Ejemplo n.º 1
 def __init__(self, interval='1s', io_loop=None, runner=None):
     if isinstance(interval, basestring):
         interval = convert_to_timedelta(interval)
         interval = interval.total_seconds() * 1000
     if not runner:
         runner = ThreadedRunner()
     self.runner = runner
     self._running = False
     self.interval = interval
     self.io_loop = io_loop or IOLoop.current()
     self._pc = PeriodicCallback(self._schedule_check, self.interval,
     self._id_counter = count(start=1)  # For generating unique IDs
     self._schedules = {}
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def __init__(self, **kwargs):
     self.io_loop = IOLoop.current()
     self.executor = None
     self.shutdown_timeout = None
     self.timeout = kwargs.pop('timeout', None)
     if not self.timeout:
         self.timeout = timedelta(seconds=30)
     if not isinstance(self.timeout, timedelta):
         self.timeout = convert_to_timedelta(self.timeout)
     self.interval = kwargs.pop('interval', None)
     if not self.interval:
         self.interval = "30s"
     global MEMO  # Use a global so that instances can share the cache
     if not MEMO:
         MEMO = AutoExpireDict(timeout=self.timeout, interval=self.interval)
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def get_current_user(self):
     """Tornado standard method--implemented our way."""
     expiration = self.settings.get('auth_timeout', "14d")
     # Need the expiration in days (which is a bit silly but whatever):
     expiration = (float(total_seconds(convert_to_timedelta(expiration))) /
     user_json = self.get_secure_cookie("gateone_user",
     if not user_json: return None
     #print user_json
     user = tornado.escape.json_decode(user_json)
     # Add the IP attribute
     #print user
     user['ip_address'] = self.request.remote_ip
     #print user
     return user
Ejemplo n.º 4
def define_options():
    Calls `tornado.options.define` for all of Gate One's command-line options.

    If *installed* is ``False`` the defaults will be set under the assumption
    that the user is non-root and running Gate One out of a download/cloned
    # NOTE: To test this function interactively you must import tornado.options
    # and call tornado.options.parse_config_file(*some_config_path*).  After you
    # do that the options will wind up in tornado.options.options
    # Simplify the auth option help message
    auths = "none, api, cas, google, ssl"
    #from applications.auth.authentication import PAMAuthHandler, KerberosAuthHandler
    #if KerberosAuthHandler:
        #auths += ", kerberos"
    #if PAMAuthHandler:
        #auths += ", pam"
    ## Simplify the syslog_facility option help message
    #facilities = list(FACILITIES.keys())
    # Figure out the default origins
    default_origins = [
    # Used both http and https above to demonstrate that both are acceptable
        additional_origins = socket.gethostbyname_ex(socket.gethostname())
    except socket.gaierror:
        # Couldn't get any IPs from the hostname
        additional_origins = []
    for host in additional_origins:
        if isinstance(host, str):
            default_origins.append('%s' % host)
        else: # It's a list
            for _host in host:
                default_origins.append('%s' % _host)
    default_origins = ";".join(default_origins)
    settings_base = getsettings('BASE_DIR')
    settings_default = os.path.join(settings_base, 'conf.d')
    settings_dir = settings_default
    if not os.path.isdir(settings_dir):
    port_default = 8000
    log_default = os.path.join(settings_base, 'logs', 'gateone.log')
    user_dir_default = os.path.join(settings_base, 'users')
    pid_default = os.path.join(settings_base, 'pid', 'gateone.pid')
    session_dir_default = os.path.join(settings_base, 'sessions')
    cache_dir_default = os.path.join(settings_base, 'cache')
    ssl_dir = os.path.join(settings_base, 'ssl')
    debug = False
    cookie_secret = getsettings('SECRET_KEY')
    address = ""
    enable_unix_socket = False
    unix_socket_path = "/tmp/gateone.sock"
    unix_socket_mode = "0600"
    disable_ssl = False
    certificate = os.path.join(ssl_dir, "certificate.pem")
    keyfile = os.path.join(ssl_dir, "keyfile.pem")
    ca_certs = None
    ssl_auth = 'none'
    user_dir = user_dir_default 
    uid = str(os.getuid())
    gid = str(os.getgid()) 
    if not os.path.exists(user_dir):
        os.chmod(user_dir, 0o770)
    #if uid == 0 and os.getuid() != 0: 
        #if not check_write_permissions(uid, user_dir):
            #recursive_chown(user_dir, uid, gid)
    user_logs_max_age = "30d"
    session_dir = session_dir_default
    if not os.path.exists(session_dir):
        os.chmod(session_dir, 0o770)
    #if not check_write_permissions(uid, session_dir):
        #recursive_chown(session_dir, uid, gid)    
    syslog_facility = "daemon"
    session_timeout = "5d"
    new_api_key = False
    auth = "none"
    api_timestamp_window ="30s"
    sso_realm = None
    sso_service = "HTTP"
    pam_realm = os.uname()[1]
    pam_service = "login"
    embedded = False
    js_init = ""
    https_redirect = False
    url_prefix = "/"
    origins = default_origins
    pid_file = pid_default
    api_keys = ""
    combine_js = ""
    combine_css = ""
    combine_css_container = "gateone"
    multiprocessing_workers = None
    configure = False
    login_url ='/auth'
    static_url_prefix = '/static/'
    log_rotate_mode = 'size'
    logging = 'info'
    static_url = os.path.join(settings_base, 'static')
    session_logging = True
    log_file_num_backups = 10
    log_file_prefix = os.path.join(settings_base, 'log')
    if not os.path.exists(log_file_prefix):
        os.chmod(log_file_prefix, 0o770)
    #if not check_write_permissions(uid, log_file_prefix):
        #recursive_chown(log_file_prefix, uid, gid)
    if not url_prefix.endswith('/'):
        url_prefix += '/' 
    global TIMEOUT
    TIMEOUT = convert_to_timedelta(session_timeout)
    api_timestamp_window = convert_to_timedelta(api_timestamp_window)
    auth = none_fix(auth)
    # Check to make sure we have a certificate and keyfile and generate fresh
    # ones if not.
    if not disable_ssl:
        if not os.path.exists(keyfile):
            ssl_base = os.path.dirname(keyfile)
            if not os.path.exists(ssl_base):
        if not os.path.exists(certificate):
            ssl_base = os.path.dirname(certificate)
    ssl_auth = ssl_auth.lower()
    log_file_max_size = 100000000
    global _
    global PLUGINS
    cli_commands = {'gateone': {}} # CLI commands provided by plugins/apps
    settings = {}    
    global user_locale
    # Default to using the shell's LANG variable as the locale
        default_locale = os.environ['LANG'].split('.')[0]
    except KeyError: # $LANG isn't set
        default_locale = "en_US"
    #from django.utils.translation import ugettext as _
    #from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _
    #from django.utils.translation import activate, get_language_info
    #from django.utils.translation import activate
    #from django.utils import translation
    #user_language = 'fr'
    #i = get_language_info('de')
    locales = default_locale
    user_locale = getsettings('LANGUAGE_CODE', 'en_US')
    # NOTE: The locale setting above is only for the --help messages.
    # Re-do the locale in case the user supplied something as --locale
    server_locale = locale.get(user_locale)
    _ = server_locale.translate # Also replaces our wrapper so no more .encode()
    # Set our global session timeout    
    https_redirect = False
    syslog_session_logging = False
    sso_keytab = None
    configure = False
            u'dtach': True,
            'version': None,
            u'locale': locales,
            u'address': address,
            u'pam_service': pam_service,
            u'syslog_facility': syslog_facility,
            'cookie_secret': cookie_secret,
            u'enable_unix_socket': enable_unix_socket,
            u'port': port_default,
            u'uid': str(uid),
            u'url_prefix': url_prefix,
            u'user_dir': user_dir,
            'settings_dir': settings_dir,
            u'unix_socket_mode': unix_socket_mode,
            u'multiprocessing_workers': multiprocessing_workers,
            u'certificate': certificate,
            u'log_rotate_interval': 1,
            u'log_to_stderr': None,
            u'log_rotate_when': u'midnight',
            u'gid': str(gid),
            u'pid_file': pid_file,
            'command': None,
            'gzip': True,
            u'pam_realm': pam_realm,
            'login_url': login_url,
            'configure': configure,
            u'sso_service': sso_service,
            'cli_overrides': [],
            u'https_redirect': https_redirect,
            u'auth': auth,
            'api_keys': api_keys,
            u'disable_ssl': disable_ssl,
            u'ca_certs': ca_certs,
            u'cache_dir': cache_dir_default,
            u'syslog_session_logging': syslog_session_logging,
            u'user_logs_max_age': user_logs_max_age,
            u'sso_keytab': sso_keytab,
            u'api_timestamp_window': api_timestamp_window,
            'static_url_prefix': static_url_prefix,
            u'log_rotate_mode': log_rotate_mode,
            u'log_file_num_backups': log_file_num_backups,
            u'logging': logging,
            u'embedded': embedded,
            u'origins': default_origins,
            u'session_logging': session_logging,
            u'keyfile': keyfile,
            u'session_dir': session_dir,
            'static_url': static_url,
            u'ssl_auth': ssl_auth,
            u'log_file_max_size': log_file_max_size,
            u'session_timeout': TIMEOUT,
            u'sso_realm': sso_realm,
            u'debug': debug,
            u'js_init': js_init,
            u'unix_socket_path': unix_socket_path,
            u'log_file_prefix': os.path.join(log_file_prefix,'django-gateone.log'),
            u'kill': False,#new variable
            u'use_client_cache': True
    return settings