Ejemplo n.º 1
 def get(self, id = None, slug = None, cache_key = None):
     if cache_key:
         return cache.get(cache_key)
     elif slug:
         slug_cache_key = get_model_slug_cache_key(self.model, slug, settings.SITE_ID)
         id_cache_key = cache.get(slug_cache_key)
         return cache.get(id_cache_key)
         # lookup and return
     elif id:
         # lookup and return
         cache_key = get_model_cache_key(self.model, id, settings.SITE_ID)
         return cache.get(cache_key)
         return None
Ejemplo n.º 2
def content_display(request, slug, year, month, day, content_type, id):
        Main view function.
        @param request: Django HttpRequest object.
        @type request: L{HttpRequest}

        @param slug: URL safe version of content's title.
        @type slug: string
        @param year: 4-digit year content was published.
        @type year: int
        @param month: 3-letter abbreviation of month content was published.
        @type month: string
        @param day: 2-digit day content was published.
        @type day: int
        @param id: Database PK of content.
        @type id: int
        @rtype: L{HttpResponse}
        @return: HttpResponse encompassing the content's detail page or its generic views.

    # Validate the url contains a valid date
        valid_date = date(*time.strptime(year+month+day, '%Y%b%d')[:3])
    # if no valid date, return a 404 error
    except ValueError:
        raise Http404('Invalid date.')
    # Determine the content type. This will help us look up the cache key for the object.
    ctype_cache_key = "%s::contenttype::%s::%s" % (settings.GROUP_NAME, str(content_type).lower(), settings.GROUP_CACHE_VERSION)
    content_type_name = cache.get(ctype_cache_key)
    if not content_type_name:
        content_type_name = get_object_or_404(GFContentType, short_name__iexact=content_type).model_name
        cache.set(ctype_cache_key, content_type_name, settings.CACHE_LONG_SECONDS)
        content_type = get_model('content', content_type_name.lower())
    except Exception:
        return HttpResponseServerError
    # Object Cache Key
    cache_key = get_model_cache_key(content_type, id, settings.SITE_ID)

    # If the URL has ?clear_cache on it, and the user is staff, clear the cache despite any other timers/settings.
    # Otherwise, check the settings/timers normally.
    if request.GET.has_key('clear_cache') and request.user.is_staff:
        clear_cache = True
        clear_cache = False
    content_obj = None   
    if not clear_cache:   
        # does the settings.CACHE_HTML global variable not equal None. If so, check HTML cache and return.
        if settings.CACHE_HTML:
            # If settings for caching entrie HTML page is set then build the html page cache key
            html_cache_key = "%s.html" % cache_key
            # after building the html page cache key, check the cache to see if page exists
            html = cache.get(html_cache_key)
            # if page exists, return the cached page
            if html:
                return html
            # if page does not exits, fall through and build html that will be cached and rendered
        # Try cache retrieval for object
        content_obj = content_type.cache.get(id=id)
    # If cache get failed or cache was ordered to clear, find the content object from the DB.
    if not content_obj:
        # if the user is not staff, only select from published, public articles
        if not request.user.is_staff:
            # get the obj
            content_obj = get_object_or_404(content_type.published, id=id, sites__id__exact=settings.SITE_ID)

            # Don't cache staff requests, or else they'll be visible to all once cached.
            model_key = get_model_cache_key(content_type, content_obj.id, settings.SITE_ID)
            slug_key = get_model_slug_cache_key(content_type, content_obj.slug, settings.SITE_ID)
            cache.set(model_key, content_obj, settings.CACHE_LONG_SECONDS)
            cache.set(slug_key, model_key, settings.CACHE_LONG_SECONDS)
        # if the user is staff, they are allowed to see draft/non-published articles
            content_obj = get_object_or_404(content_type.objects, id=id, sites__id__exact=settings.SITE_ID)
            # Axe any cache for the object to be sure it is all clear.
            if clear_cache:
                model_key = get_model_cache_key(content_type, content_obj.id, settings.SITE_ID)
                slug_key = get_model_slug_cache_key(content_type, content_obj.slug, settings.SITE_ID)
    # Get the absolute URL.
        absolute_url = content_obj.get_absolute_url()
    except Exception, e:
        raise Http404(str(e))