Ejemplo n.º 1
def _compute_language_pair_stats():
    Computes HIT statistics per language pair.
    language_pair_stats = []
    # TODO: move LANGUAGE_PAIR_CHOICES better place.
    # Running compute_remaining_hits() will also update completion status for HITs.
    for choice in LANGUAGE_PAIR_CHOICES:
        _code = choice[0]
        _name = choice[1]
        _remaining_hits = HIT.compute_remaining_hits(language_pair=_code)
        _completed_hits = HIT.objects.filter(completed=True, mturk_only=False,
        _unique_systems_for_language_pair = set()
        for _hit in _completed_hits:
            for _result in RankingResult.objects.filter(item__hit=_hit):
                for _translation in _result.item.translations:
                    for _system in set(_translation[1]['system'].split(',')):
        _completed_hits = _completed_hits.count()
        _total_hits = _remaining_hits + _completed_hits
        _data = (
          (_remaining_hits, 100 * _remaining_hits/float(_total_hits or 1)),
          (_completed_hits, 100 * _completed_hits/float(_total_hits or 1))
    return language_pair_stats
Ejemplo n.º 2
def _compute_global_stats():
    Computes some global statistics for the WMT15 evaluation campaign.
    global_stats = []
    wmt15_group = Group.objects.filter(name='WMT15')
    wmt15_users = []
    if wmt15_group.exists():
        wmt15_users = wmt15_group[0].user_set.all()
    # Check how many HITs have been completed.  We now consider a HIT to be
    # completed once it has been annotated by one or more annotators.
    # Before we required `hit.users.count() >= 3` for greater overlap.
    hits_completed = HIT.objects.filter(mturk_only=False, completed=True).count()
    # Check any remaining active HITs which are not yet marked complete.
    for hit in HIT.objects.filter(active=True, mturk_only=False, completed=False):
        if hit.users.count() >= 1:
            hits_completed = hits_completed + 1
            hit.completed = True
    # Compute remaining HITs for all language pairs.
    hits_remaining = HIT.compute_remaining_hits()
    # Compute number of results contributed so far.
    ranking_results = RankingResult.objects.filter(
      item__hit__completed=True, item__hit__mturk_only=False)
    from math import factorial
    system_comparisons = 0
    for result in ranking_results:
        combinations = factorial(result.systems)/(factorial(result.systems-2) * 2) if result.systems > 2 else 0
        system_comparisons = system_comparisons + combinations
    # Aggregate information about participating groups.
    groups = set()
    for user in wmt15_users:
        for group in user.groups.all():
            if group.name == 'WMT15' or group.name.startswith('eng2') \
              or group.name.endswith('2eng'):
    # Compute average/total duration over all results.
    durations = RankingResult.objects.all().values_list('duration', flat=True)
    total_time = sum([datetime_to_seconds(x) for x in durations])
    avg_time = total_time / float(hits_completed or 1)
    avg_user_time = total_time / float(3 * hits_completed or 1)
    global_stats.append(('Users', len(wmt15_users)))
    global_stats.append(('Groups', len(groups)))
    global_stats.append(('HITs completed', '{0:,}'.format(hits_completed)))
    global_stats.append(('HITs remaining', '{0:,}'.format(hits_remaining)))
    global_stats.append(('Ranking results', '{0:,}'.format(ranking_results.count())))
    global_stats.append(('System comparisons', '{0:,}'.format(system_comparisons)))
    global_stats.append(('Average duration (per HIT)', seconds_to_timedelta(avg_time)))
    global_stats.append(('Average duration (per task)', seconds_to_timedelta(avg_user_time)))
    global_stats.append(('Total duration', seconds_to_timedelta(total_time)))
    return global_stats