Ejemplo n.º 1
class SlaveAllocator(object):
    The SlaveAllocator class is responsible for allocating slaves to prepared builds.

    def __init__(self, build_request_handler):
        :type build_request_handler: BuildRequestHandler
        self._logger = get_logger(__name__)
        self._build_request_handler = build_request_handler
        self._idle_slaves = OrderedSetQueue()
        self._allocation_thread = SafeThread(
            target=self._slave_allocation_loop, name='SlaveAllocationLoop', daemon=True)

    def start(self):
        Start the infinite loop that will pull off prepared builds from a synchronized queue
        and allocate them slaves.
        if self._allocation_thread.is_alive():
            raise RuntimeError('Error: slave allocation loop was asked to start when its already running.')

    def _slave_allocation_loop(self):
        Builds wait in line for more slaves. This method executes in the background on another thread and
        watches for idle slaves, then gives them out to the waiting builds.
        while True:
            # This is a blocking call that will block until there is a prepared build.
            build_waiting_for_slave = self._build_request_handler.next_prepared_build()

            while build_waiting_for_slave.needs_more_slaves():
                claimed_slave = self._idle_slaves.get()

                # Remove dead slaves from the idle queue
                if not claimed_slave.is_alive(use_cached=False):

                # The build may have completed while we were waiting for an idle slave, so check one more time.
                if build_waiting_for_slave.needs_more_slaves():
                    # Potential race condition here!  If the build completes after the if statement is checked,
                    # a slave will be allocated needlessly (and run slave.setup(), which can be significant work).
                    self._logger.info('Allocating slave {} to build {}.',
                                      claimed_slave.url, build_waiting_for_slave.build_id())

            self._logger.info('Done allocating slaves for build {}.', build_waiting_for_slave.build_id())

    def add_idle_slave(self, slave):
        Add a slave to the idle queue.

        :type slave: Slave
Ejemplo n.º 2
class SlaveAllocator(object):
    The SlaveAllocator class is responsible for allocating slaves to prepared builds.
    def __init__(self, build_request_handler):
        :type build_request_handler: BuildRequestHandler
        self._logger = get_logger(__name__)
        self._build_request_handler = build_request_handler
        self._idle_slaves = OrderedSetQueue()
        self._allocation_thread = SafeThread(

    def start(self):
        Start the infinite loop that will pull off prepared builds from a synchronized queue
        and allocate them slaves.
        if self._allocation_thread.is_alive():
            raise RuntimeError(
                'Error: slave allocation loop was asked to start when its already running.'

    def _slave_allocation_loop(self):
        Builds wait in line for more slaves. This method executes in the background on another thread and
        watches for idle slaves, then gives them out to the waiting builds.
        while True:
            # This is a blocking call that will block until there is a prepared build.
            build_waiting_for_slave = self._build_request_handler.next_prepared_build(

            while build_waiting_for_slave.needs_more_slaves():
                claimed_slave = self._idle_slaves.get()

                # Remove dead and shutdown slaves from the idle queue
                if claimed_slave.is_shutdown() or not claimed_slave.is_alive(

                # The build may have completed while we were waiting for an idle slave, so check one more time.
                if build_waiting_for_slave.needs_more_slaves():
                    # Potential race condition here!  If the build completes after the if statement is checked,
                    # a slave will be allocated needlessly (and run slave.setup(), which can be significant work).
                    self._logger.info('Allocating slave {} to build {}.',

            self._logger.info('Done allocating slaves for build {}.',

    def add_idle_slave(self, slave):
        Add a slave to the idle queue.

        :type slave: Slave
        except SlaveMarkedForShutdownError:
Ejemplo n.º 3
class ClusterMaster(object):
    The ClusterRunner Master service: This is the main application class that the web framework/REST API sits on top of.

    API_VERSION = 'v1'

    def __init__(self):
        self._logger = get_logger(__name__)

        self._all_slaves_by_url = {}
        self._all_builds_by_id = OrderedDict()  # This is an OrderedDict so we can more easily implement get_queue()
        self._builds_waiting_for_slaves = Queue()

        self._request_queue = Queue()
        self._request_handler = SerialRequestHandler()

        self._request_queue_worker_thread = SafeThread(
            target=self._build_preparation_loop, name='RequestHandlerLoop', daemon=True)

        self._slave_allocation_worker_thread = SafeThread(
            target=self._slave_allocation_loop, name='SlaveAllocationLoop', daemon=True)

        self._master_results_path = Configuration['results_directory']

        # It's important that idle slaves are only in the queue once so we use OrderedSet
        self._idle_slaves = OrderedSetQueue()

        # Delete all old builds when master starts.  Remove this if/when build numbers are unique across master
        # starts/stops
        if os.path.exists(self._master_results_path):


    def _get_status(self):
        Just returns a dumb message and prints it to the console.

        :rtype: str
        return 'Master service is up.'

    def api_representation(self):
        Gets a dict representing this resource which can be returned in an API response.
        :rtype: dict [str, mixed]
        slaves_representation = [slave.api_representation() for slave in self.all_slaves_by_id().values()]
        return {
            'status': self._get_status(),
            'slaves': slaves_representation,

    def builds(self):
        Returns a list of all builds
        :rtype: list[Build]
        return self._all_builds_by_id.values()

    def active_builds(self):
        Returns a list of incomplete builds
        :rtype: list[Build]
        return [build for build in self.builds() if not build.is_finished]

    def add_idle_slave(self, slave):
        Add a slave to the idle queue
        :type slave: Slave
        build_id = slave.current_build_id

        if build_id is not None:


    def _mark_build_finished_if_slaves_are_done(self, build_id):
        Run when a slave is finished with a build.  If this is the last slave for that build, mark the build finished.
        Even when the subjobs are complete, a slave is not finished with the build until teardown is complete.
        :type build_id: int
        for slave in self._all_slaves_by_url.values():
            if slave.current_build_id == build_id:

    def all_slaves_by_id(self):
        Retrieve all connected slaves
        :rtype: dict [int, Slave]
        slaves_by_slave_id = {}
        for slave in self._all_slaves_by_url.values():
            slaves_by_slave_id[slave.id] = slave
        return slaves_by_slave_id

    def slave(self, slave_id):
        A connected slave.
        :rtype slave_id: int
        :rtype: Slave
        for slave in self._all_slaves_by_url.values():
            if slave.id == slave_id:
                return slave

        raise ItemNotFoundError('Requested slave ({}) does not exist.'.format(slave_id))

    def connect_new_slave(self, slave_url, num_executors):
        Add a new slave to this master
        :type slave_url: str
        :type num_executors: int
        :return: The slave id of the new slave
        :rtype: int

        slave = Slave(slave_url, num_executors)
        self._all_slaves_by_url[slave_url] = slave

        self._logger.info('Slave on {} connected to master with {} executors. (id: {})',
                          slave_url, num_executors, slave.id)
        return {'slave_id': str(slave.id)}

    def disconnect_slave(self, slave_id):
        Mark a slave dead
        :type slave_id: int
        # Mark slave dead. We do not remove it from the list of all slaves. We also do not remove it from idle_slaves;
        # that will happen during slave allocation.
        slave = self.slave(slave_id)
        slave.is_alive = False
        self._logger.info('Slave on {} was disconnected. (id: {})', slave.url, slave.id)

    def handle_request_for_new_build(self, build_params):
        Creates a new Build object and adds it to the request queue to be processed.

        :param build_params:
        :type build_params: dict[str, str]
        :rtype tuple [bool, dict [str, str]]
        build_request = BuildRequest(build_params)

        success = False
        if build_request.is_valid():
            build = Build(build_request)
            self._all_builds_by_id[build.build_id()] = build
            analytics.record_event(analytics.BUILD_REQUEST_QUEUED, build_id=build.build_id())
            response = {'build_id': build.build_id()}
            success = True

        elif not build_request.is_valid_type():
            response = {'error': 'Invalid build request type.'}

            required_params = build_request.required_parameters()
            response = {'error': 'Missing required parameter. Required parameters: {}'.format(required_params)}

        return success, response

    def handle_result_reported_from_slave(self, slave_url, build_id, subjob_id, payload=None):
        Process the result and dispatch the next subjob
        :type slave_url: str
        :type build_id: int
        :type subjob_id: int
        :type payload: dict
        :rtype: str
        self._logger.info('Results received from {} for subjob. (Build {}, Subjob {})', slave_url, build_id, subjob_id)
        build = self._all_builds_by_id[int(build_id)]
        slave = self._all_slaves_by_url[slave_url]

        build.handle_subjob_payload(subjob_id, payload)

    def get_build(self, build_id):
        Returns a build by id
        :param build_id: The id for the build whose status we are getting
        :type build_id: int
        :rtype: Build
        build = self._all_builds_by_id.get(build_id)
        if build is None:
            raise ItemNotFoundError('Invalid build id.')

        return build

    def get_path_for_build_results_archive(self, build_id):
        Given a build id, get the absolute file path for the archive file containing the build results.

        :param build_id: The build id for which to retrieve the artifacts archive file
        :type build_id: int
        :return: The path to the archived results file
        :rtype: str
        build = self._all_builds_by_id.get(build_id)
        if build is None:
            raise ItemNotFoundError('Invalid build id.')

        archive_file = build.artifacts_archive_file
        if archive_file is None:
            raise ItemNotReadyError('Build artifact file is not yet ready. Try again later.')

        return archive_file

    def _build_preparation_loop(self):
        Grabs a build off the request_queue, prepares it, and puts that build onto the builds_waiting_for_slaves queue.
        while True:
            build = self._request_queue.get()
                if not build.has_error:
                    self._logger.info('Build {} was successfully prepared and is now waiting for slaves.',
            except Exception as ex:  # pylint: disable=broad-except
                self._logger.exception('Could not handle build request for build {}'.format(build.build_id()))

    def _slave_allocation_loop(self):
        Builds wait in line for more slaves. This method executes in the background on another thread and watches for
        idle slaves, then gives them out to the waiting builds.
        while True:
            build_waiting_for_slave = self._builds_waiting_for_slaves.get()

            while build_waiting_for_slave.needs_more_slaves():
                claimed_slave = self._idle_slaves.get()
                # Remove dead slaves from the idle queue
                if not claimed_slave.is_alive:
                # The build may have completed while we were waiting for an idle slave, so check one more time.
                if build_waiting_for_slave.needs_more_slaves():
                    # Potential race condition here!  If the build completes after the if statement is checked,
                    # a slave will be allocated needlessly (and run slave.setup(), which can be significant work).
                    self._logger.info('Allocating slave {} to build {}.',
                                      claimed_slave.url, build_waiting_for_slave.build_id())

            self._logger.info('Done allocating slaves for build {}.', build_waiting_for_slave.build_id())
Ejemplo n.º 4
class ClusterMaster(object):
    The ClusterRunner Master service: This is the main application class that the web framework/REST API sits on top of.

    API_VERSION = 'v1'

    def __init__(self):
        self._logger = get_logger(__name__)

        self._all_slaves_by_url = {}
        self._all_builds_by_id = OrderedDict()  # This is an OrderedDict so we can more easily implement get_queue()
        self._builds_waiting_for_slaves = Queue()

        self._request_queue = Queue()
        self._request_handler = SerialRequestHandler()

        self._request_queue_worker_thread = SafeThread(
            target=self._build_preparation_loop, name='RequestHandlerLoop', daemon=True)

        self._slave_allocation_worker_thread = SafeThread(
            target=self._slave_allocation_loop, name='SlaveAllocationLoop', daemon=True)

        self._master_results_path = Configuration['results_directory']

        # It's important that idle slaves are only in the queue once so we use OrderedSet
        self._idle_slaves = OrderedSetQueue()

        # Asynchronously delete (but immediately rename) all old builds when master starts.
        # Remove this if/when build numbers are unique across master starts/stops
        if os.path.exists(self._master_results_path):


    def _get_status(self):
        Just returns a dumb message and prints it to the console.

        :rtype: str
        return 'Master service is up.'

    def api_representation(self):
        Gets a dict representing this resource which can be returned in an API response.
        :rtype: dict [str, mixed]
        slaves_representation = [slave.api_representation() for slave in self.all_slaves_by_id().values()]
        return {
            'status': self._get_status(),
            'slaves': slaves_representation,

    def builds(self):
        Returns a list of all builds
        :rtype: list[Build]
        return self._all_builds_by_id.values()

    def active_builds(self):
        Returns a list of incomplete builds
        :rtype: list[Build]
        return [build for build in self.builds() if not build.is_finished]

    def _mark_build_finished_if_slaves_are_done(self, build_id):
        Run when a slave is finished with a build.  If this is the last slave for that build, mark the build finished.
        Even when the subjobs are complete, a slave is not finished with the build until teardown is complete.
        :type build_id: int
        for slave in self._all_slaves_by_url.values():
            if slave.current_build_id == build_id:

    def all_slaves_by_id(self):
        Retrieve all connected slaves
        :rtype: dict [int, Slave]
        slaves_by_slave_id = {}
        for slave in self._all_slaves_by_url.values():
            slaves_by_slave_id[slave.id] = slave
        return slaves_by_slave_id

    def get_slave(self, slave_id=None, slave_url=None):
        Get the instance of given slave by either the slave's id or url. Only one of slave_id or slave_url should be

        :param slave_id: The id of the slave to return
        :type slave_id: int
        :param slave_url: The url of the slave to return
        :type slave_url: str
        :return: The instance of the slave
        :rtype: Slave
        if (slave_id is None) == (slave_url is None):
            raise ValueError('Only one of slave_id or slave_url should be specified to get_slave().')

        if slave_id is not None:
            for slave in self._all_slaves_by_url.values():
                if slave.id == slave_id:
                    return slave
            if slave_url in self._all_slaves_by_url:
                return self._all_slaves_by_url[slave_url]

        raise ItemNotFoundError('Requested slave ({}) does not exist.'.format(slave_id))

    def connect_new_slave(self, slave_url, num_executors):
        Add a new slave to this master.

        :type slave_url: str
        :type num_executors: int
        :return: The slave id of the new slave
        :rtype: int
        slave = Slave(slave_url, num_executors)
        self._all_slaves_by_url[slave_url] = slave

        self._logger.info('Slave on {} connected to master with {} executors. (id: {})',
                          slave_url, num_executors, slave.id)
        return {'slave_id': str(slave.id)}

    def handle_slave_state_update(self, slave, new_slave_state):
        Execute logic to transition the specified slave to the given state.

        :type slave: Slave
        :type new_slave_state: SlaveState
        slave_transition_functions = {
            SlaveState.DISCONNECTED: self._disconnect_slave,
            SlaveState.IDLE: self._add_idle_slave,
            SlaveState.SETUP_COMPLETED: self._handle_setup_success_on_slave,
            SlaveState.SETUP_FAILED: self._handle_setup_failure_on_slave,

        if new_slave_state not in slave_transition_functions:
            raise BadRequestError('Invalid slave state "{}". Valid states are: {}.'
                                  .format(new_slave_state, ', '.join(slave_transition_functions.keys())))

        do_transition = slave_transition_functions.get(new_slave_state)

    def _disconnect_slave(self, slave):
        Mark a slave dead.

        :type slave: Slave
        # Mark slave dead. We do not remove it from the list of all slaves. We also do not remove it from idle_slaves;
        # that will happen during slave allocation.
        # todo: Fail any currently executing subjobs still executing on this slave.
        self._logger.info('Slave on {} was disconnected. (id: {})', slave.url, slave.id)

    def _add_idle_slave(self, slave):
        Add a slave to the idle quexue
        :type slave: Slave
        build_id = slave.current_build_id

        if build_id is not None:


    def _handle_setup_success_on_slave(self, slave):
        Respond to successful build setup on a slave. This starts subjob executions on the slave. This should be called
        once after the specified slave has already run build_setup commands for the specified build.

        :type slave: Slave
        build = self.get_build(slave.current_build_id)

    def _handle_setup_failure_on_slave(self, slave):
        Respond to failed build setup on a slave. This should put the slave back into a usable state.

        :type slave: Slave
        raise BadRequestError('Setup failure handling on the master is not yet implemented.')

    def handle_request_for_new_build(self, build_params):
        Creates a new Build object and adds it to the request queue to be processed.

        :param build_params:
        :type build_params: dict[str, str]
        :rtype tuple [bool, dict [str, str]]
        build_request = BuildRequest(build_params)

        success = False
        if build_request.is_valid():
            build = Build(build_request)
            self._all_builds_by_id[build.build_id()] = build
            analytics.record_event(analytics.BUILD_REQUEST_QUEUED, build_id=build.build_id())
            response = {'build_id': build.build_id()}
            success = True

        elif not build_request.is_valid_type():
            response = {'error': 'Invalid build request type.'}

            required_params = build_request.required_parameters()
            response = {'error': 'Missing required parameter. Required parameters: {}'.format(required_params)}

        return success, response

    def handle_request_to_update_build(self, build_id, update_params):
        Updates the state of a build with the values passed in.  Used for cancelling running builds.

        :type build_id: int
        :param update_params: The fields that should be updated and their new values
        :type update_params: dict [str, str]
        :return: The success/failure and the response we want to send to the requestor
        :rtype: tuple [bool, dict [str, str]]
        build = self._all_builds_by_id.get(int(build_id))
        if build is None:
            raise ItemNotFoundError('Invalid build id.')

        success, response = build.validate_update_params(update_params)
        if not success:
            return success, response
        return build.update_state(update_params), {}

    def handle_result_reported_from_slave(self, slave_url, build_id, subjob_id, payload=None):
        Process the result and dispatch the next subjob
        :type slave_url: str
        :type build_id: int
        :type subjob_id: int
        :type payload: dict
        :rtype: str
        self._logger.info('Results received from {} for subjob. (Build {}, Subjob {})', slave_url, build_id, subjob_id)
        build = self._all_builds_by_id[int(build_id)]
        slave = self._all_slaves_by_url[slave_url]
        # If the build has been canceled, don't work on the next subjob.
        if not build.is_finished:
            build.handle_subjob_payload(subjob_id, payload)

    def get_build(self, build_id):
        Returns a build by id
        :param build_id: The id for the build whose status we are getting
        :type build_id: int
        :rtype: Build
        build = self._all_builds_by_id.get(build_id)
        if build is None:
            raise ItemNotFoundError('Invalid build id.')

        return build

    def get_path_for_build_results_archive(self, build_id):
        Given a build id, get the absolute file path for the archive file containing the build results.

        :param build_id: The build id for which to retrieve the artifacts archive file
        :type build_id: int
        :return: The path to the archived results file
        :rtype: str
        build = self._all_builds_by_id.get(build_id)
        if build is None:
            raise ItemNotFoundError('Invalid build id.')

        archive_file = build.artifacts_archive_file
        if archive_file is None:
            raise ItemNotReadyError('Build artifact file is not yet ready. Try again later.')

        return archive_file

    def _build_preparation_loop(self):
        Grabs a build off the request_queue, prepares it, and puts that build onto the builds_waiting_for_slaves queue.
        while True:
            build = self._request_queue.get()
                if not build.has_error:
                    self._logger.info('Build {} was successfully prepared and is now waiting for slaves.',
            except Exception as ex:  # pylint: disable=broad-except
                self._logger.exception('Could not handle build request for build {}'.format(build.build_id()))

    def _slave_allocation_loop(self):
        Builds wait in line for more slaves. This method executes in the background on another thread and watches for
        idle slaves, then gives them out to the waiting builds.
        while True:
            build_waiting_for_slave = self._builds_waiting_for_slaves.get()

            while build_waiting_for_slave.needs_more_slaves():
                claimed_slave = self._idle_slaves.get()

                # Remove dead slaves from the idle queue
                if not claimed_slave.is_alive(use_cached=False):

                # The build may have completed while we were waiting for an idle slave, so check one more time.
                if build_waiting_for_slave.needs_more_slaves():
                    # Potential race condition here!  If the build completes after the if statement is checked,
                    # a slave will be allocated needlessly (and run slave.setup(), which can be significant work).
                    self._logger.info('Allocating slave {} to build {}.',
                                      claimed_slave.url, build_waiting_for_slave.build_id())

            self._logger.info('Done allocating slaves for build {}.', build_waiting_for_slave.build_id())