Ejemplo n.º 1
Archivo: admin.py Proyecto: testjie/Lux
def add_user():
    :arg {"username":"******", "password":"******", "nickname":"nickname", "token": "4cmhr7a8-t0zw-sskr-3e5i-o9sdxv48878p"}
    :return: json
    user_info = request.get_json()
    nickname = user_info.get("nickname")
    username = user_info.get("username")
    password = user_info.get("password")
    create_date = get_current_time()

    # 参数校验
    if not _admin_parameters_filter([username, password, nickname]):
        return json(get_json(code=-200, msg="参数存在空值,请检查参数!"))

    # 判断用户名是否已被占用
    query_user_sql = "select * from tbl_user where username='******'" % username
    if query(query_user_sql):
        return json(get_json(code=-300, msg="用户名已存在!"))

    # 没被占用,进行注册
    user_reg_sql = "insert into tbl_user values" \
                   "(NULL, '%s', '%s', '%s',NULL,1,'','','',NULL,'','','','',NULL,'','%s',NULL)" \
                   % (username, password, nickname, create_date)
    if excute(user_reg_sql):
        return json(get_json(msg="新增用户成功!"))

    return json(get_json(code=-100, msg="新增用户失败!"))
Ejemplo n.º 2
Archivo: admin.py Proyecto: testjie/Lux
def add_article():
    "title":"title", "imgId":1,"type":2, "content":"test", "source":"123","token": "6gax71xs-z38o-8178-3a2t-6c3jjcm2cn18"
    :return: json
    article_info = request.get_json()
    type = article_info.get("type")
    title = article_info.get("title")
    img_id = article_info.get("imgId")
    source = article_info.get("source")
    content = article_info.get("content")
    user_id = _get_admin_session()["adminInfo"]["id"]

    # 参数校验
    if not _admin_parameters_filter([title, img_id, type, content, source]):
        return json(get_json(code=-200, msg="操作失败,参数有误!"))

    # 插入文章记录
    insert_article_sql = "INSERT INTO tbl_article VALUES" \
                         "(NULL, '%s', %d, %d, '%s', '%s', 0, 0, 1, %d, '%s', NULL)" % \
                         (title, img_id, type, content, source, user_id, get_current_time())
    if excute(insert_article_sql):
        return json(get_json())

    return json(get_json(code=-100, msg="操作失败,请检查数据库链接!"))
Ejemplo n.º 3
Archivo: admin.py Proyecto: testjie/Lux
def update_article():
        "id":1, "type":1, "title":"title_test",
        "source":"1", "status":1, "content":"test_test",
        "imgId":1,"token": "75wglrvu-uiol-ifza-73c9-d9vu4e5sql0m"
    article_info = request.get_json()
    id = article_info.get("id")
    type = article_info.get("type")
    title = article_info.get("title")
    img_id = article_info.get("imgId")
    source = article_info.get("source")
    status = article_info.get("status")
    content = article_info.get("content")

    # 参数校验
    if not _admin_parameters_filter(
        [id, status, title, type, content, source, img_id]):
        return json(get_json(code=-200, msg="操作失败,参数有误!"))

    # 更新文章
    update_article_sql = "update tbl_article set " \
                         "title='%s', type=%d, source='%s', status=%d, content='%s', updateDate='%s', imgId='%d'" \
                         "where id=%d" % (title, type, source, status, content, get_current_time(), img_id, id)
    if excute(update_article_sql):
        return json(get_json(msg="更新成功!"))

    return json(get_json(code=-100, msg="操作失败,请检查数据库链接!"))
Ejemplo n.º 4
def reply_comment():
    :arg {"articleId":1, "commentId":5, "commentContent":"test","token": "xx13v9wp-t4gl-gsxn-mnd6-ftnhx6gnp3r0"}
    :return: json
    comments_info = request.get_json()
    article_id = comments_info.get("articleId")
    comment_id = comments_info.get("commentId")
    comment_content = comments_info.get("commentContent")
    # 参数校验
    if not _parameters_filter([article_id, comment_id, comment_content]):
        return json(get_json(code=-200, msg="参数存在空值,请检查参数!"))

    # 文章下是否有此评论,这里有bug todo

    # 增加文章评论
    user_id = session.get("user").get("id")
    insert_reply_comment_sql = "insert into tbl_article_comment values" \
                               "(NULL, %d, %d, '%s', 1, '%s', NULL, %d)" % \
                               (user_id, article_id, comment_content, get_current_time(), comment_id)
    if excute(insert_reply_comment_sql):
        return json(get_json())

    return json(get_json(code=-100, msg="操作失败,请检查数据库链接!"))
Ejemplo n.º 5
Archivo: admin.py Proyecto: testjie/Lux
def add_carouse():
    :arg {"type":0, "imgId":1,"status":1,"content":"", "url":"http://www.google.com/", "token": "zwoqgqod-c392-ingy-6cyl-stvk7nadyrpe"}
    :arg {"type":1, "imgId":1,"status":1,"content":"123", "url":"","token": "zwoqgqod-c392-ingy-6cyl-stvk7nadyrpe"}
    :return: json
    carouse_info = request.get_json()
    url = carouse_info.get("url")
    type = carouse_info.get("type")
    img_id = carouse_info.get("imgId")
    status = carouse_info.get("status")
    content = carouse_info.get("content")
    create_date = get_current_time()

    # 参数校验,如果type为0,url不能为空;如果如果为1,content不能为空
    if type != None and type == 0:
        paras = [type, img_id, status, url]
        paras = [type, img_id, status, content]
    if not _admin_parameters_filter(paras):
        return json(get_json(code=-200, msg="操作失败,参数有误!"))

    # 构造sql并执行
    insert_anno_sql = "INSERT into tbl_carouse " \
                      "values(NULL, %d, %d, %d, '%s', '%s', '%s')" % (type, img_id, status, content, url, create_date)
    if excute(insert_anno_sql):
        return json(get_json(msg="添加成功!"))

    return json(get_json(code=-100, msg="添加失败,请检查数据库链接!"))
Ejemplo n.º 6
def upload():
    :arg file:上传文件格式;source:图片资源,详细请求数据参见uploadDemo.html
    # 检验来源
    file_source = request.form.get("source")
    if not _parameters_filter([file_source]):
        return json(get_json(code=-200, msg="参数存在空值,请检查参数!"))

    # 保存图片文件到服务器
    file = request.files['file']
    file_name = create_token() + "." + file.filename.split(".")[1]
    if _upload_files(file, file_name):
        # 执行插入数据库操作
        insert_img_source_sql = "INSERT INTO tbl_image_sources " \
                                "values(NULL, '%s', 1, '%s', NULL)" % (file_name, get_current_time())
        # 执行成功返回该img信息
        if excute(insert_img_source_sql):
            query_img_sql = "select * from tbl_image_sources where path='%s'" % file_name
            datas = {"imgInfo": query(query_img_sql)}
            return json(get_json(data=datas))

    return json(get_json(code=-100, msg="操作失败!"))
Ejemplo n.º 7
def user_regist():
    :arg {"username":"******", "password":"******", "nickname":"nickname"}
    :return json
    user_info = request.get_json()
    nickname = user_info.get("nickname")
    username = user_info.get("username")
    password = user_info.get("password")
    create_date = get_current_time()

    # 参数校验
    if not _parameters_filter([username, password, nickname]):
        return json(get_json(code=-200, msg="参数存在空值,请检查参数!"))

    # 判断用户名是否已被占用
    query_user_sql = "select * from tbl_user where username='******'" % username
    if query(query_user_sql):
        return json(get_json(code=-300, msg="用户名已存在!"))

    # 没被占用,进行注册
    user_reg_sql = "insert into tbl_user values(NULL, '%s', '%s', '%s'," \
                   "NULL, 1,'','','',NULL,'','','','',NULL,'','%s',NULL)" % (username, password, nickname, create_date)
    if excute(user_reg_sql):
        return json(get_json(msg="注册成功!"))

    return json(get_json(code=-100, msg="注册失败,用户名可能已经存在了!"))
Ejemplo n.º 8
Archivo: admin.py Proyecto: testjie/Lux
def update_user():
    :arg {
    "id":1, "status":1, "sex":"男",
    "age":22, "email":"*****@*****.**",
    "wechat":"snake", "remark":"greate full!",
    "address":"test", "nickname":"snake",
    "signature":"signature", "cellphone":"15000000000",
    "education":"education","token": "4cmhr7a8-t0zw-sskr-3e5i-o9sdxv48878p"
    :return: json
    user_info = request.get_json()
    id = user_info.get("id")
    sex = user_info.get("sex")
    age = user_info.get("age")
    email = user_info.get("email")
    status = user_info.get("status")
    wechat = user_info.get("wechat")
    remark = user_info.get("remark")
    address = user_info.get("address")
    nickname = user_info.get("nickname")
    signature = user_info.get("signature")
    cellphone = user_info.get("cellphone")
    education = user_info.get("education")
    updateDate = get_current_time()

    # 执行用户信息更新
    update_user_sql = "update tbl_user set nickname='%s'," \
                      "sex='%s',age=%d, email='%s', wechat='%s'," \
                      "remark='%s',address='%s',nickname='%s'," \
                      "signature='%s',cellphone='%s',education='%s'," \
                      "updateDate='%s',status=%d where id='%s'" % \
                      (nickname, sex, age, email, wechat, remark, address, \
                       nickname, signature, cellphone, education, updateDate,
        status, id)
    # 更新成功则重置session并返回最新的用户信息
    if excute(update_user_sql):
        return json(get_json(msg="修改成功!"))

    return json(get_json(code=-100, msg="修改失败!"))
Ejemplo n.º 9
def update_user_info():
    :arg {
        "sex":"男","imgId":1, "age":22, "email":"*****@*****.**", "wechat":"snake", "remark":"greate full!",
        "address":"test", "nickname":"snake", "signature":"signature", "cellphone":"15000000000",
    :return: json
    user_info = request.get_json()
    sex = user_info.get("sex")
    age = user_info.get("age")
    token = user_info.get("token")
    email = user_info.get("email")
    img_id = user_info.get("imgId")
    wechat = user_info.get("wechat")
    remark = user_info.get("remark")
    address = user_info.get("address")
    nickname = user_info.get("nickname")
    signature = user_info.get("signature")
    cellphone = user_info.get("cellphone")
    education = user_info.get("education")
    updateDate = get_current_time()

    # 执行用户信息更新
    update_user_sql = "update tbl_user set nickname='%s', imgId=%d, sex='%s'," \
                      "age=%d, email='%s', wechat='%s',remark='%s',address='%s'," \
                      "nickname='%s',signature='%s',cellphone='%s',education='%s',updateDate='%s' where token='%s'" % \
                      (nickname, img_id, sex, age, email, wechat, remark, address, nickname, signature, cellphone,
                       education, updateDate, token)
    # 更新成功则重置session并返回最新的用户信息
    if excute(update_user_sql):
        user = query("select * from tbl_user where token='%s'" % token)[0]

        # 返回用户信息
        return json(get_json(msg="修改成功", data=_get_user_session()))

    return json(get_json(code=-100, msg="修改失败!"))
Ejemplo n.º 10
def article_comment():
    :arg {"articleId":1, "content":"test", "token": "xx13v9wp-t4gl-gsxn-mnd6-ftnhx6gnp3r0"}
    :return: json
    comments_info = request.get_json()
    user_id = session.get("user").get("id")
    article_id = comments_info.get("id")
    comment_content = comments_info.get("content")
    # 参数校验
    if not _parameters_filter([article_id, comment_content]):
        return json(get_json(code=-200, msg="参数存在空值,请检查参数!"))

    # 增加文章评论
    insert_aritcle_comment_sql = "insert into tbl_article_comment values" \
                                 "(NULL, %d, %d, '%s', 1, '%s', NULL, NULL)" % \
                                 (user_id, article_id, comment_content, get_current_time())
    if excute(insert_aritcle_comment_sql):
        return json(get_json(msg="评论成功!"))

    return json(get_json(code=-100, msg="操作失败!"))
Ejemplo n.º 11
Archivo: admin.py Proyecto: testjie/Lux
def add_anno():
    :arg {"title":"测试", "content":"测试", "status":1,"token": "qzh84z4m-vsl7-ltkq-6xzq-wur2tkts2ppw"}
    anno_info = request.get_json()
    title = anno_info.get("title")
    content = anno_info.get("content")
    status = anno_info.get("status")
    create_date = get_current_time()
    admin_id = _get_admin_session()["adminInfo"]["id"]

    # 参数校验
    if not _admin_parameters_filter([title, content, status]):
        return json(get_json(code=-200, msg="操作失败,参数有误!"))

    # 构造sql并执行
    insert_anno_sql = "INSERT into tbl_announcement " \
                      "values(NULL, '%s', %d, %d, '%s', '%s')" % (content, status, admin_id, create_date, title)
    if excute(insert_anno_sql):
        return json(get_json(msg="添加成功!"))

    return json(get_json(code=-100, msg="添加失败,请检查数据库链接!"))
Ejemplo n.º 12
def article_like():
    :arg {"articleId":1,"token": "xx13v9wp-t4gl-gsxn-mnd6-ftnhx6gnp3r0"}
    :return: json
    article_info = request.get_json()
    article_id = article_info.get("articleId")
    # 参数校验
    if not _parameters_filter([article_id]):
        return json(get_json(code=-200, msg="参数存在空值,请检查参数!"))

    # 检查是否已经赞过了
    user_id = session.get("user").get("id")
    query_article_like_detail = "select * from tbl_article_like as a  " \
                                "where a.userId=%d and a.articleId=%d and a.status=1" % (user_id, article_id)
    if query(query_article_like_detail):
        return json(get_json(code=-100, msg="您已经赞过了此文章!"))

    # 检查是否存在文章
    query_article_sql = "select * from tbl_article as a where a.id=%d and a.status=1" % article_id
    if not query(query_article_sql):
        return json(get_json(code=-100, msg="文章不在了...!"))

    # 如果存在记录则修改时间,如果没有记录则增加记录
    query_article_like_detail = "select * from tbl_article_like as a  where " \
                                "a.userId=%d and a.articleId=%d" % (user_id, article_id)
    if query(query_article_like_detail):
        update_article_collect_sql = "update tbl_article_like as a " \
                                     "set a.status=1 where a.userId=%d and a.articleId=%d" % (user_id, article_id)
        update_article_collect_sql = "insert into tbl_article_like " \
                                     "values(NULL, %d, %d, 1, '%s', NULL )" % (user_id, article_id, get_current_time())
    if excute(update_article_collect_sql):
        return json(get_json(msg="文章点赞成功!"))

    return json(get_json(code=-100, msg="操作失败,请检查数据库链接!"))
Ejemplo n.º 13
def article_collect():
    :arg {"articleId":1,"token": "xx13v9wp-t4gl-gsxn-mnd6-ftnhx6gnp3r0"}
    :return: json
    article_info = request.get_json()
    article_id = article_info.get("articleId")
    # 参数校验
    if not _parameters_filter([article_id]):
        return json(get_json(code=-200, msg="参数存在空值,请检查参数!"))

    # 检查是否已经收藏过文章
    user_id = session.get("user").get("id")
    query_article_collect_detail = "select * from tbl_article_collect as a " \
                                   "where a.userId=%d and a.articleId=%d and a.status=1" % (user_id, article_id)
    if query(query_article_collect_detail):
        return json(get_json(code=-100, msg="您已经收藏过此文章了!"))

    # 检查是否存在文章
    query_article_sql = "select * from tbl_article where id=%d and status=1" % article_id
    if not query(query_article_sql):
        return json(get_json(code=-100, msg="文章不在了...!"))

    # 增加文章收藏记录
    insert_article_collect_sql = "insert into tbl_article_collect " \
                                 "values(NULL, %d, %d, 1, '%s', NULL )" % (user_id, article_id, get_current_time())
    if excute(insert_article_collect_sql):
        return json(get_json(msg="收藏文章成功!"))

    return json(get_json(code=-100, msg="操作失败,请检查数据库链接!"))
Ejemplo n.º 14
def article_detailes():
    :arg:   {"articleId":1}
    article_info = request.get_json()
    article_id = article_info.get("id")
    # id为空不允许
    if not _parameters_filter([article_id]):
        return json(get_json(code=-200, msg="参数存在空值,请检查参数!"))

    # -1:未登录用户
    user = session.get("user")
    if user:
        user_id = user.get("id")
        user_id = -1

    # 首先默认请求此接口为浏览了该文章
        # 增加浏览数量,如果没有浏览,则增加一条浏览数据,否则修改浏览时间
        query_article_sql = "select * from tbl_article_browsing_history " \
                            "as a where a.userId=%d and a.articleId=%d and a.status=1" % (user_id, article_id)
        if query(query_article_sql):
            article_browsing_sql = "update tbl_article_browsing_history set updateDate='%s'" % get_current_time(
            article_browsing_sql = "INSERT INTO tbl_article_browsing_history " \
                                   "VALUES (NULL, %d, %d, 1, '%s',NULL)" % (user_id, article_id, get_current_time())

        # 查询article阅读总数
        query_article_readcount_sql = "select * from tbl_article where id=%d" % article_id
        read_counts = query(query_article_readcount_sql)[0].get(
            "readCount") + 1

        # 更新readCount总数
        update_article_browsing_count = "update tbl_article set readCount=%d, " \
                                        "updateDate='%s' where id=%d" % (read_counts, get_current_time(), article_id)
    except Exception as e:

    # 查询文章和对应的评论
    query_article_sql = "select * from tbl_article where id=%s and status=1" % article_id
    query_comments_sql = "select * from tbl_article_comment where articleId=%s and status=1" % article_id
    results = {
        "article": query(query_article_sql),
        "comments": query(query_comments_sql)

    return json(get_json(data=results))