Ejemplo n.º 1
    def importDocument(self, content=None, at=None, format=None,
                       anchor='as-char', wrapInPara=True, size=None,
                       sizeUnit='cm', style=None):
        '''If p_at is not None, it represents a path or url allowing to find
           the document. If p_at is None, the content of the document is
           supposed to be in binary format in p_content. The document
           p_format may be: odt or any format in imageFormats.

           p_anchor, p_wrapInPara and p_size are only relevant for images:
           * p_anchor defines the way the image is anchored into the document;
                      Valid values are 'page','paragraph', 'char' and 'as-char';
           * p_wrapInPara, if true, wraps the resulting 'image' tag into a 'p'
           * p_size, if specified, is a tuple of float or integers
                     (width, height) expressing size in p_sizeUnit (see below).
                     If not specified, size will be computed from image info.
           * p_sizeUnit is the unit for p_size elements, it can be "cm"
             (centimeters) or "px" (pixels).
           * If p_style is given, it is the content of a "style" attribute,
             containing CSS attributes. If "width" and "heigth" attributes are
             found there, they will override p_size and p_sizeUnit.
        importer = None
        # Is there someting to import?
        if not content and not at:
            raise PodError(DOC_NOT_SPECIFIED)
        # Guess document format
        if isinstance(content, FileWrapper):
            format = content.mimeType
        elif hasattr(content, 'filename') and content.filename:
            format = os.path.splitext(content.filename)[1][1:]
            content = content.data
        if not format:
            # It should be deduced from p_at
            if not at:
                raise PodError(DOC_FORMAT_ERROR)
            format = os.path.splitext(at)[1][1:]
            # If format is a mimeType, convert it to an extension
            if mimeTypesExts.has_key(format):
                format = mimeTypesExts[format]
        isImage = False
        if format in self.ooFormats:
            importer = OdtImporter
            self.forceOoCall = True
        elif (format in self.imageFormats) or not format:
            # If the format can't be guessed, we suppose it is an image.
            importer = ImageImporter
            isImage = True
        elif format == 'pdf':
            importer = PdfImporter
            raise PodError(DOC_WRONG_FORMAT % format)
        imp = importer(content, at, format, self)
        # Initialise image-specific parameters
        if isImage: imp.setImageInfo(anchor, wrapInPara, size, sizeUnit, style)
        res = imp.run()
        return res
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def importDocument(self, content=None, at=None, format=None,
                       anchor='as-char', wrapInPara=True, size=None,
                       sizeUnit='cm', style=None):
        '''If p_at is not None, it represents a path or url allowing to find
           the document. If p_at is None, the content of the document is
           supposed to be in binary format in p_content. The document
           p_format may be: odt or any format in imageFormats.

           p_anchor, p_wrapInPara and p_size are only relevant for images:
           * p_anchor defines the way the image is anchored into the document;
                      Valid values are 'page','paragraph', 'char' and 'as-char';
           * p_wrapInPara, if true, wraps the resulting 'image' tag into a 'p'
           * p_size, if specified, is a tuple of float or integers
                     (width, height) expressing size in p_sizeUnit (see below).
                     If not specified, size will be computed from image info.
           * p_sizeUnit is the unit for p_size elements, it can be "cm"
             (centimeters) or "px" (pixels).
           * If p_style is given, it is the content of a "style" attribute,
             containing CSS attributes. If "width" and "heigth" attributes are
             found there, they will override p_size and p_sizeUnit.
        importer = None
        # Is there someting to import?
        if not content and not at:
            raise PodError(DOC_NOT_SPECIFIED)
        # Guess document format
        if isinstance(content, FileWrapper):
            format = content.mimeType
        elif hasattr(content, 'filename') and content.filename:
            format = os.path.splitext(content.filename)[1][1:]
            content = content.data
        if not format:
            # It should be deduced from p_at
            if not at:
                raise PodError(DOC_FORMAT_ERROR)
            format = os.path.splitext(at)[1][1:]
            # If format is a mimeType, convert it to an extension
            if mimeTypesExts.has_key(format):
                format = mimeTypesExts[format]
        isImage = False
        if format in self.ooFormats:
            importer = OdtImporter
            self.forceOoCall = True
        elif (format in self.imageFormats) or not format:
            # If the format can't be guessed, we suppose it is an image.
            importer = ImageImporter
            isImage = True
        elif format == 'pdf':
            importer = PdfImporter
            raise PodError(DOC_WRONG_FORMAT % format)
        imp = importer(content, at, format, self)
        # Initialise image-specific parameters
        if isImage: imp.setImageInfo(anchor, wrapInPara, size, sizeUnit, style)
        res = imp.run()
        return res
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def importDocument(self,
        '''If p_at is not None, it represents a path or url allowing to find
           the document. If p_at is None, the content of the document is
           supposed to be in binary format in p_content. The document
           p_format may be: odt or any format in imageFormats.

           p_anchor, p_wrapInPara and p_size are only relevant for images:
           * p_anchor defines the way the image is anchored into the document;
                      Valid values are 'page','paragraph', 'char' and 'as-char';
           * p_wrapInPara, if true, wraps the resulting 'image' tag into a 'p'
           * p_size, if specified, is a tuple of float or integers
                     (width, height) expressing size in centimeters. If not
                     specified, size will be computed from image info.'''
        ns = self.currentParser.env.namespaces
        importer = None
        # Is there someting to import?
        if not content and not at:
            raise PodError(DOC_NOT_SPECIFIED)
        # Guess document format
        if isinstance(content, FileWrapper):
            format = content.mimeType
        if not format:
            # It should be deduced from p_at
            if not at:
                raise PodError(DOC_FORMAT_ERROR)
            format = os.path.splitext(at)[1][1:]
            # If format is a mimeType, convert it to an extension
            if mimeTypesExts.has_key(format):
                format = mimeTypesExts[format]
        isImage = False
        if format in self.ooFormats:
            importer = OdtImporter
            self.forceOoCall = True
        elif format in self.imageFormats:
            importer = ImageImporter
            isImage = True
        elif format == 'pdf':
            importer = PdfImporter
            raise PodError(DOC_WRONG_FORMAT % format)
        imp = importer(content, at, format, self.tempFolder, ns,
        # Initialise image-specific parameters
        if isImage: imp.setImageInfo(anchor, wrapInPara, size)
        res = imp.run()
        return res
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def importDocument(self, content=None, at=None, format=None,
     '''If p_at is not None, it represents a path or url allowing to find
        the document. If p_at is None, the content of the document is
        supposed to be in binary format in p_content. The document
        p_format may be: odt or any format in imageFormats. p_anchor is only
        relevant for images.'''
     ns = self.currentParser.env.namespaces
     importer = None
     # Is there someting to import?
     if not content and not at:
         raise PodError(DOC_NOT_SPECIFIED)
     # Guess document format
     if not format:
         # It should be deduced from p_at
         if not at:
             raise PodError(DOC_FORMAT_ERROR)
         format = os.path.splitext(at)[1][1:]
         # If format is a mimeType, convert it to an extension
         if mimeTypesExts.has_key(format):
             format = mimeTypesExts[format]
     isImage = False
     if format in self.ooFormats:
         importer = OdtImporter
         self.forceOoCall = True
     elif format in self.imageFormats:
         importer = ImageImporter
         isImage = True
     elif format == 'pdf':
         importer = PdfImporter
         raise PodError(DOC_WRONG_FORMAT % format)
     imp = importer(content, at, format, self.tempFolder, ns)
     if isImage:
     res = imp.run()
     if imp.fileNames:
         self.fileNames += imp.fileNames
     return res
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def importDocument(self, content=None, at=None, format=None,
      anchor='as-char', wrapInPara=True, size=None, sizeUnit='cm', style=None,
      keepRatio=True, pageBreakBefore=False, pageBreakAfter=False,
        '''If p_at is not None, it represents a path or url allowing to find
           the document. If p_at is None, the content of the document is
           supposed to be in binary format in p_content. The document
           p_format may be: odt or any format in imageFormats.

           p_anchor, p_wrapInPara, p_size, p_sizeUnit, p_style and p_keepRatio
           are only relevant for images:
           * p_anchor defines the way the image is anchored into the document;
                      Valid values are 'page','paragraph', 'char' and 'as-char';
           * p_wrapInPara, if true, wraps the resulting 'image' tag into a 'p'
           * p_size, if specified, is a tuple of float or integers
                     (width, height) expressing size in p_sizeUnit (see below).
                     If not specified, size will be computed from image info;
           * p_sizeUnit is the unit for p_size elements, it can be "cm"
             (centimeters), "px" (pixels) or "pc" (percentage). Percentages, in
             p_size, must be expressed as integers from 1 to 100.
           * if p_style is given, it is the content of a "style" attribute,
             containing CSS attributes. If "width" and "heigth" attributes are
             found there, they will override p_size and p_sizeUnit.
           * If p_keepRatio is True, the image width/height ratio will be kept
             when p_size is specified.

           p_pageBreakBefore and p_pageBreakAfter are only relevant for import
           of external odt documents, and allows to insert a page break
           before/after the inserted document.

           If p_convertOptions are given (for images only), imagemagick will be
           called with these options to perform some transformation on the
           image. For example, if you specify
                             convertOptions="-rotate 90"

           pod will perform this command before importing the file into the
                       convert your.image -rotate 90 your.image

           You can also specify a function in convertOptions. This function will
           receive a single arg, "image", an instance of
           appy.pod.doc_importers.Image giving some characteristics of the image
           to convert, like image.width and image.height in pixels (integers).
           If your function does not return a string containing the convert
           options, no conversion will occur.
        importer = None
        # Is there someting to import ?
        if not content and not at: raise PodError(DOC_NOT_SPECIFIED)
        # Convert Zope files into Appy wrappers
        if content.__class__.__name__ in ('File', 'Image'):
            content = FileWrapper(content)
        # Guess document format
        if isinstance(content, FileWrapper):
            format = content.mimeType
        if not format:
            # It should be deduced from p_at
            if not at:
                raise PodError(DOC_FORMAT_ERROR)
            format = os.path.splitext(at)[1][1:]
            # If format is a mimeType, convert it to an extension
            if mimeTypesExts.has_key(format):
                format = mimeTypesExts[format]
        isImage = False
        isOdt = False
        if format in self.ooFormats:
            importer = OdtImporter
            self.forceOoCall = True
            isOdt = True
        elif (format in self.imageFormats) or not format:
            # If the format can't be guessed, we suppose it is an image
            importer = ImageImporter
            isImage = True
        elif format == 'pdf':
            importer = PdfImporter
        elif format in self.convertibleFormats:
            importer = ConvertImporter
            raise PodError(DOC_WRONG_FORMAT % format)
        imp = importer(content, at, format, self)
        # Initialise image-specific parameters
        if isImage:
            imp.init(anchor, wrapInPara, size, sizeUnit, style, keepRatio,
        elif isOdt: imp.init(pageBreakBefore, pageBreakAfter)
        return imp.run()