def AttribFields(fc, tbl, layer_name, table_name, workspace): #Updates the crossing type attribute values in the GIS database from the CANSYS table. I believe this should work but needs to be tested more. try: MakeFeatureLayer_management(fc, layer_name) MakeQueryTable_management(tbl, table_name, "USE_KEY_FIELDS", "CIIMS.CIIMS_VWCROSSINGGIS3.CROSSINGID", "#", "#") AddJoin_management(layer_name, "CROSSINGID", table_name, "CROSSINGID", "KEEP_ALL") SelectLayerByAttribute_management( layer_name, "NEW_SELECTION", "CIIMS.Static_Crossings.CROSSINGTYPE <> vwcrossings3.CROSSINGTYPE") with da.Editor( workspace) as edit: # @UnusedVariable @UndefinedVariable CalculateField_management(layer_name, 'CIIMS.Static_Crossings.CROSSINGTYPE', '!vwcrossings3.CROSSINGTYPE!', 'PYTHON_9.3') CalculateField_management(layer_name, "CIIMS.Static_Crossings.LOADDATE", " )", "PYTHON_9.3", "#") del layer_name, fc, table_name, tbl print "attrib fields updated for crossing type" except ExecuteError: print(GetMessages(2)) endingTime = ScriptStatusLogging('', 'CIIMS.Static_Crossings', scriptFailure, startingTime, endingTime, GetMessages(2))
def LatLongFields(fc, tbl, layer_name, table_name, workspace): #Updates the XY attributes values in the GIS database from the CANSYS table try: MakeFeatureLayer_management(fc, layer_name) MakeQueryTable_management(tbl, table_name, "USE_KEY_FIELDS", "CIIMS.CIIMS_VWCROSSINGGIS3.CROSSINGID", "#", "#") AddJoin_management(layer_name, "CROSSINGID", table_name, "CROSSINGID", "KEEP_ALL") #select the rows where the CIIMS position has been changed SelectLayerByAttribute_management( layer_name, "NEW_SELECTION", "CIIMS.Static_Crossings.CROSSINGLATITUDE <> vwcrossings3.CROSSINGLATITUDE OR CIIMS.Static_Crossings.CROSSINGLONGITUDE <> vwcrossings3.CROSSINGLONGITUDE" ) with da.Editor( workspace) as edit: # @UnusedVariable @UndefinedVariable CalculateField_management( layer_name, 'CIIMS.Static_Crossings.CROSSINGLATITUDE', '!vwcrossings3.CROSSINGLATITUDE!', 'PYTHON_9.3') CalculateField_management( layer_name, 'CIIMS.Static_Crossings.CROSSINGLONGITUDE', '!vwcrossings3.CROSSINGLONGITUDE!', 'PYTHON_9.3') CalculateField_management(layer_name, "CIIMS.Static_Crossings.LOADDATE", " )", "PYTHON_9.3", "#") del layer_name, fc, table_name, tbl except ExecuteError: print(GetMessages(2)) endingTime = ScriptStatusLogging('', 'CIIMS.Static_Crossings', scriptFailure, startingTime, endingTime, GetMessages(2))
def LatLongFields(fc, tbl, layer_name, table_name, workspace): #Updates the XY attributes values in the GIS database from the CANSYS table try: MakeFeatureLayer_management(fc, layer_name) MakeTableView_management(tbl, table_name) AddJoin_management(layer_name, "CROSSINGID", table_name, "CROSSINGID", "KEEP_ALL") SelectLayerByAttribute_management( layer_name, "NEW_SELECTION", "CIIMS.Static_Crossings.CROSSINGLATITUDE <> CIIMS.CIIMS_VWCROSSINGGIS3.CROSSINGLATITUDE OR CIIMS.Static_Crossings.CROSSINGLONGITUDE <> CIIMS.CIIMS_VWCROSSINGGIS3.CROSSINGLONGITUDE" ) with da.Editor(workspace) as edit: CalculateField_management( layer_name, 'CIIMS.Static_Crossings.CROSSINGLATITUDE', '!CIIMS.CIIMS_VWCROSSINGGIS3.CROSSINGLATITUDE!', 'PYTHON_9.3') CalculateField_management( layer_name, 'CIIMS.Static_Crossings.CROSSINGLONGITUDE', '!CIIMS.CIIMS_VWCROSSINGGIS3.CROSSINGLONGITUDE!', 'PYTHON_9.3') CalculateField_management(layer_name, "CIIMS.Static_Crossings.LOADDATE", " )", "PYTHON_9.3", "#") del layer_name, fc, table_name, tbl except ExecuteError: print(GetMessages(2))
def AddInsert(fc, layer_name, newtbl, workspace): MakeTableView_management(newtbl, "NEWROWS_View", "#", "#", "#") addcount = int(GetCount_management("NEWROWS_View").getOutput(0)) if addcount == 0: print "no new records" pass else: MakeFeatureLayer_management(fc, layer_name) MakeXYEventLayer_management( "NEWROWS_View", "CROSSINGLONGITUDE", "CROSSINGLATITUDE", "NEWROWS_Layer", "GEOGCS['GCS_WGS_1984',DATUM['D_WGS_1984',SPHEROID['WGS_1984',6378137.0,298.257223563]],PRIMEM['Greenwich',0.0],UNIT['Degree',0.0174532925199433]],VERTCS['NAVD_1988',VDATUM['North_American_Vertical_Datum_1988'],PARAMETER['Vertical_Shift',0.0],PARAMETER['Direction',1.0],UNIT['Meter',1.0]];-400 -400 1000000000;-100000 10000;-100000 10000;8.98315284119522E-09;0.001;0.001;IsHighPrecision", "#") FeatureClassToFeatureClass_conversion( "NEWROWS_Layer", "D:/Temp", "LOADTHIS1.shp", "#", """CROSSINGID "CROSSINGID" true false false 30 Text 0 0 ,First,#,Database Connections/sdedev_ciims.sde/CIIMS.NEWROWS_Features,CROSSINGID,-1,-1;CROSSINGLA "CROSSINGLA" true true false 8 Double 10 38 ,First,#,Database Connections/sdedev_ciims.sde/CIIMS.NEWROWS_Features,CROSSINGLATITUDE,-1,-1;CROSSINGLO "CROSSINGLO" true true false 8 Double 10 38 ,First,#,Database Connections/sdedev_ciims.sde/CIIMS.NEWROWS_Features,CROSSINGLONGITUDE,-1,-1;CROSSINGTY "CROSSINGTY" true true false 2 Text 0 0 ,First,#,Database Connections/sdedev_ciims.sde/CIIMS.NEWROWS_Features,CROSSINGTYPE,-1,-1""", "#") Append_management( "D:/Temp/LOADTHIS1.shp", layer_name, "NO_TEST", """CROSSINGID "CROSSINGID" true false false 30 Text 0 0 ,First,#,D:/Temp/LOADTHIS1.shp,CROSSINGID,-1,-1;CROSSINGLATITUDE "CROSSINGLATITUDE" true true false 8 Double 10 38 ,First,#,D:/Temp/LOADTHIS1.shp,CROSSINGLA,-1,-1;CROSSINGLONGITUDE "CROSSINGLONGITUDE" true true false 8 Double 10 38 ,First,#,D:/Temp/LOADTHIS1.shp,CROSSINGLO,-1,-1;CROSSINGTYPE "CROSSINGTYPE" true true false 2 Text 0 0 ,First,#,D:/Temp/LOADTHIS1.shp,CROSSINGTY,-1,-1;LOADDATE "LOADDATE" true true false 36 Date 0 0 ,First,#""", "#") Delete_management("D:/Temp/LOADTHIS1.shp", "#") updatelyr = layer_name + "new" MakeFeatureLayer_management(layer_name, updatelyr, "LOADDATE IS NULL") with da.Editor(workspace) as edit: CalculateField_management(updatelyr, "LOADDATE", " )", "PYTHON_9.3", "#") del fc, layer_name, newtbl, workspace, updatelyr print "new rows inserted into Static_Crossings"
def PointGEOM(fc, tbl, workspace, layer_name, fields): #Updates the Geometry point location based on the XY attributes in the GIS table, run this after the XY attributes have been updated try: MakeFeatureLayer_management(fc, layer_name) #the tolerance is how close a lat/long field value must match the coordinate position Tolerance = 0.000001 #start the edit operation using the DA cursor edit = da.Editor(workspace) # @UndefinedVariable edit.startEditing() edit.startOperation() with da.UpdateCursor(fc, fields) as ucursor: # @UndefinedVariable for row in ucursor: #rows 0 and 1 are the lat long fields in the table point = Point(row[0], row[1]) #row 2 is the geometry lat long tuple, and needs to be split in to lat/long parts rowx, rowy = (row[2]) rowvalues = (row[0], row[1], point, #compare the lat long table values to the point location if (type(rowx) == float): intolX = abs(row[0] - rowx) intolY = abs(row[1] - rowy) if intolX < Tolerance and intolY < Tolerance: pass else: #if the shape needs to be adjusted, this will update the coordinate position from the feild info point = Point(row[0], row[1]) rowvalues = (row[0], row[1], point, print "these rows are outside the position tolerance:" print(rowvalues) ucursor.updateRow(rowvalues) #print (rowvalues) else: point = Point(row[0], row[1]) rowvalues = (row[0], row[1], point, print "these rows need to be calculated:" print(rowvalues) ucursor.updateRow(rowvalues) edit.stopOperation() edit.stopEditing(True) del layer_name, fc, fields, workspace print "point geometry updated" except ExecuteError: print(GetMessages(2)) endingTime = ScriptStatusLogging('', 'CIIMS.Static_Crossings', scriptFailure, startingTime, endingTime, GetMessages(2))
def PointGEOM(fc, tbl, workspace, layer_name, fields): #Updates the Geometry point location based on the XY attributes in the GIS table, run this after the XY attributes have been updated try: MakeFeatureLayer_management(fc, layer_name) Tolerance = 0.0000001 #start the edit operation edit = da.Editor(workspace) edit.startEditing() edit.startOperation() with da.UpdateCursor(fc, fields) as ucursor: for row in ucursor: point = Point(row[0], row[1]) rowx, rowy = (row[2]) rowvalues = (row[0], row[1], point, if (type(rowx) == float): intolX = abs(row[0] - rowx) intolY = abs(row[1] - rowy) if intolX < Tolerance and intolY < Tolerance: pass else: point = Point(row[0], row[1]) rowvalues = (row[0], row[1], point, print(rowvalues) ucursor.updateRow(rowvalues) #print (rowvalues) else: point = Point(row[0], row[1]) rowvalues = (row[0], row[1], point, print "these rows are outside the position tolerance:" print(rowvalues) ucursor.updateRow(rowvalues) edit.stopOperation() edit.stopEditing(True) del layer_name, fc, fields, workspace print "point geometry updated" except ExecuteError: print(GetMessages(2))
def AttribFields(fc, tbl, layer_name, table_name, workspace): #Updates the crossing type attribute values in the GIS database from the CANSYS table. I believe this should work but needs to be tested more. try: MakeFeatureLayer_management(fc, layer_name) MakeTableView_management(tbl, table_name) AddJoin_management(layer_name, "CROSSINGID", table_name, "CROSSINGID", "KEEP_ALL") SelectLayerByAttribute_management( layer_name, "NEW_SELECTION", "CIIMS.Static_Crossings.CROSSINGTYPE <> CIIMS.CIIMS_VWCROSSINGGIS3.CROSSINGTYPE" ) with da.Editor(workspace) as edit: CalculateField_management( layer_name, 'CIIMS.Static_Crossings.CROSSINGTYPE', '!CIIMS.CIIMS_VWCROSSINGGIS3.CROSSINGTYPE!', 'PYTHON_9.3') CalculateField_management(layer_name, "CIIMS.Static_Crossings.LOADDATE", " )", "PYTHON_9.3", "#") del layer_name, fc, table_name, tbl print "attrib fields updated for crossing type" except ExecuteError: print(GetMessages(2))
}'Creating Tax Parcel Lot Dictionary - Complete')'Creating Customer Index / Assigning newCustomer Index Cursor') customers = [x for x in arcpy.da.SearchCursor(B, idFieldB)] newCustomer = arcpy.da.InsertCursor(B, [ 'PARCELID', 'Block', 'AddressNo', 'Address', 'Zip', 'City', 'State', 'GDistID', 'GZone', 'G', 'Garbage3', 'Recycle', 'Recycle_2', 'YardWaste', 'Yard_Waste_2', 'Symbology', 'GNotes', 'ActStatus', 'LotStatus', 'GTaxStatus', 'GTaxUnits', 'GTaxDate', 'Multiple_Units', 'DISABLED_SRVC', 'AddressPre', 'AddressRoad', 'AddressSuf', 'GCollection', 'YW', 'GDistName', 'SHAPE@' ]) 'Creating Customer Index / Assigning newCustomer Index Cursor - Complete') edit = da.Editor(engSDE) edit.startEditing(True, True) edit.startOperation() file = 'TRASH - DISTRICT MASTER LIST.xlsx' districtList = createTrashDefList(path, file)'Inserting New Customers') newCounter = [] newCounterLots = [] existingCounter = [] existingCounterLots = [] if noNewCustomers == True: logs.error('No new or "waiting to be verified" customers!') if noNewCustomers == False: for x in newCust:
def main(*argv): """ main driver of program """ try: # User Inputs # #inputFC = argv[0] inputFD = argv[0] #os.path.split(inputFC)[0] #inputFD = argv[0]# #Spreedsheet filename = argv[1] # #Check Type tabname = argv[2] # #Output GDB output_fcs = argv[3] #alias_table = get_field_alias(inputFC) #arcpy.AddMessage(alias_table) fc_domain_dict = get_fc_domains(os.path.dirname(inputFD)) arcpy.AddMessage(os.path.dirname(inputFD)) arcpy.AddMessage(fc_domain_dict) fcs = os.path.basename(output_fcs) outputGDB = os.path.dirname(output_fcs) #argv[3]# # Local Variables # error_fcs = {} empty = (-999999, '', None, 'noInformation', 'None', 'Null', 'NULL', -999999.0) # Logic # now = if outputGDB is None or \ outputGDB == "" or \ outputGDB == "#": outputGDB = env.scratchGDB if arcpy.Exists(outputGDB) == False: arcpy.CreateFileGDB_management( out_folder_path=os.path.dirname(outputGDB), out_name=os.path.basename(outputGDB)) arcpy.AddMessage("Beginning null attribute check.") env.workspace = inputFD specificAttributeDict, attrCheck = create_attr_dict(filename, tabname) if "Crv" in fcs: pnt_fc = fcs.replace("Crv", "Pnt") srf_fc = fcs.replace("Crv", "Srf") else: pnt_fc = fcs + "Pnt" srf_fc = fcs + "Srf" errorFCs = [ [os.path.join(outputGDB, pnt_fc), "POINT" ], # "FindTdsErrorPnt_"+attrCheck.replace('-','_')), "POINT"], [os.path.join(outputGDB, fcs), "POLYLINE" ], #"FindTdsErrorCrv_"+attrCheck.replace('-','_')), "POLYLINE"], [os.path.join(outputGDB, srf_fc), "POLYGON"] ] #"FindTdsErrorSrf_"+attrCheck.replace('-','_')), "POLYGON"]] desc = arcpy.Describe(inputFD) if desc.dataType.lower() == "FeatureDataset".lower(): sr = arcpy.Describe(inputFD).spatialReference else: sr = None for fc in errorFCs: error_fcs[fc[1]] = create_error_fc(outFC=fc[0], geometryType=fc[1], sr=sr) del fc del errorFCs del sr edit = da.Editor(outputGDB) edit.startEditing(False, True) edit.startOperation() pntInsert = da.InsertCursor(error_fcs['POINT'], [ "SHAPE@", "DEFICIENCY", "FEATURE_CLASS", "SUBTYPE", "ORIG_OID", "DEFICIENCY_CNT" ]) crvInsert = da.InsertCursor(error_fcs['POLYLINE'], [ "SHAPE@", "DEFICIENCY", "FEATURE_CLASS", "SUBTYPE", "ORIG_OID", "DEFICIENCY_CNT" ]) srfInsert = da.InsertCursor(error_fcs['POLYGON'], [ "SHAPE@", "DEFICIENCY", "FEATURE_CLASS", "SUBTYPE", "ORIG_OID", "DEFICIENCY_CNT" ]) for fc in arcpy.ListFeatureClasses(): #[os.path.split(inputFC)[1]]: # arcpy.AddMessage("Looking at: %s" % fc) alias_table = get_field_alias(fc) arcpy.AddMessage(alias_table) stList = unique_values(os.path.join(inputFD, fc), "F_CODE") errorCount = 0 if len(stList) > 0: field_names_lookup = { : field.type \ for field in arcpy.ListFields(os.path.join(inputFD, fc)) \ if field.type not in ['Blob', 'Geometry', 'OID', 'Raster']} field_names_lookup['SHAPE@'] = 'Geometry' field_names_lookup['OID@'] = 'OID' for s in stList: if s in specificAttributeDict: sub_sql = " or ".join([assemble_sql(field_name=f, field_type=field_names_lookup[f]) \ for f in specificAttributeDict[s] ]) sql = "F_CODE = '{fcode}' and ({subsql})".format( fcode=s, subsql=sub_sql) with da.SearchCursor(os.path.join(inputFD, fc), field_names_lookup.keys(), where_clause=sql) as rows: index_lookup = None for row in rows: if index_lookup is None: index_lookup = {key:rows.fields.index(key) \ for key in rows.fields} vals = [alias_table[i] for i in specificAttributeDict[s] \ if row[index_lookup[i]] in empty] if len(vals) > 0: fs = ",".join(vals) oid = row[index_lookup["OID@"]] #arcpy.AddMessage(fc_domain_dict[s]) ERROR = str(fc) + r" | " + str( fc_domain_dict[s]) + r" | OID: " + str( oid) + r" | " + fs irow = [ row[index_lookup['SHAPE@']], ERROR, fc, fc_domain_dict[s], oid, len(vals) ] if fc[-3:].lower() == "pnt": pntInsert.insertRow(irow) elif fc[-3:].lower() == "crv": crvInsert.insertRow(irow) elif fc[-3:].lower() == "srf": srfInsert.insertRow(irow) errorCount += 1 del irow del oid del ERROR del fs del vals del row not_sub_sql = " and ".join([assemble_sql(field_name=f, field_type=field_names_lookup[f], not_in=True) \ for f in specificAttributeDict[s] ]) not_sql = "F_CODE = '{fcode}' and ({subsql})".format( fcode=s, subsql=not_sub_sql) with da.SearchCursor(os.path.join(inputFD, fc), field_names_lookup.keys(), where_clause=not_sql) as rows: index_lookup = None for row in rows: if index_lookup is None: index_lookup = {key:rows.fields.index(key) \ for key in rows.fields} vals = [i for i in specificAttributeDict[s] \ if row[index_lookup[i]] in empty] fs = "N/A" oid = row[index_lookup["OID@"]] ERROR = str(fc) + r" | " + str( fc_domain_dict[s]) + r" | OID: " + str( oid) + r" | " + fs irow = [ row[index_lookup['SHAPE@']], ERROR, fc, fc_domain_dict[s], oid, 0 ] if fc[-3:].lower() == "pnt": pntInsert.insertRow(irow) elif fc[-3:].lower() == "crv": crvInsert.insertRow(irow) elif fc[-3:].lower() == "srf": srfInsert.insertRow(irow) errorCount += 1 del irow del oid del ERROR del fs del vals del row del index_lookup del s del field_names_lookup if errorCount > 0: arcpy.AddMessage(" Errors in " + fc + ": " + str(errorCount)) del stList edit.stopOperation() edit.stopEditing(True) del pntInsert, crvInsert, srfInsert del edit arcpy.AddMessage("Total Processing time: %s" % str( - now)) arcpy.SetParameterAsText(4, ";".join(error_fcs.values())) except arcpy.ExecuteError: line, filename, synerror = trace() arcpy.AddError("error on line: %s" % line) arcpy.AddError("error in file name: %s" % filename) arcpy.AddError("with error message: %s" % synerror) arcpy.AddError("ArcPy Error Message: %s" % arcpy.GetMessages(2)) except FunctionError as f_e: messages = f_e.args[0] arcpy.AddError("error in function: %s" % messages["function"]) arcpy.AddError("error on line: %s" % messages["line"]) arcpy.AddError("error in file name: %s" % messages["filename"]) arcpy.AddError("with error message: %s" % messages["synerror"]) arcpy.AddError("ArcPy Error Message: %s" % messages["arc"]) except: line, filename, synerror = trace() arcpy.AddError("error on line: %s" % line) arcpy.AddError("error in file name: %s" % filename) arcpy.AddError("with error message: %s" % synerror)
def main(*argv): """ main driver of program """ try: # User Inputs # inputFC = argv[0] #inputFD = os.path.split(inputFC)[0] desc = arcpy.Describe(inputFC) sr = desc.spatialReference try: inputFD = desc.featureClass.path #argv[1]# fc = except: inputFD = desc.path #argv[1]# fc = #Spreedsheet filename = argv[1]# #Check Type tabname = argv[2]# #Output GDB output_fcs = argv[3] alias_table = get_field_alias(inputFC) arcpy.AddMessage(alias_table) arcpy.AddMessage(os.path.dirname(inputFD)) try: fc_domain_dict = get_fc_domains(os.path.dirname(inputFD)) except: #fc_domain_dict = get_fc_domains(r'C:\PROJECTS\STATE_OF_THE_DATA\DATA\TDS\TDS_6_1_MNG_FGCM_sub1.gdb') arcpy.AddMessage("Attribution Assessment not configured to pull " + "domain dictionary from service. Please add a path to a TDS" + " feature class here.") exit(0) arcpy.AddMessage(os.path.dirname(inputFD)) arcpy.AddMessage(fc_domain_dict) outputGDB = os.path.dirname(output_fcs) #argv[3]# # Local Variables # error_fcs = {} empty = (-999999, '', None, 'noInformation', 'None', 'Null', 'NULL', -999999.0) # Logic # now = if outputGDB is None or \ outputGDB == "" or \ outputGDB == "#": outputGDB = env.scratchGDB if arcpy.Exists(outputGDB) == False: arcpy.CreateFileGDB_management(out_folder_path=os.path.dirname(outputGDB), out_name=os.path.basename(outputGDB)) arcpy.AddMessage("Beginning null attribute check.") env.workspace = inputFD specificAttributeDict, attrCheck = create_attr_dict(filename, tabname) #desc = arcpy.Describe(inputFD) ## if desc.dataType.lower() == "FeatureDataset".lower(): ## sr = arcpy.Describe(inputFD).spatialReference ## else: ## sr = None error_fc = output_fcs error_fc = create_error_fc(output_fcs,'POLYLINE',sr=sr) del sr edit = da.Editor(outputGDB) edit.startEditing(False, True) edit.startOperation() crvInsert = da.InsertCursor(error_fc, ["SHAPE@", "DEFICIENCY", "FEATURE_CLASS", "SUBTYPE", "ORIG_OID", "DEFICIENCY_CNT"]) ##----------------- arcpy.AddMessage("Looking at: %s" % output_fcs) stList = unique_values(inputFC,"F_CODE") errorCount = 0 if len(stList) > 0 : field_names_lookup = { : field.type \ for field in arcpy.ListFields(inputFC) \ if field.type not in ['Blob', 'Geometry', 'OID', 'Raster']} field_names_lookup['SHAPE@'] = 'Geometry' field_names_lookup['OID@'] = 'OID' for s in stList: if s in specificAttributeDict: sub_sql = " or ".join([assemble_sql(field_name=f, field_type=field_names_lookup[f]) \ for f in specificAttributeDict[s] ]) sql = "F_CODE = '{fcode}' and ({subsql})".format(fcode=s, subsql=sub_sql) with da.SearchCursor(inputFC, field_names_lookup.keys(), where_clause=sql) as rows: index_lookup = None for row in rows: if index_lookup is None: index_lookup = {key:rows.fields.index(key) \ for key in rows.fields} vals = [alias_table[i] for i in specificAttributeDict[s] \ if row[index_lookup[i]] in empty] if len(vals) > 0: fs = ",".join(vals) oid = row[index_lookup["OID@"]] #arcpy.AddMessage(fc_domain_dict[s]) ERROR = str(fc) + r" | " + str(fc_domain_dict[s]) + r" | OID: " + str(oid) + r" | " + fs irow = [row[index_lookup['SHAPE@']], ERROR, fc, fc_domain_dict[s], oid, len(vals) ] crvInsert.insertRow(irow) errorCount += 1 del irow del oid del ERROR del fs del vals del row not_sub_sql = " and ".join([assemble_sql(field_name=f, field_type=field_names_lookup[f], not_in=True) \ for f in specificAttributeDict[s] ]) not_sql = "F_CODE = '{fcode}' and ({subsql})".format(fcode=s, subsql=not_sub_sql) with da.SearchCursor(inputFC, field_names_lookup.keys(), where_clause=not_sql) as rows: index_lookup = None for row in rows: if index_lookup is None: index_lookup = {key:rows.fields.index(key) \ for key in rows.fields} vals = [i for i in specificAttributeDict[s] \ if row[index_lookup[i]] in empty] fs = "N/A" oid = row[index_lookup["OID@"]] ERROR = str(fc) + r" | " + str(fc_domain_dict[s]) + r" | OID: " + str(oid) + r" | " + fs irow = [row[index_lookup['SHAPE@']], ERROR, fc, fc_domain_dict[s], oid, 0 ] crvInsert.insertRow(irow) errorCount += 1 del irow del oid del ERROR del fs del vals del row del index_lookup del s del field_names_lookup if errorCount > 0: arcpy.AddMessage(" Errors in " + fc + ": " + str(errorCount)) del stList ##------------------------------------------------------------------------------ edit.stopOperation() edit.stopEditing(True) del crvInsert del edit arcpy.AddMessage("Total Processing time: %s" % str( - now)) #arcpy.SetParameterAsText(4, ";".join(error_fcs.values())) except arcpy.ExecuteError: line, filename, synerror = trace() arcpy.AddError("error on line: %s" % line) arcpy.AddError("error in file name: %s" % filename) arcpy.AddError("with error message: %s" % synerror) arcpy.AddError("ArcPy Error Message: %s" % arcpy.GetMessages(2)) except FunctionError as f_e: messages = f_e.args[0] arcpy.AddError("error in function: %s" % messages["function"]) arcpy.AddError("error on line: %s" % messages["line"]) arcpy.AddError("error in file name: %s" % messages["filename"]) arcpy.AddError("with error message: %s" % messages["synerror"]) arcpy.AddError("ArcPy Error Message: %s" % messages["arc"]) except: line, filename, synerror = trace() arcpy.AddError("error on line: %s" % line) arcpy.AddError("error in file name: %s" % filename) arcpy.AddError("with error message: %s" % synerror)