def who_we_are(message, sender_info, payload): """ This is called when the user wants to know about the store. """ sender_id = message.get('sender',{}).get('id') sender_info = app.get_user_information(sender_id) first_name = sender_info.get('first_name','') last_name = sender_info.get('last_name','') sender_name = u'{} {}'.format(first_name,last_name) sender_gender = sender_info.get('gender','male') reply = u'Obrigado pelo interesse!' reply+= u' Esse bot foi desenvolvido por Tiago Batalhão' reply+= u' para aprender mais sobre como funcionam os bots de Messenger.' attach = {'type': 'image','payload':{'attachment_id': app.profile_photo_id}} data = json.dumps({ 'messaging_type':'RESPONSE', 'recipient': {'id': sender_id}, 'message': {'text': reply} },encoding='iso-8859-1') app.send_api(data) quick_replies = [ {'content_type': 'text', 'title': 'Voltar ao menu.', 'payload': 'welcome_message'} ] data = json.dumps({ 'messaging_type':'RESPONSE', 'recipient': {'id': sender_id}, 'message': {'attachment': attach, 'quick_replies': quick_replies} },encoding='iso-8859-1') app.send_api(data)
def buy(message, sender_info, payload): """ This is called when the user wants to finish buying. """ first_name = sender_info.get('first_name','') last_name = sender_info.get('last_name','') sender_name = u'{} {}'.format(first_name,last_name) sender_gender = sender_info.get('gender','male') reply = u'Obrigado {} por comprar conosco!'.format(first_name) reply+= u' Agora vamos redirecionar você para o site da nossa loja.' data = json.dumps({ 'messaging_type':'RESPONSE', 'recipient': {'id': message.get('sender',{}).get('id')}, 'message': {'text': reply} },encoding='iso-8859-1') app.send_api(data) pronoum = 'lo' if sender_gender == 'male' else 'la' reply = u'Infelizmente nosso site ainda está em construção.' reply+= u' Ficaremos felizes em atendê-{} você quando o site estiver pronto.'.format(pronoum) data = json.dumps({ 'messaging_type':'RESPONSE', 'recipient': {'id': message.get('sender',{}).get('id')}, 'message': {'text': reply} },encoding='iso-8859-1') app.send_api(data) # Remove all items from cart if user decided to buy remove_from_cart(message, sender_info, ['all',sender_info.get('id')])
def search_product(message, name): """ Show a caroussel of available products. """ # Find products query = sql.SQL(u""" SELECT * FROM products WHERE category = %s ; """) database = setup_database.connect_database() cursor = database.cursor() try: execution = cursor.execute(query,[name]) result = cursor.fetchall() except AttributeError: result = None if len(result): reply = u'Legal que você está procurando por {}! '.format(name) reply+= u'Nós temos alguns modelos disponíveis.' else: reply = u'Infelizmente não temos o que você procura: {}'.format(name) sender_id = message.get('sender',{}).get('id') data = json.dumps({ 'messaging_type':'RESPONSE', 'recipient': {'id': sender_id}, 'message': {'text': reply} },encoding='iso-8859-1') app.send_api(data) if len(result): template = {} template['type'] = 'template' template['payload'] = {} template['payload']['template_type'] = 'generic' template['payload']['sharable'] = False template['payload']['image_aspect_ratio'] = 'square' indices = choice(range(len(result)),size=3,replace=False) choose = [result[x] for x in indices] elements = [] for product in choose: elements.append(gen_product_template(product)) template['payload']['elements'] = elements data = json.dumps({ u'messaging_type':u'RESPONSE', u'recipient': {u'id': sender_id}, u'message': {u'attachment': template} },encoding='iso-8859-1') app.send_api(data) cursor.close() database.close()
def remove_from_cart(message, sender_info, payload): """ This is called when the user wants to remove an item from cart or clean the cart entirely. """ if payload[0] == 'all': command = sql.SQL(u""" DELETE FROM cart WHERE id_user = %s ; """) database = setup_database.connect_database() cursor = database.cursor() try: execution = cursor.execute(command,[payload[1]]) database.commit() except psycopg2.ProgrammingError: pass cursor.close() database.close() reply = u'Seu carrinho agora está limpo.' data = json.dumps({ 'messaging_type':'RESPONSE', 'recipient': {'id': message.get('sender',{}).get('id')}, 'message': {'text': reply} },encoding='iso-8859-1') app.send_api(data) elif payload[0] == 'one': command = sql.SQL(u""" DELETE FROM cart WHERE id_purchase = %s ; """) database = setup_database.connect_database() cursor = database.cursor() try: execution = cursor.execute(command,[payload[1]]) database.commit() except psycopg2.ProgrammingError: pass cursor.close() database.close() reply = u'Produto removido do carrinho.' data = json.dumps({ 'messaging_type':'RESPONSE', 'recipient': {'id': message.get('sender',{}).get('id')}, 'message': {'text': reply} },encoding='iso-8859-1') app.send_api(data)
def add_to_cart(message, payload, product_info): """ Add a product to cart. """ product_id = payload[0] option = payload[1] client_id = message.get('sender',{}).get('id') timestamp_current = int(1000 * time.time()) # Create an id for a purchase purchase_id = str(randint(0,10**12)).zfill(12) params = [ purchase_id, product_id, option, 1, product_info[6], client_id, timestamp_current ] blanks = sql.SQL(u' , ').join([sql.SQL(u'%s')]*len(params)) command = sql.SQL(u""" INSERT INTO cart VALUES ( {} ); """).format(blanks) database = setup_database.connect_database() cursor = database.cursor() try: execution = cursor.execute(command,params) database.commit() except psycopg2.IntegrityError: pass cursor.close() database.close() product_name = product_info[2] option = u'{} {}'.format(*payload[1].split('=')) reply = u'Produto adicionado ao carrinho: {}, {}.'.format(product_name,option) quick_replies = [ {'content_type': 'text', 'title': 'Comprar mais', 'payload': 'search-camisetas'}, {'content_type': 'text', 'title': 'Ver carrinho', 'payload': 'view_cart'}, ] data = json.dumps({ 'messaging_type':'RESPONSE', 'recipient': {'id': client_id}, 'message': {'text': reply, 'quick_replies': quick_replies} },encoding='iso-8859-1') app.send_api(data)
def ask_for_options(message,payload,result): """ When user has shown interest in a product, ask for product options. Example: size of a shirt. """ reply = u'Você se interessou por {}!'.format(convert_to_iso(result[2].lower())) reply+= u'\nTemos algumas opções adicionais para esse produto' reply+= u'\nQueremos saber como você quer seu produto.' sender_id = message.get('sender',{}).get('id') data = json.dumps({ 'messaging_type':'RESPONSE', 'recipient': {'id': sender_id}, 'message': {'text': reply} },encoding='iso-8859-1') app.send_api(data) options_dict = json.loads(convert_to_iso(result[5]),encoding='iso-8859-1') # This version only works well if there is only one type of option for name,options in options_dict.items(): elements = [] for option in options: element = {} element['title'] = capitalize_first(u'{} {}'.format(name,option)) element['subtitle'] = u'' element['buttons'] = [{ 'type':'postback', 'title': u'Quero esse!', 'payload': u'interested-{}-{}={}'.format(u'-'.join(payload),name,option) }] elements.append(element) payload = {} payload['template_type'] = 'list' payload['top_element_style'] = 'compact' payload['elements'] = elements[:4] template = {} template['type'] = 'template' template['payload'] = payload data = json.dumps({ 'messaging_type':'RESPONSE', 'recipient': {'id': sender_id}, 'message': {'attachment': template} },encoding='iso-8859-1') app.send_api(data)
def welcome_message(message, sender_info = None, *args, **kwargs): """ Sends a welcome message to the user. """ if sender_info == None: sender_id = message.get('sender',{}).get('id') sender_info = app.get_user_information(sender_id) else: sender_id = sender_info.get('id') first_name = sender_info.get('first_name','') last_name = sender_info.get('last_name','') sender_name = u'{} {}'.format(first_name,last_name) sender_gender = sender_info.get('gender','male') welcome = 'bem-vindo' if sender_gender=='male' else 'bem-vinda' reply = u'Olá {}, {} a minha lojinha online!\n'.format(sender_name,welcome) reply += u'Aqui você pode encontrar camisetas de várias cores e tamanhos.\n' # time_since = time_since_last_message(sender_id) # if time_since is None: # message += u'Essa é sua primeira mensagem!' # else: # time_since = int( time_since / 1000.) # message += u'Você não volta aqui há {} segundos'.format(time_since) quick_replies = [ {'content_type': 'text', 'title': 'Mostre-me camisetas.', 'payload': 'search-camisetas'}, {'content_type': 'text', 'title': 'Quem somos?', 'payload': 'who_we_are'} ] data = json.dumps({ 'messaging_type':'RESPONSE', 'recipient': {'id': sender_id}, 'message': {'text': reply, 'quick_replies': quick_replies} },encoding='iso-8859-1') app.send_api(data)
def view_cart(message, sender_info, payload): """ This is called when the user wants to view their items in cart """ # Delete items (from all users) added more than one hour ago params = [int(1000*time.time()) - 3600000] command = sql.SQL(u""" DELETE FROM cart WHERE timestamp < %s ; """) database = setup_database.connect_database() cursor = database.cursor() try: execution = cursor.execute(command,params) database.commit() except psycopg2.ProgrammingError: pass cursor.close() database.close() # Find items bought by user query = sql.SQL(u""" SELECT cart.id_purchase, cart.id_product,, products.image_url, products.options, cart.option, cart.quantity, cart.unit_price, cart.id_user, cart.timestamp FROM cart INNER JOIN products ON cart.id_product = WHERE cart.id_user = %s ; """) database = setup_database.connect_database() cursor = database.cursor() sender_id = message.get('sender',{}).get('id') try: execution = cursor.execute(query,[sender_id]) cart = cursor.fetchall() except AttributeError: cart = None total_items = len(cart) if total_items==0: # If user has bought nothing reply = u'O seu carrinho está vazio.' quick_replies = [ {'content_type': 'text', 'title': 'Mostre-me camisetas.', 'payload': 'search-camisetas'}, ] data = json.dumps({ 'messaging_type':'RESPONSE', 'recipient': {'id': sender_id}, 'message': {'text': reply, 'quick_replies': quick_replies} },encoding='iso-8859-1') app.send_api(data) else: # If user has bought something, show a summary of his purchase word_item = 'item' if total_items==1 else 'itens' reply = u'Há {} {} no seu carrinho.'.format(total_items,word_item) total_price = sum([item[6]*item[7] for item in cart]) reply+= u' O preço total é R$ {:.2f}'.format(total_price).replace('.',',') + u'.' data = json.dumps({ 'messaging_type':'RESPONSE', 'recipient': {'id': sender_id}, 'message': {'text': reply} },encoding='iso-8859-1') app.send_api(data) # Show a list of items that the user has in his cart # Unfortunately, Facebook doesn't allow one-element lists elements = [] options_clause = u'' for option in item[5].split('-'): name, value = option.split(u'=')[0:2] options_clause += u'\n{}: {}'.format(capitalize_first(name),value) for item in cart: element = {} element['title'] = capitalize_first(u'{}'.format(item[2])) element['subtitle'] = u'Quantidade: {}'.format(item[6]) element['subtitle']+= options_clause element['subtitle']+= u'\nPreço unitário: R$ {:.2f}'.format(item[7]).replace('.',',') element['image_url'] = url_AWSbucket + item[3] element['buttons'] = [ {'type':'postback', 'title': u'Remover', 'payload': u'remove_from_cart-one-{}'.format(item[0])} ] elements.append(element) elements.append( {'title': u'Preço total: R$ {:.2f}'.format(total_price).replace('.',','), 'subtitle': u'Total de itens: {}'.format(total_items), 'buttons': [ {'type': 'postback', 'title': 'Limpar carrinho', 'payload': 'remove_from_cart-all-{}'.format(item[8])} ]} ) # If the number of items is even, separate in lists of 2 # If the number is odd, the first list has 3 elements instead separate_lists = [] if len(elements) % 2 == 0: separate_lists.append([elements.pop(0),elements.pop(0)]) else: separate_lists.append([elements.pop(0),elements.pop(0),elements.pop(0)]) while len(elements): separate_lists.append([elements.pop(0),elements.pop(0)]) payload = {} payload['template_type'] = 'list' payload['top_element_style'] = 'compact' template = {} template['type'] = 'template' for each_list in separate_lists: payload['elements'] = each_list template['payload'] = payload data = json.dumps({ 'messaging_type':'RESPONSE', 'recipient': {'id': sender_id}, 'message': {'attachment': template} },encoding='iso-8859-1') app.send_api(data) reply = u'Você gostaria de finalizar sua compra?' quick_replies = [ {'content_type': 'text', 'title': 'Comprar', 'payload': 'buy'}, {'content_type': 'text', 'title': 'Ver mais camisetas', 'payload': 'search-camisetas'}, ] data = json.dumps({ 'messaging_type':'RESPONSE', 'recipient': {'id': sender_id}, 'message': {'text': reply, 'quick_replies': quick_replies} },encoding='iso-8859-1') app.send_api(data)