Ejemplo n.º 1
def GenerateReducedParticleHistogram(psampleid):
    Génération de l'histogramme particulaire détaillé (45 classes) et réduit (15 classes) à partir de l'histogramme détaillé
    :param psampleid:
    if database.GetAll(
            "select count(*) from part_histopart_det where psampleid=" +
            str(psampleid))[0][0] <= 0:
        return "<span style='color: red;'>Reduced Histogram can't be computer without Detailed histogram</span>"
    database.ExecSQL("delete from part_histopart_reduit where psampleid=" +
    sql = """insert into part_histopart_reduit(psampleid, lineno, depth,datetime,  watervolume
    , class01, class02, class03, class04, class05, class06, class07, class08, class09, class10, class11, class12, class13, class14, class15
    , biovol01, biovol02, biovol03, biovol04, biovol05, biovol06, biovol07, biovol08, biovol09, biovol10, biovol11, biovol12, biovol13, biovol14, biovol15
    select psampleid, lineno, depth,datetime,  watervolume,
      coalesce(class01,0)+coalesce(class02,0)+coalesce(class03,0) as c1, 
      coalesce(class04,0)+coalesce(class05,0)+coalesce(class06,0) as c2, 
      coalesce(class07,0)+coalesce(class08,0)+coalesce(class09,0) as c3,
      coalesce(class10,0)+coalesce(class11,0)+coalesce(class12,0) as c4,
      coalesce(class13,0)+coalesce(class14,0)+coalesce(class15,0) as c5,
      coalesce(class16,0)+coalesce(class17,0)+coalesce(class18,0) as c6,
      coalesce(class19,0)+coalesce(class20,0)+coalesce(class21,0) as c7,
      coalesce(class22,0)+coalesce(class23,0)+coalesce(class24,0) as c8,
      coalesce(class25,0)+coalesce(class26,0)+coalesce(class27,0) as c9,
      coalesce(class28,0)+coalesce(class29,0)+coalesce(class30,0) as c10,
      coalesce(class31,0)+coalesce(class32,0)+coalesce(class33,0) as c11,
      coalesce(class34,0)+coalesce(class35,0)+coalesce(class36,0) as c12,
      coalesce(class37,0)+coalesce(class38,0)+coalesce(class39,0) as c13,
      coalesce(class40,0)+coalesce(class41,0)+coalesce(class42,0) as c14, 
      coalesce(class43,0)+coalesce(class44,0)+coalesce(class45,0) as c15,
      coalesce(biovol01,0)+coalesce(biovol02,0)+coalesce(biovol03,0) as bv1, 
      coalesce(biovol04,0)+coalesce(biovol05,0)+coalesce(biovol06,0) as bv2, 
      coalesce(biovol07,0)+coalesce(biovol08,0)+coalesce(biovol09,0) as bv3,
      coalesce(biovol10,0)+coalesce(biovol11,0)+coalesce(biovol12,0) as bv4,
      coalesce(biovol13,0)+coalesce(biovol14,0)+coalesce(biovol15,0) as bv5,
      coalesce(biovol16,0)+coalesce(biovol17,0)+coalesce(biovol18,0) as bv6,
      coalesce(biovol19,0)+coalesce(biovol20,0)+coalesce(biovol21,0) as bv7,
      coalesce(biovol22,0)+coalesce(biovol23,0)+coalesce(biovol24,0) as bv8,
      coalesce(biovol25,0)+coalesce(biovol26,0)+coalesce(biovol27,0) as bv9,
      coalesce(biovol28,0)+coalesce(biovol29,0)+coalesce(biovol30,0) as bv10,
      coalesce(biovol31,0)+coalesce(biovol32,0)+coalesce(biovol33,0) as bv11,
      coalesce(biovol34,0)+coalesce(biovol35,0)+coalesce(biovol36,0) as bv12,
      coalesce(biovol37,0)+coalesce(biovol38,0)+coalesce(biovol39,0) as bv13,
      coalesce(biovol40,0)+coalesce(biovol41,0)+coalesce(biovol42,0) as bv14, 
      coalesce(biovol43,0)+coalesce(biovol44,0)+coalesce(biovol45,0) as bv15
    from part_histopart_det where psampleid=""" + str(psampleid)
    return " reduced Histogram computed"
Ejemplo n.º 2
def routetaxodel():
    txt = ""
        taxoid = int(gvp('id'))
        params = dict(id=taxoid)
        UsedTaxon = database.GetAll(
            """select 1 from taxonomy t where id=(%s)
          and (
              exists(select 1 from taxonomy p where p.parent_id=t.id)
          or  exists(select 1 from obj_head where classif_id=t.id) )
        """, [taxoid])
        if len(UsedTaxon) > 0:
            return appli.ErrorFormat(
                "This Taxon is used locally, you cannot remove it")
        database.ExecSQL("delete from taxonomy t where id=%s", [taxoid])

        j = request_withinstanceinfo("/deltaxon/", params)
        if j['msg'] != 'ok':
            return appli.ErrorFormat("deltaxon Error :" + j['msg'])
        txt = """<script> DoSync(); At2PopupClose(0); </script>"""
        return txt
    except Exception as e:
        import traceback
        tb_list = traceback.format_tb(e.__traceback__)
        return appli.FormatError("Saving Error : {}\n{}", e,
Ejemplo n.º 3
def PrjEdit(PrjId):
    g.useselect4 = True
    Prj = database.Projects.query.filter_by(projid=PrjId).first()
    g.headcenter = "<h4><a href='/prj/{0}'>{1}</a></h4>".format(
        Prj.projid, XSSEscape(Prj.title))
    if Prj is None:
        flash("Project doesn't exists", 'error')
        return PrintInCharte("<a href=/prj/>Select another project</a>")
    if not Prj.CheckRight(2):  # Level 0 = Read, 1 = Annotate, 2 = Admin
        flash('You cannot edit settings for this project', 'error')
        return PrintInCharte("<a href=/prj/>Select another project</a>")

    if gvp('save') == "Y":
        PreviousCNN = Prj.cnn_network_id
        for f in request.form:
            if f in dir(Prj):
                setattr(Prj, f, gvp(f))
        if PreviousCNN != Prj.cnn_network_id:
                "delete from obj_cnn_features where objcnnid in (select objid from obj_head where projid=%s)",
            flash("SCN features erased", "success")
        Prj.visible = True if gvp('visible') == 'Y' else False
        # print(request.form)
        for m in Prj.projmembers:
            if gvp('priv_%s_delete' % m.id) == 'Y':
            elif gvp('priv_%s_member' %
                     m.id) != '':  # si pas delete c'est update
                m.member = int(gvp('priv_%s_member' % m.id))
                m.privilege = gvp('priv_%s_privilege' % m.id)
        if gvp('priv_new_member') != '':
            new = database.ProjectsPriv(member=int(gvp('priv_new_member')),
            flash("Project settings Saved successfuly", "success")
        except Exception as E:
            flash("Database exception : %s" % E, "error")

    if Prj.initclassiflist is None:
        lst = []
        lst = [int(x) for x in Prj.initclassiflist.split(",") if x.isdigit()]

    g.predeftaxo = GetAll(
        """select t.id,t.display_name as name
        from taxonomy t
        left join taxonomy t2 on t.parent_id=t2.id
        where t.id= any(%s) order by upper(t.display_name) """, (lst, ))
    g.users = GetAssoc2Col("select id,name from users order by lower(name)",
    g.maplist = [
        'objtime', 'objdate', 'latitude', 'longitude', 'depth_min', 'depth_max'
    ] + sorted(DecodeEqualList(Prj.mappingobj).values())
    g.scn = GetSCNNetworks()
    return render_template('project/editproject.html', data=Prj)
Ejemplo n.º 4
def routesetstat():
    id_instance = int(gvp('id_instance'))

    database.ExecSQL("delete from ecotaxainststat WHERE id_instance=%s" %
    # sql="insert into ecotaxainststat(id_instance, id_taxon, nbr) VALUES ({},%s,%s)".format(id_instance)
    sql = "insert into ecotaxainststat(id_instance, id_taxon, nbr) VALUES "
    stat = json.loads(gvp('data'))
    if len(stat) > 0:  # to avoid error on empty DB
        sql += ",".join("({},{},{})".format(id_instance, int(k), int(v))
                        for (k, v) in stat.items())
        "update ecotaxainst set laststatupdate_datetime=timezone('utc',now()),ecotaxa_version=%s WHERE id=%s",
        [g.ecotaxa_version, id_instance])
    return jsonify(msg='ok', msgversion=g.MsgVersion)
Ejemplo n.º 5
def dbcreate():
    with app.app_context(
    ):  # Création d'un contexte pour utiliser les fonction GetAll,ExecSQL qui mémorisent
        g.db = None
        from flask_migrate import stamp
        database.ExecSQL("""create view objects as select oh.*,ofi.*
        from obj_head oh left join obj_field ofi on oh.objid=ofi.objfid""")
Ejemplo n.º 6
def delete_sample(psampleid):
    RawHistoFile = Path(sample_import.GetPathForRawHistoFile(psampleid))
    if RawHistoFile.exists():
    model = partdatabase.part_samples.query.filter_by(
    for t in ('part_histopart_reduit', 'part_histopart_det', 'part_histocat',
              'part_histocat_lst', 'part_ctd'):
        database.ExecSQL("delete from " + t + " where psampleid=" +
Ejemplo n.º 7
def ComputeZooMatch(psampleid, projid):
    if projid is not None:
        ecosample = database.GetAll("""select samples.sampleid from samples
                                        join part_samples ps on psampleid=%s
                                        where samples.projid=%s and samples.orig_id=ps.profileid""",
                                    ( psampleid,int(projid)))
        if len(ecosample) == 1:
            database.ExecSQL("update part_samples set sampleid=%s where psampleid=%s",
                             (ecosample[0]['sampleid'], psampleid))
            return " Matched"
            return " <span style='color: orange;'>No match found in Ecotaxa</span>"
        return " <span style='color: red;'>Ecotaxa sample matching impossible if Particle project not linked to an Ecotaxa project</span>"
Ejemplo n.º 8
def browseinstancedelpopup():
        instance_id = gvp('id')
        instance = database.EcotaxaInst.query.filter_by(id=instance_id).first()
        if instance is None:
            raise Exception("Instance not found in Database")
        database.ExecSQL("delete from ecotaxainststat where id_instance=%s",
        return "<script>location.reload(true);</script>"
    except Exception as e:
        tb_list = traceback.format_tb(e.__traceback__)
        return FormatError("Saving Error : {}\n{}", e,
Ejemplo n.º 9
        def ProcessLig():
            nonlocal LigData,InsSQL,upcur,LigID,pca
            # pour générer un fichier de test
            # pca = PCA(n_components=50)
            # pca.fit(np.array(LigData))
            # pca_fn = model_dir/"feature_pca.jbl"
            # joblib.dump(pca, pca_fn)

            SQLParam=[ {"cnn%02d"%(i+1):float(x) for i,x in enumerate(feat)} for feat in pcares ]
            for i in range(len(SQLParam)):
            database.ExecSQL("delete from obj_cnn_features where objcnnid= any(%s)",(LigID,))
            LigData = []
            LigID = []
Ejemplo n.º 10
def UpdateSunPos(ProjId):
    will update Sunpos field for object of the given project
    if projid = * all project are updated
    from appli import CalcAstralDayTime
    from astral import AstralError
    with app.app_context(
    ):  # Création d'un contexte pour utiliser les fonction GetAll,ExecSQL qui mémorisent
        g.db = None
        param = []
        sql = """select distinct objdate,objtime,round(cast(latitude as NUMERIC),4) latitude,round(cast(longitude  as NUMERIC),4) longitude
    from obj_head
    where objdate is not null and objtime is not null  and longitude is not null and latitude is not null
        if ProjId != '*':
            sql += " and projid=%s "
        Obj = database.GetAll(sql, param)
        for o in Obj:
            # l=Location()
            # l.latitude=o['latitude']
            # l.longitude = o['longitude']
            # s=l.sun(date=o['objdate'],local=False)
            # dt=datetime.datetime(o['objdate'].year,o['objdate'].month,o['objdate'].day,o['objtime'].hour,o['objtime'].minute,o['objtime'].second,tzinfo=pytz.UTC)
            # if s['sunset'].time()>s['sunrise'].time() \
            #         and dt.time()>=s['sunset'].time(): Result='N'
            # elif dt>=s['dusk']: Result='U'
            # elif dt>=s['sunrise']: Result='D'
            app.logger.info("Process %s %s %s %s", o['objdate'], o['objtime'],
                            o['latitude'], o['longitude'])
                Result = CalcAstralDayTime(o['objdate'], o['objtime'],
                                           o['latitude'], o['longitude'])
                sql = "update obj_head set sunpos=%s where objdate=%s and objtime=%s and round(cast(latitude as NUMERIC),4)=%s and round(cast(longitude  as NUMERIC),4)=%s "
                param = [
                    Result, o['objdate'], o['objtime'], o['latitude'],
                if ProjId != '*':
                    sql += " and projid=%s "
                database.ExecSQL(sql, param)
            except AstralError as e:
                app.logger.error("Astral error : %s", e)
Ejemplo n.º 11
def browsetaxosavepopup():
    txt = ""
        # txt = json.dumps(request.form)
        taxonid = int(gvp('id'))
        if taxonid > 0:
            taxon = database.Taxonomy.query.filter_by(id=taxonid).first()
            if taxon is None:
                raise Exception("Taxon not found in Database")
            raise Exception("Taxon missing")
        taxon.source_url = gvp('source_url')
        taxon.name = gvp('name')
        taxon.parent_id = gvp('parent_id')
        taxon.taxotype = gvp('taxotype')
        taxon.id_source = gvp('id_source')
        taxon.source_url = gvp('source_url')
        taxon.source_desc = gvp('source_desc')
        taxon.creator_email = gvp('creator_email')
        taxon.taxostatus = gvp('taxostatus')
        taxon.rename_to = gvp('rename_to') or None
            "UPDATE public.taxonomy t SET lastupdate_datetime=to_timestamp(%s,'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS') WHERE id=%s",
                datetime.datetime.utcnow().strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'),

        # txt=FormatSuccess("POST = {}",txt)
        txt = """<script>

        return txt
    except Exception as e:
        tb_list = traceback.format_tb(e.__traceback__)
        return FormatError("Saving Error : {}\n{}", e,
Ejemplo n.º 12
def GenerateTaxonomyHistogram(psampleid):
    Génération de l'histogramme Taxonomique 
    :param psampleid:
    UvpSample = partdatabase.part_samples.query.filter_by(
    if UvpSample is None:
        raise Exception("GenerateTaxonomyHistogram: Sample %d missing" %
    Prj = partdatabase.part_projects.query.filter_by(
    if UvpSample.sampleid is None:
        raise Exception(
            "GenerateTaxonomyHistogram: Ecotaxa sampleid required in Sample %d "
            % psampleid)
    pixel = UvpSample.acq_pixel
    EcoPrj = database.Projects.query.filter_by(projid=Prj.projid).first()
    if EcoPrj is None:
        raise Exception(
            "GenerateTaxonomyHistogram: Ecotaxa project %d missing" %
    objmap = DecodeEqualList(EcoPrj.mappingobj)
    areacol = None
    for k, v in objmap.items():
        if v.lower() == 'area':
            areacol = k
    if areacol is None:
        raise Exception(
            "GenerateTaxonomyHistogram: esd attribute required in Ecotaxa project %d"
            % Prj.projid)
    # app.logger.info("Esd col is %s",areacol)
    DepthOffset = UvpSample.acq_depthoffset
    if DepthOffset is None:
        DepthOffset = Prj.default_depthoffset
    if DepthOffset is None:
        DepthOffset = 0

    # LstTaxo=database.GetAll("""select classif_id,floor((depth_min+{DepthOffset})/5) tranche,avg({areacol}) as avgarea,count(*) nbr
    #             from objects
    #             WHERE sampleid={sampleid} and classif_id is not NULL and depth_min is not NULL and {areacol} is not NULL and classif_qual='V'
    #             group by classif_id,floor((depth_min+{DepthOffset})/5)"""
    #                         .format(sampleid=UvpSample.sampleid,areacol=areacol,DepthOffset=DepthOffset))
    LstTaxoDet = database.GetAll(
        """select classif_id,floor((depth_min+{DepthOffset})/5) tranche,{areacol} areacol
                from objects
                WHERE sampleid={sampleid} and classif_id is not NULL and depth_min is not NULL and {areacol} is not NULL and classif_qual='V'
    LstTaxo = {}
    for r in LstTaxoDet:
        cle = "{}/{}".format(r['classif_id'], r['tranche'])
        if cle not in LstTaxo:
            LstTaxo[cle] = {
                'nbr': 0,
                'esdsum': 0,
                'bvsum': 0,
                'classif_id': r['classif_id'],
                'tranche': r['tranche']
        LstTaxo[cle]['nbr'] += 1
        esd = 2 * math.sqrt(r['areacol'] * (pixel**2) / math.pi)
        LstTaxo[cle]['esdsum'] += esd
        biovolume = pow(esd / 2, 3) * 4 * math.pi / 3
        LstTaxo[cle]['bvsum'] += biovolume

    LstVol = database.GetAssoc(
        """select cast(round((depth-2.5)/5) as INT) tranche,watervolume from part_histopart_reduit where psampleid=%s"""
        % psampleid)
    # 0 Taxoid, tranche
    # TblTaxo=np.empty([len(LstTaxo),4])
    database.ExecSQL("delete from part_histocat_lst where psampleid=%s" %
    database.ExecSQL("delete from part_histocat where psampleid=%s" %
    sql = """insert into part_histocat(psampleid, classif_id, lineno, depth, watervolume, nbr, avgesd, totalbiovolume)
    for r in LstTaxo.values():
        avgesd = r['esdsum'] / r['nbr']
        biovolume = r['bvsum']
        watervolume = 'NULL'
        if r['tranche'] in LstVol:
            watervolume = LstVol[r['tranche']]['watervolume']
                       depth=r['tranche'] * 5 + 2.5,
    database.ExecSQL("""insert into part_histocat_lst(psampleid, classif_id) 
            select distinct psampleid,classif_id from part_histocat where psampleid=%s"""
                     % psampleid)

        """update part_samples set daterecalculhistotaxo=current_timestamp  
            where psampleid=%s""" % psampleid)
Ejemplo n.º 13
def GenerateParticleHistogram(psampleid):
    Génération de l'histogramme particulaire détaillé (45 classes) et réduit (15 classes) à partir de l'histogramme détaillé
    :param psampleid:
    UvpSample = partdatabase.part_samples.query.filter_by(
    if UvpSample is None:
        raise Exception("GenerateParticleHistogram: Sample %d missing" %
    if not UvpSample.histobrutavailable:
        raise Exception(
            "GenerateParticleHistogram: Sample %d Particle Histogram can't be computed without Raw histogram"
            % psampleid)
    Prj = partdatabase.part_projects.query.filter_by(
    ServerRoot = Path(app.config['SERVERLOADAREA'])
    DossierUVPPath = ServerRoot / Prj.rawfolder
    FirstImage = UvpSample.firstimage
    LastImage = UvpSample.lastimgused
    if LastImage is None:  # Si aucune determinée lors de la génération de l'histogramme brut, on prend celle spécifiée dans le sample.
        LastImage = UvpSample.lastimg
    if FirstImage is None or LastImage is None:
        raise Exception(
            "GenerateParticuleHistogram sample %s first or last image undefined %s-%s"
            % (UvpSample.profileid, FirstImage, LastImage))

    DetHistoFile = GetPathForRawHistoFile(psampleid)
        "GenerateParticleHistogram processing raw histogram file  %s" %
    Part = np.loadtxt(DetHistoFile, delimiter='\t', skiprows=1)
    # format de raw 0:depth,1:imgcount,2:area,3:nbr,4:greylimit1,greylimit2,greylimit3
    # 1 Ligne par mètre et area, ne contient les données entre fist et last
    MinDepth = Part[:, 0].min()
    # ajout d'attributs calculés pour chaque ligne du fichier.
    PartCalc = np.empty(
         3])  # col0 = tranche, Col1=ESD, Col2=Biovolume en µl=mm3
             0] = Part[:,
                       0] // 5  #calcul de la tranche 0 pour [0m..5m[,1 pour [5m..10m[
    PartCalc[:, 1] = 2 * np.sqrt(
        (pow(Part[:, 2], UvpSample.acq_exp) * UvpSample.acq_aa) / np.pi)
    PartCalc[:, 2] = Part[:, 3] * pow(PartCalc[:, 1] / 2, 3) * 4 * math.pi / 3
    LastTranche = PartCalc[:, 0].max()
    # on récupere les 1ère ligne de chaque mètre afin de calculer le volume d'eau
    FirstLigByDepth = Part[np.unique(Part[:, 0], return_index=True)[1]]
    # on calcule le volume de chaque tranche (y compris celle qui n'existent pas en 0 et la profondeur maxi)
    VolumeParTranche = np.bincount(
        (FirstLigByDepth[:, 0] // 5).astype(int), FirstLigByDepth[:, 1]
    ) * UvpSample.acq_volimage  # Bin par tranche de tranche 5m partant de 0m
    MetreParTranche = np.bincount(
        (FirstLigByDepth[:, 0] //
         5).astype(int))  # Bin par tranche de tranche 5m partant de 0m
    # On supprime les tranches vides, mais ça fait planter les graphes suivants
    # VolumeParTranche=VolumeParTranche[np.nonzero(VolumeParTranche)]
    # MetreParTranche = MetreParTranche[np.nonzero(VolumeParTranche)]

    (PartByClassAndTranche, bins, binsdept) = np.histogram2d(
        PartCalc[:, 1],
        PartCalc[:, 0],
        bins=(PartDetClassLimit, np.arange(0, VolumeParTranche.shape[0] + 1)),
        weights=Part[:, 3])
    (BioVolByClassAndTranche, bins, binsdept) = np.histogram2d(
        PartCalc[:, 1],
        PartCalc[:, 0],
        bins=(PartDetClassLimit, np.arange(0, VolumeParTranche.shape[0] + 1)),
        weights=PartCalc[:, 2])
    with np.errstate(
            divide='ignore', invalid='ignore'
    ):  # masque les warning provoquées par les divisions par 0 des tranches vides.
        BioVolByClassAndTranche /= VolumeParTranche

        font = {'family': 'arial', 'weight': 'normal', 'size': 10}
        plt.rc('font', **font)
        plt.rcParams['lines.linewidth'] = 0.5

        Fig = plt.figure(
            figsize=(16, 12),
        # calcul volume par metre moyen de chaque tranche
        ax = Fig.add_subplot(241)
        # si une tranche n'as pas été entierement explorée la /5 est un calcul éronné
        ax.plot(VolumeParTranche / MetreParTranche,
                np.arange(len(VolumeParTranche)) * -5 - 2.5)
        ax.set_xticks(GetTicks((VolumeParTranche / 5).max()))

        # Calcul Particle <=0.53
        Filtre = np.argwhere(PartCalc[:, 1] <= 0.53)
        ax = Fig.add_subplot(242)
        (n, bins) = np.histogram(PartCalc[Filtre, 0],
                                 np.arange(len(VolumeParTranche) + 1),
                                 weights=Part[Filtre, 3])
        n = n / VolumeParTranche
        ax.plot(n, bins[:-1] * -5 - MinDepth - 2.5)

        ax.set_xlabel('Part 0.06-0.53 mm esd # l-1')

        # Calcul Particle 0.53->1.06
        Filtre = np.argwhere((PartCalc[:, 1] >= 0.53)
                             & (PartCalc[:, 1] <= 1.06))
        ax = Fig.add_subplot(243)
        (n, bins) = np.histogram(PartCalc[Filtre, 0],
                                 np.arange(len(VolumeParTranche) + 1),
                                 weights=Part[Filtre, 3])
        n = n / VolumeParTranche
        ax.plot(n, bins[:-1] * -5 - MinDepth - 2.5)
        ax.set_xlabel('Part 0.53-1.06 mm esd # l-1')

        # Calcul Particle 1.06->2.66
        Filtre = np.argwhere((PartCalc[:, 1] >= 1.06)
                             & (PartCalc[:, 1] <= 2.66))
        ax = Fig.add_subplot(244)
        (n, bins) = np.histogram(PartCalc[Filtre, 0],
                                 np.arange(len(VolumeParTranche) + 1),
                                 weights=Part[Filtre, 3])
        n = n / VolumeParTranche
        ax.plot(n, bins[:-1] * -5 - MinDepth - 2.5)
        ax.set_xlabel('Part 1.06-2.66 mm esd # l-1')

        # Calcul Biovolume Particle >0.512-<=1.02 mm via histograme
        n = np.sum(BioVolByClassAndTranche[28:30, :], axis=0)
        ax = Fig.add_subplot(245)

        ax.plot(n, np.arange(0, LastTranche + 1) * -5 - 2.5)
        ax.set_xlabel('Part >=0.512-<1.02 mm esd mm3 l-1 from det histo')

        # Calcul Particle <=0.512 mm via histograme
        n = np.sum(PartByClassAndTranche[0:28, :], axis=0)
        ax = Fig.add_subplot(246)
        n = n / VolumeParTranche
        ax.plot(n, np.arange(0, LastTranche + 1) * -5 - 2.5)
        ax.set_xlabel('Part <0.512 mm esd # l-1 from det histo')

        # Calcul Particle >0.512-<=1.02 mm via histograme
        n = np.sum(PartByClassAndTranche[28:30, :], axis=0)
        ax = Fig.add_subplot(247)
        n = n / VolumeParTranche
        ax.plot(n, np.arange(0, LastTranche + 1) * -5 - 2.5)
        ax.set_xlabel('Part >=0.512-<1.02 mm esd # l-1 from det histo')

        # Calcul Particle >0.512-<=1.02 mm via histograme
        n = np.sum(PartByClassAndTranche[30:34, :], axis=0)
        ax = Fig.add_subplot(248)
        n = n / VolumeParTranche
        ax.plot(n, np.arange(0, LastTranche + 1) * -5 - 2.5)
        ax.set_xlabel('Part >=1.02-<2.58 mm esd # l-1 from det histo')

        # Fig.savefig((DossierUVPPath / 'results' / ('ecotaxa_particle_' + UvpSample.profileid+'.png')).as_posix())
                 "Project : %s , Profile %s , Filename : %s" %
                 (Prj.ptitle, UvpSample.profileid, UvpSample.filename),
        # Fig.suptitle("Project %s : Profile %s"%(Prj.ptitle,UvpSample.profileid), ha='center')
            0, 0, 1,
            0.99))  # permet de laisser un peu de blanc en haut pour le titre
        Fig.savefig(GetPathForImportGraph(psampleid, 'particle'))

    database.ExecSQL("delete from part_histopart_det where psampleid=" +
    sql = """insert into part_histopart_det(psampleid, lineno, depth,  watervolume
        , class01, class02, class03, class04, class05, class06, class07, class08, class09, class10, class11, class12, class13, class14
        , class15, class16, class17, class18, class19, class20, class21, class22, class23, class24, class25, class26, class27, class28, class29
        , class30, class31, class32, class33, class34, class35, class36, class37, class38, class39, class40, class41, class42, class43, class44, class45
        , biovol01, biovol02, biovol03, biovol04, biovol05, biovol06, biovol07, biovol08, biovol09, biovol10, biovol11, biovol12, biovol13, biovol14
        , biovol15, biovol16, biovol17, biovol18, biovol19, biovol20, biovol21, biovol22, biovol23, biovol24, biovol25, biovol26, biovol27, biovol28, biovol29
        , biovol30, biovol31, biovol32, biovol33, biovol34, biovol35, biovol36, biovol37, biovol38, biovol39, biovol40, biovol41, biovol42, biovol43, biovol44, biovol45
    sqlparam = {'psampleid': psampleid}
    for i, r in enumerate(VolumeParTranche):
        sqlparam['lineno'] = i
        sqlparam['depth'] = (i * 5 + 2.5)
        if VolumeParTranche[
                i] == 0:  # On ne charge pas les lignes sans volume d'eau car ça signifie qu'l n'y a pas eu d'échantillon
        sqlparam['watervolume'] = VolumeParTranche[i]
        for k in range(0, 45):
            sqlparam['class%02d' % (k + 1)] = PartByClassAndTranche[k, i]
        for k in range(0, 45):
            sqlparam['biovol%02d' % (k + 1)] = BioVolByClassAndTranche[k, i]
        database.ExecSQL(sql, sqlparam)

Ejemplo n.º 14
def ImportCTD(psampleid, user_name, user_email):
    Importe les données CTD 
    :param psampleid:

    UvpSample = partdatabase.part_samples.query.filter_by(
    if UvpSample is None:
        raise Exception("ImportCTD: Sample %d missing" % psampleid)
    Prj = partdatabase.part_projects.query.filter_by(
    ServerRoot = Path(app.config['SERVERLOADAREA'])
    DossierUVPPath = ServerRoot / Prj.rawfolder
    CtdFile = DossierUVPPath / "ctd_data_cnv" / (UvpSample.profileid + ".ctd")
    if not CtdFile.exists():
        app.logger.info("CTD file %s missing", CtdFile.as_posix())
        return False
    app.logger.info("Import CTD file %s", CtdFile.as_posix())
    with CtdFile.open('r', encoding='latin_1') as tsvfile:
        Rdr = csv.reader(tsvfile, delimiter='\t')
        HeadRow = Rdr.__next__()
        # Analyser la ligne de titre et assigner à chaque ID l'attribut
        # Construire la table d'association des attributs complémentaires.
        ExtramesID = 0
        Mapping = []
        ExtraMapping = {}
        for ic, c in enumerate(HeadRow):
            clow = c.lower().strip()
            if clow in CTDFixedCol:
                Target = CTDFixedCol[clow]
                ExtramesID += 1
                Target = 'extrames%02d' % ExtramesID
                ExtraMapping['%02d' % ExtramesID] = c
                if ExtramesID > 20:
                    raise Exception(
                        "ImportCTD: Too much CTD data, column %s skipped" % c)
        app.logger.info("Mapping = %s", Mapping)
        database.ExecSQL("delete from part_ctd where psampleid=%s" % psampleid)
        for i, r in enumerate(Rdr):
            cl = partdatabase.part_ctd()
            cl.psampleid = psampleid
            cl.lineno = i
            for i, c in enumerate(Mapping):
                v = CleanValue(r[i])
                if v != '':
                    if c == 'qc_flag':
                        setattr(cl, c, int(float(v)))
                    elif c == 'datetime':
                            cl, c,
                            datetime.datetime(int(v[0:4]), int(v[4:6]),
                                              int(v[6:8]), int(v[8:10]),
                                              int(v[10:12]), int(v[12:14]),
                                              int(v[14:17]) * 1000))
                        setattr(cl, c, v)
        UvpSample.ctd_desc = EncodeEqualList(ExtraMapping)
        UvpSample.ctd_import_datetime = datetime.datetime.now()
        UvpSample.ctd_import_name = user_name
        UvpSample.ctd_import_email = user_email
        return True
Ejemplo n.º 15
    def SPStep1(self):
        logging.info("Input Param = %s" % (self.param.__dict__))
        logging.info("Start Step 1")

        # self.param.IntraStep=0
        if getattr(self.param, 'IntraStep', 0) == 0:
            fichier = os.path.join(self.GetWorkingDir(), "uploaded.txt")
            logging.info("Analyzing file %s" % (fichier))
            with open(fichier, encoding='latin_1') as csvfile:
                # lecture en mode dictionnaire basé sur la premiere ligne
                rdr = csv.reader(
                #lecture la la ligne des titre
                LType = rdr.__next__()
                # Lecture du contenu du fichier
                RowCount = 0
                ExecSQL("truncate table temp_taxo")
                sqlinsert = "INSERT INTO temp_taxo(idparent,idtaxo,name,status,typetaxo) values(%s,%s,%s,%s,%s)"
                for lig in rdr:
                    if lig[0].strip() == '':  # Ligne vide
                        (lig[0].strip(), lig[1].strip(), lig[2].replace(
                            '+', ' ').replace('_', ' ').strip(),
                         lig[3].strip(), lig[4].strip()))
                    if RowCount > 0 and RowCount % 1000 == 0:
                        logging.info("Inserted %s lines" % RowCount)

                    RowCount += 1
                logging.info("count=%d" % RowCount)
            self.param.IntraStep = 1
        if self.param.IntraStep == 1:

            # MAJ des IDFinal dans la table temp pour tout ce qui existe.
            n = ExecSQL("""UPDATE temp_taxo tt set idfinal=tf.id
                        from taxonomy tf where tf.id_source=tt.idtaxo or (lower(tf.name)=lower(tt.name) and tf.id_source is null)"""
            logging.info("%d Nodes already exists " % n)

            # insertion des nouveaux noeud racines
            n = ExecSQL(
                """INSERT INTO taxonomy (id, parent_id, name, id_source)
            select nextval('seq_taxonomy'),NULL,t.name,t.idtaxo from temp_taxo t where idparent='-1' and idfinal is null and status='1'"""
            logging.info("Inserted %d Root Nodes" % n)

            # MAJ de la table import existante
            n = ExecSQL("""UPDATE temp_taxo tt set idfinal=tf.id
                        from taxonomy tf where tf.id_source=tt.idtaxo
                        and tt.idfinal is null and idparent='-1'""")
            logging.info("Updated %d inserted Root Nodes" % n)

            while True:
                # insertion des nouveaux noeud enfants à partir des parents deja insérés
                # n=ExecSQL("""INSERT INTO taxonomy (id, parent_id, name, id_source)
                #     select nextval('seq_taxonomy'),ttp.idfinal,tt.name,tt.idtaxo from temp_taxo tt join temp_taxo ttp on tt.idparent=ttp.idtaxo
                #     where tt.idfinal is null and ttp.idfinal is not null and status='1'""")
                n = ExecSQL(
                    """INSERT INTO taxonomy (id, parent_id, name, id_source)
                    select nextval('seq_taxonomy'),ttp.id,tt.name,tt.idtaxo
                    from temp_taxo tt join taxonomy ttp on tt.idparent=ttp.id_source
                    where tt.idfinal is null and status='1'""")
                if n == 0:
                    logging.info("No more data to import")
                    logging.info("Inserted %d Child Nodes" % n)

                # MAJ de la table import existante
                n = ExecSQL("""UPDATE temp_taxo tt set idfinal=tf.id
                            from taxonomy tf where tf.id_source=tt.idtaxo
                            and tt.idfinal is null """)
                logging.info("Updated %d inserted Child Nodes" % n)

            n = ExecSQL("""UPDATE taxonomy tf set name=tt.name
                        from temp_taxo tt where tf.id_source=tt.idtaxo
                        and tt.status='1' and tf.name!=tt.name""")
            logging.info("Updated %d Nodes names" % n)

            n = ExecSQL("""UPDATE taxonomy tfu set parent_id=sq.idfinal
                        from (select tf.id, ttp.idfinal from taxonomy tf
                        ,temp_taxo tt LEFT JOIN temp_taxo ttp on tt.idparent=ttp.idtaxo  where tf.id_source=tt.idtaxo
                        and tt.status='1' and coalesce(tf.parent_id,-1)!=coalesce(ttp.idfinal,-1)
                        and (ttp.idfinal is not null or tt.idparent='-1' )) sq where tfu.id=sq.id"""
            logging.info("Updated %d Nodes Parents" % n)

            while True:
                n = ExecSQL("""delete from taxonomy t
                        using temp_taxo tt
                        where t.id=tt.idfinal and tt.status='0'
                        and not exists (select 1 from taxonomy where parent_id=t.id )
                        and not exists (select 1 from objects where classif_id=t.id or classif_auto_id=t.id)"""
                if n == 0:
                    logging.info("No more data to delete")
                    logging.info("Deleted %d Nodes" % n)

            Lst = GetAll("""select t.name from taxonomy t,temp_taxo tt
                        where t.id=tt.idfinal and tt.status='0'
                        and (exists (select 1 from taxonomy where parent_id=t.id )
                        or exists (select 1 from objects where classif_id=t.id or classif_auto_id=t.id))"""
            for r in Lst:
                logging.info("Can't Delete '%s' because it's used " % r[0])

        self.task.taskstate = "Done"
        self.UpdateProgress(100, "Processing done")
Ejemplo n.º 16
def GenerateParticleHistogram(psampleid):
    Génération de l'histogramme particulaire détaillé (45 classes) et réduit (15 classes) à partir du fichier ASC
    :param psampleid:
    PartSample = partdatabase.part_samples.query.filter_by(
    if PartSample is None:
        raise Exception("GenerateRawHistogram: Sample %d missing" % psampleid)
    LISSTClass = BuildLISSTClass(PartSample.lisst_kernel)

    Prj = partdatabase.part_projects.query.filter_by(
    ServerRoot = Path(app.config['SERVERLOADAREA'])
    DossierUVPPath = ServerRoot / Prj.rawfolder
    Fichier = DossierUVPPath / "work" / (PartSample.filename + '.asc')
    logging.info("Processing file " + Fichier.as_posix())
    NbrLine = 0
    with Fichier.open() as csvfile:
        for L in csvfile:
            NbrLine += 1
    logging.info("Line count %d" % NbrLine)
    # Col0=Nbr Data pour calculer la moyenne , 1->45 Biovol cumulé puis moyénné
    HistoByTranche = np.zeros((1, 46))
    with Fichier.open() as csvfile:
        Rdr = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=' ')
        for i, row in enumerate(Rdr):
            Depth = float(row[36])
            if PartSample.organizedbydeepth:
                Tranche = Depth // 5
                Tranche = i // 50
            Part = np.empty(32)
            for k in range(0, 32):
                Part[k] = float(row[k])
            # Mappe les 32 classes et retourne les 45 classes
            Part = MapClasses(Part, LISSTClass)
            # Todo gérer l'horodatage des tranche en profil horizontal
            if Tranche >= HistoByTranche.shape[0]:
                NewArray = np.zeros((Tranche + 1, 46))
                NewArray[0:HistoByTranche.shape[0], :] = HistoByTranche
                HistoByTranche = NewArray

            HistoByTranche[Tranche, 1:46] += Part
            HistoByTranche[Tranche, 0] += 1
    HistoByTranche[:, 1:46] /= HistoByTranche[:, 0, np.newaxis]

    database.ExecSQL("delete from part_histopart_det where psampleid=" +
    sql = """insert into part_histopart_det(psampleid, lineno, depth,  watervolume
        , biovol01, biovol02, biovol03, biovol04, biovol05, biovol06, biovol07, biovol08, biovol09, biovol10, biovol11, biovol12, biovol13, biovol14
        , biovol15, biovol16, biovol17, biovol18, biovol19, biovol20, biovol21, biovol22, biovol23, biovol24, biovol25, biovol26, biovol27, biovol28, biovol29
        , biovol30, biovol31, biovol32, biovol33, biovol34, biovol35, biovol36, biovol37, biovol38, biovol39, biovol40, biovol41, biovol42, biovol43, biovol44, biovol45)
    sqlparam = {'psampleid': psampleid}
    for i, r in enumerate(HistoByTranche):
        sqlparam['lineno'] = i
        #Todo ajuste au type
        sqlparam['depth'] = (i * 5 + 2.5)
        sqlparam['watervolume'] = None
        # sqlparam['watervolume'] = VolumeParTranche[i]
        for k in range(0, 45):
            sqlparam['biovol%02d' % (k + 1)] = r[k + 1]
        database.ExecSQL(sql, sqlparam)

Ejemplo n.º 17
def PrjManualClassif(PrjId):
    request.form  # Force la lecture des données POST sinon il y a une erreur 504
    if not Prj.CheckRight(1): # Level 0 = Read, 1 = Annotate, 2 = Admin
        return '<span class="label label-danger">You cannot Annotate this project</span>'

    changes={k[8:-1]:v for k,v in request.form.items() if k[0:7]=="changes"}
    if len(changes)==0:
        return '<span class="label label-warning">No pending change to update</span>'

    sql="""select o.objid,o.classif_auto_id,o.classif_auto_when,o.classif_auto_score,o.classif_id,o.classif_qual,o.classif_when,o.classif_who
          from obj_head o
          where o.objid in ("""+",".join(changes.keys())+")"
    prev={r['objid']:r for r in GetAll(sql,debug=False)}
    sql="update obj_head set classif_id=%(classif_id)s,classif_qual=%(classif_qual)s,classif_who=%(classif_who)s,classif_when=now() where objid=%(objid)s "
    # sqli="""INSERT INTO objectsclassifhisto (objid, classif_date, classif_type, classif_id, classif_qual, classif_who)
    #         VALUES (%(objid)s,%(classif_when)s,'M',%(classif_id)s,%(classif_qual)s,%(classif_who)s )"""
    # Traitement global de l'historisation afin de réduire les commandes SQL + test qu'il n'y a pas de doublons
    sqli="""INSERT INTO objectsclassifhisto(objid, classif_date, classif_type, classif_id, classif_qual, classif_who, classif_score)
            SELECT  objid, classif_when, 'M' classif_type, classif_id, classif_qual, classif_who, null classif_score
            from obj_head oh
            where objid= any(%s)
            and classif_when is not null
            and not exists(select 1 from objectsclassifhisto och where oh.objid=och.objid and oh.classif_when=och.classif_date )"""
        params=[[int(x) for x in changes.keys()] ]
        ExecSQL(sqli, params, True)
        app.logger.warning("Unable to add historical information, non-blocking %s" % (sys.exc_info(),))
    for k,v in changes.items():
        if v=="-1" or v=="" : # utilisé dans validate all
        if prev[ki]['classif_qual']!=gvp('qual') or prev[ki]['classif_who']!=current_user.id or prev[ki]['classif_id']!=int(v):
            # il y a eu au moins un changement
            # ExecSQL(sql,params,False)
            # params={'objid':k,'classif_id':prev[ki]['classif_id'],'classif_who':prev[ki]['classif_who']
            #     ,'classif_qual':prev[ki]['classif_qual'],'classif_when':prev[ki]['classif_when']}
            # try:
            #     if ntcv(params['classif_when']) !="" : # si pas de date, violation PK
            #         ExecSQL(sqli,params,True)
            # except:
            #     app.logger.warning("Unable to add historical information, non-blocking %s"%(prev,))
            if prev[ki]['classif_id']!=int(v): # il y a eu un changement de classif on maintient la liste des classifs MRU
                with app.MRUClassif_lock:
                    for i,t in enumerate(tbl):
                        if t["id"]==int(v):
                            if i>0: # on met cet item au début pour gérer un MRU
                    else: # si pas trouvé dans la liste des MRU on l'ajoute au début si on trouve bien son nom dans la taxo
                        Taxon=GetAll("""select tf.display_name as name
                            from taxonomy tf
                             left join taxonomy p1 on tf.parent_id=p1.id
                            where tf.id=%(id)s """,{"id":v})
                        if len(Taxon)==1:
                            Taxon=Taxon[0].get('name', "")
                            tbl.insert(0,{"id": int(v), "pr": 0, "text": Taxon})
                            if len(tbl)>10:
    if len(BatchParam)>0:
        upcur = db.engine.raw_connection().cursor()
            upcur.executemany(sql, BatchParam)
            app.logger.warning("Unable to save changes %s" % (sys.exc_info(),))
            return '<span class="label label-danger">Unable to save changes</span>'

    app.logger.info("Changement = %s",Changement)
    # applique les changements dans projects_taxo_stat
    Empty = {'n': 0, 'V': 0, 'P': 0, 'D': 0}
    Changes = {}
    for c in Changement:
        if c['prev_id'] is None: c['prev_id'] = -1
        if c['prev_id'] not in Changes: Changes[c['prev_id']] = Empty.copy()
        if c['id'] is None: c['id'] = -1
        if c['id'] not in Changes: Changes[c['id']] = Empty.copy()
        Changes[c['prev_id']]['n'] -= 1
        Changes[c['id']]['n'] += 1
        if c['prev_qual'] in ('V', 'P', 'D'):
            Changes[c['prev_id']][c['prev_qual']] -= 1
        if c['qual'] in ('V', 'P', 'D'):
            Changes[c['id']][c['qual']] += 1
    LstIdInDB=[x[0] for x in database.GetAll("select id from projects_taxo_stat where projid=%s",[PrjId])]
    for k,c in Changes.items():
        if k not in LstIdInDB:
            database.ExecSQL("insert into projects_taxo_stat(projid, id, nbr, nbr_v, nbr_d, nbr_p) values (%s,%s,0,0,0,0)",[PrjId,k])
        database.ExecSQL("""update projects_taxo_stat set 
                              nbr=nbr+%(n)s, nbr_v=nbr_v+%(v)s, nbr_d=nbr_d+%(d)s, nbr_p=nbr_p+%(p)s 
                              where projid=%(projid)s and id=%(id)s""",sqlparam)

    return '<span class="label label-success">Database update Successfull</span>'
Ejemplo n.º 18
def doimporttext():
    # test avec D:\temp\Downloads\taxoexport_20181228_101007.tsv
    uploadfile = request.files.get("uploadfile")
    if uploadfile is None:
        return PrintInCharte(FormatError("You must send a file"))
    Desctxt="{0} on {1:%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S} ".format(uploadfile.filename,datetime.datetime.now())
    app.logger.info('Load file {} by {}'.format(uploadfile.filename,current_user))
    #creation d'un fichier temporaire qui s'efface automatiquement
    tmpfile =tempfile.TemporaryFile(mode='w+b')
    # app.logger.info('TMP file is {}'.format(tmpfile.name))
    uploadfile.save(tmpfile) # on copie le contenu dedants
    tmpfile.seek(0) # on se remet au debut
    fichier= TextIOWrapper(tmpfile, encoding = 'latin_1', errors = 'replace') # conversion du format binaire au format texte

    app.logger.info("Analyzing file %s" % (fichier))
    # lecture en mode dictionnaire basé sur la premiere ligne
    rdr = csv.reader(fichier, delimiter='\t', quotechar='"', )
    # lecture la la ligne des titre
    LType = rdr.__next__()
    # Lecture du contenu du fichier
    RowCount = 0
    ExecSQL("truncate table temp_taxo")
    sqlinsert = "INSERT INTO temp_taxo(idparent,idtaxo,name,status,typetaxo) values(%s,%s,%s,%s,%s)"
    for lig in rdr:
        if lig[0].strip() == '':  # Ligne vide
        database.ExecSQL(sqlinsert, (
        lig[0].strip(), lig[1].strip(), lig[2].replace('+', ' ').replace('_', ' ').strip(), lig[3].strip(),
        if RowCount > 0 and RowCount % 1000 == 0:
            app.logger.info("Inserted %s lines" % RowCount)

        RowCount += 1
    app.logger.info("count=%d" % RowCount)

        # app.logger.info(str(r))
    # if len(UpdatedTaxon)>0:
    #     ComputeDisplayName(UpdatedTaxon)
    txt+="<p style='color: green'> %s taxon loaded </p> "%(RowCount)

    # MAJ des IDFinal dans la table temp pour tout ce qui existe.
    n = ExecSQL("""UPDATE temp_taxo tt set idfinal=tf.id
                from taxonomy tf where tf.id_source=tt.idtaxo or (lower(tf.name)=lower(tt.name) and tf.id_source is null)""")
    app.logger.info("%d Nodes already exists " % n)

    TSVal="to_timestamp('{}','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS')".format(datetime.datetime.utcnow().strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'))
    # insertion des nouveaux noeud racines
    n = ExecSQL("""INSERT INTO taxonomy (id, parent_id, name, id_source,lastupdate_datetime,source_desc)
    select nextval('seq_taxonomy'),NULL,t.name,t.idtaxo,{} ,%s
    from temp_taxo t where idparent='-1' and idfinal is null and status='1'""".format(TSVal),["Created by "+Desctxt])
    app.logger.info("Inserted %d Root Nodes" % n)

    # MAJ de la table import existante
    n = ExecSQL("""UPDATE temp_taxo tt set idfinal=tf.id 
                from taxonomy tf where tf.id_source=tt.idtaxo
                and tt.idfinal is null and idparent='-1'""")
    app.logger.info("Updated %d inserted Root Nodes" % n)

    while True:
        # insertion des nouveaux noeud enfants à partir des parents deja insérés
        # n=ExecSQL("""INSERT INTO taxonomy (id, parent_id, name, id_source)
        #     select nextval('seq_taxonomy'),ttp.idfinal,tt.name,tt.idtaxo from temp_taxo tt join temp_taxo ttp on tt.idparent=ttp.idtaxo
        #     where tt.idfinal is null and ttp.idfinal is not null and status='1'""")
        n = ExecSQL("""INSERT INTO taxonomy (id, parent_id, name, id_source,taxotype,lastupdate_datetime,source_desc)
            select nextval('seq_taxonomy'),ttp.id,tt.name,tt.idtaxo,case when lower(tt.typetaxo)='taxa' then 'P' else 'M' end,{},%s
            from temp_taxo tt join taxonomy ttp on tt.idparent=ttp.id_source
            where tt.idfinal is null and status='1'""".format(TSVal),["Created by "+Desctxt])
        if n == 0:
            app.logger.info("No more data to import")
            app.logger.info("Inserted %d Child Nodes" % n)

        # MAJ de la table import existante
        n = ExecSQL("""UPDATE temp_taxo tt set idfinal=tf.id
                    from taxonomy tf where tf.id_source=tt.idtaxo
                    and tt.idfinal is null """)
        app.logger.info("Updated %d inserted Child Nodes" % n)

    n = ExecSQL("""UPDATE taxonomy tf set name=tt.name,{},taxotype=case when lower(tt.typetaxo)='taxa' then 'P' else 'M' end
                from temp_taxo tt where tf.id_source=tt.idtaxo
                and tt.status='1' and  (tf.name!=tt.name
                  or tf.taxotype!=case when lower(tt.typetaxo)='taxa' then 'P' else 'M' end )
                """.format(TSUpdate),["Updated by "+Desctxt])
    app.logger.info("Updated %d Nodes names" % n)

    n = ExecSQL("""UPDATE taxonomy tfu set parent_id=sq.idfinal,{},source_desc=%s
                from (select tf.id, ttp.idfinal from taxonomy tf
                ,temp_taxo tt LEFT JOIN temp_taxo ttp on tt.idparent=ttp.idtaxo  where tf.id_source=tt.idtaxo
                and tt.status='1' and coalesce(tf.parent_id,-1)!=coalesce(ttp.idfinal,-1)
                and (ttp.idfinal is not null or tt.idparent='-1' )) sq where tfu.id=sq.id""".format(TSUpdate),["Updated by "+Desctxt])
    app.logger.info("Updated %d Nodes Parents" % n)

    # while True:
    #     n = ExecSQL("""delete from taxonomy t
    #             using temp_taxo tt
    #             where t.id=tt.idfinal and tt.status='0'
    #             and not exists (select 1 from taxonomy where parent_id=t.id )
    #             and not exists (select 1 from objects where classif_id=t.id or classif_auto_id=t.id)""")
    #     if n == 0:
    #         app.logger.info("No more data to delete")
    #         break
    #     else:
    #         app.logger.info("Deleted %d Nodes" % n)

    # Lst = GetAll("""select t.name from taxonomy t,temp_taxo tt
    #             where t.id=tt.idfinal and tt.status='0'
    #             and (exists (select 1 from taxonomy where parent_id=t.id )
    #             or exists (select 1 from objects where classif_id=t.id or classif_auto_id=t.id))""")
    # for r in Lst:
    #     app.logger.info("Can't Delete '%s' because it's used " % r[0])
    txt+="<br><a href='/browsetaxo/' class='btn btn-primary'><i class='fas fa-arrow-left'></i> Back to taxonomy</a>"
    LstId=[x['idfinal'] for x in GetAll("select idfinal from temp_taxo where idfinal is not null")]
    app.logger.info("Updated Display name" )

    # if len(Errors):
    #     txt += "<p style='color: red'> %s errors <ul> " % (len(Errors))
    #     txt += "\n".join("<li>%s</li>"%x for x in Errors)
    #     txt += "</ul></p> "

    return PrintInCharte(txt)
Ejemplo n.º 19
 def __init__(self):
     database.ExecSQL("select 1")  # initialize g.db
     self.cur = g.db.cursor()