Ejemplo n.º 1
    def __init__(self):
        self.opener = URLOpener()
        self._special = None

        for name in settings.FEEDS:
            setattr(self, name, self.__get_xml_page(name))
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def __init__(self):
        self.opener = URLOpener()
        self._special = None

        for name in settings.FEEDS:
            setattr(self, name, self.__get_xml_page(name))
Ejemplo n.º 3
class Voice(object):
    Main voice instance for interacting with the Google Voice service
    Handles login/logout and most of the baser HTTP methods

    def __init__(self):
        self.opener = URLOpener()
        self._special = None

        for name in settings.FEEDS:
            setattr(self, name, self.__get_xml_page(name))

    # Some handy methods
    def special(self):
        Returns special identifier for your session (if logged in)
        if hasattr(self, "_special") and getattr(self, "_special"):
            return self._special

                regex = bytes("('_rnr_se':) '(.+)'", "utf8")
            except TypeError:
                regex = bytes("('_rnr_se':) '(.+)'")
        except NameError:
            regex = r"('_rnr_se':) '(.+)'"

            log.debug("Getting special")

            response = self.__do_page("inbox")

            sp = re.search(regex, response.content).group(2)
        except AttributeError:
            sp = None
        self._special = sp
        return sp

    special = property(special)

    def login(self, email=None, passwd=None):
        Login to the service using your Google Voice account
        Credentials will be propmpted for if not given as args or in the ``~/.gvoice`` config file
        if hasattr(self, "_special") and getattr(self, "_special"):
            return self

        if email is None:
            email = settings.EMAIL
        if email is None:
            raise NoCredentialsError

        if passwd is None:
            passwd = settings.PASSWORD
        if passwd is None:
            raise NoCredentialsError

        content = self.__do_page("login").content
        # holy hackjob
        galx = re.search(r"name=\"GALX\"\s+value=\"(.+)\"", content).group(1)
            {"Email": email, "Passwd": passwd, "GALX": galx, "PersistentCookie": "yes", "service": "grandcentral"},

        # self.__do_page('login', {'Email': email, 'Passwd': passwd, 'continue': settings.LOGIN_CONTINUE })

        del email, passwd

            assert self.special
        except (AssertionError, AttributeError):
            raise LoginError

        return self

    def logout(self):
        Logs out an instance and makes sure it does not still have a session
        del self._special
        assert self.special == None
        self._special = None
        return self

    def call(self, outgoingNumber, forwardingNumber=None, phoneType=None, subscriberNumber=None):
        Make a call to an ``outgoingNumber`` from your ``forwardingNumber`` (optional).
        If you pass in your ``forwardingNumber``, please also pass in the correct ``phoneType``
        if forwardingNumber is None:
            forwardingNumber = config.forwardingNumber
        if phoneType is None:
            phoneType = config.phoneType

                "outgoingNumber": outgoingNumber,
                "forwardingNumber": forwardingNumber,
                "subscriberNumber": subscriberNumber or "undefined",
                "phoneType": phoneType,
                "remember": "1",

    __call__ = call

    def cancel(self, outgoingNumber=None, forwardingNumber=None):
        Cancels a call matching outgoing and forwarding numbers (if given). 
        Will raise an error if no matching call is being placed
                "outgoingNumber": outgoingNumber or "undefined",
                "forwardingNumber": forwardingNumber or "undefined",
                "cancelType": "C2C",

    def phones(self):
        Returns a list of ``Phone`` instances attached to your account.
        return [Phone(self, data) for data in self.contacts["phones"].values()]

    phones = property(phones)

    def settings(self):
        Dict of current Google Voice settings
        return AttrDict(self.contacts["settings"])

    settings = property(settings)

    def send_sms(self, phoneNumber, text):
        Send an SMS message to a given ``phoneNumber`` with the given ``text`` message
        self.__validate_special_page("sms", {"phoneNumber": phoneNumber, "text": text})

    def search(self, query):
        Search your Google Voice Account history for calls, voicemails, and sms
        Returns ``Folder`` instance containting matching messages
        return self.__get_xml_page("search", data="?q=%s" % quote(query))()

    def download(self, msg, adir=None):
        Download a voicemail or recorded call MP3 matching the given ``msg``
        which can either be a ``Message`` instance, or a SHA1 identifier. 
        Saves files to ``adir`` (defaults to current directory). 
        Message hashes can be found in ``self.voicemail().messages`` for example. 
        Returns location of saved file.
        from os import path, getcwd

        if isinstance(msg, Message):
            msg = msg.id
        assert is_sha1(msg), "Message id not a SHA1 hash"
        if adir is None:
            adir = getcwd()
            response = self.__do_page("download", msg)
            raise DownloadError
        fn = path.join(adir, "%s.mp3" % msg)
        fo = open(fn, "wb")
        return fn

    def contacts(self):
        Partial data of your Google Account Contacts related to your Voice account.
        For a more comprehensive suite of APIs, check out http://code.google.com/apis/contacts/docs/1.0/developers_guide_python.html
        if hasattr(self, "_contacts"):
            return self._contacts
        self._contacts = self.__get_xml_page("contacts")()
        return self._contacts

    contacts = property(contacts)

    # Pagination

    def get_page(self, feed, page, data=None, headers={}):
        Hackish way of doing pagination
        if feed.lower() not in settings.FEEDS:
            raise NoSuchFeedError

        if isinstance(data, dict):
            data.update({"page": "p%d" % page})
        elif isinstance(data, tuple):
            data += ("page", "p%d" % page)
        elif data is None:
            data = {"page": "p%d" % page}
        return self.__get_xml_page(feed, data, headers)

    # Marshalling

    def to_json(self):
        values = {"_special": self._special, "cookies": self.opener.cookie.output(header="")}
        return json.dumps(values)

    def from_json(self, json_string):
        values = json.loads(json_string)
        self._special = values["_special"]

    # Helper methods

    def __do_page(self, page, data=None, headers={}, force_get=False):
        Loads a page out of the settings and pass it on to urllib Request
        page = page.upper()
        if isinstance(data, dict) or isinstance(data, tuple):
            data = urlencode(data)

        if log:
            log.debug("%s?%s - %s" % (getattr(settings, page), data or "", headers))

        params = {"headers": headers}

        if data and force_get:
            params["url"] = getattr(settings, page) + "?" + data
        elif page in ("DOWNLOAD", "XML_SEARCH"):
            params["url"] = getattr(settings, page) + data
            params["data"] = data
        # elif data:
        #    headers.update({'Content-type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=utf-8'})

        params["url"] = getattr(settings, page)

        response = self.opener.open(**params)

        return response

    def __validate_special_page(self, page, data={}, **kwargs):
        Validates a given special page for an 'ok' response
        load_and_validate(self.__do_special_page(page, data))

    _Phone__validate_special_page = __validate_special_page

    def __do_special_page(self, page, data=None, headers={}, force_get=False):
        Add self.special to request data
        assert self.special, "You must login before using this page"
        if isinstance(data, tuple):
            data += ("_rnr_se", self.special)
        elif isinstance(data, dict):
            data.update({"_rnr_se": self.special})
        return self.__do_page(page, data, headers, force_get)

    _Phone__do_special_page = __do_special_page

    def __get_xml_page(self, page, data=None, headers={}):
        Return XMLParser instance generated from given page
        return XMLParser(self, page, lambda: self.__do_page("XML_%s" % page.upper(), data, headers, True).content)

    def __messages_post(self, page, *msgs, **kwargs):
        Performs message operations, eg deleting,staring,moving
        data = kwargs.items()
        for msg in msgs:
            if isinstance(msg, Message):
                msg = msg.id
            assert is_sha1(msg), "Message id not a SHA1 hash"
            data += (("messages", msg),)
        return self.__do_special_page(page, dict(data))

    _Message__messages_post = __messages_post
Ejemplo n.º 4
class Voice(object):
    Main voice instance for interacting with the Google Voice service
    Handles login/logout and most of the baser HTTP methods
    def __init__(self):
        self.opener = URLOpener()
        self._special = None

        for name in settings.FEEDS:
            setattr(self, name, self.__get_xml_page(name))

    # Some handy methods
    def special(self):
        Returns special identifier for your session (if logged in)
        if hasattr(self, '_special') and getattr(self, '_special'):
            return self._special

                regex = bytes("('_rnr_se':) '(.+)'", 'utf8')
            except TypeError:
                regex = bytes("('_rnr_se':) '(.+)'")
        except NameError:
            regex = r"('_rnr_se':) '(.+)'"

            log.debug("Getting special")

            response = self.__do_page('inbox')

            sp = re.search(regex, response.content).group(2)
        except AttributeError:
            sp = None
        self._special = sp
        return sp
    special = property(special)
    def login(self, email=None, passwd=None):
        Login to the service using your Google Voice account
        Credentials will be propmpted for if not given as args or in the ``~/.gvoice`` config file
        if hasattr(self, '_special') and getattr(self, '_special'):
            return self
        if email is None:
            email = settings.EMAIL
        if email is None:
            raise NoCredentialsError
        if passwd is None:
            passwd = settings.PASSWORD
        if passwd is None:
            raise NoCredentialsError

        content = self.__do_page('login').content
        # holy hackjob
        galx = re.search(r"name=\"GALX\"\s+value=\"(.+)\"", content).group(1)
        self.__do_page('login', {'Email': email, 'Passwd': passwd, 'GALX': galx, 'PersistentCookie': 'yes', 'service': 'grandcentral' })

        #self.__do_page('login', {'Email': email, 'Passwd': passwd, 'continue': settings.LOGIN_CONTINUE })
        del email, passwd
            assert self.special
        except (AssertionError, AttributeError):
            raise LoginError

        return self
    def logout(self):
        Logs out an instance and makes sure it does not still have a session
        del self._special 
        assert self.special == None
        self._special = None
        return self
    def call(self, outgoingNumber, forwardingNumber=None, phoneType=None, subscriberNumber=None):
        Make a call to an ``outgoingNumber`` from your ``forwardingNumber`` (optional).
        If you pass in your ``forwardingNumber``, please also pass in the correct ``phoneType``
        if forwardingNumber is None:
            forwardingNumber = config.forwardingNumber
        if phoneType is None:
            phoneType = config.phoneType
        self.__validate_special_page('call', {
            'outgoingNumber': outgoingNumber,
            'forwardingNumber': forwardingNumber,
            'subscriberNumber': subscriberNumber or 'undefined',
            'phoneType': phoneType,
            'remember': '1'
    __call__ = call
    def cancel(self, outgoingNumber=None, forwardingNumber=None):
        Cancels a call matching outgoing and forwarding numbers (if given). 
        Will raise an error if no matching call is being placed
        self.__validate_special_page('cancel', {
            'outgoingNumber': outgoingNumber or 'undefined',
            'forwardingNumber': forwardingNumber or 'undefined',
            'cancelType': 'C2C',

    def phones(self):
        Returns a list of ``Phone`` instances attached to your account.
        return [Phone(self, data) for data in self.contacts['phones'].values()]
    phones = property(phones)

    def settings(self):
        Dict of current Google Voice settings
        return AttrDict(self.contacts['settings'])
    settings = property(settings)
    def send_sms(self, phoneNumber, text):
        Send an SMS message to a given ``phoneNumber`` with the given ``text`` message
        self.__validate_special_page('sms', {'phoneNumber': phoneNumber, 'text': text})

    def search(self, query):
        Search your Google Voice Account history for calls, voicemails, and sms
        Returns ``Folder`` instance containting matching messages
        return self.__get_xml_page('search', data='?q=%s' % quote(query))()
    def download(self, msg, adir=None):
        Download a voicemail or recorded call MP3 matching the given ``msg``
        which can either be a ``Message`` instance, or a SHA1 identifier. 
        Saves files to ``adir`` (defaults to current directory). 
        Message hashes can be found in ``self.voicemail().messages`` for example. 
        Returns location of saved file.
        from os import path,getcwd
        if isinstance(msg, Message):
            msg = msg.id
        assert is_sha1(msg), 'Message id not a SHA1 hash'
        if adir is None:
            adir = getcwd()
            response = self.__do_page('download', msg)
            raise DownloadError
        fn = path.join(adir, '%s.mp3' % msg)
        fo = open(fn, 'wb')
        return fn
    def contacts(self):
        Partial data of your Google Account Contacts related to your Voice account.
        For a more comprehensive suite of APIs, check out http://code.google.com/apis/contacts/docs/1.0/developers_guide_python.html
        if hasattr(self, '_contacts'):
            return self._contacts
        self._contacts = self.__get_xml_page('contacts')()
        return self._contacts
    contacts = property(contacts)

    # Pagination

    def get_page(self, feed, page, data=None, headers={}):
        Hackish way of doing pagination
        if feed.lower() not in settings.FEEDS:
            raise NoSuchFeedError

        if isinstance(data, dict):
            data.update({'page': "p%d" % page })
        elif isinstance(data, tuple):
            data += ('page', "p%d" % page)
        elif data is None:
            data = {'page': "p%d" % page}
        return self.__get_xml_page(feed, data, headers)

    # Marshalling

    def to_json(self):
        values = {
            '_special': self._special,
            'cookies': self.opener.cookie.output(header='')
        return json.dumps(values)
    def from_json(self, json_string):
        values = json.loads(json_string)
        self._special = values['_special']

    # Helper methods

    def __do_page(self, page, data=None, headers={}, force_get=False):
        Loads a page out of the settings and pass it on to urllib Request
        page = page.upper()
        if isinstance(data, dict) or isinstance(data, tuple):
            data = urlencode(data)

        if log:
            log.debug('%s?%s - %s' % (getattr(settings, page), data or '', headers))

        params = { 
          'headers': headers

        if data and force_get:
            params['url'] = getattr(settings, page) + '?' + data
        elif page in ('DOWNLOAD','XML_SEARCH'):
            params['url'] = getattr(settings, page) + data
            params['data'] = data
        #elif data:
        #    headers.update({'Content-type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=utf-8'})

        params['url'] = getattr(settings, page)

        response = self.opener.open(**params)

        return response

    def __validate_special_page(self, page, data={}, **kwargs):
        Validates a given special page for an 'ok' response
        load_and_validate(self.__do_special_page(page, data))

    _Phone__validate_special_page = __validate_special_page
    def __do_special_page(self, page, data=None, headers={}, force_get=False):
        Add self.special to request data
        assert self.special, 'You must login before using this page'
        if isinstance(data, tuple):
            data += ('_rnr_se', self.special)
        elif isinstance(data, dict):
            data.update({'_rnr_se': self.special})
        return self.__do_page(page, data, headers, force_get)
    _Phone__do_special_page = __do_special_page
    def __get_xml_page(self, page, data=None, headers={}):
        Return XMLParser instance generated from given page
        return XMLParser(self, page, lambda: self.__do_page('XML_%s' % page.upper(), data, headers, True).content)
    def __messages_post(self, page, *msgs, **kwargs):
        Performs message operations, eg deleting,staring,moving
        data = kwargs.items()
        for msg in msgs:
            if isinstance(msg, Message):
                msg = msg.id
            assert is_sha1(msg), 'Message id not a SHA1 hash'
            data += (('messages',msg),)
        return self.__do_special_page(page, dict(data))
    _Message__messages_post = __messages_post