Ejemplo n.º 1
 async def test_authenticated_user_can_get_evaluation_for_cleaning(
     app: FastAPI,
     create_authorized_client: Callable,
     test_user3: UserInDB,
     test_user4: UserInDB,
     test_list_of_cleanings_with_evaluated_offer: List[CleaningInDB],
 ) -> None:
     authorized_client = create_authorized_client(user=test_user4)
     res = await authorized_client.get(
     assert res.status_code == status.HTTP_200_OK
     evaluation = EvaluationPublic(**res.json())
     assert evaluation.cleaning_id == test_list_of_cleanings_with_evaluated_offer[
     assert evaluation.cleaner_id == test_user3.id
     assert "test headline" in evaluation.headline
     assert "test comment" in evaluation.comment
     assert evaluation.professionalism >= 0 and evaluation.professionalism <= 5
     assert evaluation.completeness >= 0 and evaluation.completeness <= 5
     assert evaluation.efficiency >= 0 and evaluation.efficiency <= 5
     assert evaluation.overall_rating >= 0 and evaluation.overall_rating <= 5
Ejemplo n.º 2
 async def test_authenticated_user_can_get_aggregate_stats_for_cleaner(
     app: FastAPI,
     create_authorized_client: Callable,
     test_user3: UserInDB,
     test_user4: UserInDB,
     test_list_of_cleanings_with_evaluated_offer: List[CleaningInDB],
 ) -> None:
     authorized_client = create_authorized_client(user=test_user4)
     res = await authorized_client.get(
         app.url_path_for("evaluations:list-evaluations-for-cleaner", username=test_user3.username)
     assert res.status_code == status.HTTP_200_OK
     evaluations = [EvaluationPublic(**e) for e in res.json()]
     res = await authorized_client.get(
         app.url_path_for("evaluations:get-stats-for-cleaner", username=test_user3.username)
     assert res.status_code == status.HTTP_200_OK
     stats = EvaluationAggregate(**res.json())
     assert len(evaluations) == stats.total_evaluations
     assert max([e.overall_rating for e in evaluations]) == stats.max_overall_rating
     assert min([e.overall_rating for e in evaluations]) == stats.min_overall_rating
     assert mean([e.overall_rating for e in evaluations]) == stats.avg_overall_rating
     assert (
         mean([e.professionalism for e in evaluations if e.professionalism is not None]) == stats.avg_professionalism
     assert mean([e.completeness for e in evaluations if e.completeness is not None]) == stats.avg_completeness
     assert mean([e.efficiency for e in evaluations if e.efficiency is not None]) == stats.avg_efficiency
     assert len([e for e in evaluations if e.overall_rating == 1]) == stats.one_stars
     assert len([e for e in evaluations if e.overall_rating == 2]) == stats.two_stars
     assert len([e for e in evaluations if e.overall_rating == 3]) == stats.three_stars
     assert len([e for e in evaluations if e.overall_rating == 4]) == stats.four_stars
     assert len([e for e in evaluations if e.overall_rating == 5]) == stats.five_stars
Ejemplo n.º 3
 async def test_authenticated_user_can_get_list_of_evaluations_for_cleaner(
     app: FastAPI,
     create_authorized_client: Callable,
     test_user3: UserInDB,
     test_user4: UserInDB,
     # test_list_of_cleanings_with_evaluated_offer: List[CleaningInDB],
 ) -> None:
     authorized_client = create_authorized_client(user=test_user4)
     res = await authorized_client.get(
     assert res.status_code == status.HTTP_200_OK
     evaluations = [EvaluationPublic(**e) for e in res.json()]
     assert len(evaluations) > 1
     for evaluation in evaluations:
         assert evaluation.cleaner_id == test_user3.id
         assert evaluation.overall_rating >= 0