Ejemplo n.º 1
    def create_feed(cls, db, mc, cfg, user_id):
        def get_random_key():
            return ''.join(
                random.SystemRandom().choice(string.ascii_lowercase +
                                             string.ascii_uppercase +
                                             string.digits) for _ in range(12))

            # get user details from Google Plus
            service = cls._get_plus_service(cfg.get('feed.api_key'))
            person = service.people().get(userId=user_id).execute()

            # change photo size
            photo_url_site = person['image']['url']
            photo_url_db = person['image']['url']
            idx = photo_url_site.index('?')
            if idx != -1:
                photo_url_site = '%s?sz=%s' % (
                    photo_url_site[:idx], cfg.get('feed.photo_size.website'))
                photo_url_db = '%s?sz=%s' % (
                    photo_url_db[:idx], cfg.get('feed.photo_size.database'))

            # check feed existence
            uid = person['id']
            feed = Feed.get_by_user_id(db, uid)
            if not feed:
                # create a new feed
                rnd_key = get_random_key()
                while Feed.get_by_pkey(db, rnd_key):
                    rnd_key = get_random_key()
                feed = Feed(rnd_key, uid)

                mc.delete(cls.MEMCACHE_KEY % feed.pkey)

            # update photo
            feed.photo_url = photo_url_db

            return {
                'pkey': feed.pkey,
                'photo': photo_url_site,
                'name': person['displayName']

        except HttpError as e:
            if e.resp.status == 404:
                raise cls.UserIdNotFoundException
            raise e
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def create_feed(cls, db, mc, cfg, user_id):
        def get_random_key():
            return ''.join(
                random.SystemRandom().choice(string.ascii_lowercase + string.ascii_uppercase + string.digits) for _ in

        service = cls._get_plus_service(cfg.get('feed.credentials_file'), cfg.get('feed.cache_dir'))
            # get user details from Google Plus
            person = service.people().get(userId=user_id).execute()

            # change photo size
            photo_url_site = person['image']['url']
            photo_url_db = person['image']['url']
            idx = photo_url_site.index('?')
            if idx != -1:
                photo_url_site = '%s?sz=%s' % (photo_url_site[:idx], cfg.get('feed.photo_size.website'))
                photo_url_db = '%s?sz=%s' % (photo_url_db[:idx], cfg.get('feed.photo_size.database'))

            # check feed existence
            uid = person['id']
            feed = Feed.get_by_user_id(db, uid)
            if not feed:
                # create a new feed
                rnd_key = get_random_key()
                while Feed.get_by_pkey(db, rnd_key):
                    rnd_key = get_random_key()
                feed = Feed(rnd_key, uid)

                mc.delete(str(cls.MEMCACHE_KEY % feed.pkey))

            # update photo
            feed.photo_url = photo_url_db

            return {'pkey': feed.pkey, 'photo': photo_url_site, 'name': person['displayName']}

        except HttpError as e:
            if e.resp.status == 404:
                raise cls.UserIdNotFoundException
            raise e

            del service
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def get_feed_activities(cls, db, mc, cfg, pkey):
        def process_activity_data(atv):
            # check re-shared post
            title = ''
            content = ''
            url = ''
            if atv['actorId'] != user_id:
                # check attachment
                if atv['hasAttachment']:
                    # check comment
                    if atv['hasComment']:
                        if 'comment' in atv:
                            title = atv['comment']
                        if 'attachmentTitle' in atv:
                            content = atv['attachmentTitle']
                        if 'attachmentUrl' in atv:
                            url = atv['attachmentUrl']

                        if 'attachmentTitle' in atv:
                            title = atv['attachmentTitle']
                        if 'attachmentContent' in atv:
                            content = atv['attachmentContent']
                        if 'attachmentUrl' in atv:
                            url = atv['attachmentUrl']
                    # set only title and content
                    if 'title' in atv and atv['title'] != '':
                        title = atv['title']
                    if 'content' in atv and atv['content'] != '':
                        content = atv['content']

                if 'title' in atv and atv['title'] != '':
                    title = atv['title']
                elif atv['hasAttachment'] and 'attachmentTitle' in atv:
                    title = atv['attachmentTitle']

                if 'content' in atv and atv['content'] != '':
                    content = atv['content']
                elif atv['hasAttachment'] and 'attachmentContent' in atv:
                    content = atv['attachmentContent']

                if atv['hasAttachment'] and 'attachmentUrl' in atv:
                    url = atv['attachmentUrl']

            # update activity
            atv['title'] = title
            atv['content'] = content
            if url is not None and url != '':
                atv['url'] = url

        # check memcache for existing value
        m_key = str(cls.MEMCACHE_KEY % pkey)
        feed = mc.get(m_key)
        if not feed:
            # load feed from DB
            db_feed = Feed.get_by_pkey(db, pkey)
            if not db_feed:
                db_feed = 404
            mc.set(m_key, db_feed)
            del feed
            feed = db_feed

        if feed == 404:
            raise cls.FeedNotFoundException()

        user_id = feed.user_id
        photo_url = feed.photo_url
        del feed

        service = cls._get_plus_service(cfg.get('feed.credentials_file'), cfg.get('feed.cache_dir'))
            # get user activities
            obj = service.activities().list(userId=user_id, collection='public', maxResults='5').execute()

        except HttpError as e:
            if e.resp.status == 404:
                raise cls.UserIdNotFoundException
            raise e

            del service

        # parse activities
        activities = []
        name = None
        for item in obj.get('items'):
            # compose activity
            activity = {'id': item['id'], 'url': item['url'], 'title': item['title'],
                        'content': item['object']['content'],
                        'datePublished': item['published'], 'actorId': item['actor']['id'],
                        'hasAttachment': 'attachments' in item['object'] and len(item['object']['attachments']) > 0,
                        'hasComment': 'annotation' in item}

            # check annotation
            if activity['hasComment']:
                activity['comment'] = item['annotation']

            # check geocode
            if 'geocode' in item:
                c = item['geocode'].split(' ')

                activity['hasCoordinates'] = True
                activity['latitude'] = c[0]
                activity['longitude'] = c[1]

                activity['hasCoordinates'] = False

            # in case set attachment data
            temp_url = None
            if activity['hasAttachment']:
                # check different actor
                if 'actor' in item['object'] and 'id' in item['object']['actor']:
                    activity['actorId'] = item['object']['actor']['id']

                # scroll attachments
                for attachment in item['object']['attachments']:
                    # check attachment type
                    if 'objectType' in attachment and attachment['objectType'] == 'article':
                        # article

                        activity['attachmentTitle'] = attachment.get('displayName', '')
                        activity['attachmentContent'] = attachment.get('content', '')
                        activity['attachmentUrl'] = attachment.get('url', '')

                    elif 'objectType' in attachment and attachment['objectType'] == 'photo':
                        # photo

                        temp_url = attachment['url']
                        if 'fullImage' in attachment:
                            if 'url' in attachment['fullImage']:
                                activity['imageUrl'] = attachment['fullImage']['url']
                            if 'width' in attachment['fullImage']:
                                activity['imageWidth'] = str(attachment['fullImage']['width'])
                            if 'height' in attachment['fullImage']:
                                activity['imageHeight'] = str(attachment['fullImage']['height'])

                            if 'url' in attachment['image']:
                                activity['imageUrl'] = attachment['image']['url']
                            if 'width' in attachment['image']:
                                activity['imageWidth'] = str(attachment['image']['width'])
                            if 'height' in attachment['image']:
                                activity['imageHeight'] = str(attachment['image']['height'])

                # check activity URL
                if 'attachmentUrl' not in activity and temp_url is not None:
                    activity['attachmentUrl'] = temp_url

            if name is None and item['actor']['id'] == user_id:
                name = item['actor']['displayName']


        del obj
        return {'name': name or 'unknown', 'activities': activities, 'user_id': user_id, 'photo_url': photo_url}