Ejemplo n.º 1
 def test_get_from_file(self):
     office = Space(1, 'prooms', 1)
     d = office.get_from_file(r'data/prooms.txt')
     # check if the number list items equals number of lines ina file
     with open('data/prooms.txt') as f:
         total = sum(1 for _ in f)
     self.assertTrue(type(d), type([]))
     # check that the lit has equal number lines and
     self.assertTrue(len(d), total)
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def test_allocate_room(self):
     office = Space(1, 'prooms')
     # check if dictionary has been created
     self.assertTrue(type(office.room_list), type({}))
     # check if number passed is corrected
     self.assertEqual(office.num_rooms, 1)
     # check if the list of room coincides with the number of rooms
     # generated
     self.assertEqual(len(office.room_list), 1)
     # check if naming convention is right and it exists
     self.assertTrue('prooms 0' in office.room_list.keys(), True)
     # check if the list created has empty list
     self.assertListEqual(office.room_list['prooms 0'], [])
     # allocate a room
     name = 'david'
     r_alloc = (office.allocate_room(name))
     # check if name assigned is returned
     self.assertIn(name, r_alloc,)
     # remove test file