Ejemplo n.º 1
    def test_can_buy_side(self):
        now = datetime.datetime.now()
        test_petterns = [
            ('BUY', False),
            ('SELL', True)

        for side, expect_result in test_petterns:
            with self.subTest(side=side):
                s = SignalEvents([SignalEvent(now - datetime.timedelta(days=1), self.product_code, side, 1, 1)])
                self.assertEqual(s.can_buy(now), expect_result)
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def test_can_buy_time(self):
        now = datetime.datetime.now()

        test_petterns = [
            ([], now, True), # not signals
            ([now-datetime.timedelta(days=1)], now, True), # last signal time < now
            ([now+datetime.timedelta(days=1)], now, False), # last signal time > now

        for times, t, expect_result in test_petterns:
            with self.subTest(times=times, t=t):
                s = SignalEvents([SignalEvent(time, self.product_code, 'SELL', 1, 1) for time in times])
                self.assertEqual(s.can_buy(t), expect_result)
Ejemplo n.º 3
class AI(object):
    def __init__(self, product_code, use_percent, duration, past_period,
                 stop_limit_percent, back_test):
        self.API = APIClient(settings.access_token, settings.account_id)

        if back_test:
            self.signal_events = SignalEvents()
            self.signal_events = SignalEvents.get_signal_events_by_count(1)

        self.product_code = product_code
        self.use_percent = use_percent
        self.duration = duration
        self.past_period = past_period
        self.optimized_trade_params = None
        self.stop_limit = 0
        self.stop_limit_percent = stop_limit_percent
        self.back_test = back_test
        self.start_trade = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
        self.candle_cls = factory_candle_class(self.product_code,

    def update_optimize_params(self, is_continue: bool):
        logger.info('action=update_optimize_params status=run')
        df = DataFrameCandle(self.product_code, self.duration)
        if df.candles:
            self.optimized_trade_params = df.optimize_params()
        if self.optimized_trade_params is not None:
                f'action=update_optimize_params params={self.optimized_trade_params.__dict__}'

        if is_continue and self.optimized_trade_params is None:
            time.sleep(10 * duration_seconds(self.duration))

    def buy(self, candle):
        if self.back_test:
            could_buy = self.signal_events.buy(self.product_code,
            return could_buy

        if self.start_trade > candle.time:
            logger.warning('action=buy status=false error=old_time')
            return False

        if not self.signal_events.can_buy(candle.time):
            logger.warning('action=buy status=false error=previous_was_buy')
            return False

        balance = self.API.get_balance()
        units = int(balance.available * self.use_percent)
        order = Order(self.product_code, constants.BUY, units)
        trade = self.API.send_order(order)
        could_buy = self.signal_events.buy(self.product_code,
        return could_buy
Ejemplo n.º 4
class AI(object):

    def __init__(self, product_code, use_percent, duration, past_period, stop_limit_percent, back_test):
        self.API = APIClient(settings.access_token, settings.account_id)

        if back_test:
            self.signal_events = SignalEvents()
            self.signal_events = SignalEvents.get_signal_events_by_count(1)

        self.product_code = product_code
        self.use_percent = use_percent
        self.duration = duration
        self.past_period = past_period
        self.optimized_trade_params = None
        self.stop_limit = 0
        self.stop_limit_percent = stop_limit_percent
        self.back_test = back_test
        self.start_trade = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
        self.candle_cls = factory_candle_class(self.product_code, self.duration)

    def update_optimize_params(self, is_continue: bool):
        logger.info('action=update_optimize_params status=run')
        df = DataFrameCandle(self.product_code, self.duration)
        if df.candles:
            self.optimized_trade_params = df.optimize_params()
        if self.optimized_trade_params is not None:
            logger.info(f'action=update_optimize_params params={self.optimized_trade_params.__dict__}')

        if is_continue and self.optimized_trade_params is None:
            time.sleep(10 * duration_seconds(self.duration))

    def buy(self, candle):
        if self.back_test:
            could_buy = self.signal_events.buy(self.product_code, candle.time, candle.close, 1.0, save=False)
            return could_buy

        if self.start_trade > candle.time:
            logger.warning('action=buy status=false error=old_time')
            return False

        if not self.signal_events.can_buy(candle.time):
            logger.warning('action=buy status=false error=previous_was_buy')
            return False

        balance = self.API.get_balance()
        units = int(balance.available * self.use_percent)
        order = Order(self.product_code, constants.BUY, units)
        trade = self.API.send_order(order)
        could_buy = self.signal_events.buy(self.product_code, candle.time, trade.price, trade.units, save=True)
        return could_buy

    def sell(self, candle):
        if self.back_test:
            could_sell = self.signal_events.sell(self.product_code, candle.time, candle.close, 1.0, save=False)
            return could_sell

        if self.start_trade > candle.time:
            logger.warning('action=sell status=false error=old_time')
            return False

        if not self.signal_events.can_sell(candle.time):
            logger.warning('action=sell status=false error=previous_was_sell')
            return False

        trades = self.API.get_open_trade()
        sum_price = 0
        units = 0
        for trade in trades:
            closed_trade = self.API.trade_close(trade.trade_id)
            sum_price += closed_trade.price * abs(closed_trade.units)
            units += abs(closed_trade.units)

        could_sell = self.signal_events.sell(self.product_code, candle.time, sum_price/units, units, save=True)
        return could_sell

    def trade(self):
        logger.info('action=trade status=run')
        params = self.optimized_trade_params
        if params is None:

        df = DataFrameCandle(self.product_code, self.duration)

        if params.ema_enable:
            ema_values_1 = talib.EMA(np.array(df.closes), params.ema_period_1)
            ema_values_2 = talib.EMA(np.array(df.closes), params.ema_period_2)

        if params.bb_enable:
            bb_up, _, bb_down = talib.BBANDS(np.array(df.closes), params.bb_n, params.bb_k, params.bb_k, 0)

        if params.ichimoku_enable:
            tenkan, kijun, senkou_a, senkou_b, chikou = ichimoku_cloud(df.closes)

        if params.rsi_enable:
            rsi_values = talib.RSI(np.array(df.closes), params.rsi_period)

        if params.macd_enable:
            macd, macd_signal, _ = talib.MACD(np.array(df.closes), params.macd_fast_period, params.macd_slow_period, params.macd_signal_period)

        for i in range(1, len(df.candles)):
            buy_point, sell_point = 0, 0

            if params.ema_enable and params.ema_period_1 <= i and params.ema_period_2 <= i:
                if ema_values_1[i - 1] < ema_values_2[i - 1] and ema_values_1[i] >= ema_values_2[i]:
                    buy_point += 1

                if ema_values_1[i - 1] > ema_values_2[i - 1] and ema_values_1[i] <= ema_values_2[i]:
                    sell_point += 1

            if params.bb_enable and params.bb_n <= i:
                if bb_down[i - 1] > df.candles[i - 1].close and bb_down[i] <= df.candles[i].close:
                    buy_point += 1

                if bb_up[i - 1] < df.candles[i - 1].close and bb_up[i] >= df.candles[i].close:
                    sell_point += 1

            if params.ichimoku_enable:
                if (chikou[i-1] < df.candles[i-1].high and
                        chikou[i] >= df.candles[i].high and
                        senkou_a[i] < df.candles[i].low and
                        senkou_b[i] < df.candles[i].low and
                        tenkan[i] > kijun[i]):
                    buy_point += 1

                if (chikou[i - 1] > df.candles[i - 1].low and
                        chikou[i] <= df.candles[i].low and
                        senkou_a[i] > df.candles[i].high and
                        senkou_b[i] > df.candles[i].high and
                        tenkan[i] < kijun[i]):
                    sell_point += 1

            if params.macd_enable:
                if macd[i] < 0 and macd_signal[i] < 0 and macd[i - 1] < macd_signal[i - 1] and macd[i] >= macd_signal[i]:
                    buy_point += 1

                if macd[i] > 0 and macd_signal[i] > 0 and macd[i-1] > macd_signal[i - 1] and macd[i] <= macd_signal[i]:
                    sell_point += 1

            if params.rsi_enable and rsi_values[i-1] != 0 and rsi_values[i-1] != 100:
                if rsi_values[i-1] < params.rsi_buy_thread and rsi_values[i] >= params.rsi_buy_thread:
                    buy_point += 1

                if rsi_values[i-1] > params.rsi_sell_thread and rsi_values[i] <= params.rsi_sell_thread:
                    sell_point += 1

            if buy_point > 0:
                if not self.buy(df.candles[i]):

                self.stop_limit = df.candles[i].close * self.stop_limit_percent

            if sell_point > 0 or self.stop_limit > df.candles[i].close:
                if not self.sell(df.candles[i]):

                self.stop_limit = 0.0