Ejemplo n.º 1
def load_modelinfo(cfg, api_model_key):
    log.info("api_model_key: {}".format(api_model_key))
    modelinfo = {}
    modelinfo['API_MODEL_KEY'] = None
    modelinfo['MODEL'] = None
    modelinfo['MODELCFG'] = None
    modelinfo['DETECT'] = None
    modelinfo['DETECT_WITH_JSON'] = None
    modelinfo['DETECT_BATCH'] = None
    modelinfo['DNNARCH'] = None

        modelcfg = get_modelcfg(cfg, api_model_key)
        log.debug("modelcfg: {}".format(modelcfg))
        if modelcfg:
            mode = modelcfg['mode']
            dnnarch = modelcfg['dnnarch']
            dnnmod = apputil.get_module(dnnarch)
            load_model_and_weights = apputil.get_module_fn(
                dnnmod, "load_model_and_weights")
            model = load_model_and_weights(mode, modelcfg, cfg)
            log.info("model: {}".format(model))

            detect = apputil.get_module_fn(dnnmod, "detect")
            detect_with_json = apputil.get_module_fn(dnnmod,
            detect_batch = apputil.get_module_fn(dnnmod, "detect_batch")

            modelinfo['API_MODEL_KEY'] = api_model_key
            modelinfo['MODEL'] = model
            modelinfo['MODELCFG'] = modelcfg
            modelinfo['DETECT'] = detect
            modelinfo['DETECT_WITH_JSON'] = detect_with_json
            modelinfo['DETECT_BATCH'] = detect_batch
            modelinfo['DNNARCH'] = dnnarch
            # log.error("No modelinfo found for the criteria!")
            raise Exception("No modelinfo found for the criteria!")
    except Exception as e:
        msg = "'Not a Valid Model or error in loading model and weights'"
        log.error("Exception occurred: {}".format(msg), exc_info=True)

    return modelinfo
Ejemplo n.º 2
def detect_from_images(appcfg, dnnmod, images, path, model, class_names, cmdcfg, api_model_key, show_bbox=False):
  """detections from the images
    image - image filename
    filepath - the absolute path of the image input file location
    im - binary data after reading the image file
    1. Prediction details log:
      - model details (path), copy of configuration, arch used, all class_names used in predictions, execution time etc.
    2. Verify that masks are properly scaled to the original image dimensions
    3. Impact on prediction of replacing skimage.io.imread with imread wrapper
    4. call response providing the pointer to the saved files
    5. viz from jsonres
    6. memory leak in reading image as read time increases
    7. async file and DB operation. MongoDB limit of 16 MB datasize

  ## always create abs filepaths and respective directories
  timestamp = "{:%d%m%y_%H%M%S}".format(datetime.datetime.now())
  filepath = os.path.join(path, "predict-"+timestamp)
  for d in ['splash', 'mask', 'annotations', 'viz', 'mmask', 'oframe']:

  detect = apputil.get_module_fn(dnnmod, "detect")

  DBCFG = appcfg['APP']['DBCFG']

  # mclient = motor.motor_asyncio.AsyncIOMotorClient('mongodb://'+CBIRCFG['host']+':'+str(CBIRCFG['port']))
  # dbname = CBIRCFG['dbname']
  # db = mclient[dbname]
  # collection = db['IMAGES']

  # _create_res(detect, filepath, images, path, model, class_names, cmdcfg, api_model_key)

  loop = asyncio.new_event_loop()

    loop.run_until_complete(_create_res(detect, filepath, images, path, model, class_names, cmdcfg, api_model_key, show_bbox=show_bbox))
    # shutting down and closing fil descriptors after interupt

  file_names = []
  res = []
  return file_names,res
Ejemplo n.º 3
def inspect_annon(args, mode, appcfg):
  """inspection of data from command line for quick verification of data sanity
  log.debug("Inspecting annotations...")

  subset = args.eval_on
  log.debug("subset: {}".format(subset))
  datacfg = apputil.get_datacfg(appcfg)
  dbcfg = apputil.get_dbcfg(appcfg)

  dataset, num_classes, num_images, class_names, total_stats, total_verify = apputil.get_dataset_instance(appcfg, dbcfg, datacfg, subset)
  colors = viz.random_colors(len(class_names))

  log.debug("class_names: {}".format(class_names))
  log.debug("len(class_names): {}".format(len(class_names)))
  log.debug("len(colors), colors: {},{}".format(len(colors), colors))
  log.debug("num_classes: {}".format(num_classes))
  log.debug("num_images: {}".format(num_images))

  name = dataset.name
  datacfg.name = name
  datacfg.classes = class_names
  datacfg.num_classes = num_classes

  # log.debug("dataset: {}".format(vars(dataset)))
  log.debug("len(dataset.image_info): {}".format(len(dataset.image_info)))
  log.debug("len(dataset.image_ids): {}".format(len(dataset.image_ids)))

  mod = apputil.get_module('inspect_annon')

  archcfg = apputil.get_archcfg(appcfg)
  log.debug("archcfg: {}".format(archcfg))
  cmdcfg = archcfg

  cmdcfg.name = name
  cmdcfg.config.NAME = name
  cmdcfg.config.NUM_CLASSES = num_classes

  dnnmod = apputil.get_module(cmdcfg.dnnarch)

  get_dnncfg = apputil.get_module_fn(dnnmod, "get_dnncfg")
  dnncfg = get_dnncfg(cmdcfg.config)
  log.debug("config.MINI_MASK_SHAPE: {}".format(dnncfg.MINI_MASK_SHAPE))
  log.debug("type(dnncfg.MINI_MASK_SHAPE): {}".format(type(dnncfg.MINI_MASK_SHAPE)))
  mod.all_steps(dataset, datacfg, dnncfg)

Ejemplo n.º 4
def detect_from_videos(appcfg, dnnmod, videos, path, model, class_names, cmdcfg, api_model_key, show_bbox=False):
  Code adopted from:
  Copyright (c) 2018 Matterport, Inc.
  Licensed under the MIT License (see LICENSE for details)
  Originally, Written by Waleed Abdulla
  Key contribution:
  * saving the annotated results directly
  * saving the annotated mask only
  * annotation results as json response for consumption in API, VGG VIA compatible results

  Copyright (c) 2020 mangalbhaskar
  Licensed under [see LICENSE for details]
  Written by mangalbhaskar

    video - video filename
    filepath - the absolute path of the video input file location
    vid - binary data after reading the video file
  import cv2
  save_viz_and_json = cmdcfg.save_viz_and_json if 'save_viz_and_json' in cmdcfg else False
  if save_viz_and_json:
    timestamp = "{:%d%m%y_%H%M%S}".format(datetime.datetime.now())
    filepath = os.path.join(path,"predict-"+timestamp)
    log.debug("filepath: {}".format(filepath))

  file_names = []
  res = []
  detect = apputil.get_module_fn(dnnmod, "detect")
  colors = viz.random_colors(len(class_names))
  log.debug("class_names: {}".format(class_names))
  log.debug("len(class_names), class_names: {},{}".format(len(class_names), class_names))
  log.debug("len(colors), colors: {},{}".format(len(colors), colors))

  cc = dict(zip(class_names,colors))

  for video in videos:
    ## Run model detection and save the outputs
    log.debug("Running on {}".format(video))

    ## Read Video
    filepath_video = os.path.join(path, video)
    log.debug("Processing video with filepath_video: {}".format(filepath_video))
    vid = cv2.VideoCapture(filepath_video)
    width = int(vid.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH))
    height = int(vid.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT))
    fps = vid.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FPS)

    vname, vext = os.path.splitext(video)
    file_name = video

    if save_viz_and_json:
      ## oframe - original image frame from the video
      ## pframe or viz - annotations visualization frame from the video
      ## annotations - annotations json per frame
      video_viz_basepath = os.path.join(filepath,vname) 
      path_oframe = os.path.join(video_viz_basepath,"oframe")
      path_pframe = os.path.join(video_viz_basepath,"pframe")
      path_sframe = os.path.join(video_viz_basepath,"splash")
      path_mframe = os.path.join(video_viz_basepath,"mask")
      path_mmframe = os.path.join(video_viz_basepath,"mmask")
      path_viz = os.path.join(video_viz_basepath,"viz")
      path_annotations = os.path.join(video_viz_basepath,"annotations")
      for d in [path_oframe, path_pframe, path_annotations, path_sframe, path_mframe, path_mmframe, path_viz]:
        log.debug("videos dirs: {}".format(d))

      ## Define codec and create video writer
      # file_name = "{:%d%m%y_%H%M%S}.avi".format(datetime.datetime.now())
      fext = ".avi"
      file_name = vname+fext

      filepath_pvideo = os.path.join(filepath, vname, file_name)
      log.debug("filepath_pvideo: {}".format(filepath_pvideo))

    count = 0
    success = True
    frame_cutoff = 0
    from_frame = 0
    while success:
      log.debug("frame: {}".format(count))

      if frame_cutoff and count >= frame_cutoff:

      ## start predictions specific 'from the specific frame number'
      if from_frame and count < from_frame:
        count += 1

      ## Read next image
      success, oframe_im = vid.read()
      if success:
        oframe_name = str(count)+"_"+video+".png"

        ## OpenCV returns images as BGR, convert to RGB
        oframe_im_rgb = oframe_im[..., ::-1]
        ## Detect objects
        t1 = time.time()
        # r = detect(model, im=oframe_im_rgb, verbose=0)
        r = detect(model, im=oframe_im_rgb, verbose=1)[0]

        t2 = time.time()
        time_taken = (t2 - t1)
        log.debug('Total time taken in detect: %f seconds' %(time_taken))

        ## Convert Json response to VIA Json response
        t1 = time.time()

        if save_viz_and_json:
          # pframe_im, jsonres = viz.get_display_instances(oframe_im_rgb, r['rois'], r['masks'], r['class_ids'], class_names, r['scores'], colors=cc, show_bbox=False)
          jsonres = viz.get_display_instances(oframe_im_rgb, r['rois'], r['masks'], r['class_ids'], class_names, r['scores'], colors=cc, show_bbox=False, auto_show=False, filepath=video_viz_basepath, filename=oframe_name)
          jsonres = viz.get_detections(oframe_im_rgb, r['rois'], r['masks'], r['class_ids'], class_names, r['scores'], colors=cc)

        t2 = time.time()
        time_taken = (t2 - t1)
        log.debug('Total time taken in detections: %f seconds' %(time_taken))
        ## Convert Json response to VIA Json response
        t1 = time.time()
        size_oframe = 0
        jsonres["filename"] = oframe_name
        jsonres["size"] = size_oframe
        via_jsonres = {}
        via_jsonres[oframe_name+str(size_oframe)] = jsonres
        json_str = common.numpy_to_json(via_jsonres)
        # log.debug("json_str:\n{}".format(json_str))

        t2 = time.time()
        time_taken = (t2 - t1)
        log.debug('Total time taken in json_str: %f seconds' %(time_taken))
        ## Create Visualisations & Save output
        if save_viz_and_json:
          t1 = time.time()

          ## Color Splash Effect
          ## Save vframe and video buffer
          # splash = viz.color_splash(oframe_im_rgb, r['masks'])
          # # RGB -> BGR to save image to video
          # splash = splash[..., ::-1]
          # # Add image to video writer
          # vwriter_splash.write(splash)

          ## Color Mask Effect
          ## Save vframe and video buffer

          # mframe_im = viz.color_mask(oframe_im_rgb, r['masks'])
          # ## RGB -> BGR to save image to video
          # ## mframe_im = mframe_im[..., ::-1]
          # filepath_mframe = os.path.join(path_mframe, oframe_name)
          # viz.imsave(filepath_mframe, mframe_im)

          ## Annotation Visualisation
          ## Save vframe and video buffer

          # filepath_pframe = os.path.join(path_pframe, oframe_name)
          # viz.imsave(filepath_pframe, pframe_im)

          # filepath_oframe = os.path.join(path_oframe, oframe_name)
          # viz.imsave(filepath_oframe, oframe_im_rgb)
          # # size_oframe = os.path.getsize(filepath_oframe)

          filepath_jsonres = os.path.join(path_annotations, oframe_name+".json")
          log.debug("filepath_jsonres: {}".format(filepath_jsonres))
          with open(filepath_jsonres,'w') as fw:

          ## TODO: using the opencv itself created visualisation video from individual frames
          # pframe_im_bgr = pframe_im[..., ::-1]
          # height, width = pframe_im_bgr.shape[:2]
          # ## int(vid.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH))
          # ## height = int(vid.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT))
          # ## vwriter_splash = cv2.VideoWriter(os.path.join(filepath, 'splash_'+file_name), cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc(*'MJPG'), fps, (width, height))
          # vwriter_viz = cv2.VideoWriter(filepath_pvideo, cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc(*'MJPG'), fps, (width, height))
          # vwriter_viz.write(pframe_im_bgr)

          # ## Add image to video writer
          # ## vwriter_mask.write(mframe_im)

        count += 1

    # if save_viz_and_json:    
    #   ## vwriter_splash.release()
    #   vwriter_viz.release()


    ## https://stackoverflow.com/questions/36643139/python-and-opencv-cannot-write-readable-avi-video-files
    ## ffmpeg -framerate 29 -i MAH04240.mp4-%d.png -c:v libx264 -r 30 MAH04240-maskrcnn-viz.mp4
    ## ffmpeg -framerate 29 -i %d_MAH04240.mp4.png -c:v libx264 -r 30 MAH04240-maskrcnn-viz.mp4
  return file_names,res
Ejemplo n.º 5
def evaluate(args, mode, appcfg):
  """prepare the report configuration like paths, report names etc. and calls the report generation function

  subset = args.eval_on
  iou_threshold = args.iou
  log.debug("subset: {}".format(subset))
  log.debug("iou_threshold: {}".format(iou_threshold))
  get_mask = True
  auto_show = False

  datacfg = apputil.get_datacfg(appcfg)
  dbcfg = apputil.get_dbcfg(appcfg)

  log.debug("appcfg: {}".format(appcfg))
  log.debug("datacfg: {}".format(datacfg))
  dataset, num_classes, num_images, class_names, total_stats, total_verify = apputil.get_dataset_instance(appcfg, dbcfg, datacfg, subset)
  colors = viz.random_colors(len(class_names))

  log.debug("len(colors), colors: {},{}".format(len(colors), colors))

  log.debug("class_names: {}".format(class_names))
  log.debug("len(class_names): {}".format(len(class_names)))
  log.debug("num_classes: {}".format(num_classes))
  log.debug("num_images: {}".format(num_images))

  log.debug("len(dataset.image_info): {}".format(len(dataset.image_info)))
  log.debug("len(dataset.image_ids): {}".format(len(dataset.image_ids)))
  # log.debug("dataset: {}".format(vars(dataset)))

  # log.debug("TODO: color: cc")
  # cc = dict(zip(class_names,colors))

  name = dataset.name
  datacfg.name = name
  datacfg.classes = class_names
  datacfg.num_classes = num_classes
  archcfg = apputil.get_archcfg(appcfg)
  log.debug("archcfg: {}".format(archcfg))
  cmdcfg = archcfg

  if 'save_viz_and_json' not in cmdcfg:
    cmdcfg.save_viz_and_json = False
  save_viz = args.save_viz
  log.debug("save_viz: {}".format(save_viz))
  cmdcfg.save_viz_and_json = save_viz

  modelcfg_path = os.path.join(appcfg.PATHS.AI_MODEL_CFG_PATH, cmdcfg.model_info)
  log.info("modelcfg_path: {}".format(modelcfg_path))
  modelcfg = apputil.get_modelcfg(modelcfg_path)

  ## for prediction, get the label information from the model information
  class_names_model = apputil.get_class_names(modelcfg)
  log.debug("class_names_model: {}".format(class_names_model))

  cmdcfg.name = name
  cmdcfg.config.NAME = modelcfg.name
  cmdcfg.config.NUM_CLASSES = len(class_names_model)

  # class_names = apputil.get_class_names(datacfg)
  # log.debug("class_names: {}".format(class_names))
  weights_path = apputil.get_abs_path(appcfg, modelcfg, 'AI_WEIGHTS_PATH')
  cmdcfg['weights_path'] = weights_path

  ## Prepare directory structure and filenames for reporting the evluation results
  now = datetime.datetime.now()
  ## create log directory based on timestamp for evaluation reporting
  timestamp = "{:%d%m%y_%H%M%S}".format(now)
  datacfg_ts = datacfg.timestamp if 'TIMESTAMP' in datacfg else timestamp

  save_viz_and_json = cmdcfg.save_viz_and_json
  # iou_threshold = cmdcfg.iou_threshold
  if 'evaluate_no_of_result' not in cmdcfg:
    evaluate_no_of_result = -1
    evaluate_no_of_result = cmdcfg.evaluate_no_of_result

  def clean_iou(iou):
    return str("{:f}".format(iou)).replace('.','')[:3]

  path = appcfg['PATHS']['AI_LOGS']
  # evaluate_dir = datacfg_ts+"-evaluate_"+clean_iou(iou_threshold)+"-"+name+"-"+subset+"-"+timestamp
  evaluate_dir = "evaluate_"+clean_iou(iou_threshold)+"-"+name+"-"+subset+"-"+timestamp
  filepath = os.path.join(path, cmdcfg.dnnarch, evaluate_dir)
  log.debug("filepath: {}".format(filepath))

  for d in ['splash', 'mask', 'annotations', 'viz']:

  ## gt - ground truth
  ## pr/pred - prediction

  def get_cfgfilename(cfg_filepath):
    return cfg_filepath.split(os.path.sep)[-1]

  ## generate the summary on the evaluation run
  evaluate_run_summary = defaultdict(list)
  evaluate_run_summary['name'] =name
  evaluate_run_summary['execution_start_time'] = timestamp
  evaluate_run_summary['subset'] = subset
  evaluate_run_summary['total_labels'] = num_classes
  evaluate_run_summary['total_images'] = num_images
  evaluate_run_summary['evaluate_no_of_result'] = evaluate_no_of_result
  evaluate_run_summary['evaluate_dir'] = evaluate_dir
  evaluate_run_summary['dataset'] = get_cfgfilename(appcfg.DATASET[appcfg.ACTIVE.DATASET].cfg_file)
  evaluate_run_summary['arch'] = get_cfgfilename(appcfg.ARCH[appcfg.ACTIVE.ARCH].cfg_file)
  evaluate_run_summary['model'] = cmdcfg['model_info']

  ## classification report and confusion matrix - json and csv
  ## generate the filenames for what reports to be generated
  reportcfg = {
    ,'evaluate_run_summary_reportfile':os.path.join(filepath, "evaluate_run_summary_rpt-"+subset)
    ,'classification_reportfile':os.path.join(filepath, "classification_rpt-"+subset)
    ,'confusionmatrix_reportfile':os.path.join(filepath, "confusionmatrix_rpt-"+subset)

  log.debug("reportcfg: {}".format(reportcfg))

  dnnmod = apputil.get_module(cmdcfg.dnnarch)

  fn_evaluate = apputil.get_module_fn(dnnmod, "evaluate")

  evaluate_run_summary = fn_evaluate(mode, cmdcfg, appcfg, modelcfg, dataset, datacfg, class_names, reportcfg, get_mask)

  return evaluate_run_summary
Ejemplo n.º 6
def predict(args, mode, appcfg):
  """Executes the prediction and stores the generated results
  1. create the prediction configuration 
  2. PDB specification


  archcfg = apputil.get_archcfg(appcfg)
  log.debug("cmdcfg/archcfg: {}".format(archcfg))
  cmdcfg = archcfg

  if 'save_viz_and_json' not in cmdcfg:
    cmdcfg.save_viz_and_json = False
  save_viz = args.save_viz
  show_bbox = args.show_bbox
  log.debug("save_viz: {}".format(save_viz))
  cmdcfg.save_viz_and_json = save_viz

  modelcfg_path = os.path.join(appcfg.PATHS.AI_MODEL_CFG_PATH, cmdcfg.model_info)
  log.info("modelcfg_path: {}".format(modelcfg_path))
  modelcfg = apputil.get_modelcfg(modelcfg_path)

  log.debug("modelcfg: {}".format(modelcfg))
  api_model_key = apputil.get_api_model_key(modelcfg)
  log.debug("api_model_key: {}".format(api_model_key))
  ## for prediction, get the label information from the model information
  class_names = apputil.get_class_names(modelcfg)
  log.debug("class_names: {}".format(class_names))

  num_classes = len(class_names)
  name = modelcfg.name

  cmdcfg.name = name
  cmdcfg.config.NAME = name
  cmdcfg.config.NUM_CLASSES = num_classes

  dnnmod = apputil.get_module(cmdcfg.dnnarch)

  ## todo: hard-coding clear up
  cmdcfg['log_dir'] = 'predict'
  log_dir_path = apputil.get_abs_path(appcfg, cmdcfg, 'AI_LOGS')
  cmdcfg['log_dir_path'] = log_dir_path

  weights_path = apputil.get_abs_path(appcfg, modelcfg, 'AI_WEIGHTS_PATH')
  cmdcfg['weights_path'] = weights_path

  load_model_and_weights = apputil.get_module_fn(dnnmod, "load_model_and_weights")
  model = load_model_and_weights(mode, cmdcfg, appcfg)

  path_dtls = apputil.get_path_dtls(args, appcfg)
  log.debug("path_dtls: {}".format(path_dtls))
  for t in ["images", "videos"]:
    if path_dtls[t] and len(path_dtls[t]) > 0:
      fname = "detect_from_"+t
      log.info("fname: {}".format(fname))
      fn = getattr(this, fname)
      if fn:
        file_names, res = fn(appcfg, dnnmod, path_dtls[t], path_dtls['path'], model, class_names, cmdcfg, api_model_key, show_bbox)
        # log.debug("len(file_names), file_names: {}, {}".format(len(file_names), file_names))
        log.error("Unkown fn: {}".format(fname))
  # return file_names, res
Ejemplo n.º 7
def train(args, mode, appcfg):

  datacfg = apputil.get_datacfg(appcfg)

  ## Training dataset.
  subset = "train"
  log.info("subset: {}".format(subset))
  dbcfg = apputil.get_dbcfg(appcfg)

  dataset_train, num_classes_train, num_images_train, class_names_train, total_stats_train, total_verify_train = apputil.get_dataset_instance(appcfg, dbcfg, datacfg, subset)
  colors = viz.random_colors(len(class_names_train))
  log.info("len(colors), colors: {},{}".format(len(colors), colors))

  log.info("subset, class_names_train: {}, {}".format(subset, class_names_train))
  log.info("subset, len(class_names_train): {}, {}".format(subset, len(class_names_train)))
  log.info("subset, num_classes_train: {}, {}".format(subset, num_classes_train))
  log.info("subset, num_images_train: {}, {}".format(subset, num_images_train))

  log.info("subset, len(dataset_train.image_info): {}, {}".format(subset, len(dataset_train.image_info)))
  log.info("subset, len(dataset_train.image_ids): {}, {}".format(subset, len(dataset_train.image_ids)))

  ## Validation dataset
  subset = "val"
  log.info("subset: {}".format(subset))
  dataset_val, num_classes_val, num_images_val, class_names_val, total_stats_val, total_verify_val = apputil.get_dataset_instance(appcfg, dbcfg, datacfg, subset)
  log.info("subset, class_names_val: {}, {}".format(subset, class_names_val))
  log.info("subset, len(class_names_val): {}, {}".format(subset, len(class_names_val)))
  log.info("subset, num_classes_val: {}, {}".format(subset, num_classes_val))
  log.info("subset, num_images_val: {}, {}".format(subset, num_images_val))
  log.info("subset, len(dataset_val.image_info): {}, {}".format(subset, len(dataset_val.image_info)))
  log.info("subset, len(dataset_val.image_ids): {}, {}".format(subset, len(dataset_val.image_ids)))


  ## Ensure label sequence and class_names of train and val dataset are excatly same, if not abort training
  assert class_names_train == class_names_val

  archcfg = apputil.get_archcfg(appcfg)
  log.debug("archcfg: {}".format(archcfg))
  cmdcfg = archcfg

  name = dataset_train.name

  ## generate the modelinfo template to be used for evaluate and prediction
  modelinfocfg = {
    'classes': class_names_train.copy()
    ,'classinfo': None
    ,'config': cmdcfg.config.copy()
    ,'dataset': cmdcfg.dbname
    ,'dbname': cmdcfg.dbname
    ,'dnnarch': cmdcfg.dnnarch
    ,'framework_type': cmdcfg.framework_type
    ,'id': None
    ,'load_weights': cmdcfg.load_weights.copy()
    ,'name': name
    ,'num_classes': num_classes_train
    ,'problem_id': None
    ,'rel_num': None
    ,'weights': None
    ,'weights_path': None
    ,'log_dir': None
    ,'checkpoint_path': None
    ,'model_info': None
    ,'timestamp': None
    ,'creator': None

  datacfg.name = name
  datacfg.classes = class_names_train
  datacfg.num_classes = num_classes_train

  cmdcfg.name = name
  cmdcfg.config.NAME = name
  cmdcfg.config.NUM_CLASSES = num_classes_train

  modelcfg_path = os.path.join(appcfg.PATHS.AI_MODEL_CFG_PATH, cmdcfg.model_info)
  log.info("modelcfg_path: {}".format(modelcfg_path))
  modelcfg = apputil.get_modelcfg(modelcfg_path)

  log_dir_path = apputil.get_abs_path(appcfg, cmdcfg, 'AI_LOGS')
  cmdcfg['log_dir_path'] = log_dir_path

  weights_path = apputil.get_abs_path(appcfg, modelcfg, 'AI_WEIGHTS_PATH')
  cmdcfg['weights_path'] = weights_path

  dnnmod = apputil.get_module(cmdcfg.dnnarch)
  load_model_and_weights = apputil.get_module_fn(dnnmod, "load_model_and_weights")
  model = load_model_and_weights(mode, cmdcfg, appcfg)  
  modelinfocfg['log_dir'] = model.log_dir
  modelinfocfg['checkpoint_path'] = model.checkpoint_path

  if 'creator' in cmdcfg:
    modelinfocfg['creator'] = cmdcfg['creator']

  log.info("modelinfocfg: {}".format(modelinfocfg))

  fn_create_modelinfo = apputil.get_module_fn(dnnmod, "create_modelinfo")
  modelinfo = fn_create_modelinfo(modelinfocfg)
  create_modelinfo = args.create_modelinfo
    if not create_modelinfo:
      fn_train = apputil.get_module_fn(dnnmod, "train")
      fn_train(model, dataset_train, dataset_val, cmdcfg)
      log.info("Training Completed!!!")
    ## save modelinfo
    ## popolate the relative weights_path of the last model from the training if any model is generated otherwise None

    logs_path = appcfg['PATHS']['AI_LOGS']
    dnn = cmdcfg.dnnarch

    list_of_files = glob.glob(os.path.join(model.log_dir,dnn+'*')) # * means all if need specific format then *.h5
    latest_file = max(list_of_files, key=os.path.getctime)
    new_weights_path = re.sub('\{}'.format(logs_path+'/'), '', latest_file)

    modelinfo['weights_path'] = new_weights_path

    modelinfo_filepath = apputil.get_abs_path(appcfg, modelinfo, 'AI_MODEL_CFG_PATH')
    common.yaml_safe_dump(modelinfo_filepath, modelinfo)
    log.info("TRAIN:MODELINFO_FILEPATH: {}".format(modelinfo_filepath))

  return modelinfo_filepath