def json2crf(training_data):
        Takes json annotated data and converts to
        CRFSuite training data representation
        :param training_data:
        :return labeled_examples:
        from app.nlu.tasks import sentence_tokenize, pos_tag_and_label

        labeled_examples = []

        for example in training_data:
            # POS tag and initialize bio label as 'O' for all the tokens
            tagged_example = pos_tag_and_label(example.get("text"))

            # find no of words before selection
            for enitity in example.get("entities"):

                    begin_index = enitity.get("begin")
                    end_index = enitity.get("end")
                    # find no of words before the entity
                    inverse_selection = example.get("text")[0:begin_index - 1]
                    inverse_selection = sentence_tokenize(inverse_selection)
                    inverse_selection = inverse_selection.split(" ")
                    inverse_word_count = len(inverse_selection)

                    # get the entity value from selection
                    selection = example.get("text")[begin_index:end_index]

                    tokens = sentence_tokenize(selection).split(" ")

                    selection_word_count = len(tokens)

                    # build BIO tagging
                    for i in range(1, selection_word_count + 1):
                        if i == 1:
                            bio = "B-" + enitity.get("name")
                            bio = "I-" + enitity.get("name")
                        tagged_example[(inverse_word_count + i) - 1][2] = bio
                    # catches and skips invalid offsets and annotation

        return labeled_examples
    def json2crf(training_data):
        Takes json annotated data and converts to CRFSuite training data representation
        :param training_data:
        :return labeled_examples:
        from app.nlu.tasks import sentence_tokenize, pos_tag_and_label

        labeled_examples = []

        for example in training_data:
            # POS tag and initialize bio label as 'O' for all the tokens
            tagged_example = pos_tag_and_label(example.get("text"))

            # find no of words before selection
            for enitity in example.get("entities"):

                    # find no of words before the entity
                    inverse_selection = example.get("text")[0:enitity.get("begin")-1]

                    inverse_word_count = len(sentence_tokenize(inverse_selection).split(" "))

                    # get the entity value from seletion
                    selection = example.get(
                    tokens = sentence_tokenize(selection).split(" ")
                    selection_word_count = len(tokens)

                    # build BIO tagging
                    for i in range(1, selection_word_count+1):
                        if i == 1:
                            bio = "B-" + enitity.get("name")
                            bio = "I-" + enitity.get("name")
                        tagged_example[(inverse_word_count + i) - 1][2] = bio
                    # catches and skips invalid offsets and annotation

        return labeled_examples