def main(self, question): """ Main method which instantiates the classes necessary for the operation of the program, stores the collected data in parameters and returns a formatted dictionary. Args: question(str): input user Returns: dict : Formatted response returned to AJAX """ initialize_parser = Parser() self.parser = initialize_parser.clean(question) initialize_google_client = GoogleClient(self.parser) self.google_answer = initialize_google_client.get_location() initialize_wiki_client = WikiClient() self.wiki_answer = initialize_wiki_client.search_page(self.google_answer) if self.wiki_answer['extract']: self.wiki_answer['extract'] = layout(self.wiki_answer['extract']) self.papy_answer = self._format_return_datas() return self.papy_answer
def test_is_token_place_entity(): assert Parser.is_token_place_entity( TestParser.MockToken(ent_type='LOC')) is True assert Parser.is_token_place_entity( TestParser.MockToken(ent_type='GPE')) is True assert Parser.is_token_place_entity( TestParser.MockToken(ent_type='DATE')) is False
def test_parser_can_retrieve_info_after_some_words(self): """ Tests whether the parser is able to retrieve relevant data (localisation) that follow a certain piece of words.""" parser = Parser( "Bonjour Grandpy, peux-tu me dire l'adresse de la tour Eiffel?", STOPWORDS, ACCENTS, QUESTIONS) result = parser.get_end_of_question() assert result == "la tour Eiffel"
def test_parser_can_return_clean_of_all_output(self): """ Tests whether the parser is able to run all its methods in order to get a clean localisation from a full sentence.""" parser = Parser( "Bonjour Grandpy, peux-tu me dire l'adresse de la tour Eiffèl?", STOPWORDS, ACCENTS, QUESTIONS) result = parser.clean() assert result == "tour eiffel"
def testParseArray(): parser = Parser() el1 = RespBulkString(4, 'ping') el2 = RespBulkString(6, 'foobar') expected = [el1, el2] expected = ['ping', 'foobar'] output = parser.decodeArray(b'*2\r\n$4\r\nping\r\n$6\r\nfoobar\r\n') assert output == expected
def __init__(self, result_save_directory, save_to_json=False, save_to_db=False, *args, **kwargs): self.result_save_directory = result_save_directory self.save_to_json = save_to_json self.save_to_db = save_to_db super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.parser = Parser()
def __init__(self, model=None): self.parser = Parser() if model is None: #TODO download if inexistent self.model = KeyedVectors.load_word2vec_format( '') else: self.model = model self.status = "extracting words from website"
def test_parser(): my_parser = Parser("quelle est l'adresse de la poste la plus proche ?") assert my_parser.parsed_string == "poste" my_parser = Parser( "salut grandpy comment ça va ? Tu sais ou est la tour eiffel par hasard ?" ) assert my_parser.parsed_string == "tour eiffel" my_parser = Parser("Hello quelle est l'adresse de openclassroom stp?") assert my_parser.parsed_string == "openclassroom" my_parser = Parser("") assert my_parser.parsed_string == "" my_parser = Parser(22) assert my_parser.parsed_string == ""
def question(): """ Get input, parse it, get position, get info, get story and return latitude, longitude, adress and story in json """ question = request.form['question'] parser = Parser() words = parser.clean_sentence(question) latlon = GoogleMap().find_location(words) adress = GoogleMap().find_adress(words) location = GoogleMap().wiki_search(words) infos = WikipediaInformation(location).summary_informations() return jsonify(latlon=latlon, adress=adress, infos=infos)
def parse_question(whole_question: str) -> dict: parsed_question = Parser(whole_question) parsed_question.extract_interesting_tokens() if len(parsed_question.interesting_tokens) == 0: return None return { "formated_original_key_words": " ".join(parsed_question.interesting_tokens), "singled_key_words": tuple((kw, Parser.word_reverse_case_first_char(kw)) for kw in parsed_question.interesting_tokens) }
def test_if_communicant_can_get_gps_coordinates(self, monkeypatch): """ Tests if we can retrieve the GPS coordinate out of the response.""" class MockGet(): """This class is designed to mock a response object from the module requests. """ def __init__(self, *args): self.ok = True self.response = { "results" : [{ "geometry" : { "location" : { "lat" : 37.4224764, "lng" : -122.0842499 } } }], "status" : "OK" } def json(self): return self.response parser = Parser("1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA", STOPWORDS, ACCENTS, QUESTIONS ) communicant = GAPICommunicant(parser) monkeypatch.setattr(communicant,'response', MockGet()) result = communicant.get_data_from_geocoding() assert result == { "lat": 37.4224764, "lng": -122.0842499 }
class TestParser: PARSER = Parser() def test_normalize(self): self.PARSER.parsed_input = "Test and Retest! éùéî" self.PARSER.normalize() result = self.PARSER.parsed_input assert result == "test and retest! euei" def test_split_sentences(self): self.PARSER.parsed_input = "First sentence. And a question? Wonderfull!" self.PARSER.split_sentences() result = self.PARSER.parsed_input assert result == ["First sentence", "And a question", "Wonderfull"] def test_find_question(self): self.PARSER.parsed_input = [ "salut yoda, comment vas", "tu", "peux", "tu me dire ou trouver la tour eiffel", "passes une bonne journee", ] self.PARSER.find_question() result = self.PARSER.parsed_input assert result == "tu me dire ou trouver la tour eiffel" def test_clear_question(self): self.PARSER.parsed_input = "tu me dire ou trouver la tour eiffel" self.PARSER.clear_question() result = self.PARSER.parsed_input assert result == "trouver tour eiffel"
def result(): """Method result called when user submit his input that help us to retrieve data from JS to Python result view recieves an HTTP request and sends an HTTP response""" # object request allows me to access to data user_input = request.get_data("user_input").decode() # decode unicode # Get coordinates parser = Parser(user_input) geowrapper = GeoWrapper(parser.parsed_input) # If one coord missing, stop here return error if geowrapper.latitude is None or geowrapper.longitude is None: return {"content": "Missing coordinates"} # If coordinates, get wiki infos wikiwrapper = Wikiwrapper() wiki_details = wikiwrapper.get_wiki_info_by_long_lat( geowrapper.longitude, geowrapper.latitude) if wiki_details is None: return {"content": "No wiki details found"} else: return { "description": wiki_details["description"], "url": wiki_details["url"], "longitude": geowrapper.longitude, "latitude": geowrapper.latitude, }
def try_original_key_words(formated_original_key_words: str) -> dict: """ Requests API using original parsed key words. To elevate results accuracy : if more relevant key words exists in map API response (see maps_position docstring) they are firstly used for Wikipedia request. Else original parsed key words are tried for Wikipedia request. """ map_api_resp = maps_position(formated_original_key_words) if map_api_resp["map_resp"]: if map_api_resp["key_words"]: wiki_api_resp = wiki_infos( Parser.underscored_joined_words(map_api_resp["key_words"])) if not wiki_api_resp["wiki_resp"]: wiki_api_resp = wiki_infos(formated_original_key_words) return { **map_api_resp, **wiki_api_resp # dicos concatenation } else: wiki_api_resp = wiki_infos(formated_original_key_words) return { **map_api_resp, **wiki_api_resp # dicos concatenation } else: return map_api_resp
def send_answer(): user_text = request.form["userText"]#cherche dans le name de input html parser = Parser(user_text) result = Request(parser.cleaned) answer = result.wiki_result lat = lng = result.lng return jsonify({"answer": answer, "lat": lat, "lng": lng})
def api(): query = request.form["query"] print(query) message = Parser(query) message.ponctuation() message.list_it() cleanMessage = message.delete_common_words() print(cleanMessage) rep = Geo() coordonnees = rep.get_coordonnees(query) if coordonnees is not None: print(rep.get_address(coordonnees)) wiki = Wiki() page_id = wiki.get_page_id(coordonnees[0], coordonnees[1]) summary = wiki.get_summary(page_id) answer = botAnswer() bot = answer.goodAnswer() print(bot) return jsonify({ "lat": coordonnees[0], "lng": coordonnees[1], "summary": summary, "answer": bot, }) else: print("pas trouvé") answer = botAnswer() bot = answer.badAnswer() print(bot) return jsonify({ "answer": bot, })
def test_exception_catch_for_an_unknown_place(): parser = Parser( "Yop, donne moi les coordonnées du trou noir Sagittarius A*") place = Location(parser) with pytest_raises(UnknownPlaceError): place.get_location()
def test_Location_return_correct_Location_for_several_places( location, coordinates): parser = Parser(location) place = Location(parser) place.get_location() assert place.latitude, place.longitude == coordinates
class ParserTestCase(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self) -> None: self.parser = Parser() return super().setUp() def tearDown(self) -> None: self.parser = None return super().tearDown() def test_run(self) -> bool: self.assertIsNone("", ""))
def interpret(text): lexer = Lexer(text) current_token = lexer.get_next_token() parser = Parser(lexer) interpreter = Interpreter(parser) executor = Executor(parser) if EXECUTE: return executor.execute() else: return interpreter.parse()
def parse_website(task_id): task = Task.filter_by(id=task_id)[0] task.update(1) try: Parser(task.web_url, task.depth, task.update(2) dir = "{}/app/sites/{}".format(os.getcwd(), task_id) zip_folder(dir) except Exception as e: print("Error while parsing site\n{}".format(e)) task.update(3)
def test_story_return_correct_extract_and_url_for_several_location( input_user, extract_place, url_place): parser = Parser(input_user) location = Location(parser) location.get_location() story = Story(location) story.about() assert story.extract == extract_place assert story.url == url_place
def main(): try: config = cp.ConfigParser()'./app/conf/main.ini') # database section user = config.get('database', 'user') password = config.get('database', 'password') database = config.get('database', 'database') host = config.get('database', 'host') # other section wall = config.get('other', 'wall') update = config.getfloat('other', 'update') except: logger.error('Config file error') sys.exit()'Cakes thief: trying to connect to PostgreSQL database')'User: %s' % user)'Password: %s' % password)'Database: %s' % database)'Host: %s' % host)'Wall: %s' % wall)'Update in seconds: %s' % update) db = Database(user=user, password=password, database=database, host=host) parser = Parser(wall, update, db) parser.start() parser.idle()
def app_grandpy(question): """ The main implementation of all the application logic Create the parser for the questions asked analyzer Using the API Google maps Using the API Wikipedia """ parser = Parser(question) question = parser.clean() gmaps = GoogleMaps() result_address = wikip = Wikipedia() pages = wikip.search_for_pages(result_address["lat"], result_address["lng"]) result_article, result_url = wikip.search_for_page_content( pages[0]["pageid"] ) return { "parser": question, "grandpy": random.choice(reponseListe), "gmaps": result_address, "wikip": result_article, "wikip_url": result_url}
def process(): """Process the user input""" content = {} if "message" in request.form and ":help" in request.form["message"]: # Display instructions if the user type :help content = BOT.instructions elif "message" in request.form: # Parse the user input parser = Parser() parser_response = parser.parse(request.form["message"]) if "parsed_input" in parser_response: # Send the parsed input to the geo code api geo_code = GeoCode() geo_response = geo_code.api_request( parser_response["parsed_input"]) if "place_name_fr" in geo_response: content["map"] = geo_response content["map"].update(BOT.found_place) # Send the coordinates to wikipedia wiki_search = WikiSearch() wiki_response = wiki_search.geo_search_article( content["map"]["latitude"], content["map"]["longitude"]) if "url" in wiki_response: content["article"] = wiki_response content["article"].update(BOT.found_article) else: content = BOT.not_found else: content = BOT.parse_error return jsonify(content)
class ParserTest(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.p = Parser(None) def test_links_compact(self): data = [ (['', ''], [''], ''), (['', ''], [''], ''), (['', ''], ['', ''], ''), (['', ''], [''], ''), ] for links, success, ignore_domain in data: res = self.p._links_domain_filter(links, ignore_domain) self.assertEqual(success, res)
class CSVParserTests(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.parser = Parser() def test_find_operation_for_sqaure_field(self): days = ['mon', 'tue', 'wed'] for day in days: result = self.parser.find_operation(day) self.assertEqual('square', result) def test_find_operation_for_double_field(self): days = ['thu', 'fri'] for day in days: result = self.parser.find_operation(day) self.assertEqual('double', result) def test_find_operation_for_day_name_misspelled(self): self.assertRaises(ValueError, self.parser.find_operation, 'abcd1234') def test_parse_single_day_data(self): result = self.parser.parse_single_day_data('fifth_desc', 'thu', '4') expected_output = OrderedDict([('day', 'thu'), ('description', 'fifth_desc 8'), ('double', '8'), ('value', '4')]) self.assertEqual(expected_output, result) def test_csv_reader_for_existing_file_name(self): file_name = "files/1.csv" self.assertIsInstance(self.parser.read_csv(file_name), object) def test_csv_reader_for_non_existing_file_name(self): file_name = "files/abc.csv" self.assertRaises(IOError, self.parser.read_csv, '../files/abc.csv') def test_parse_csv_for_multiple_days_with_processed_output(self): test_file = open('test.csv', 'w') test_file.write('description,tue-wed,thu-fri,mon,some_columnnth\n') test_file.write('nth_desc,12,1,2,data\n') test_file.close() file_obj, reader = self.parser.read_csv('test.csv') parsed_data = self.parser.parse_csv(reader) result = self.parser.process_output(parsed_data) expected_output = [OrderedDict([('day', 'mon'), ('description', 'nth_desc 4'), ('square', '4'), ('value', '2')]),\ OrderedDict([('day', 'tue'), ('description', 'nth_desc 144'), ('square', '144'), ('value', '12')]), \ OrderedDict([('day', 'wed'), ('description', 'nth_desc 144'), ('square', '144'), ('value', '12')]),\ OrderedDict([('day', 'thu'), ('description', 'nth_desc 2'), ('double', '2'), ('value', '1')]),\ OrderedDict([('day', 'fri'), ('description', 'nth_desc 2'), ('double', '2'), ('value', '1')])] os.remove('test.csv') self.assertEqual(result, json.dumps(expected_output))
def test_requests_response_when_ok(self, monkeypatch): """ Tests if we can get an answer in our API call""" class MockGet(): """This class is designed to mock a response object from the module requests. """ def __init__(self, *args): self.ok = True parser = Parser("1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA", STOPWORDS, ACCENTS, QUESTIONS ) communicant = GAPICommunicant(parser) # Mocking the API call monkeypatch.setattr('requests.get', MockGet) result = communicant.make_requests_to_geocoding_API() assert result != None
class TestParser: SENTENCE = Parser('this!, sentence; is: over? <<ponctuated>>') def __init__(self, text): self.text = text self.ban = '!?#<>' self.parse = self._parsing() def test_ponctuation1(self): assert ',' not in self.SENTENCE.ponctuation() def test_ponctuation2(self): assert '>' not in self.SENTENCE.ponctuation() def test_list_it(self): assert type(self.SENTENCE.list_it()) == list def test_delete_common_words(self): assert type(self.SENTENCE.delete_common_words()) == str def _parsing(self): return ''.join(' ' if c in self.ban else c for c in self.text)
def get_infos(sentence): """Parse an input sentence and try to get infos from it, coordinates, extract from Wikipedia and url. Args: sentence (string): Sentence from user input Returns: tuple: Informations gathered from input parsed (coordinates, url to wikipedia, random message from GranPy) boolean: Does the parsing and finding informations occured normally """ parser = Parser(sentence) location = Location(parser) try: location.get_location() story = Story(location) story.about() except UnknownPlaceError: # If Harold doesn't found requested location, returning random sentence # of error return sample(RANDOM_SENTENCE_UNKWON_PLACE, 1), False return ( sample(RANDOM_SENTENCE_GRANPY, 1), location.latitude, location.longitude, story.extract, story.url, ), True
def setUp(self): self.p = Parser(None)