Ejemplo n.º 1
def login():
	form = LoginForm()	# data has been through valid data checkers at this point (see forms.py)
	user = form.user.data
	team = form.team.data
	room = 'room'+str(form.room.data)
	# on form submission - create accounts, add them to database, and redirect to song page
	if form.validate_on_submit() and not current_user.is_authenticated:
		admin_flag = 1 if team in adminTokens else 0 # check if admin
		if admin_flag == 1:
			team = 'admins_' + room
		# delete user if already in database (to reset user values)
		player = User.query.filter_by(username=user, room=room).first()
		if player != None:
		# create user, save user in DB, log in user, redirect
		player = User(username=user, teamname=team, room=room, admin=admin_flag, session='n/a', song='')
		socketio.emit('send-msg', ['Server [All]', f'{user} has entered the room.', 0], broadcast=True, room=room)
		return redirect('song')
	elif current_user.is_authenticated:
		return redirect('song')
	# if form hasn't been submitted and no user is logged in -> load login screen
	return render_template('login.html', title='Login', form=form)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def inputFrame(frame):
	room_key = f'{current_user.teamname}_{current_user.song}_{current_user.room}_{current_user.admin}'
	if current_user.admin == 1:
		room_key = room_key + '_' + current_user.username
	if room_key in rooms and rooms[room_key].gameOver() == False and rooms[room_key].secondsLeft() > 0:
		room = rooms[room_key]
		# returns true if correct else returns hint
		correct = room.checkFrame(frame)
		won = room.won()
		if correct:
			# if won then game's over
			if won:
				msg = 'Congratulations! Your team loaded the song! GAME OVER'
				socketio.emit('send-msg', ['Server [Team]', msg, 0], room=room_key)
			# onto the next frame if frame is correct
				msg = f'Good job! You have 10 seconds to send frame {room.current_frame}.'
				socketio.emit('send-msg', ['Server [Team]', msg, 0], room=room_key + '_ready')
			# game over if frame incorrect
			msg = f'{current_user.username} submitted the wrong frame GAME OVER [input({frame}) - {correct}]'
			socketio.emit('send-msg', ['Server [Team]', msg, 0], room=room_key + '_ready')
			del rooms[room_key]
		# ends game loop if won or lost
		if won:
			socketio.emit('close-loop', win=True, room=room_key + '_ready')
		elif not correct:
			socketio.emit('close-loop', win=False, room=room_key + '_ready')
Ejemplo n.º 3
def sendTeamMsg(msg):
	sender = f'{current_user.username} [team] [admin]' if current_user.admin == 1 else f'{current_user.username} [team] [{current_user.teamname}]'
	room_key = 'admins_' + current_user.room if current_user.admin == 1 else f'{current_user.teamname}_{current_user.room}_{current_user.admin}'
	color_flag = 3 if current_user.admin != 1 else 1
	# all team messages are sent to admins so they can moderate chat
	socketio.emit('send-msg', [sender, msg, color_flag], room=f'admins_{current_user.room}')
	# only send message here if user is not admin because it was already sent to admin (in the line of code above this comment)
	if current_user.admin != 1:
		socketio.emit('send-msg', [sender, msg, color_flag], room=room_key)
Ejemplo n.º 4
def teamMsg(to, msg):
	if to == '/admin':
	elif to == '/team':
	elif to == '/all':
	elif to == '/private':
		socketio.emit('send-msg', ['Server', 'Something went wrong. Your message was not sent. Try again.'], room=request.sid)
Ejemplo n.º 5
def logoutUser(id):
	user = User.query.filter_by(id=id).first()
	# check if the user exists
	if user != None:
		# broadcast to others that the user is leaving
		socketio.emit('send-msg', ['Server [All] ', f'{user.username} has left the room.', 0], broadcast=True, room=user.room)
		# leave a game the user was in it
		# delete user from database
Ejemplo n.º 6
def logout():
		# broadcast to others that the user is leaving
		socketio.emit('send-msg', ['Server [All] ', f'{current_user.username} has left the room.', 0], broadcast=True, room=current_user.room)
		# leave a game the user was in it
		# delete user from database
		print('already removed')
	# redirect user to login page
	return redirect(url_for('login'))
Ejemplo n.º 7
def ready():
	if current_user.song != '':
		room_key = f'{current_user.teamname}_{current_user.song}_{current_user.room}_{current_user.admin}'
		if current_user.admin == 1:
			room_key = room_key + '_' + current_user.username
		# create game room if it doesn't exist yet
		if room_key not in rooms:
			rooms[room_key] = Room(packets.getFrames(current_user.song))
		# if user hasn't joined
		if current_user.id not in rooms[room_key].getUsers():
			# try to add user to room
			added = rooms[room_key].addUser(current_user.id)
			# this is the case when the game has already started (can't join ongoing game)
			if not added:
				return socketio.emit('send-msg', ['Server', 'This game has already started. Try again later or pick another song.'], room=request.sid)
			if added:
				# add user to game
				join_room(room_key + '_ready')
				socketio.emit('send-msg', ['Server [Team]', f'{current_user.username} is ready', 0], broadcast=True, room=room_key)
				# if all users ready start the game
				if usersReady(current_user.id):
					return startGame(current_user.id)
					return socketio.emit('send-msg', ['Server', 'Waiting for players...', 0], room=request.sid)
			# print message if already waiting
			allready = usersReady(current_user.id)
			if not allready:
				return socketio.emit('send-msg', ['Server', 'Waiting for players...', 0], room=request.sid)
			# start the game if everyone is ready and the game hasn't started
			if allready and rooms[room_key].gameOver() == True:
				return startGame(current_user.id)
		return socketio.emit('send-msg', ['Server', 'You haven\'t selected a song', 0], room=request.sid)
Ejemplo n.º 8
def startGame(id):
	user = User.query.filter_by(id=id).first()
	room_key = f'{user.teamname}_{user.song}_{user.room}_{user.admin}'
	if user.admin == 1: # admin keys are slightly different than student keys
		room_key = room_key + '_' + user.username
	time = rooms[room_key].secondsLeft()
	# start message is slightly different for admins
	if user.admin == 0:
		socketio.emit('send-msg', ['Server [Team]', 'Your team is ready! The game will start in 5 seconds. You will have 10 seconds to submit frame 1.', 0], broadcast=True, room=room_key + '_ready')
		socketio.emit('send-msg', ['Server [Team]', 'Your game will start in 5 seconds. You will have 10 seconds to submit frame 1.', 0], broadcast=True, room=room_key + '_ready')
	# starts game loop (client-side)
	socketio.emit('game-loop', time, room=room_key + '_ready')
	# initializes game variables
Ejemplo n.º 9
def kick_user(username):
	# only admins can kick users so first we check if the user is admin
	if current_user.admin == 1:
		user = User.query.filter_by(username=username, room=current_user.room).first()
		# check if user exists
		if user != None:
			# logout the user
			socketio.emit('redirect', url_for('logout'), room=user.session)
			# if user was not redirected to logout successfully remove the user from database
			user = User.query.filter_by(username=username, room=current_user.room).first()
			if user != None:
			socketio.emit('send-msg', ['Server', 'User not found.'], room=request.sid)
		socketio.emit('send-msg', ['Server', 'Your account is not authorized to use /kick.'], room=request.sid)
Ejemplo n.º 10
def sendPrivateMessage(msg):
	# only admins can send private messages
	if current_user.admin != 1:
		return socketio.emit('send-msg', ['Server', 'Your account is not authorized to send /private messages.'], room=request.sid)
	# checks if msg is parsable
	if len(msg.split(' ')) > 1:
		reciever = msg[:msg.index(' ')].strip()
		sender = f'{current_user.username} [private] [{reciever}]'
		msg = msg[msg.index(' '):].strip()
		# get the reciever's data and see if the user exists to get their session id
		user = User.query.filter_by(username=reciever, room=current_user.room).first()
		if user != None and user.session != 'n/a':
			socketio.emit('send-msg', [sender, msg, 1], room=f'admins_{current_user.room}')
			return socketio.emit('send-msg', [sender, msg, 1], room=user.session)
			return socketio.emit('send-msg', ['Server', f'"{reciever}" was not found.'], room=request.sid)
	return socketio.emit('send-msg', ['Server', 'Your message is missing.'], room=request.sid)
Ejemplo n.º 11
def gameStats():
	room_key = f'{current_user.teamname}_{current_user.song}_{current_user.room}_{current_user.admin}'
	if current_user.admin == 1:
		room_key = room_key + '_' + current_user.username
	if room_key in rooms:
		room = rooms[room_key]
		time = int(room.secondsLeft())
		# game end cases
		if room.gameOver():
			win = False
			# time updates for gamers
			if time == 0:
				socketio.emit('send-msg', ['Time', 0, 2], room=request.sid)
				socketio.emit('send-msg', ['Server [Team]', 'Your team ran out of time GAME OVER.', 0], room=request.sid)
			elif room.won():
			socketio.emit('close-loop', win=win, room=request.sid)
			# delete room when empty
			if room.empty():
				# broadcast win message to EVERYONE
				if room.won():
					socketio.emit('send-msg', ['Server [All]', f'Team {current_user.teamname} successfully loaded "{current_user.song}"!'], broadcast=True, room=current_user.room)
				# delete room once it's empty
				del rooms[room_key]
		# continues game
			socketio.emit('game-loop', time, request.sid)
		socketio.emit('close-loop', request.sid)
Ejemplo n.º 12
def sendAllMsg(msg):
	room_key = current_user.room if current_user.admin == 1 else request.sid
	sender = f'{current_user.username} [all]' if current_user.admin == 1 else 'Server'
	msg = msg if current_user.admin == 1 else 'Your account is not authorized to send /all messages.'
	color_flag = 1 if current_user.admin == 1 else 0
	socketio.emit('send-msg', [sender, msg, color_flag], room=room_key)
Ejemplo n.º 13
def sendAdminMsg(msg):
	if current_user.admin != 1:
		sender = f'{current_user.username} [to:admins] [{current_user.teamname}]'
		room_key = 'admins_' + current_user.room
		socketio.emit('send-msg', [sender, msg, 4], room=request.sid)
		socketio.emit('send-msg', [sender, msg, 4], room=room_key)
Ejemplo n.º 14
def requestSong():
	msg = f'Your selected song is {current_user.song}.' if current_user.song != '' else 'Select a song'
	return socketio.emit('send-msg', ['Server', msg, 0], room=request.sid)
Ejemplo n.º 15
def getUsers(team):
	# gathers our users data into a list
	users = []
	# gets users by teamname (admin only)
	if len(team) > 0 and current_user.admin == 1:
		matches = User.query.filter(User.teamname==team, User.room==current_user.room, User.admin==0, User.session != 'n/a').all()
	# gets ALL users in room (admin only)
	elif current_user.admin == 1:
		matches = User.query.filter(User.room==current_user.room, User.admin==0, User.session != 'n/a').all()
	# gets current user's team (student only)
		matches = User.query.filter(User.room==current_user.room, User.teamname==current_user.teamname, User.admin==0, User.session != 'n/a').all()
	# return formatted results to requester
	socketio.emit('send-msg', ['Server', ''], room=request.sid)
	socketio.emit('send-msg', ['', '-------------------------'], room=request.sid)
	socketio.emit('send-msg', ['','<username> : <teamname> : <song> : <status>'], room=request.sid)
	if matches != None and len(matches) > 0:
		for u in matches:
			room_key = f'{u.teamname}_{u.song}_{u.room}_{u.admin}'
			ready = 'ready' if (room_key in rooms and u.id in rooms[room_key].getUsers()) else 'idle'
			song = u.song if len(u.song) > 0 else 'none'
			socketio.emit('send-msg', ['', '------------------------------------'], room=request.sid)
			socketio.emit('send-msg', ['', f'{u.username} : {u.teamname} : {song} : {ready}'], room=request.sid)
		socketio.emit('send-msg', ['', '------------------------------------'], room=request.sid)
		socketio.emit('send-msg', ['','no users'], room=request.sid)