Ejemplo n.º 1
def to_aqi(ccs, algo=ALGO_EPA):
    """Calculate the AQI based on a list of pollutants

    :param ccs: a list of tuples of pollutants concentrations with
                pollutant constant and concentration as values
    :type ccs: list
    :param algo: algorithm module name
    :type algo: str
    _aqi = get_algo(algo)
    return _aqi.aqi(ccs)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def to_aqi(ccs, algo=ALGO_EPA):
    """Calculate the AQI based on a list of pollutants

    :param ccs: a list of tuples of pollutants concentrations with
                pollutant constant and concentration as values
    :type ccs: list
    :param algo: algorithm module name
    :type algo: str
    _aqi = get_algo(algo)
    return _aqi.aqi(ccs)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def to_cc(elem, iaqi, algo=ALGO_EPA):
    """Calculate a concentration for a given pollutant.

    .. warning:: the intermediate AQI is passed as a string

    :param elem: pollutant constant
    :type elem: int
    :param cc: intermediate AQI
    :type iaqi: str
    :param algo: algorithm module canonical name
    :type algo: str
    _aqi = get_algo(algo)
    return _aqi.cc(elem, iaqi)
Ejemplo n.º 4
def to_cc(elem, iaqi, algo=ALGO_EPA):
    """Calculate a concentration for a given pollutant.

    .. warning:: the intermediate AQI is passed as a string

    :param elem: pollutant constant
    :type elem: int
    :param cc: intermediate AQI
    :type iaqi: str
    :param algo: algorithm module canonical name
    :type algo: str
    _aqi = get_algo(algo)
    return _aqi.cc(elem, iaqi)
Ejemplo n.º 5
def to_iaqi(elem, cc, algo=ALGO_EPA):
    """Calculate an intermediate AQI for a given pollutant. This is the
    heart of the algo.

    .. warning:: the concentration is passed as a string so
        :class:`decimal.Decimal` doesn't act up with binary floats.

    :param elem: pollutant constant
    :type elem: int
    :param cc: pollutant contentration (µg/m³ or ppm)
    :type cc: str
    :param algo: algorithm module canonical name
    :type algo: str
    _aqi = get_algo(algo)
    return _aqi.iaqi(elem, cc)
Ejemplo n.º 6
def to_iaqi(elem, cc, algo=ALGO_EPA):
    """Calculate an intermediate AQI for a given pollutant. This is the
    heart of the algo.

    .. warning:: the concentration is passed as a string so
        :class:`decimal.Decimal` doesn't act up with binary floats.

    :param elem: pollutant constant
    :type elem: int
    :param cc: pollutant contentration (µg/m³ or ppm)
    :type cc: str
    :param algo: algorithm module canonical name
    :type algo: str
    _aqi = get_algo(algo)
    return _aqi.iaqi(elem, cc)
Ejemplo n.º 7
def console_aqi():
    """Console entry point, this function is used as an entry point to
    the 'aqi' command.
    import sys
    import argparse

    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=
    """Convert between AQI value and pollutant concentration (µg/m³ or
    parser.add_argument('-c', dest='conv', choices=['aqi', 'cc'], default='aqi',
                        help="Conversion to perform, defaults to 'aqi'")
    parser.add_argument('-l', action='store_true', dest='list',
                        help='list the available algorithms and '
                             'corresponding pollutants')
    parser.add_argument('-v', action='store_true', dest='verbose',
                        help='add IAQIs to the result')
    parser.add_argument('algo', nargs='?',
                        help='the formula to use for the AQI '
                             'calculation, use the python module path')
    parser.add_argument('measures', nargs='*', metavar='measure',
                        help='pollutant measure, format is '
                             'element_name:concentration. Unknown '
                             'pollutants are silently ignored.')
    args = parser.parse_args()

    # list available algorithms
    if args.list is True:
        for _algo in list_algos():
            print("{algo}: {elem}".format(
                algo=_algo[0], elem=', '.join(
                ["{0} ({1})".format(elem, unit) for (elem, unit) \
                 in _algo[1]])))
        # if not listing but missing other positional argument
        if args.algo is None or args.measures is None:
            sys.stderr.write("Missing algorithm or measure.\n")
        _aqi = get_algo(args.algo)
        # couln't load the algo module or instanciate AQI class
        if _aqi is None:
            sys.stderr.write("Unknown algorithm or module is missing an "
                             "AQI class\n")
        if args.conv == 'aqi':
            ccs = []
            for measure in args.measures:
                (elem, cc) = measure.split(':')
                ccs.append((elem, cc))

            ret = _aqi.aqi(ccs, iaqis=args.verbose)
            if args.verbose is True:
                iaqis = []
                for (constant, iaqi) in ret[1].items():
                    iaqis.append(constant + ':' + str(iaqi))
                sys.stdout.write(' '.join(iaqis) + "\n")
                sys.stdout.write(str(ret[0]) + "\n")
                sys.stdout.write(str(ret) + "\n")
            iaqis = []
            for measure in args.measures:
                (elem, iaqi) = measure.split(':')
                iaqis.append((elem, iaqi))

            ret = []
            for iaqi in iaqis:
                ret.append((iaqi[0], _aqi.cc(iaqi[0], iaqi[1])))
            if len(ret) == 1:
                sys.stdout.write(str(ret[0][1]) + "\n")
            elif len(ret) > 1:
                ccs = []
                for (elem, cc) in ret:
                    if cc is None:
                        ccs.append(elem + ':na')
                        ccs.append(elem + ':' + str(cc))
                sys.stdout.write('\n'.join(ccs) + "\n")

    # end the script without a problem
Ejemplo n.º 8
def console_aqi():
    """Console entry point, this functionis used as an entry point to
    the 'aqi' command.
    import sys
    import argparse

    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=
    """Convert between AQI value and pollutant concentration (µg/m³ or
    parser.add_argument('-l', action='store_true', dest='list',
                        help='list the available algorithms and '
                             'corresponding pollutants')
    parser.add_argument('-v', action='store_true', dest='verbose',
                        help='add IAQIs to the result')
    parser.add_argument('algo', nargs='?',
                        help='the formula to use for the AQI '
                             'calculation, use the python module path')
    parser.add_argument('measures', nargs='*', metavar='measure',
                        help='pollutant measure, format is '
                             'element_name:concentration. Unknown '
                             'pollutants are silently ignored.')
    args = parser.parse_args()

    # list available algorithms
    if args.list is True:
        for _algo in list_algos():
            print("{algo}: {elem}".format(
                algo=_algo[0], elem=', '.join(
                ["{0} ({1})".format(elem, unit) for (elem, unit) \
                 in _algo[1]])))
        # if not listing but missing other positional argument
        if args.algo is None or args.measures is None:
            sys.stderr.write("Missing algorithm or measure.\n")
        _aqi = get_algo(args.algo)
        # couln't load the algo module or instanciate AQI class
        if _aqi is None:
            sys.stderr.write("Unknown algorithm or module is missing an "
                             "AQI class\n")
        ccs = []
        for measure in args.measures:
            (elem, cc) = measure.split(':')
            ccs.append((elem, cc))

        ret = _aqi.aqi(ccs, iaqis=args.verbose)
        if args.verbose is True:
            iaqis = []
            for (constant, iaqi) in ret[1].items():
                iaqis.append(constant + ':' + str(iaqi))
            sys.stdout.write(' '.join(iaqis) + "\n")
            sys.stdout.write(str(ret[0]) + "\n")
            sys.stdout.write(str(ret) + "\n")

    # end the script without a problem