Ejemplo n.º 1
def video_average(request):
    data = utils.parseRequest(request)
    src_url = data['src_img']
    dst_url = data['dst_img']

    img1 = utils.url_to_image(src_url)
    img2 = utils.url_to_image(dst_url)
    img1Warped = np.copy(img2)

    img2cop = np.copy(img2)
    vh, vw, vc = img2cop.shape
    x_scale = 300 / vh
    y_scale = 300 / vw
    img2cop = cv2.resize(img2cop, (0, 0), fx=x_scale, fy=y_scale)
    frames = []

    img1 = cv2.cvtColor(img1, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
    img2 = cv2.cvtColor(img2, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)

    faceRects = faceDetector(img2, 0)
    # print(faceRects)
    points1 = fbc.getLandmarks(faceDetector, landmarkDetector, img1)
    averages = []
    for n in range(0, len(faceRects)):
        newRect = dlib.rectangle(int(faceRects[n].left()),
        points2 = fbc.dlibLandmarksToPoints(landmarkDetector(img2, newRect))

        average = image_utils.face_average(img1, img2, points1, points2)

        cv2.imwrite('results/face_swap/average_faces/face_average_%d.jpg' % n,

    for k in range(0, len(faceRects)):
        average = averages[k]
        p1 = fbc.getLandmarks(faceDetector, landmarkDetector, average)
        newRect = dlib.rectangle(int(faceRects[k].left()),
        p2 = fbc.dlibLandmarksToPoints(landmarkDetector(img2, newRect))
        frame = image_utils.face_swap(average, img2, p1, p2)

        # frames.append(frame)
        # frames.append(frame)
        vid_frame = cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
        vh, vw, vc = vid_frame.shape
        x_scale = 300 / vh
        y_scale = 300 / vw

        vid_frame = cv2.resize(vid_frame, (0, 0), fx=x_scale, fy=y_scale)

        img2 = frame

        cv2.imwrite('results/face_swap/frames/frame_%d.jpg' % k, vid_frame)

    path = 'results/face_swap/face_swap.avi'
    h, w, c = img2.shape
    video_utils.video_write(path, 2, (300, 300), frames)

    # video_utils.video_write(path, 2, (w, h), frames)
    url = utils.video_to_url(path)
    return Response({"video_url": url})
Ejemplo n.º 2
def face_swap(request):
    data = utils.parseRequest(request)
    # dst_url = data['dst_img']
    # src_url = data['src_img']

    # Read images
    filename1 = 'src/ted_cruz.jpg'
    filename2 = 'src/donald_trump.jpg'

    img1 = cv2.imread(filename1)
    img2 = cv2.imread(filename2)
    img1Warped = np.copy(img2)

    # img = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
    img2 = cv2.cvtColor(img2, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)

    faceRects = faceDetector(img2, 0)

    frames = []
    for n in range(0, len(faceRects)):
        # Read array of corresponding points
        points1 = fbc.getLandmarks(faceDetector, landmarkDetector,
                                   cv2.cvtColor(img1, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB))
        newRect = dlib.rectangle(int(faceRects[n].left()),

        points2 = fbc.dlibLandmarksToPoints(landmarkDetector(img2, newRect))

        # Find convex hull
        hull1 = []
        hull2 = []

        hullIndex = cv2.convexHull(np.array(points2), returnPoints=False)

        for i in range(0, len(hullIndex)):

        # Find delanauy traingulation for convex hull points
        sizeImg2 = img2.shape
        rect = (0, 0, sizeImg2[1], sizeImg2[0])

        dt = fbc.calculateDelaunayTriangles(rect, hull2)

        if len(dt) == 0:

        # Apply affine transformation to Delaunay triangles
        for i in range(0, len(dt)):
            t1 = []
            t2 = []

            #get points for img1, img2 corresponding to the triangles
            for j in range(0, 3):

            fbc.warpTriangle(img1, img1Warped, t1, t2)

        # Calculate Mask for Seamless cloning
        hull8U = []
        for i in range(0, len(hull2)):
            hull8U.append((hull2[i][0], hull2[i][1]))

        mask = np.zeros(img2.shape, dtype=img2.dtype)

        cv2.fillConvexPoly(mask, np.int32(hull8U), (255, 255, 255))
        # find center of the mask to be cloned with the destination image
        r = cv2.boundingRect(np.float32([hull2]))

        center = ((r[0] + int(r[2] / 2), r[1] + int(r[3] / 2)))

        # img2 = cv2.cvtColor(img2, cv2.COLOR_RGB2GRAY)

        # Clone seamlessly.
        img2 = cv2.seamlessClone(np.uint8(img1Warped), img2, mask, center,

        cv2.imwrite("results/face_swap/faceswap_%d.jpg" % n, img2)

        # output = cv2.imread("results/face_swap/faceswap_%d.jpg" % n)
        # output = np.uint8(output)
        # frames.append(output)

    for n in range(0, len(faceRects)):
        frames.append(cv2.imread("results/face_swap/faceswap_%d.jpg" % n))
        frames.append(cv2.imread("results/face_swap/faceswap_%d.jpg" % n))

    path = "results/face_swap/face_swap.avi"
    video_utils.video_write(path, 1, (1080, 1080), frames)

    return Response('')
Ejemplo n.º 3
def face_average(request):
    data = utils.parseRequest(request)

    img1 = utils.url_to_image(data['src_img'])
    img2 = utils.url_to_image(data['dst_img'])
    p1 = fbc.getLandmarks(faceDetector, landmarkDetector, img1)
    p2 = fbc.getLandmarks(faceDetector, landmarkDetector, img2)
    output = image_utils.face_average(img1, img2, p1, p2)

    # image_urls = data['image_urls']
    # image_urls = [data['src_img'], data['dst_img'], "src/baby.jpg"]
    # # image_urls.append(data['src_img'])
    # # image_urls.append(data['src_img'])
    # # print(len(image_urls))
    # images = []
    # allPoints = []

    # for url in image_urls:
    #   try:
    #     im = utils.url_to_image(url)
    #     if im is None:
    #       print("Unable to load image url")
    #       next
    #     else:
    #       utils.image_to_url("results/face_to_average/%d.jpg" % random.randint(0, 10000), im)
    #       points = fbc.getLandmarks(faceDetector,landmarkDetector, im)
    #       if(len(points) > 0):
    #         allPoints.append(points)
    #         im = np.float32(im)/255.0
    #         images.append(im)
    #       else:
    #         print("No face detected")
    #   except:
    #     print("Forbidden image")
    # if len(images) == 0:
    #   print("No images loaded")
    #   return Response("no faces to average")

    # w = 300
    # h = 300

    # boundaryPts = fbc.getEightBoundaryPoints(w, h)

    # numImages = len(images)
    # numLandmarks = len(allPoints[0])

    # imagesNorm = []
    # pointsNorm = []

    # pointsAvg = np.zeros((numLandmarks, 2), dtype=np.float32)

    # # Warp images and trasnform landmarks to output coordinate system,
    # # and find average of transformed landmarks.
    # for i, img in enumerate(images):

    #   points = allPoints[i]
    #   points = np.array(points)

    #   img, points = fbc.normalizeImagesAndLandmarks((h, w), img, points)

    #   # Calculate average landmark locations
    #   pointsAvg = pointsAvg + (points / (1.0*numImages))

    #   # Append boundary points. Will be used in Delaunay Triangulation
    #   points = np.concatenate((points, boundaryPts), axis=0)

    #   pointsNorm.append(points)
    #   imagesNorm.append(img)

    # # Append boundary points to average points.
    # pointsAvg = np.concatenate((pointsAvg, boundaryPts), axis=0)

    # # Delaunay triangulation
    # rect = (0, 0, w, h)
    # dt = fbc.calculateDelaunayTriangles(rect, pointsAvg)

    # # Output image
    # output = np.zeros((h, w, 3), dtype=np.float)

    # # Warp input images to average image landmarks
    # for i in range(0, numImages):

    #   imWarp = fbc.warpImage(
    #     imagesNorm[i], pointsNorm[i], pointsAvg.tolist(), dt)

    #   # Add image intensities for averaging
    #   output = output + imWarp

    # # Divide by numImages to get average
    # output = output / (1.0*numImages)
    # output = output * 255.0
    # output = np.uint8(output)
    # print(output)

    url = utils.image_to_url("results/face_to_average/face_average.jpg",
    return Response({"image_url": url})
Ejemplo n.º 4
def video_morph(request):
    data = utils.parseRequest(request)
    dst_url = data['dst_img']
    src_url = data['src_img']

    src_img = utils.url_to_image(src_url)
    dst_img = utils.url_to_image(dst_url)

    utils.image_to_url("results/face_morph/morph_orig_src.jpg", src_img)
    utils.image_to_url("results/face_morph/morph_orig_dst.jpg", dst_img)

    src_pts = fbc.getLandmarks(faceDetector, landmarkDetector,
                               cv2.cvtColor(src_img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB))
    dst_pts = fbc.getLandmarks(faceDetector, landmarkDetector,
                               cv2.cvtColor(dst_img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB))

    src_pts = np.array(src_pts)
    dst_pts = np.array(dst_pts)

    # Convert image to floating point in the range 0 to 1
    src_img = np.float32(src_img) / 255.0
    dst_img = np.float32(dst_img) / 255.0

    h = 300
    w = 300

    # Normalize image to output coordinates.
    srcNorm, src_pts = fbc.normalizeImagesAndLandmarks((h, w), src_img,
    dstNorm, dst_pts = fbc.normalizeImagesAndLandmarks((h, w), dst_img,

    # Calculate average points. Will be used for Delaunay triangulation.
    pointsAvg = (src_pts + dst_pts) / 2.0

    # 8 Boundary points for Delaunay Triangulation
    boundaryPoints = fbc.getEightBoundaryPoints(h, w)
    src_pts = np.concatenate((src_pts, boundaryPoints), axis=0)
    dst_pts = np.concatenate((dst_pts, boundaryPoints), axis=0)
    pointsAvg = np.concatenate((pointsAvg, boundaryPoints), axis=0)
    # Calculate Delaunay triangulation.
    rect = (0, 0, w, h)
    dt = fbc.calculateDelaunayTriangles(rect, pointsAvg)

    # Start animation.
    alpha = 0

    frames = []

    while alpha < 1:
        # Compute landmark points based on morphing parameter alpha
        pointsMorph = (1 - alpha) * src_pts + alpha * dst_pts

        # Warp images such that normalized points line up with morphed points.
        imOut1 = fbc.warpImage(srcNorm, src_pts, pointsMorph.tolist(), dt)
        imOut2 = fbc.warpImage(dstNorm, dst_pts, pointsMorph.tolist(), dt)

        # Blend warped images based on morphing parameter alpha
        imMorph = (1 - alpha) * imOut1 + alpha * imOut2

        imMorph = np.uint8(imMorph * 255)
        utils.image_to_url("results/face_morph/morph_%1.2f.jpg" % alpha,

        alpha += 0.05

    path = "results/face_morph/face_average.avi"
    video_utils.video_write(path, 8, (300, 300), frames)
    # video_utils.video_write("results/face_morph/face_average.mp4", 8, (300, 300), frames)
    url = utils.video_to_url(path)
    # return Response("")
    return Response({"video_url": url})
Ejemplo n.º 5
def face_average2(request):
    data = utils.parseRequest(request)
    image_urls = data['image_urls']
    # image_urls = [data['src_img'], data['dst_img']]

    images = []
    allPoints = []

    for url in image_urls:
            im = utils.url_to_image(url)
            if im is None:
                print("Unable to load image url")
                    "results/face_to_average/%d.jpg" %
                    random.randint(0, 10000), im)
                points = fbc.getLandmarks(faceDetector, landmarkDetector, im)
                if (len(points) > 0):
                    im = np.float32(im) / 255.0
                    print("No face detected")
            print("Forbidden image")
    if len(images) == 0:
        print("No images loaded")
        return Response("no faces to average")

    w = 300
    h = 300

    boundaryPts = fbc.getEightBoundaryPoints(w, h)

    numImages = len(images)
    numLandmarks = len(allPoints[0])

    imagesNorm = []
    pointsNorm = []

    pointsAvg = np.zeros((numLandmarks, 2), dtype=np.float32)

    # Warp images and trasnform landmarks to output coordinate system,
    # and find average of transformed landmarks.
    for i, img in enumerate(images):

        points = allPoints[i]
        points = np.array(points)

        img, points = fbc.normalizeImagesAndLandmarks((h, w), img, points)

        # Calculate average landmark locations
        pointsAvg = pointsAvg + (points / (1.0 * numImages))

        # Append boundary points. Will be used in Delaunay Triangulation
        points = np.concatenate((points, boundaryPts), axis=0)


    # Append boundary points to average points.
    pointsAvg = np.concatenate((pointsAvg, boundaryPts), axis=0)

    # Delaunay triangulation
    rect = (0, 0, w, h)
    dt = fbc.calculateDelaunayTriangles(rect, pointsAvg)

    # Output image
    output = np.zeros((h, w, 3), dtype=np.float)

    # Warp input images to average image landmarks
    for i in range(0, numImages):

        imWarp = fbc.warpImage(imagesNorm[i], pointsNorm[i],
                               pointsAvg.tolist(), dt)

        # Add image intensities for averaging
        output = output + imWarp

    # Divide by numImages to get average
    output = output / (1.0 * numImages)
    output = output * 255.0
    output = np.uint8(output)
    url = utils.image_to_url("results/face_to_average/face_average.jpg",
    return Response({"image_url": url})