def makeMovie(filename, xsize=512):
    apDisplay.printMsg('Making movie', 'blue')
    mrcpath = filename
    dirpath = os.path.dirname(mrcpath)
    splitnames = os.path.splitext(mrcpath)
    rootpath = splitnames[0]
    apDisplay.printMsg('Reading 3D recon %s' % mrcpath)
    array =
    shape = array.shape
    xsize = min(xsize, shape[2])
    stats = {}
    # speed up stats calculation by projecting to axis 0 to reduce array dimension
    apDisplay.printMsg('Calculating stats...')
    slice = numpy.sum(array[:, :, :], axis=0) / shape[0]
    stats['std'] = slice.std()
    stats['mean'] = slice.mean()
    if shape[0] > shape[1]:
        renders = {
            'a': {
                'axis': 0,
                'axisname': 'z'
            'b': {
                'axis': 1,
                'axisname': 'y'
        renders = {
            'a': {
                'axis': 1,
                'axisname': 'y'
            'b': {
                'axis': 0,
                'axisname': 'z'
    keys = renders.keys()
    for key in keys:
        axis = renders[key]['axis']
        dimz = shape[axis]
        #generate a sequence of jpg images, each is an average of 5 slices
        apDisplay.printMsg('Making smoothed slices...')
        for i in range(0, dimz):
            pictpath = rootpath + '_avg%05d' % i
            ll = max(0, i - 2)
            hh = min(dimz, i + 3)
            if axis == 0:
                slice = numpy.sum(array[ll:hh, :, :], axis=axis) / (hh - ll)
                slice = numpy.sum(array[:, ll:hh, :], axis=axis) / (hh - ll)
            # adjust and shrink each image
            array2jpg(pictpath, slice, stats['mean'] - 8 * stats['std'],
                      stats['mean'] + 8 * stats['std'], xsize)
        apDisplay.printMsg('Putting the jpg files together to flash video...')
        moviepath = dirpath + '/minitomo%s' % key + '.flv'
        framepath = rootpath + '_avg*.jpg'
        apMovie.makeflv('jpg', framepath, moviepath)
def makeAlignStackMovie(filename, xsize=2**16):
        Make movie based on align stack.  Default size is the size
        of the align stack
    if not os.path.exists(filename):
        apDisplay.printWarning('align stack does not exist. No movie making.')

    apDisplay.printMsg('Making movie', 'blue')
    mrcpath = filename
    dirpath = os.path.dirname(mrcpath)
    splitnames = os.path.splitext(mrcpath)
    rootpath = splitnames[0]
    alignsplit = rootpath.split('-')
    if len(alignsplit) > 1:
        key = alignsplit[-1]
        key = ''
    apDisplay.printMsg('Reading align stack %s' % mrcpath)
    array =
    shape = array.shape
    xsize = min(xsize, shape[2])
    stats = {}
    # speed up stats calculation by projecting to axis 0 to reduce array dimension
    apDisplay.printMsg('Calculating stats...')
    slice = numpy.sum(array[:, :, :], axis=0) / shape[0]
    stats['std'] = slice.std()
    stats['mean'] = slice.mean()
    axis = 0
    dimz = shape[0]
    #generate a sequence of jpg images
    apDisplay.printMsg('Making slices...')
    for i in range(0, dimz):
        pictpath1 = rootpath + '_slice%05d' % i
        pictpath2 = rootpath + '_slice%05d' % (2 * dimz - i)
        slice = array[i, :, :]
        stats['mean'] = slice.mean()
        # adjust and shrink each image
        array2jpg(pictpath1, slice, stats['mean'] - 6 * stats['std'],
                  stats['mean'] + 6 * stats['std'], xsize)
        array2jpg(pictpath2, slice, stats['mean'] - 6 * stats['std'],
                  stats['mean'] + 6 * stats['std'], xsize)
    apDisplay.printMsg('Putting the jpg files together to flash video...')
    moviepath = dirpath + '/minialign' + key
    framepath = rootpath + '_slice%05d.jpg'
    apMovie.makemp4('jpg', framepath, moviepath, False)
    apMovie.makeflv('jpg', framepath, moviepath)
def makeAlignStackMovie(filename,xsize=2**16):
        Make movie based on align stack.  Default size is the size
        of the align stack
        if not os.path.exists(filename):
                apDisplay.printWarning('align stack does not exist. No movie making.')

        apDisplay.printMsg('Making movie','blue')
        mrcpath = filename
        dirpath = os.path.dirname(mrcpath)
        splitnames =  os.path.splitext(mrcpath)
        rootpath = splitnames[0]
        alignsplit = rootpath.split('-')
        if len(alignsplit) > 1:
                key = alignsplit[-1]
                key = ''
        apDisplay.printMsg('Reading align stack %s' % mrcpath)
        array =
        shape = array.shape
        xsize = min(xsize,shape[2])
        stats = {}
        # speed up stats calculation by projecting to axis 0 to reduce array dimension
        apDisplay.printMsg('Calculating stats...')
        slice = numpy.sum(array[:,:,:],axis=0)/shape[0]
        stats['std'] = slice.std()
        stats['mean'] = slice.mean()
        axis = 0
        dimz = shape[0]
        #generate a sequence of jpg images
        apDisplay.printMsg('Making slices...')
        for i in range(0, dimz):
                pictpath1 = rootpath+'_slice%05d' % i
                pictpath2 = rootpath+'_slice%05d' % (2*dimz-i)
                slice = array[i,:,:]
                stats['mean'] = slice.mean()
                # adjust and shrink each image
        apDisplay.printMsg('Putting the jpg files together to flash video...')
        moviepath = dirpath+'/minialign'+key
        framepath = rootpath+'_slice%05d.jpg'
Ejemplo n.º 4
def makeAlignStackMovie(filename, xsize=2 ** 16):
	Make movie based on align stack.  Default size is the size
	of the align stack
    if not os.path.exists(filename):
        apDisplay.printWarning("align stack does not exist. No movie making.")

    apDisplay.printMsg("Making movie", "blue")
    mrcpath = filename
    dirpath = os.path.dirname(mrcpath)
    splitnames = os.path.splitext(mrcpath)
    rootpath = splitnames[0]
    alignsplit = rootpath.split("-")
    if len(alignsplit) > 1:
        key = alignsplit[-1]
        key = ""
    apDisplay.printMsg("Reading align stack %s" % mrcpath)
    array =
    shape = array.shape
    xsize = min(xsize, shape[2])
    stats = {}
    # speed up stats calculation by projecting to axis 0 to reduce array dimension
    apDisplay.printMsg("Calculating stats...")
    slice = numpy.sum(array[:, :, :], axis=0) / shape[0]
    stats["std"] = slice.std()
    stats["mean"] = slice.mean()
    axis = 0
    dimz = shape[0]
    # generate a sequence of jpg images
    apDisplay.printMsg("Making slices...")
    for i in range(0, dimz):
        pictpath1 = rootpath + "_slice%05d" % i
        pictpath2 = rootpath + "_slice%05d" % (2 * dimz - i)
        slice = array[i, :, :]
        stats["mean"] = slice.mean()
        # adjust and shrink each image
        array2jpg(pictpath1, slice, stats["mean"] - 6 * stats["std"], stats["mean"] + 6 * stats["std"], xsize)
        array2jpg(pictpath2, slice, stats["mean"] - 6 * stats["std"], stats["mean"] + 6 * stats["std"], xsize)
    apDisplay.printMsg("Putting the jpg files together to flash video...")
    moviepath = dirpath + "/minialign" + key
    framepath = rootpath + "_slice%05d.jpg"
    apMovie.makemp4("jpg", framepath, moviepath, False)
    apMovie.makeflv("jpg", framepath, moviepath)
def makeMovie(filename,xsize=512):
        apDisplay.printMsg('Making movie','blue')
        mrcpath = filename
        dirpath = os.path.dirname(mrcpath)
        splitnames =  os.path.splitext(mrcpath)
        rootpath = splitnames[0]
        apDisplay.printMsg('Reading 3D recon %s' % mrcpath)
        array =
        shape = array.shape
        xsize = min(xsize,shape[2])
        stats = {}
        # speed up stats calculation by projecting to axis 0 to reduce array dimension
        apDisplay.printMsg('Calculating stats...')
        slice = numpy.sum(array[:,:,:],axis=0)/shape[0]
        stats['std'] = slice.std()
        stats['mean'] = slice.mean()
        if shape[0] > shape[1]:
                renders = {'a':{'axis':0,'axisname':'z'},'b':{'axis':1,'axisname':'y'}}
                renders = {'a':{'axis':1,'axisname':'y'},'b':{'axis':0,'axisname':'z'}}
        keys = renders.keys()
        for key in keys:
                axis = renders[key]['axis']
                dimz = shape[axis]
                #generate a sequence of jpg images, each is an average of 5 slices
                apDisplay.printMsg('Making smoothed slices...')
                for i in range(0, dimz):
                        pictpath = rootpath+'_avg%05d' % i
                        ll = max(0,i - 2)
                        hh = min(dimz,i + 3)
                        if axis == 0:
                                slice = numpy.sum(array[ll:hh,:,:],axis=axis)/(hh-ll)
                                slice = numpy.sum(array[:,ll:hh,:],axis=axis)/(hh-ll)
                        # adjust and shrink each image
                apDisplay.printMsg('Putting the jpg files together to flash video...')
                moviepath = dirpath+'/minitomo%s'%key+'.flv'
                framepath = rootpath+'_avg*.jpg'
Ejemplo n.º 6
def makeMovie(filename, xsize=512):
    apDisplay.printMsg("Making movie", "blue")
    mrcpath = filename
    dirpath = os.path.dirname(mrcpath)
    splitnames = os.path.splitext(mrcpath)
    rootpath = splitnames[0]
    apDisplay.printMsg("Reading 3D recon %s" % mrcpath)
    array =
    shape = array.shape
    xsize = min(xsize, shape[2])
    stats = {}
    # speed up stats calculation by projecting to axis 0 to reduce array dimension
    apDisplay.printMsg("Calculating stats...")
    slice = numpy.sum(array[:, :, :], axis=0) / shape[0]
    stats["std"] = slice.std()
    stats["mean"] = slice.mean()
    if shape[0] > shape[1]:
        renders = {"a": {"axis": 0, "axisname": "z"}, "b": {"axis": 1, "axisname": "y"}}
        renders = {"a": {"axis": 1, "axisname": "y"}, "b": {"axis": 0, "axisname": "z"}}
    keys = renders.keys()
    for key in keys:
        axis = renders[key]["axis"]
        dimz = shape[axis]
        # generate a sequence of jpg images, each is an average of 5 slices
        apDisplay.printMsg("Making smoothed slices...")
        for i in range(0, dimz):
            pictpath = rootpath + "_avg%05d" % i
            ll = max(0, i - 2)
            hh = min(dimz, i + 3)
            if axis == 0:
                slice = numpy.sum(array[ll:hh, :, :], axis=axis) / (hh - ll)
                slice = numpy.sum(array[:, ll:hh, :], axis=axis) / (hh - ll)
                # adjust and shrink each image
            array2jpg(pictpath, slice, stats["mean"] - 8 * stats["std"], stats["mean"] + 8 * stats["std"], xsize)
        apDisplay.printMsg("Putting the jpg files together to flash video...")
        moviepath = dirpath + "/minitomo%s" % key + ".flv"
        framepath = rootpath + "_avg*.jpg"
        apMovie.makeflv("jpg", framepath, moviepath)
	def makeMovie(self,framepaths_wild,moviepath):
Ejemplo n.º 8
 def makeMovie(self,framepaths_wild,moviepath):