Ejemplo n.º 1
async def get_current_user(token: str = Security(reuseable_oauth2)):
        payload = jwt.decode(token, SECRET_KEY, algorithms=[ALGORITHM])
        token_data = TokenPayload(**payload)
    except PyJWTError:
        raise HTTPException(status_code=HTTP_403_FORBIDDEN,
                            detail="Could not validate credentials")
    db = get_database()

    # ? CAN'T USE -> user = crud.user.get(db, username=token_data.username)
    logging.info("USERNAME : "******"SCOPE: " + token_data.scope)
    logging.info("CONTEXT: " + token_data.context)
    scope = token_data.scope
    if scope == USERTYPE_PERSONA:
        collection = get_collection(db, DOCTYPE_PERSONA)
        user = await collection.find_one({
            "username": token_data.username,
            "prj_id": ObjectId(token_data.context)
    elif (scope == USERTYPE_CLIENT or scope == USERTYPE_EXPERT):
        collection = get_collection(db, DOCTYPE_PROJECT)
        user = await get_project_member(db, token_data.context,
        collection = get_collection(db, DOCTYPE_USER)
        user = await collection.find_one({"username": token_data.username})

    user["context"] = token_data.context
    if not (scope == USERTYPE_GAIA or scope == USERTYPE_LICENSE):
        user['admin_roles'] = []
    if not user:
        raise HTTPException(status_code=404, detail="User not found")
    return user
Ejemplo n.º 2
async def prepare_persona_batteries(db: DBClient, id: str, batch_id: str):
    """Update batch participants' progress and batteries"""
    logging.info(f">>> {__name__}:{prepare_persona_batteries.__name__}")
    collection = utils.get_collection(db, config.DOCTYPE_PROJECT)
    rs = await collection.find_one(
            "_id": ObjectId(id),
            "batches.batch_id": batch_id
        }, {
            "_id": 0,
            "workbooks": 1,
            "facetimes": 1,
            "batches": {
                "$elemMatch": {
                    "batch_id": batch_id

    batch = rs['batches'][0]
    usernames = batch['participants']
    sessions = batch['workbook_sessions'] + batch['facetime_sessions']
    batteries = []
    for a in sessions:
            'type': a['module'],
            'items': a['module_items'],
            'touched': None
    progress = {
        'state': "idle",
        'battery': None,
        'touched': None,
        'next': batteries[0]['type']

    collection = utils.get_collection(db, config.DOCTYPE_PERSONA)
    rs = await collection.update_many(
            "prj_id": ObjectId(id),
            "username": {
                "$in": usernames
        }, {"$set": {
            "batteries": batteries,
            "progress": progress
    return {"updated_personas": rs.modified_count}
Ejemplo n.º 3
async def reset_password(token: str = Body(...), new_password: str = Body(...)):
    Reset password [NOT IMPLEMENTED YET]
    logging.info(">>> " + __name__ + ":" + reset_password.__name__ )
    username = verify_password_reset_token(token)
    if not username:
        raise HTTPException(status_code=400, detail="Invalid token")

    db =  get_database()
    user = await crud.get(db, username)
    if not user:
        raise HTTPException(
            detail="The user with this username does not exist in the system.",

    # elif not crud.user.is_active(user):
    #     raise HTTPException(status_code=400, detail="Inactive user")
    # user_in = UserUpdate(name=username, password=new_password)
    # user = crud.user.update(bucket, username=username, user_in=user_in)
    logging.info("FULL NAME: " + user['full_name'])
    hashed_password = get_password_hash(password=new_password)
    collection = get_collection(db, DOCTYPE_USER)
    rs = await collection.update_one(
        {"username": username},
        {'$set': {
            'hashed_password': hashed_password,
            'modified': datetime.utcnow()

    return {"msg": "Password updated successfully"}
Ejemplo n.º 4
async def add_facetime_session(db: DBClient, id: str, batch_id: str,
                               data: FacetimeSession):
    logging.info(f">>> {__name__}:{add_facetime_session.__name__}")
    collection = utils.get_collection(db, config.DOCTYPE_PROJECT)
    # dic = data.dict()
    $ matched index
    rs = await collection.find_one_and_update(
            "_id": ObjectId(id),
            "batches.batch_id": batch_id
        }, {"$push": {
            "batches.$.facetime_sessions": data.dict()
        }}, {
            "_id": 0,
            "batches": {
                "$elemMatch": {
                    "batch_id": batch_id
    count = len(rs['batches'][0]['facetime_sessions'])
    return rs['batches'][0]['facetime_sessions'][count - 1]
Ejemplo n.º 5
async def add_member(db: DBClient, ref: str, mtype: str, data: GuestCreate):
    logging.info(f">>> {__name__}:{add_member.__name__}")
    collection = utils.get_collection(db, config.DOCTYPE_PROJECT)

    dic = {
        "_id": str(ObjectId()),
        **data.dict(), "type": mtype,
        "hashed_password": get_password_hash(data.password)
    del dic["password"]
    rs = await collection.find_one_and_update(
        {"_id": ObjectId(ref)}, {"$push": {
            "members": dic
        }}, {
            "_id": 0,
            "members": {
                "$elemMatch": {
                    "username": data.username
    if rs['members']:
        return rs['members'][0]
    return None
Ejemplo n.º 6
async def create_db_template(db: DBClient,
                             prj_id: str,
                             username: str,
                             fullname: str,
                             rows: int = GPQ_TOTAL_ITEMS):
    We just persist data. Make sure you provide correct
    `prj_id`, `username`, and `fullname`.
    logging.info(f">>> {__name__}:{create_db_template.__name__}")
    # if not ObjectId.is_valid(prj_id):
    #     return None

    prj_id = ObjectId(prj_id)
    records: List[GPQRow] = []
    seqs = [i for i in range(1, rows + 1)]

    for i in range(rows):
        records.append(GPQRow(seq=i + 1, wb_seq=seqs[i]))
    collection = crudutils.get_collection(db, DOCTYPE_EV_GPQ)
    template = {
        'prj_id': prj_id,
        'username': username,
        'fullname': fullname,
        'records': records
    data = GPQEvidenceInDB(**template)
    return await crudutils.create(collection, data)
Ejemplo n.º 7
async def get_by_project(db: DBClient, id: str, limit: int, skip: int):
    logging.info(f">>> {__name__}:{get_by_project.__name__}")
    collection = crudutils.get_collection(db, DOCTYPE_EV_GPQ)
    rs: List[BaseModel] = []
    cursor = collection.find({"prj_id": ObjectId(id)}, limit=limit, skip=skip)
    async for row in cursor:
    return rs
Ejemplo n.º 8
async def authenticate(db: DBClient, username: str, password: str):
    collection = utils.get_collection(db, config.USER_DOCTYPE)
    user = await collection.find_one({"username": username})
    if not user:
        return None
    if not verify_password(password, user['hashed_password']):
        return None
    return user
Ejemplo n.º 9
async def create_multi(db: DBClient, data: List[Any]):
    logging.info(f">>> {__name__}:{create_multi.__name__}")
    collection = utils.get_collection(db, DOCTYPE_PERSONA)
    # result = db.test.insert_many([{'x': i} for i in range(2)])
    # rs = await collection.insert_many([ {p.dict()} for p in data ])
    rs = await collection.insert_many(data)
    return rs.inserted_ids
Ejemplo n.º 10
async def get_multi_by_filter(db: DBClient,
                              filter: dict,
                              limit: int = 50,
                              skip: int = 0):
    logging.info(">>> " + __name__ + ":" + get_multi_by_filter.__name__)
    collection = utils.get_collection(db, config.DOCTYPE_PROJECT)
    # filter = {}
    return await utils.get_multi_by_filter(collection, filter, limit, skip)
Ejemplo n.º 11
async def get(db: DBClient, ref: str):
    logging.info(">>> " + __name__ + ":" + get.__name__)
    collection = utils.get_collection(db, config.DOCTYPE_USER)
    if ObjectId.is_valid(ref):
        return await utils.get(collection, ref)
    elif ("@" in ref) and ("." in ref):
        return await utils.get(collection, ref, "email")
    return await utils.get(collection, ref, "username")
Ejemplo n.º 12
async def check_free_email_username(db: DBClient, data: UserLogin):
    logging.info(">>> " + __name__ + ":" + check_free_email_username.__name__ )
    collection = utils.get_collection(db, config.USER_DOCTYPE)
    user = await collection.find_one({"username": data.username})
    if user:
        return "Username already registered"
    user = await collection.find_one({"email": data.email})
    if user:
        return "Email already registered"
Ejemplo n.º 13
async def get_project_manager(db: DBClient, id: str):
    logging.info(f">>> {__name__}:{get_project_manager.__name__}")
    collection = utils.get_collection(db, config.DOCTYPE_PROJECT)
    rs = await collection.find_one({'_id': ObjectId(id)}, {
        '_id': 0,
        'lead_by': 1
    return rs['lead_by']
Ejemplo n.º 14
async def check_free_email_username(db: DBClient, username: str, email: str):
    logging.info(">>> " + __name__ + ":" + check_free_email_username.__name__)
    collection = utils.get_collection(db, config.DOCTYPE_USER)
    user = await collection.find_one({"username": username})
    if user:
        return "Username already registered"
    user = await collection.find_one({"email": email})
    if user:
        return "Email already registered"
Ejemplo n.º 15
async def update_progress(db: DBClient, prj_id: str, username: str, progress: Progress):
    collection = utils.get_collection(db, DOCTYPE_PERSONA)
    rs = await collection.find_one_and_update(
        {"prj_id": ObjectId(prj_id), "username": username},
        {"$set": {"progress": progress}},
        {"_id": 0, "progress": 1},
    return rs
Ejemplo n.º 16
async def authenticate(db: DBClient, username: str, password: str, prj_id: str):
    collection = utils.get_collection(db, DOCTYPE_PERSONA)
    user = await collection.find_one(
        {"username": username, "prj_id": ObjectId(prj_id)}
    if not user:
        return None
    if not verify_password(password, user['hashed_password']):
        return None
    return user
Ejemplo n.º 17
async def get_batches(db: DBClient, id: str):
    logging.info(f">>> {__name__}:{get_members.__name__}")
    collection = utils.get_collection(db, config.DOCTYPE_PROJECT)
    rs = await collection.find_one({"_id": ObjectId(id)}, {
        "_id": 0,
        "batches": 1
    batches = rs['batches']
    return batches
Ejemplo n.º 18
async def authenticate_persona(db: DBClient, username: str, password: str, prj_id: str):
    logging.info(f">>> {__name__}:{authenticate_persona.__name__}")
    collection = utils.get_collection(db, DOCTYPE_PERSONA)
    user = await collection.find_one(
        {"username": username, "prj_id": ObjectId(prj_id)}
    if not user:
        return None
    if not verify_password(password, user['hashed_password']):
        return None
    return user
Ejemplo n.º 19
async def authenticate(db: DBClient, username: str, password: str):
    logging.info(f">>> {__name__}:{authenticate.__name__}")
    collection = utils.get_collection(db, config.DOCTYPE_USER)
    user = await collection.find_one({
        "username": username,
        "type": "gaia",
    if not user:
        return None
    if not verify_password(password, user['hashed_password']):
        return None
    return user
Ejemplo n.º 20
async def init(db: DBClient, id: str):
    logging.info(f">>> {__name__}:{init.__name__}")

    # If it is in stacks, just return it
    if (id in gpq_touch_stacks and "initiated" in gpq_touch_stacks[id]
            and gpq_touch_stacks[id]["initiated"]):
        return {"initiated": gpq_touch_stacks[id]["initiated"]}
    # It is not in stacks, check db
        gpq_touch_stacks[id] = {
            "initiated": None,
            "started": None,
            "touched": None
        # Check state from db
        collection = crudutils.get_collection(db, DOCTYPE_EV_GPQ)
        ev = await collection.find_one({"_id": ObjectId(id)}, {
            "_id": 0,
            "initiated": 1,
            "started": 1

        ts = round(time() * 1000)
        if not ev["initiated"] or ev["initiated"] is None:
            gpq_touch_stacks[id]["initiated"] = ts
            gpq_touch_stacks[id]["started"] = None
            gpq_touch_stacks[id]["touched"] = ts
            rs = await collection.find_one_and_update(
                {"_id": ObjectId(id)},
                {"$set": {
                    "initiated": ts,
                    "touched": ts
                }}, {
                    "_id": 0,
                    "initiated": 1
            return rs
            gpq_touch_stacks[id]["initiated"] = ev["initiated"]
            if ev["started"]:
                gpq_touch_stacks[id]["started"] = ev["started"]
            gpq_touch_stacks[id]["touched"] = ts
            rs = await collection.find_one_and_update(
                {"_id": ObjectId(id)}, {"$set": {
                    "touched": ts
                }}, {
                    "_id": 0,
                    "initiated": 1
            return rs
Ejemplo n.º 21
async def add_note(db: DBClient, prj_id: str, note: str):
    logging.info(f">>> {__name__}:{add_note.__name__}")
    collection = utils.get_collection(db, config.DOCTYPE_PROJECT)
    rs = await collection.find_one_and_update(
        {"_id": ObjectId(prj_id)}, {"$push": {
            "notes": note
        }}, {
            "_id": 0,
            "notes": [note]
    return rs['notes'][0]
Ejemplo n.º 22
async def get_members(db: DBClient, id: str, type: str):
    logging.info(f">>> {__name__}:{get_members.__name__}")
    collection = utils.get_collection(db, config.DOCTYPE_PROJECT)
    rs = await collection.find_one({"_id": ObjectId(id)}, {
        "_id": 0,
        "members": 1
    members = rs['members']
    guests = []
    for guest in members:
        if guest['type'] == type:
    return guests
Ejemplo n.º 23
async def is_project_manager(db: DBClient, user: UserInApp, id: str):
    logging.info(f">>> {__name__}:{is_project_manager.__name__}")
    collection = utils.get_collection(db, config.DOCTYPE_PROJECT)
    rs = await collection.find_one(
            '_id': ObjectId(id),
            'lead_by': user['username']
        }, {
            '_id': 0,
            'lead_by': 1
    if rs is None:
        return False
    return user['username'] == rs['lead_by']
Ejemplo n.º 24
async def init2(db: DBClient, id: str):
    logging.info(f">>> {__name__}:{init.__name__}")
    collection = crudutils.get_collection(db, DOCTYPE_EV_GPQ)
    ts = round(time() * 1000)
    rs = await collection.find_one_and_update(
        {"_id": ObjectId(id)}, {"$set": {
            "started": ts,
            "touched": ts
        }}, {
            "_id": 0,
            u"started": 1
    return rs
Ejemplo n.º 25
async def authenticate_licensee(db: DBClient, username: str, password: str,
                                scope: str, context: str):
    logging.info(f">>> {__name__}:{authenticate_licensee.__name__}")
    collection = utils.get_collection(db, config.DOCTYPE_USER)
    user = await collection.find_one({
        "_id": ObjectId(context),
        "type": scope,
        "username": username
    if not user:
        return None
    if not verify_password(password, user['hashed_password']):
        return None
    return user
Ejemplo n.º 26
async def create_many(db: DBClient, users: List[UserCreate]):
    logging.info(">>> " + __name__ + ":" + create_many.__name__)
    collection = utils.get_collection(db, config.DOCTYPE_USER)
    data = []
    for x in users:
        dic = x.dict()
        dic["hashed_password"] = get_password_hash(x.password)
    rs = await collection.insert_many(data)
    ids = []
    for i in rs.inserted_ids:
    return ids
Ejemplo n.º 27
async def create_db_template2(
        db: DBClient,
        prj_id: str,
        # username: str,
        # fullname: str,
        persona_id: str,
        rows: int = GPQ_TOTAL_ITEMS):
    logging.info(f">>> {__name__}:{create_db_template.__name__}")
    # if not ObjectId.is_valid(prj_id):
    #     return None

    collection = crudutils.get_collection(db, DOCTYPE_PERSONA)
    persona = await collection.find_one({"_id": ObjectId(persona_id)})
    # return {"response": "test"}

    _id = "GPQ" + persona_id
    prj_id = ObjectId(prj_id)
    records: List[GPQRow] = []
    seqs = [i for i in range(1, rows + 1)]

    for i in range(rows):
        records.append(GPQRow(seq=i + 1, wb_seq=seqs[i]))
    collection = crudutils.get_collection(db, DOCTYPE_EV_GPQ)
    template = {
        '_id': _id,
        'prj_id': prj_id,
        'username': persona['username'],
        'fullname': persona['fullname'],
        'records': records
    data = GPQEvidenceInDB(**template)
    return await crudutils.create(collection, data)
Ejemplo n.º 28
async def update(
    db: DBClient,
    id: str,
    seq: int,
    wb_seq: int,
    element: str,
    statement: str,
    # last_touch: int
    logging.info(f">>> {__name__}:{update_row.__name__}")
    collection = crudutils.get_collection(db, DOCTYPE_EV_GPQ)

    if not id in gpq_touch_stacks:
        # If app has been restarted and id isn't in stack
        ev = await collection.find_one({"_id": ObjectId(id)}, {
            "_id": 1,
            "touched": 1
        gpq_touch_stacks[id] = ev["touched"]

    last_touch = gpq_touch_stacks[id]
    ts = round(time() * 1000)
    elapsed = ts - last_touch
    gpq_touch_stacks[id] = ts

    dic = {}
    dic['seq'] = seq
    dic['wb_seq'] = wb_seq
    dic['element'] = element
    dic['statement'] = statement

    dic["saved"] = ts
    dic["elapsed"] = elapsed
    index = seq - 1
    docpath = "records." + str(index)

    rs = await collection.find_one_and_update(
        {"_id": ObjectId(id)}, {"$set": {
            "touched": ts,
            docpath: dic
        }}, {
            "_id": 0,
            u"touched": 1
    if rs:
        return rs  # ['records'][index]
    return None
Ejemplo n.º 29
async def add_modules(db: DBClient, ref: str, data: List[Workbook]):
    """Add one or more modules"""
    logging.info(f">>> {__name__}:{add_modules.__name__}")
    collection = utils.get_collection(db, config.DOCTYPE_PROJECT)
    modified_count = 0
    # Manually one by one
    # TODO:
    for x in data:
        rs = await collection.update_one({"_id": ObjectId(ref)},
                                         {"$push": {
                                             "modules": x.dict()
        modified_count += rs.modified_count
    logging.info("Modified: " + str(modified_count))
    if rs.modified_count > 0:
        return data
Ejemplo n.º 30
async def batch_batteries(db: DBClient, id: str, batch_id: str):
    collection = utils.get_collection(db, config.DOCTYPE_PROJECT)
    rs = await collection.find_one({"_id": ObjectId(id)}, {
        "_id": 0,
        "batches": {
            "$elemMatch": {
                "batch_id": batch_id
    batch = rs['batches'][0]
    sessions = batch['workbook_sessions'] + batch['facetime_sessions']
    batteries: List[Battery] = []
    for a in sessions:
            Battery(type=a['module'], items=a['module_items'], touched=0))
    return batteries