Ejemplo n.º 1
def plot_solution(series_type, N, func):

    print "series_type ", series_type, " N ", N, " func ", func

    psi = series(series_type, N)
    print psi
    u, c = least_squares(func, psi, Omega, False)

    u = sym.lambdify([x], u)
    U = [u(xi) for xi in X]
    pylab.plot(X, U)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def plot_solution(series_type, N, func): 

  print "series_type ", series_type, " N ", N, " func ", func 

  psi = series(series_type, N)
  print psi
  u, c = least_squares(func, psi, Omega, False) 

  u = sym.lambdify([x], u)
  U = [u(xi) for xi in X]
  pylab.plot(X, U)
Ejemplo n.º 3
import sys, os
sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join(os.pardir, 'src-approx'))
from approx1D import least_squares, comparison_plot
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import sympy as sym
from math import factorial
import numpy as np

x = sym.Symbol('x')
f = sym.exp(-x)

Omega = [0, 8]

for N in 2,4,6:
    psi = [x**i for i in range(N+1)]
    u, c = least_squares(f,psi,Omega)
    print N, u
    comparison_plot(f, u, Omega, filename='tmp_exp_%d' % N,
                    plot_title='N=%d' % N)
Ejemplo n.º 4
    [x**i for i in range(0, N + 1)]
]  # V_2
symbolic = False

for V, psi in enumerate(psi_bases):
    for domain_no in range(1, 3):
        for k in range(2, 6):
            if symbolic:
                Omega = [0, k*sym.pi] if domain_no == 1 else \
                        [-k*sym.pi/2, k*sym.pi/2]
                # cannot use sym.pi with numerical sympy computing
                Omega = [0, k*pi] if domain_no == 1 else \
                        [-k*pi/2, k*pi/2]

            u, c = least_squares(f, psi, Omega, symbolic=symbolic)

                            filename='tmp_N%d_V%dOmega%dk%d' %
                            (N, V, k, domain_no),
                            plot_title='sin(x) on [0,%d*pi/2] by %s' %
                            (k, ','.join([str(p) for p in psi])))
            # Need to kill the plot to proceed!
        for ext in 'png', 'pdf':
            cmd = 'doconce combine_images -2 ' + \
                  ' '.join(['tmp_N%d_V%dOmega%dk%d.' %
                            (N, V, k, domain_no) + ext
Ejemplo n.º 5
psi_bases = [[x**i for i in range(1, N+1, 2)],  # V_1
             [x**i for i in range(0, N+1)]]     # V_2
symbolic = False

for V, psi in enumerate(psi_bases):
    for domain_no in range(1, 3):
        for k in range(2, 6):
            if symbolic:
                Omega = [0, k*sym.pi] if domain_no == 1 else \
                        [-k*sym.pi/2, k*sym.pi/2]
                # cannot use sym.pi with numerical sympy computing
                Omega = [0, k*pi] if domain_no == 1 else \
                        [-k*pi/2, k*pi/2]

            u, c = least_squares(f, psi, Omega, symbolic=symbolic)

                f, u, Omega,
                ymin=-2, ymax=2,
                filename='tmp_N%d_V%dOmega%dk%d' %
                (N, V, k, domain_no),
                plot_title='sin(x) on [0,%d*pi/2] by %s' %
                (k, ','.join([str(p) for p in psi])))
            # Need to kill the plot to proceed!
        for ext in 'png', 'pdf':
            cmd = 'doconce combine_images -2 ' + \
                  ' '.join(['tmp_N%d_V%dOmega%dk%d.' %
                            (N, V, k, domain_no) + ext
                            for k in range(2, 6)]) + \
                  ' sin_powers_N%d_V%d_Omega%d.' % (N, V, domain_no) + ext