Ejemplo n.º 1
def run(script):
    from applescript import asrun
    script = u"""
	tell application "System Events" to click %s
	""" % (script)
    open('/Users/nateparrott/Desktop/xyz.scpt', 'w').write(script)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def create_note(content, title = None, is_html = False, notebook = None, 
        tags = None, created = None, attachments = None, url = None, 
        latitude = None, longitude = None):
    en_script = 'tell application "Evernote"\n'
    en_script += u'set n to create note title {0}'.format(_get_title(title, created))
    en_script += u' with {0} {1}'.format(_get_format(is_html), _get_content(content))
    if tags:
        en_script += u' tags {{{0}}}'.format(_get_tags(tags))
    if notebook:
        en_script += u' notebook {0}'.format(_get_notebook(notebook))
    if created:
        en_script += u' created {0}'.format(_get_created(created))
    if attachments:
        en_script += u' attachments {{{0}}}'.format(_get_attachments(attachments))
    en_script += '\n'
    if created:
        en_script += 'set modification date of n to {0}\n'.format(_get_created(created))
    if url:
        en_script += 'set source URL of n to {0}\n'.format(_get_url(url))
    if latitude:
        en_script += 'set latitude of n to {0}\n'.format(_get_lat(latitude))
    if longitude:
        en_script += 'set longitude of n to {0}\n'.format(_get_long(longitude))
    en_script += 'end tell'
Ejemplo n.º 3
def run(query):
    from applescript import asrun, asquote
    from pipes import quote

    ascript = '''
	set finderSelection to ""
	set theTarget to ""
	set appPath to path to application "Chocolat"
	set defaultTarget to (path to home folder as alias)

	tell application "Finder"
		set finderSelection to (get selection)
        if length of finderSelection is greater than 0 then
            set theTarget to finderSelection
                set theTarget to (folder of the front window as alias)
            on error
                set theTarget to defaultTarget
            end try
        end if

        open theTarget using appPath
    end tell


Ejemplo n.º 4
def run(applicationName):
    from applescript import asrun, asquote

    applicationName = applicationName.capitalize()
    ascript = """
	tell application %s
    end tell
    delay 0.1 -- fix for termianl.app
	set location to (user locale of (get system info))
 	if location is equal to "zh_TW" then
 		tell application "System Events"
 			click menu item "合併所有視窗" of menu "視窗" of menu bar 1 of process %s
 		end tell
	    tell application "System Events"
		    click menu item "Merge All Windows" of menu "Window" of menu bar 1 of process %s
		end tell
	end if
	""" % (
Ejemplo n.º 5
def run(type):
    from applescript import asrun, asquote
    ascript = '''
on to_hex(int)
    set the hex_list to {"0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F"}
    set x to item ((int div 16) + 1) of the hex_list
    set y to item ((int mod 16) + 1) of the hex_list
    return (x & y) as string
end to_hex

on color_component_to_hex(c)
    return to_hex(round (c / 65535 * 255))
end color_component_to_hex

tell application "System Events"
    set activeApp to name of first application process whose frontmost is true
end tell
tell application activeApp
    set the_color to choose color
end tell
set color_type to "%s"
if color_type is "hex" then
    set the_string to ("#" & color_component_to_hex(item 1 of the_color) & color_component_to_hex(item 2 of the_color) & color_component_to_hex(item 3 of the_color)) --hex color
end if
if color_type is "UIColor" then
    set the_string to "[UIColor colorWithRed:" & ((item 1 of the_color) / 65536) & " green:" & ((item 2 of the_color) / 65536) & " blue:" & ((item 3 of the_color) / 65536) & " alpha:1]" --uicolor
end if
set the clipboard to the_string
display notification "Copied '" & the_string & "' to clipboard."
    ''' % (type)
Ejemplo n.º 6
def create_event(name, from_date, to_date, location):
    import datetime

    def timestamp_to_applescript(timestamp):
        string = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(timestamp).strftime(
            "%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S %p")
        return ' date "{0}"'.format(string)

    props = {
        "summary": asquote(name),
        "start date": timestamp_to_applescript(from_date),
        "end date": timestamp_to_applescript(to_date)
    if location:
        props['location'] = asquote(location)
    props_str = u"{" + u", ".join(
        [u"{0}:{1}".format(key, value)
         for (key, value) in props.iteritems()]) + u"}"

    script = u"""
	tell application "Calendar"
	 set newEvent to make new event at end of events of calendar "Home" with properties {0}
	 show newEvent
	end tell
    print script
Ejemplo n.º 7
def _alert(title, message):
    from applescript import asrun, asquote
    script = u"""tell application "Finder"
    display notification <!--MESSAGE--> with title <!--TITLE-->
    end tell""".encode('utf8').replace("<!--TITLE-->", asquote(title)).replace(
        "<!--MESSAGE-->", asquote(message))
Ejemplo n.º 8
def run(script):
	from applescript import asrun
	script = u"""
	tell application "System Events" to click %s
	open('/Users/nateparrott/Desktop/xyz.scpt', 'w').write(script)
Ejemplo n.º 9
def run(parsed):
    from applescript import asrun
    get_date = ''
    set_date = ''
    if '@date' in parsed:
      get_date = 'set theDueDate to epoch2datetime("{0}")'.format(parsed['@date']['timestamp'])
      set_date = "set due date of newReminder to theDueDate"
    script = """
    on epoch2datetime(epochseconds)
    	set myshell1 to "date -r "
    	set myshell2 to " \\"+%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S %p\\""
    	log (myshell1 & epochseconds & myshell2)
    	set theDatetime to do shell script (myshell1 & epochseconds & myshell2)
    	return date theDatetime
    end epoch2datetime


    tell application "Reminders"
    	set newReminder to make new reminder
    	set name of newReminder to "{1}"
    	display notification "Created reminder" with title "Flashlight"
    end tell
    """.format(get_date, parsed['~message'], set_date)
    print script
Ejemplo n.º 10
def run(query):
	from applescript import asrun, asquote
	from pipes import quote

	ascript = '''
	set finderSelection to ""
	set theTarget to ""
	set appPath to path to application "Atom"
	set defaultTarget to (path to home folder as alias)

	tell application "Finder"
		set finderSelection to (get selection)
        if length of finderSelection is greater than 0 then
            set theTarget to finderSelection
                set theTarget to (folder of the front window as alias)
            on error
                set theTarget to defaultTarget
            end try
        end if

        open theTarget using appPath
    end tell


Ejemplo n.º 11
def run(type):
    from applescript import asrun, asquote
    ascript = '''
on to_hex(int)
    set the hex_list to {"0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F"}
    set x to item ((int div 16) + 1) of the hex_list
    set y to item ((int mod 16) + 1) of the hex_list
    return (x & y) as string
end to_hex

on color_component_to_hex(c)
    return to_hex(round (c / 65535 * 255))
end color_component_to_hex

tell application "System Events"
    set activeApp to name of first application process whose frontmost is true
end tell
tell application activeApp
    set the_color to choose color
end tell
set color_type to "%s"
if color_type is "hex" then
    set the_string to ("#" & color_component_to_hex(item 1 of the_color) & color_component_to_hex(item 2 of the_color) & color_component_to_hex(item 3 of the_color)) --hex color
end if
if color_type is "UIColor" then
    set the_string to "[UIColor colorWithRed:" & ((item 1 of the_color) / 65536) & " green:" & ((item 2 of the_color) / 65536) & " blue:" & ((item 3 of the_color) / 65536) & " alpha:1]" --uicolor
end if
set the clipboard to the_string
display notification "Copied '" & the_string & "' to clipboard."
Ejemplo n.º 12
def open_finder_item():

    ascript = """
    set finderSelection to ""
    set theTarget to ""
    set appPath to path to application "Sublime Text"
    set defaultTarget to (path to home folder as alias)

    tell application "Finder"
        set finderSelection to (get selection)
        if length of finderSelection is greater than 0 then
            set theTarget to finderSelection
                set theTarget to (folder of the front window as alias)
            on error
                set theTarget to defaultTarget
            end try
        end if

        open theTarget using appPath
    end tell
    import applescript
Ejemplo n.º 13
def open_finder_item():

    ascript = """
    set finderSelection to ""
    set theTarget to ""
    set appPath to path to application "Sublime Text"
    set defaultTarget to (path to home folder as alias)

    tell application "Finder"
        set finderSelection to (get selection)
        if length of finderSelection is greater than 0 then
            set theTarget to finderSelection
                set theTarget to (folder of the front window as alias)
            on error
                set theTarget to defaultTarget
            end try
        end if

        open theTarget using appPath
    end tell
    import applescript
Ejemplo n.º 14
def run(file):
	from applescript import asrun, asquote
	tell application "CloudApp"
		upload POSIX file {0}
	end tell
Ejemplo n.º 15
def send_mail(recipients, subject, body, attach_file_path):
    emails = []
    address_book = contacts.address_book_to_list()
    for recip in recipients:
        if '@' in recip:
            result = contacts.find_contact(recip, address_book, "email")
            if result: emails.append(result['email'][0])
    recipient_lines = []
    for email in emails:
        recipient_lines.append("make new to recipient with properties {address:%s}"%(asquote(email)))
    file_command = u"make new attachment with properties {file name: (POSIX file %s as alias)} at after last paragraph of content"%(asquote(attach_file_path)) if attach_file_path else ""
    script = u"""
    tell application "Mail"
      set mgMessage to make new outgoing message with properties {subject:%s, content:%s, visible:true}
      tell mgMessage
      end tell
    end tell
    """%(asquote(subject), asquote(body), "\n".join(recipient_lines), file_command)
    print script
Ejemplo n.º 16
def send_message(recipient, body, attach_selected_files):
		buddy = recipient
		set_selected_files = """
		tell application "Finder"
			set selectedFiles to selection
		end tell
		""" if attach_selected_files else "set selectedFiles to {}"
		script = """
		using terms from application "Messages"
			tell application "Messages"
				set targetService to 1st service whose service type = iMessage
				set targetBuddy to buddy %s of targetService
				send %s to targetBuddy
				repeat with theFile in selectedFiles
					send (theFile as alias) to targetBuddy
				end repeat
			end tell
		end using terms from
		"""%(set_selected_files, asquote(buddy), asquote(body))
		print script
Ejemplo n.º 17
def run(file):
    from applescript import asrun, asquote
	tell application "CloudApp"
		upload POSIX file {0}
	end tell
Ejemplo n.º 18
def send_mail(recipients, subject, body, attach_file_path):
    emails = []
    address_book = contacts.address_book_to_list()
    for recip in recipients:
        if '@' in recip:
            result = contacts.find_contact(recip, address_book, "email")
            if result: emails.append(result['email'][0])

    recipient_lines = []
    for email in emails:
            "make new to recipient with properties {address:%s}" %

    file_command = u"make new attachment with properties {file name: (POSIX file %s as alias)} at after last paragraph of content" % (
        asquote(attach_file_path)) if attach_file_path else ""

    script = u"""
    tell application "Mail"
      set mgMessage to make new outgoing message with properties {subject:%s, content:%s, visible:true}
      tell mgMessage
      end tell
    end tell
    """ % (asquote(subject), asquote(body), "\n".join(recipient_lines),
    print script
Ejemplo n.º 19
def add_tag(tag, task, project):
	asrun('''tell application "Tyme"
	set targetProject to first item of (every project whose name = {0})
	set targetTask to first item of (every task of targetProject whose name = {1})
	make new taskTag with properties {{name:{2}}} at the end of targetTask
end tell'''.format(asquote(project), asquote(task), asquote(tag)))
Ejemplo n.º 20
def run(content):
	from applescript import asrun, asquote
	name = content.split("\n")[0]
	if len(name) == 0: name = "New note"
	script = u"""tell application "Notes"
		set theContainerFolder to container of first note
		set theNote to make new note at theContainerFolder with properties {body:<!--BODY-->, name:<!--NAME-->}
	  display notification "Created note" with title "Flashlight"
	end tell
	""".replace("<!--BODY-->", asquote(content)).replace("<!--NAME-->", asquote(name))
Ejemplo n.º 21
def run(command):
    from applescript import asrun, asquote
    # TODO: set the current working dir to the frontmost dir in Finder
    ascript = '''
	tell application "Finder"
		set theItems to selection
		set filePath to (POSIX path of (the selection as alias))
	end tell
	set the clipboard to filePath

Ejemplo n.º 22
def run(command):
	from applescript import asrun, asquote
	# TODO: set the current working dir to the frontmost dir in Finder
	ascript = '''
	tell application "Finder"
		set theItems to selection
		set filePath to (POSIX path of (the selection as alias))
	end tell
	set the clipboard to filePath

Ejemplo n.º 23
def run(content):
    from applescript import asrun, asquote
    name = content.split("\n")[0]
    if len(name) == 0: name = "New note"
    script = u"""tell application "Notes"
		set theContainerFolder to container of first note
		set theNote to make new note at theContainerFolder with properties {body:<!--BODY-->, name:<!--NAME-->}
	  display notification "Created note" with title "Flashlight"
	end tell
	""".replace("<!--BODY-->", asquote(content)).replace("<!--NAME-->",
Ejemplo n.º 24
def create_new_task(task, project):
	asrun('''tell application "Tyme"
	set projectName to {0}
	if ((count of (every project whose name = projectName)) = 0) then
		make new project with properties {{name:projectName, archived:false}}
	end if
	set targetProject to first item of (every project whose name = projectName)
	make new task with properties {{name:{1}}} at the end of targetProject
end tell'''.format(asquote(project), asquote(task)))
Ejemplo n.º 25
def run(digit, is_facetime):
    import os
    from applescript import asrun
    import time

    if is_facetime:
        os.popen('open facetime://{0}'.format(digit))
        os.popen('open tel://{0}'.format(digit))

    asrun("tell application \"Facetime\" to activate")
    asrun("tell application \"System Events\" to keystroke return")
Ejemplo n.º 26
def run(digit, is_facetime):
    import os
    from applescript import asrun
    import time

    if is_facetime:
        os.popen('open facetime://{0}'.format(digit))
        os.popen('open tel://{0}'.format(digit))

    asrun("tell application \"Facetime\" to activate")
    asrun("tell application \"System Events\" to keystroke return")
Ejemplo n.º 27
def current_app():
    from applescript import asrun
    return asrun("""
	tell application "System Events"
		get item 1 of (get name of processes whose frontmost is true)
	end tell
Ejemplo n.º 28
def current_app():
	from applescript import asrun
	return asrun("""
	tell application "System Events"
		get item 1 of (get name of processes whose frontmost is true)
	end tell
Ejemplo n.º 29
def send_message(recipient, body, attach_selected_files):
    buddy = None
    if normalize_phone(recipient):
        buddy = normalize_phone(recipient)
        address_book = contacts.address_book_to_list()
        result = contacts.find_contact(recipient, address_book, "phone")
        if result:
            buddy = result["phone"][0]
    if not buddy:
            'display notification %s with title "Limelight"'
            % (asquote("Couldn't find iMessage contact for %s." % recipient))

    set_selected_files = (
    tell application "Finder"
    	set selectedFiles to selection
    end tell
        if attach_selected_files
        else "set selectedFiles to {}"

    script = """
    using terms from application "Messages"
    	tell application "Messages"
    		set targetService to 1st service whose service type = iMessage
    		set targetBuddy to buddy %s of targetService
    		send %s to targetBuddy
    		repeat with theFile in selectedFiles
    			send (theFile as alias) to targetBuddy
    		end repeat
    	end tell
    end using terms from

    """ % (
    print script
Ejemplo n.º 30
def run(command):
    from applescript import asrun, asquote
    from pipes import quote
    import json

    ascript_currentdir = '''
    tell application "Finder"
         if (count of Finder windows) is not 0 then
            set currentDir to (target of front Finder window) as text
            set dir to (quoted form of POSIX path of currentDir)
            set dir to "~/"
        end if
    end tell

    settings = json.load(open('preferences.json'))

    # If the app is terminal, or _not_ iTerm2
    if settings["app"] == "terminal" or settings["app"] not in ("iterm2",
        ascript = ascript_currentdir + '''
        tell application "Terminal"
            do script "cd " & dir
            do script {0} in front window
        end tell
        # iTerm 2.9+ uses "window" instead of "terminal" for applescript
        window_name = "terminal" if settings["app"] == "iterm2" else "window"
        ascript = ascript_currentdir + '''
        tell application "iTerm"
            tell (make new {1})
                    activate current session
                    launch session "Default Session"
                    tell the last session
                        write text "cd " & dir
                        write text {0}
                    end tell
            end tell
        end tell
        '''.format(asquote(command), window_name)

Ejemplo n.º 31
def run(command):
    from applescript import asrun, asquote
    from pipes import quote
    import json

    ascript_currentdir = '''
    tell application "Finder"
         if (count of Finder windows) is not 0 then
            set currentDir to (target of front Finder window) as text
            set dir to (quoted form of POSIX path of currentDir)
            set dir to "~/"
        end if
    end tell

    settings = json.load(open('preferences.json'))

    # If the app is terminal, or _not_ iTerm2
    if settings["app"] == "terminal" or settings["app"] not in ("iterm2", "iterm3"):
        ascript = ascript_currentdir + '''
        tell application "Terminal"
			delay 0.1 -- fix for termianl.app
            do script "cd " & dir
            do script {0} in front window
        end tell
        # iTerm 2.9+ uses "window" instead of "terminal" for applescript
        window_name = "terminal" if settings["app"] == "iterm2" else "window"
        ascript = ascript_currentdir + '''
        tell application "iTerm"
            tell (make new {1})
                    activate current session
                    launch session "Default Session"
                    tell the last session
                        write text "cd " & dir
                        write text {0}
                    end tell
            end tell
        end tell
        '''.format(asquote(command), window_name)

Ejemplo n.º 32
def create_event(name, from_date, to_date, location):
	import datetime
	def timestamp_to_applescript(timestamp):
		string = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(timestamp).strftime("%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S %p")
		return ' date "{0}"'.format(string)
	props = {"summary": asquote(name), "start date": timestamp_to_applescript(from_date), "end date": timestamp_to_applescript(to_date)}
	if location:
		props['location'] = asquote(location)
	props_str = u"{" + u", ".join([u"{0}:{1}".format(key, value) for (key, value) in props.iteritems()]) + u"}"
	script = u"""
	tell application "Calendar"
	 set newEvent to make new event at end of events of calendar "Home" with properties {0}
	 show newEvent
	end tell
	print script
Ejemplo n.º 33
def run(command):
	from applescript import asrun, asquote
	# TODO: set the current working dir to the frontmost dir in Finder
	ascript = '''
	tell application "Finder" 
	 	if (count of Finder windows) is not 0 then
			set currentDir to (target of front Finder window) as text
			set dir to (quoted form of POSIX path of currentDir)
			set dir to "~/"
		end if
	end tell
	tell application "Terminal"
		do script "cd " & dir & " && " & {0}
	end tell

Ejemplo n.º 34
def run(command):
	from applescript import asrun, asquote
	from pipes import quote
	ascript = '''
	tell application "Finder" 
	 	if (count of Finder windows) is not 0 then
			set currentDir to (target of front Finder window) as text
			set dir to (quoted form of POSIX path of currentDir)
			set dir to "~/"
		end if
	end tell
	tell application "Terminal"
		do script "cd " & dir
		do script {0} in front window
	end tell

Ejemplo n.º 35
def run(command):
    from applescript import asrun, asquote
    from pipes import quote
    ascript = '''
    tell application "Finder" 
         if (count of Finder windows) is not 0 then
            set currentDir to (target of front Finder window) as text
            set dir to (quoted form of POSIX path of currentDir)
            set dir to "~/"
        end if
    end tell
    tell application "Terminal"
        do script "cd " & dir
        do script {0} in front window
    end tell

Ejemplo n.º 36
def send_msg (module, subject, send=False):
    # Addresses
    cmds = []
    for address in module.TO:
        name, email = address
        cmds.append (applescript.email_to_as (name, email, 'to'))

    for address in module.CC:
        name, email = address
        cmds.append (applescript.email_to_as (name, email, 'cc'))

    # Build message
    send_cmd = ('', 'send')[send]

    ascript = ASCRIPT %({'recipents_commands': '\n'.join(cmds),
                         'body': applescript.asquote(module.BODY),
                         'subject': applescript.asquote(subject),
                         'send': send_cmd})

    # Run it
    applescript.asrun (ascript)
Ejemplo n.º 37
def run(timestamp):
  from applescript import asrun
  if timestamp:
    script = """on epoch2datetime(epochseconds)
  set myshell1 to "date -r "
  set myshell2 to " \\"+%m/%d/%Y %H:%M\\""
  log (myshell1 & epochseconds & myshell2)
  set theDatetime to do shell script (myshell1 & epochseconds & myshell2)
  return date theDatetime
end epoch2datetime

set theTime to epoch2datetime("{0}")

tell application "Calendar"
  view calendar at theTime
end tell
    a = open("/Users/nateparrott/Desktop/script.txt", "w")
Ejemplo n.º 38
def run(timestamp):
  from applescript import asrun
  if timestamp:
    script = """on epoch2datetime(epochseconds)
  set myshell1 to "date -r "
  set myshell2 to " \\"+%m/%d/%Y %H:%M\\""
  log (myshell1 & epochseconds & myshell2)
  set theDatetime to do shell script (myshell1 & epochseconds & myshell2)
  return date theDatetime
end epoch2datetime

set theTime to epoch2datetime("{0}")

tell application "Calendar"
  view calendar at theTime
end tell
    a = open("/Users/nateparrott/Desktop/script.txt", "w")
Ejemplo n.º 39
def send_message(recipient, body, attach_selected_files):
    buddy = None
    if normalize_phone(recipient):
      buddy = normalize_phone(recipient)
      address_book = contacts.address_book_to_list()
      result = contacts.find_contact(recipient, address_book, "phone")
      if result:
        buddy = result['phone'][0]
    if not buddy:
      asrun("display notification %s with title \"Flashlight\""%(asquote("Couldn't find iMessage contact for %s."%recipient)))
    set_selected_files = """
    tell application "Finder"
    	set selectedFiles to selection
    end tell
    """ if attach_selected_files else "set selectedFiles to {}"
    script = """
    using terms from application "Messages"
    	tell application "Messages"
    		set targetService to 1st service whose service type = iMessage
    		set targetBuddy to buddy %s of targetService
    		send %s to targetBuddy
    		repeat with theFile in selectedFiles
    			send (theFile as alias) to targetBuddy
    		end repeat
    	end tell
    end using terms from
    """%(set_selected_files, asquote(buddy), asquote(body))
    print script
Ejemplo n.º 40
def currentFlickrID():
  '''Return the ID for the Flickr image currently showing in the browser.

  The function works through Apple Events and supports only the Safari
  browser. It will generate an IndexError if the frontmost tab of the
  browser isn't showing a Flickr image.'''

  # The regex for extracting user and photo info.
  infoRE = r'flickr\.com/photos/(.*)/(\d+)/?'

  # Get the URL of the current page in either Safari.
  thisURL = asrun('tell application "Safari" to get the URL of the front document')

  # Extract the user and photo info from the URL.
  info = re.findall(infoRE, thisURL)
  return info[0][1]
Ejemplo n.º 41
def currentFlickrID():
    '''Return the ID for the Flickr image currently showing in the browser.

  The function works through Apple Events and supports only the Safari
  browser. It will generate an IndexError if the frontmost tab of the
  browser isn't showing a Flickr image.'''

    # The regex for extracting user and photo info.
    infoRE = r'flickr\.com/photos/(.*)/(\d+)/?'

    # Get the URL of the current page in either Safari.
    thisURL = asrun(
        'tell application "Safari" to get the URL of the front document')

    # Extract the user and photo info from the URL.
    info = re.findall(infoRE, thisURL)
    return info[0][1]
Ejemplo n.º 42
def run_tyme_script(ascript_body):
	return asrun('''tell application "Tyme"
end tell'''.format(ascript_body))
Ejemplo n.º 43
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from applescript import asrun, asquote

subject = 'A new email'

body = '''This is the body of my "email."
I hope it comes out right.

Dr. Drang
ascript = '''
tell application "Mail"
    make new outgoing message with properties {{visible:true, subject:{0}, content:{1}}}
end tell
'''.format(asquote(subject), asquote(body))

print ascript
Ejemplo n.º 44
def run_tyme_script(ascript_body):
    return asrun('''tell application "Tyme"
end tell'''.format(ascript_body))
Ejemplo n.º 45
envadd="*****@*****.**" #enter you evernote mail address

fname=raw_input("Enter file name to send: ")
subject=raw_input("Enter note title: ")

# open and reads file as string

ffile=open(fname, "r")

# composing mail -applescript
mScript = '''
  tell application "Mail"
    set newMsg to make new outgoing message with properties {{subject:"{0}", content:"{1}", visible:true}}
    tell the content of newMsg
      make new attachment with properties {{file name:"{4}"}} at after last paragraph
    end tell
    tell newMsg
      make new to recipient at end of to recipients with properties {{name:"{2}", address:"{3}"}}
    end tell
  end tell

# create mail message
asrun(mScript.format(subject, body, title, envadd, 1))

Ejemplo n.º 46
def _alert(title,message):
    from applescript import asrun, asquote
    script = u"""tell application "Finder"
    display notification <!--MESSAGE--> with title <!--TITLE-->
    end tell""".encode('utf8').replace("<!--TITLE-->",asquote(title)).replace("<!--MESSAGE-->", asquote(message))
Ejemplo n.º 47
def load_menu_items():
	app = current_app()
	text = get_cached_text(app)
	if not text:
		from time import time
		from applescript import asrun, asquote
		_rstart = time()
		text = asrun("""
		set AppleScript's text item delimiters to {"\n"}
		on toString(anyObj)
				local i, txt, errMsg, orgTids, oName, oId, prefix
				set txt to ""
				repeat with i from 1 to 2
								if i is 1 then
										if class of anyObj is list then
												set {orgTids, AppleScript's text item delimiters} to {AppleScript's text item delimiters, {", "}}
												set txt to ("{" & anyObj as string) & "}"
												set AppleScript's text item delimiters to orgTids # '
												set txt to anyObj as string
										end if
										set txt to properties of anyObj as string
								end if
						on error errMsg
								# Trick for records and record-*like* objects:
								# We exploit the fact that the error message contains the desired string representation of the record, so we extract it from there. This (still) works as of AS 2.3 (OS X 10.9).
										set txt to do shell script "egrep -o '\\\\{.*\\\\}' <<< " & quoted form of errMsg
								end try
						end try
						if txt is not "" then exit repeat
				end repeat
				set prefix to ""
				if class of anyObj is not in {text, integer, real, boolean, date, list, record} and anyObj is not missing value then
						set prefix to "[" & class of anyObj
						set oName to ""
						set oId to ""
								set oName to name of anyObj
								if oName is not missing value then set prefix to prefix & " name=\\"" & oName & "\\""
						end try
								set oId to id of anyObj
								if oId is not missing value then set prefix to prefix & " id=" & oId
						end try
						set prefix to prefix & "] "
				end if
				return prefix & txt
		end toString
		tell application "System Events"
			tell process %s
				set x to (entire contents of menu bar 1)
			end tell
		end tell
		get toString(x)
		cache_text(app, text)
	classes = {
		"«class mbri»": "menu bar item",
		"«class menI»": "menu item",
		"«class mbar»": "menu bar",
		"«class menE»": "menu",
		"«class pcap»": "process"
	if text == '':
		return None
	for class_name, real_name in classes.iteritems():
		text = text.replace(class_name, real_name)
	import re
	items = []
	parent_menus_regex = re.compile(r'of menu "([^"]+?)"')
	for match in re.finditer(r'menu item "(?P<title>[^"]+?)" (?P<parents>(of menu "[^"]+?" .*?)+?) of menu bar 1 of process ".*?"', text):
		item = MenuItem()
		item.title = match.group('title').decode('utf-8')
		item.parent_menus = list(reversed([s.decode('utf-8') for s in [m.group(1) for m in re.finditer(parent_menus_regex, match.group('parents'))]]))
		item.applescript = match.group(0)
	return items
Ejemplo n.º 48
# hard coding evernote e-mail address
envadd = "*****@*****.**"  #enter you evernote mail address

fname = raw_input("Enter file name to send: ")
subject = raw_input("Enter note title: ")
title = subject

# open and reads file as string

ffile = open(fname, "r")
body = ffile.read()

# composing mail -applescript
mScript = '''
  tell application "Mail"
    set newMsg to make new outgoing message with properties {{subject:"{0}", content:"{1}", visible:true}}
    tell the content of newMsg
      make new attachment with properties {{file name:"{4}"}} at after last paragraph
    end tell
    tell newMsg
      make new to recipient at end of to recipients with properties {{name:"{2}", address:"{3}"}}
    end tell
  end tell

# create mail message
asrun(mScript.format(subject, body, title, envadd, 1))
Ejemplo n.º 49
movie_quotes = open("data/moviequotes.memorable_quotes.txt")

data = ""

for line in movie_quotes:
    line = line.strip()
    line = line.split('+++$+++')

words = data.split()
model = markov.build_model(words, 2)
" ".join(markov.generate(model, 2, ['the', 'police']))

# get the current text
msword_text = asrun(current_text).split('\r')
decoded_text = []
for line in msword_text:

for i in range(2):
    asrun(linebreak()) # add a new line and then begin writting

for line in decoded_text:
    if len(line) > 2:
        seed = line.split()[0:2]
        generated = markov.generate(model, 2, seed)
        generated = " ".join(generated[:randint(6,12)])
        asrun(paste_text(generated)) # run the applescript to paste into msword
Ejemplo n.º 50
def run_script(template):
Ejemplo n.º 51
#!/usr/bin/env python3

from applescript import asrun, asquote
import sys
import time

cmd = 'tell application "Fantastical" to parse sentence %s add immediately true'

file = open(sys.argv[1], "r")
for line in file.readlines():
    print("adding :")
    print(line.replace("\n", ""))
    asrun(cmd % asquote(line.replace("\n", "")))
Ejemplo n.º 52
answers = inquirer.prompt(inquiry)

areaCode = "+1"  # Manually edit if you live outside the USA
messageContent = movieDictionary[answers['movieType']]
recipientPhoneNum = areaCode + answers['phoneNum']

# TODO: Let the user know the script has executed
userMessage = "The devilish script has been executed, we'll let you know once it's complete. You will send the following message word for word: " + messageContent
executeScript = '''
tell application "Messages"
    set textbuddy to buddy {0} of service id {1}
    send {2} to textbuddy
end tell
'''.format(asquote(yourPhoneNumber), asquote(serviceID), asquote(userMessage))

# Wait for 3 seconds

# TODO: Remove all punctuation from the string
punctuations = '''!()-[]{};:'"\\,<>./?@#$%^&*_~'''
cleanMessage = ""

for char in messageContent:
    if char not in punctuations:
        cleanMessage = cleanMessage + char

# TODO: Make the new message into an array of words, AKA a list. Store it to 'convertedMessage'
def convertToList(string):
Ejemplo n.º 53
def load_menu_items():
    app = current_app()
    text = get_cached_text(app)
    if not text:
        from time import time
        from applescript import asrun, asquote
        _rstart = time()
        text = asrun("""
		set AppleScript's text item delimiters to {"\n"}
		on toString(anyObj)
				local i, txt, errMsg, orgTids, oName, oId, prefix
				set txt to ""
				repeat with i from 1 to 2
								if i is 1 then
										if class of anyObj is list then
												set {orgTids, AppleScript's text item delimiters} to {AppleScript's text item delimiters, {", "}}
												set txt to ("{" & anyObj as string) & "}"
												set AppleScript's text item delimiters to orgTids # '
												set txt to anyObj as string
										end if
										set txt to properties of anyObj as string
								end if
						on error errMsg
								# Trick for records and record-*like* objects:
								# We exploit the fact that the error message contains the desired string representation of the record, so we extract it from there. This (still) works as of AS 2.3 (OS X 10.9).
										set txt to do shell script "egrep -o '\\\\{.*\\\\}' <<< " & quoted form of errMsg
								end try
						end try
						if txt is not "" then exit repeat
				end repeat
				set prefix to ""
				if class of anyObj is not in {text, integer, real, boolean, date, list, record} and anyObj is not missing value then
						set prefix to "[" & class of anyObj
						set oName to ""
						set oId to ""
								set oName to name of anyObj
								if oName is not missing value then set prefix to prefix & " name=\\"" & oName & "\\""
						end try
								set oId to id of anyObj
								if oId is not missing value then set prefix to prefix & " id=" & oId
						end try
						set prefix to prefix & "] "
				end if
				return prefix & txt
		end toString
		tell application "System Events"
			tell process %s
				set x to (entire contents of menu bar 1)
			end tell
		end tell
		get toString(x)
		""" % (asquote(app)))
        cache_text(app, text)

    classes = {
        "«class mbri»": "menu bar item",
        "«class menI»": "menu item",
        "«class mbar»": "menu bar",
        "«class menE»": "menu",
        "«class pcap»": "process"

    if text == '':
        return None

    for class_name, real_name in classes.iteritems():
        text = text.replace(class_name, real_name)

    import re
    items = []
    parent_menus_regex = re.compile(r'of menu "([^"]+?)"')
    for match in re.finditer(
            r'menu item "(?P<title>[^"]+?)" (?P<parents>(of menu "[^"]+?" .*?)+?) of menu bar 1 of process ".*?"',
        item = MenuItem()
        item.title = match.group('title').decode('utf-8')
        item.parent_menus = list(
                s.decode('utf-8') for s in [
                    m.group(1) for m in re.finditer(parent_menus_regex,
        item.applescript = match.group(0)

    return items