def create_book_review(ISBN): form = CreateReviewForm() book = Book.query.get(ISBN) if form.validate_on_submit(): review_params = { 'ISBN': book.ISBN, 'username': current_user.get_id(), 'score':, 'description':, 'date': time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") } if Review.query.filter_by(username=current_user.get_id(), ISBN=book.ISBN).first() is None: review = Review(**review_params) if save(review): flash("Review created successfully!") return redirect(url_for('my.show_book', ISBN=book.ISBN)) else: flash("Failed to create review. Please try again.") else: flash("You have already entered a review for this book.") return render_template('my/book/review/new.html', book=book, form=form)
def create_feedback(ISBN, user): feedback_form = CreateFeedbackForm() top_review_form = SetNofTopReviewsForm() book = Book.query.get(ISBN) review = Review.query.filter_by(username=user, ISBN=ISBN).first() if feedback_form.validate_on_submit(): feedback_params = { 'customer_feedback': current_user.get_id(), 'rating':, 'customer_review': review.username, 'ISBN': ISBN } if Feedback.query.filter_by(customer_feedback=current_user.get_id(), ISBN=book.ISBN, customer_review=user).first() is None: if current_user.get_id() != review.username: feedback = Feedback(**feedback_params) if save(feedback): flash("Feedback created successfully!") return redirect(url_for('my.show_book', ISBN=book.ISBN)) else: flash("Failed to create feedback. Please try again") else: flash("You may not create feedback for your own review") else: flash("You have already entered a feedback.") return render_template('my/book/show.html', book=book, review=review, feedback_form=feedback_form, top_review_form=top_review_form)
def update_order(order_id): # Check add book to order form validity form = AddBookToOrderForm(formdata=request.form) isbn =['isbn'] book = Book.query.get(isbn) if form.validate_on_submit(): quantity =['quantity'] order = Order.query.get(order_id) books_orders = order.books_orders.filter_by(book=book).first() if not books_orders: books_orders = BooksOrders(quantity=quantity) = book order.books_orders.append(books_orders) else: books_orders.quantity = quantity if save(order): flash( 'Successfully updated number of copies of {} in your current order to {}!' .format(book.title, quantity)) return redirect( url_for('my.book_index', ordered_book_isbn=book.ISBN)) else: flash('Failed to add {} to your current order. Please try again'. format(book.title)) # Render index template if add book to order form was invalid filter_form = FilterBooksForm() if filter_form.validate_on_submit(): search_dict = {k: v for k, v in if v} books = Book.query for k, v in search_dict.items(): if k == 'authors': authors = [author.strip() for author in v.split(', ')] books = books.filter( cast(getattr(Book, k), ARRAY(db.Text())).contains(authors)) else: books = books.filter(getattr(Book, k).ilike('%{}%'.format(v))) books = books.all() else: books = Book.query.all() invalid_form_index = books.index(book) add_book_to_order_forms = [AddBookToOrderForm() for i in range(len(books))] add_book_to_order_forms[invalid_form_index] = form order_in_progress = current_user.order_in_progress() return render_template('my/book/index.html', books=books, filter_form=filter_form, add_book_to_order_forms=add_book_to_order_forms, order_in_progress=order_in_progress)
def register(): form = SignUpForm() if form.validate_on_submit(): user = User(, if save(user): login_user(user) flash('Sign Up Successfully') return redirect(url_for('user.main')) else: flash('Try again') return render_template('user/register.html', form=form)
def submit_order(): order = current_user.order_in_progress() if order: order.status = 'pending' = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') if save(order): flash('Order was successfully submitted!') return redirect(url_for('my.show_order', flash('Something went wrong when submitting your order. Please try again.') return redirect(url_for('my.current_order'))
def create_order(): order_params = { 'date': time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d'), 'status': 'in_progress', 'customer_username': current_user.get_id() } order = Order(**order_params) if save(order): flash( 'You just started a new order! You can choose the books to add to your order below' ) else: flash('Failed to create order') return redirect(url_for('my.book_index'))
def sign_up(): form = CustomerSignUpForm() if form.validate_on_submit(): customer_params = del customer_params['password_confirmation'] new_customer = Customer(**customer_params) if save(new_customer): login_user(new_customer) flash('Your account was successfully created! Welcome to DBookstore!') return redirect(url_for('pages.index')) else: flash('Account creation was unsuccessful. Please try again.') return render_template('customer/sign_up.html', form=form)
def new_book(): # Handle form POST request form = NewBookForm() if form.validate_on_submit(): book_params = book_params['authors'] = [author.strip() for author in book_params['authors'].split(',')] book_params['keywords'] = [keyword.strip() for keyword in book_params['keywords'].split(',')] book = Book(**book_params) if save(book): flash('New book created successfully!') return redirect(url_for('store_manager.edit_book', ISBN=book.ISBN)) else: flash('Failed to create new book. Please try again.') return render_template('store_manager/book/new.html', form=form)
def edit_book(ISBN): # Handle form PUT request book = Book.query.get(ISBN) form = EditBookForm(obj=book) if form.validate_on_submit(): authors = [author.strip() for author in['authors'].split(',')] keywords = [keyword.strip() for keyword in['keywords'].split(',')] form.populate_obj(book) book.authors = authors book.keywords = keywords if save(book): flash('Book details updated successfully!') else: flash('Failed to update book details. Please try again.') return render_template('store_manager/book/edit.html', form=form, book=book)