Ejemplo n.º 1
def rampNorm(imgarray):
	normalize an image by subtracting a fit 2D plane
	and stdev of 1 in the edge
	imgarray = imagefilter.planeRegression(imgarray, msg=False)
	return edgeNorm(imgarray)
Ejemplo n.º 2
	freq = 1.0/(powerspec.shape[0]*pixelsize)

	#poweravg = numpy.array(psdlist).mean(0)
	apDisplay.printMsg("Computing median of power spectra series")
	poweravg = numpy.median(psdlist, axis=0)
	if msg is True:
		apDisplay.printMsg("Compute PSD with fieldsize %d and %d images complete in %s"
			%(fieldsize, count, apDisplay.timeString(time.time()-t0)))
	return poweravg, freq

if __name__ == "__main__":
	a = mrc.read("/home/vosslab/test.mrc")
	a = imagefilter.planeRegression(a)
	fullpower = imagefun.power(a)
	t0 = time.time()
	x = numpy.arange(6, 13)
	N = 2**x
	print N
	for n in N:
		print "====================================="
		b = power(a, n)
		b = imagefilter.frame_cut(b, numpy.array(b.shape)/2)
		imagefile.arrayToPng(b, "%04d-field.png"%(n))

		bin = int(round(2**12/n))
		b = imagefun.bin2(fullpower, bin)