;'
                            SQLdata = (writeRow['email'], )
                            dbEmailLookupCursor.execute(SQL, SQLdata)
                            dbMemberRecord = dbEmailLookupCursor.fetchone()
                            if dbMemberRecord is None:
                                SQL = 'INSERT INTO Members (User_Email, User_Last_Name, User_First_Name) VALUES (?, ?, ?);'
                                SQLdata = (writeRow['email'], writeRow['last_name'], writeRow['first_name'], )
                                    dbUpdateCursor.execute(SQL, SQLdata)
                                except sqlite3.Error as errorMessage:
                                    logger.error('SQL error on insert into Member: ' + str(errorMessage) + ' on record: ' + str(writeRow))                            
                            SQL = 'UPDATE Keys SET fk_User_Email = ?, KMS_Valid = 1 WHERE API_Key = ?;'
                            SQLdata = (writeRow['email'], writeRow['key'], )
                                dbUpdateCursor.execute(SQL, SQLdata)
                            except sqlite3.Error as errorMessage:
                                logger.error('SQL error on update email in Keys: ' + str(errorMessage) + ' on record: ' + str(writeRow))
                if keyDetails.status_code == 404:
                    logger.debug('Key: ' + readRow['key'] + ', ' + 'keyDetails.status_code: ' + str(keyDetails.status_code))
                    SQL = 'UPDATE Keys SET KMS_Valid = 0 WHERE API_Key = ?;'
                    SQLdata = (writeRow['key'], )
                        dbUpdateCursor.execute(SQL, SQLdata)
                    except sqlite3.Error as errorMessage:
                        logger.error('SQL error on update KMS_Valid = 0 in Keys: ' + str(errorMessage) + ' on record: ' + str(writeRow))
                    logger.error('Key: ' + readRow['key'] + ', ' + 'keyDetails.status_code: ' + str(keyDetails.status_code))

            logger.debug('dbrecord: ' + str(queryRecord))

        logger.info('Matched Criteria: ' + str(matchCount))
        logger.info('Application Name Found in KMS: ' + str(nameCount))
        logger.info('Application Description Found in KMS: ' + str(descriptionCount))
        logger.info('Emails Found in KMS: ' + str(emailCount))
Ejemplo n.º 4
# Setup the database connection
dbConnection = sqlite3.connect(args.database)
dbCursor = dbConnection.cursor()

# Open the input csv file
inputFileHandle = open(args.inputFile, 'r')
inputDictReader = csv.DictReader(inputFileHandle, delimiter=',')

totalCount = 0
uniqueKeyCount = 0
updateKeyCount = 0

for inputFileRecord in inputDictReader:
    totalCount += 1

    tempClient = cleanStrLower(inputFileRecord['name'])        
    # Check to see if we have seen this key
    SQL = 'SELECT Client FROM Clients WHERE Client = ?;'
    SQLdata = (tempClient, )
    dbCursor.execute(SQL, SQLdata)
    curResult = dbCursor.fetchone()
    if curResult is None:
        uniqueKeyCount += 1
        SQL = 'INSERT INTO Clients (Client, SF_Account_Name, SF_Account_ID, CS_Segment, SF_CSD, SF_CSP, Country_Name, Country_Code) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?);'
        SQLdata = (tempClient, inputFileRecord['sf_accountname'], inputFileRecord['account ID'], inputFileRecord['CS_Segment'], inputFileRecord['sf_csd'], inputFileRecord['sf_csp'], inputFileRecord['Country Name'], inputFileRecord['Country_Code'], )
        dbCursor.execute(SQL, SQLdata)
        updateKeyCount += 1
        SQL = '''UPDATE Clients SET Client = ?,
                                    SF_Account_Name = ?,
                                    SF_Account_ID = ?,
Ejemplo n.º 5
totalCount = 0
uniqueKeyCount = 0
uniqueKeyClientCount = 0
uniqueMemberCount = 0
keyClientErrorCount = 0
badRecordCount = 0

for inputMemberRecord in inputDictReader:
    totalCount += 1
    # Check for and ignore invalid rows
    if inputMemberRecord['apikey'] is not None and len(inputMemberRecord['apikey']) > 0:
        # Check to see if we have seen this key
        SQL = 'SELECT API_Key, fk_Site_ID, fk_User_Email FROM Keys WHERE API_Key = ?;'
        SQLdata = (cleanStrLower(inputMemberRecord['apikey']), )
        dbCursor.execute(SQL, SQLdata)
        dbKeyRecord = dbCursor.fetchone()
        if dbKeyRecord is None:
            uniqueKeyCount += 1
            SQL = 'INSERT INTO Keys (API_key, fk_Site_ID, fk_User_Email) VALUES (?, ?, ?);'
            SQLdata = (cleanStrLower(inputMemberRecord['apikey']), cleanStrLower(inputMemberRecord['client']), cleanStrLower(inputMemberRecord['email']), )
                dbUpdateCursor.execute(SQL, SQLdata)
            except sqlite3.Error as errorMessage:
                logger.error('SQL error on update Sites: ' + str(errorMessage) + ' on record: ' + str(inputMemberRecord))
            # Make sure site ID matches
            if cleanStrLower(dbKeyRecord[1]) != cleanStrLower(inputMemberRecord['client']):
                keyClientErrorCount += 1
                logger.warning("Key " + cleanStrLower(inputMemberRecord['apikey']) + " has mismatched site ID data DB Site_ID = " + cleanStr(dbKeyRecord[1]) + " input file Client = " + cleanStr(inputMemberRecord['client']))
Ejemplo n.º 6
updatedKeyResponseFormatCount = 0
keyClientErrorCount = 0
badRecordCount = 0

badServerHost = ('server_host','NO_DATA','none','FIELD_NOT_FOUND','undefined','',' ')
badAPIVersion = ('apiversion','NO_DATA','none','FIELD_NOT_FOUND','undefined','',' ','''0129ttm,0130ttm,014cttm',0906ttm,095attm>,0982ttm",0bb8ttm,0bf2ttm<,0c00ttm",5.4''',"""1 and sleep(0),5.1,5.1 procedure+analyse((select+extractvalue(rand(),concat(0x3a,(if(mid(version(),1,1)+like+5,+benchmark(500'0000,sha1(1)),1))))),1),5.1'+(select+1+from+(select+sleep(0))a)+'""","""5.0,5.1,5.1 and 1=1,5.1',5.1' and '1'='1""",'5.4,5.4.filter=rating:lte:3')

    for inputReport2Record in inputDictReader:
	    totalCount += 1
	    # Check for and ignore invalid rowsdb
	    if inputReport2Record['server_host'] not in badServerHost and inputReport2Record['apiversion'] not in badAPIVersion:
	        # Check to see if we have seen this key
	        SQL = 'SELECT API_Key, fk_Site_ID FROM Keys WHERE API_Key = ?;'
	        SQLdata = (cleanStrLower(inputReport2Record['passkey']), )
	        dbCursor.execute(SQL, SQLdata)
	        dbKeyRecord = dbCursor.fetchone()
	        if dbKeyRecord is None:
	            uniqueKeyCount += 1
	            SQL = 'INSERT INTO Keys (API_Key, fk_Site_ID) VALUES (?, ?);'
	            SQLdata = (cleanStrLower(inputReport2Record['passkey']), cleanStrLower(inputReport2Record['client']), )
	                dbUpdateCursor.execute(SQL, SQLdata)
	            except sqlite3.Error as errorMessage:
	                logger.error('SQL error on update Keys: ' + str(errorMessage) + ' on record: ' + str(inputReport2Record))
	            # Make sure site ID matches
	            if cleanStrLower(dbKeyRecord[1]) != cleanStrLower(inputReport2Record['client']):
	                keyClientErrorCount += 1
	                logger.warning("Key " + cleanStrLower(inputReport2Record['passkey']) + " has mismatched site ID data DB Site_ID = " + dbKeyRecord[1] + " input file Client = " + cleanStrLower(inputReport2Record['client']))
Ejemplo n.º 7
 if (inputSiteRecord['Account ID'] is not None 
   and len(inputSiteRecord['Account ID']) > 0 
   and inputSiteRecord['Account ID'] not in badAccountID 
   and "Copyright" not in inputSiteRecord['Account ID']
   and "Generated" not in inputSiteRecord['Account ID'] 
   and inputSiteRecord['BV Site: BV Site Name'] is not None):
     # Check to see if we have seen this record
     SQL = '''SELECT ID,
                   FROM Sites
                   WHERE ID = ?;'''
     SQLdata = (cleanStrLower(inputSiteRecord['BV Site: BV Site Name']), )
     dbReadCursor.execute(SQL, SQLdata)
     dbSiteRecord = dbReadCursor.fetchone()
     if dbSiteRecord is None:
         #Record does not exist. Adding a new record.
         uniqueKeyCount += 1
         SQL = '''INSERT INTO Sites (ID,
                      VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?);'''
         SQLdata = (cleanStrLower(inputSiteRecord['BV Site: BV Site Name']),
                    cleanStr(inputSiteRecord['BV Site: ID']),