def _fmt_cmd_for_log(cmd): """ Join the git_cmd, quoting individual segments first so that it's relatively easy to see if there were whitespace issues or not. """ return ' '.join(['"%s"' % util.utf8(seg) for seg in cmd])
def _write_to_stdout(str_or_unicode): """ Write `str_or_unicode` to stdout, encoding to utf-8 if it's unicode. No extra newline is written. """ sys.stdout.write(util.utf8(str_or_unicode))
def test_git_cmd_returns_std_out(): with fleeting_repo() as test_repo: commit_msg = 'I remain committed.' test_repo.commit([('test.txt', 'testing\n')], commit_msg=commit_msg) with git_cmd(["log"], cwd=test_repo.repo_root) as output_f: ok_(commit_msg in util.utf8(
def _wrap(fname, log_entry): with tempfile.TemporaryFile() as fil: fil.write('\0'.join( [util.utf8(x) for x in [fname] + list(log_entry)])) fil.flush() with util.wrap_popen(list_or_str, stdin_fil=fil) as out_fil: return
def _wrap(fname, log_entry): with tempfile.TemporaryFile() as fil: fil.write('\0'.join([util.utf8(x) for x in [fname] + list(log_entry)])) fil.flush() with util.wrap_popen(list_or_str, stdin_fil=fil) as out_fil: return
def _parse_log_entry(raw_log_entry): """ Parse a single git log entry into a LogEntry, or return None if it can't be parsed. """ # A note on the encodings. Git doesn't give us a way to get at # the encodings of the files / diffs (short of .gitattributes, # which has to be set by the original producers of the repo). We # assume that the encoding is UTF-8, and just replace everything # else with that lovely question mark thing, to do the parsing / # manipulation, and then convert that utf-8 to unicode for the # returned LogEntry. utf8_log_entry = util.utf8(raw_log_entry) # attempt to split the header from the diff. split_log_entry = _split_entry_header(utf8_log_entry) if split_log_entry is None: return None header_lines, diff_lines = split_log_entry diff = '\n'.join(diff_lines) if not diff.strip(): log.debug("Diff appeared to be empty.") return None author = _parse_header('Author: ', header_lines) if not author: log.debug("Could not parse author.") return None parsed_author = parse_name_and_email(author) if not parsed_author: log.debug("Could not parse author name / email.") return None author_name, author_email = parsed_author commit = _parse_header('commit ', header_lines) if not commit: log.debug("Could not parse commit.") return None log_msg = '\n'.join(_parse_log_msg(header_lines)) return LogEntry(author_name=util.uc(author_name), author_email=util.uc(author_email), commit=util.uc(commit), log_msg=util.uc(log_msg), diff=util.uc(diff), raw_log=raw_log_entry)
def _validate_parsed_entry(parsed_entry, commit_info): ok_(parsed_entry) ok_(util.uc(commit_info.commit_msg) in parsed_entry.log_msg) ok_(commit_info.file_body in util.utf8(parsed_entry.diff)) eq_(util.uc(commit_info.author_name), parsed_entry.author_name) eq_(util.uc(commit_info.author_email), parsed_entry.author_email)
TEST_COMMIT_ONE = TestCommitInfo(file_body="test file body\n", commit_msg="test commit msg", author_name="Testy McTesterson", author_email="*****@*****.**") TEST_COMMIT_TWO = TestCommitInfo(file_body="test second file body\n", commit_msg="test second commit msg", author_name="Testy Second McTesterson", author_email="*****@*****.**") TEST_COMMIT_UNICODE_BODY = TestCommitInfo( file_body=util.utf8(u"frosty the \u2603 was a kind soul\n"), commit_msg="test commit msg", author_name="Testy McTesterson", author_email="*****@*****.**") TEST_COMMIT_UNICODE_MSG = TestCommitInfo( file_body="hi unicode msg\n", commit_msg=util.utf8(u"test commit \u2603 msg"), author_name="Testy McTesterson", author_email="*****@*****.**") TEST_COMMIT_UNICODE_AUTHOR = TestCommitInfo( file_body="hi unicode author\n", commit_msg="test commit",
# purposes of testing log retrieval / parsing TestCommitInfo = namedtuple('TestCommitInfo', 'file_body commit_msg author_name author_email') TEST_COMMIT_ONE = TestCommitInfo(file_body="test file body\n", commit_msg="test commit msg", author_name="Testy McTesterson", author_email="*****@*****.**") TEST_COMMIT_TWO = TestCommitInfo(file_body="test second file body\n", commit_msg="test second commit msg", author_name="Testy Second McTesterson", author_email="*****@*****.**") TEST_COMMIT_UNICODE_BODY = TestCommitInfo( file_body=util.utf8(u"frosty the \u2603 was a kind soul\n"), commit_msg="test commit msg", author_name="Testy McTesterson", author_email="*****@*****.**") TEST_COMMIT_UNICODE_MSG = TestCommitInfo( file_body="hi unicode msg\n", commit_msg=util.utf8(u"test commit \u2603 msg"), author_name="Testy McTesterson", author_email="*****@*****.**") TEST_COMMIT_UNICODE_AUTHOR = TestCommitInfo( file_body="hi unicode author\n", commit_msg="test commit", author_name=util.utf8(u"Testy \u2603 McTesterson"), author_email="*****@*****.**")